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Moneyness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.


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In finance, moneyness is a measure of the degree to which a derivative security is likely to have positive monetary value
at its expiration.

An option is at-the-money if the strike price, i.e., the price the option holder must pay to exercise the option, is the same
as the current price of the underlying security on which the option is written. An out-of-the-money option currently has
no intrinsic value - e.g. a call option is out-the-money if the strike price ("the strike") is higher than the current underlying
price. An in-the-money option conversely does have intrinsic value. The strike price of an in-the-money call option is
lower than the current underlying price.

For example suppose the current stock price of IBM is $100. A call or put option with a strike of $100 is at-the-money. A
call option with a strike of $80 is in-the-money (100 - 80 = 20 > 0). A put option with a strike at $80 is out-of-the-money
(80 - 100 = -20 < 0). Conversely a call option with a $120 strike is out-of-the-money and a put option with a $120 strike is

When one uses the Black-Scholes model to value the option, one may define moneyness quantitatively. If we define the
moneyness as

where d1 and d2 are the standard Black-Scholes parameters then

This choice of parameterisation means that the moneyness is zero when the forward/underlying price matches the strike
after discounting at the risk-free rate. Such an option is often referred to as at-the-money-forward. Moneyness is
measured in standard deviations from this point, with a positive value meaning an in-the-money option and a negative
value meaning an out-of-the-money option.

See also
Financial mathematics

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Categories: Derivatives

This page was last modified 19:49, 9 July 2005.

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