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Melderville Public Schools

Cardinal Plan for Diversity and Inclusion

It is a goal that the Melderville City School District and its athletic
departments will continue to embrace and promote a culturally diverse
population. Melderville students and the families they come from represent
many races, backgrounds, and ethnicities. It is our belief that diversity
enables great schools, great team building and a well-rounded athletic
program. Enclosed is a synopsis of this years diversity and inclusion plan.
Combining the strengths of last years plan and taking in consideration the
changes that have taken place in our district, what we have created is
something we believe to be a structurally sound plan that will enable to
allow us to continue to have an athletic program that is tied together by
laces of cultural and gender acceptance as well as an ever evolving
promotion of diversity.
We will build and support culturally proficient, modern-day leaders who
exhibit cultural awareness, attitudes, and knowledge who demonstrate
leadership on and off the playing field.

Diversity Plan & Implementation Process 2015

Melderville Atheletic Director and Supporting Staff accountable for leadership and implementation

Recruit, hire, retain coaches, and coaching staffs of color

Alter and implement hiring process and transform it to one that establishes one of
consistency involving interviews involving diversity related questions and scenarios.

Increase and improve cultural competency of all coaches, trainers, and sporting staffs

Create new partnerships with Historically Hispanic and Black Colleges to help promote
recruitment and scholarship opportunities for students of minority status

Maintain a steady level of communication with community regarding diversity


Develop student engagement and learning opportunities regarding diversity, cultural

and gender acceptance

Provide professional development training in relationship

development for all staff members. All staff members of all athletic
programs will be required to attend a minimum of 27 hours of

Community Diversity Union

Engage with community engagement & promote parental involvement

Develop a forum for community based diversity conversations

Make newsletter and other Melderville Sport related publications

available in multiple languages

Develop a Parent of Color Networking group.

Re-Establish the athletic website and transform it to a more inclusive

yet more interactive page that all community members can become
active with

-The district's newly formed Multicultural Activity and Acceptance

center provides multiethnic and multilingual communication support
to schools and departments to construct greater links with parents as
well as the community.

Implemented Practices In Regards To Student-Athlete Relations

The Melderville District will treat all student athletes with respect and a sense of belonging. It
will employ a system of beliefs valuing the diversity of all. It will promote equality of
opportunity and multiplicity. It will eliminate all forms of discrimination on grounds of race,
gender, marital status, disability, age, social class, sexual orientation or religion/ belief. This is
not to suggest that one group of the student body will be treated with favoritism. Rather, an
underlying theme of equality will dictate rules regarding eligibility, discipline, and so forth.
All students will be mandated to meet the same academic standards and eligibility

As a district, Melderville has maintained a level of excellence in

terms of academics and athletics. As the demographics of the Melderville
community has continued evolve, it has become increasingly apparent that
as a whole, the Cardinals have been a step behind in terms of diversity. To
remain a proud and successful program, it is imperative that we take the
steps outlined in this proposed plan to not only stay up to date with our

neighboring programs who have already began to take steps forward to

become more diversified but to better ourselves and carry on new
traditions that will enrich our honorable program for years to come.

Composed and Compiled Using Ideas Inspired By Our Friends At

(Works Cited)
The Denver Public School District
The Fairfield City School District
The National College Athletic Association

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