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Name : Wikeo D FR

Class : II.A
Prodi : DIII

The Conclusions Of Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5,

Module 6, And Module 7
What im learn in Module 1 is.....
From Module 1 : Starting an intervention. In Module 1 is describes about what express we can
use to start an intervention. So if you can star intervention can use sentense, example :

It is time for me to check your temperature

Now, I am going to check your blood pressure

What im learn in Module 2 is.....

From Module 2 : asking the dimensions of symptom. In Module 2 is describes about
communicative responses to patients complaint and dimensions of symptom. So we can know how or
what patients responses and complaint. for example

Where do you feel it ? R : In my stomach nurse..

Do you feel dull, stabbing, aching ? R : i am feel dull/stabbing/aching
What is the worst it has been ? R : i think when im walking
What im learn in Module 3 is.....
From Module 3 : sharing observation. . In Module 3 is describes about to help patient identify

and exspress their health problem. So we can observation what patient express to know their problem.
For example

You look tense

You seem uncomfortable when walking
What im learn in Module 4 is.....

English Nursing

Name : Wikeo D FR
Class : II.A
Prodi : DIII

From Module 4 : ensuring a mutual understanding. . In Module 4 is describes bout express a

mutual understanding in therapeutic communication. If a patient give a question and you not hear well,
you must ask patient repeat again. So we can ensuring it. For example

Patient : nurse, my chest is painfull

Nurse : Do you mean that your chest is painfull ?
What im learn in Module 5 is.....
From Module 5 : general assessment. . In Module 5 is describes about expressions for collecting

demographic data and to collect current and past illness data. So we can know more about patient. For

What is your name ? R : my name is wikeo, nurse

How old are you ? R : seventeen years old, nurse
Would you tell me about your condition? R : yes, my chest is painfull, nurse
How old were you when you got it ? R : 3 days ago, nurse
What im learn in Module 6 and Module 7 is.....
From Module 6 and Module 7 : patient assessment. . In Module 6 and 7 is describes about

expressions for assessing. So we can express to patients for our assessment. For example

Now, iam going to examine your abdomen/stomach

Do you snore at night ?
Do you have nasal discharge ?


Please open your mouth

Now, i want you to put off toupee or your hairclip
Please show your teeth

English Nursing

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