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Leicester Medical School

Blood Pressure Measurement



Wash hands
Consent and Explanation
Allow patient to rest for 3 minutes if seated,
1 minute if standing
Ensure upper arm is supported at heart level with
palm facing upward
Ensure that tight or restrictive clothing is removed
from the arm.
Check that the cuff is the correct size
Wrap cuff snugly around the arm with the centre of
the bladder covering the brachial artery.
Inflate cuff until radial pulse can no longer be felt to
provide estimation of systolic pressure.
Deflate cuff completely and wait 15-30 seconds
before continuing.
Inflate cuff to a pressure 30mmHg higher than the
estimated systolic pressure
Place diaphragm of stethoscope over brachial
artery (Do not tuck stethoscope under cuff)
Deflate cuff at 2-3mmHg per second or per
Note when a minimum of two repetitive tapping
sounds are heard. This is the systolic pressure.
Continue to deflate the cuff slowly until the sounds
disappear. This is diastolic pressure.
Fully deflate cuff, remove and clean after use

A record should be made of both systolic and diastolic pressures to the nearest
Do not round up or down to nearest 5mmHg
Record which arm was used and position of patient
Compare with previous readings

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