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In the political sphere, Imperialism proved to be a blessing in disguise for some countries.

example it provided political unity to India which had been torn by dissensions and strife before
the arrival of the western powers. Thus the British provided political unity to India which she had
not achieved at any stage in her past history.
This was rendered possible due to development of railways, modern means of transport and
communication, press, introduction of English language which served as lingua franca, and a
uniform system of administration throughout the country. This unity paved the way for the
growth of political consciousness amongst people and ultimately motivated them to overthrow
the colonial and imperialist yoke.
Secondly, the western colonialism and imperialism was responsible for the introduction of
western ideas like nationalism, democracy, constitutionalism etc. in Asia and Africa. The various
imperialist powers tried to implant their ideas and institutions in their colonies and thus unconsciously let loose liberal forces in the countries of Asia and Africa.

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