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Ben Schaub

Chapter 2

1. State commerce was not regulated,and states went to war with each other.
2. The government could not collect taxes, each state got one vote. Nine votes were required to
pass any law.13 votes were required to alter the Articles. It allowed for the coining of money.
3. Daniel Shays and other revolutionary ware veterans protested high debt and tax rates. The
Governor of massachusetts tried to stop it but could not assemble a militia. While it was
eventually suppressed it showed the flaws of the Articles of Confederation.
4. Government must be limited if it is to protect others from having their liberties taken from
5. The Virginia Plan called for three branches of government, a judiciary, a legislative branch
and an executive branch.
6. The Great Compromise resulted in a bicameral legislature with the house of representatives
deriving its members from the populations of each state and being elected by the people.
The senate would be comprised of two members from each state regardless of population.
Its members were to be chosen by state legislatures.
7. The State and National governments retained reserved powers such as the power to issue
licenses, concurred powers such as the power to collect taxes, and enumerated powers
such as the power to print money.
8. Congress can check executive power by overriding presidential vetoes, impeaching the
president, and refusing to ratify treaties.
9. According to madison, regulating morality would require a much too powerful government.
Liberty is safest in large governments due to a diversity of opinions.
10. The checks and balances system as well as the rights guaranteed within the constitution
were thought to be strong enough to protect individual liberty.
11. Slavery is mentioned in the three fifths compromise, Slavery is mentioned in that no laws
would hinder it nationally until 1808, and slavery is mentioned in that if a slave escapes to
another state, then the slave must be returned by that state.
12. Allow the president to appoint members of congress to cabinet positions, allow the
president to dissolve congress and call for special elections, or allow congress to force early
presidential elections if a president has lost their confidence.

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