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Alpa vidya vayankar-Little knowledge is dangereous

By Kailash Chandra Sabat-7207884783

Remove the attitude block in yoga

People fear to ask questions because they dont practise.and once you dont make the
right kind of research your knowledge is limited (Little knowledge) and you are unable to
ask right kind of question.A study on this aspect------

Bhabanyastakam-Means oh god in all circumstances you are the only help to me and no
other help will assist me.
Awareness as to saliva
Dr Praveen kapadia says in his saral yoga book
Eat liquid and drink solid
I observe even though I know this since last 13 years I am not that much aware on
Ambika yoga says

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Kama khana khuba chawana ,yeh hey tandurasti ka khajana(eat less and chew more)
Hatha yoga pradipika to make saliva more important says for khechari mudra
Na cha khuda trishna tasya na cha jara vyadhi bhaya
Na cha mrityu bhaya tasya jo bedhi mudra khecharim
Still we dont feel the importance of saliva in a healthy life.

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Diseases are so peculiar and unexpected.One morning I felt like a mad man.Most often I
get irritated but now I felt like losing the memory in addition to weakness and back
pain.One supermax blade I was using for last 12 years the name I forgot.I felt like mad
and became non confident on yoga.However a spiritual mans ring made me a little
relaxed.This peculiar ridiculeness of a practiotioner I wrote in Finding a real Guru
A real guru has to answer this,A law keeper has to admit the prevalence and his
responsibility and and a sadhak has to cofess his vulnerability.

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Nandan Kanan the zoo in Bhubaneswara is a place of white tigers and we stay only 10
kilometers from this zoo that I visited last week.

An article by Kailash

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