Chapter 4. Markets and Abattoirs - 1

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Printed by the Environmental Health Service Department of Health Not for Sale ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE Manila, Philippines 1998 100 IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CHAPTER IV | “MARKETS AND ABATTOIRS” OF THE CODE ON SANITATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (PD. 856) Pepin ofthe Pappas “Deparment of Heat OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Sen Lazar Compound, Pea Avenue, St. Cuz Mara, Prapens et Na Tiest2 BD 09a No, 7491629 December, 1998 IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CHAPTERIV-MARKETS AND ABATTOIRS” OF THE CODE ONSANITATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (PD. 856) ‘To carry out the provisions of Chapter IV - "Markes and Abattirs” of the Code ‘on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856), these rules and regulations are heteby formulated for implementation and strict compliance of all concerned, PARTI MARKETS SECTIONI. SCOPE ‘These implementing rules and regulations shal apply tall markets including food terminals, satelite marketshalipapa, wet markets, dry markets, supermarkets, and ‘other sinilar establishments opersted by government agencies or instrumentalities including government owned oF controlled corporations, private organizations or firms, individuals oF entities SBCTION2. DEFINITION OF TERMS ‘As used in these rules and regulations, the terms below shal be defined as follows: 21 AISLE OR PASSAGEWAY - a space between rows of stalls utilized as passage by the public 22 AMBULANT PEDDLER - one who sells his wares, commodities or foodstuffs and keeps on traveling and selling hie goods from one place tw another 23 CARINDERIA SECTION- asection inthe market where cooked foods or inks are displayed, sold and/or served. 24 DRYGOODSSECTION-areainthe market where dry goods(e.g..cothing, kichen utensils, toys, and other similar items) ate displayed for sale. 25 ROOD any aw, cooked or processed edible substance, beverage or ingredient used or intended for use or for sale in whole rin par for human consumption, 26 27 29 210 aut FOOD HANDLER - any person who handles, stores, cooks, prepares, oF serves food or drinks FOOT CANDLE - a unit of illumination on a surface that is everywhere cone foot front a uniform source of light of one candle and equal to one Tumen pee square foot. One foot candle is equal to 10.76 lux. MARKET - a general term referring 10 public place, building or structure ‘where commodities such as foodstuffs, wares and other merchandise may be bought o sold. It includes any of the following: 281 PUBLIC MARKET -a market owned, operated and/or managed by the government intended to serve the general poblic 282. PRIVATE MARKET -amarket owned, operated end/ormanaged by private individualsor entities, cooperatives, institution or corporation. 283 FOODTERMINAL-amarket where products such asseafoods, fruits, ‘vegetables and other food merchandise are being sold on a wholesale basis (ea. fish landing, tading posts, “bagsakan", “consignacion”) 284 SATELLITE MARKET/TALIPAPA -atype of public market with Jess than 150 stalls that eater €0 imited number of customers. 285. SUPERMARKET- « market distinet from a wet or dry market and larger than a grocery in which shoppers serve themselves by using baskets or pushearts in selecting commodities from shelves oF cold display storage and pay their purchase at the exit 286 WET MARKET - a market where most ofthe commodities forsale are readily perishable foods. 287 DRY MARKET- a market where most ofthe merchandisedlsplayed for sale are dry goods. MARKET ADMINISTRATOR - a person who has full control of the ‘dministative direction ofall government owned/operated markers within ‘local government unit MARKET MASTER- office-in-charge ofthe market whereheisassigned. He as direct supervision over the employees of the market, NON-PERISHABLE FOOD - consists of food proxiets in hermetically sealed containers processed by heat to prevent spoilage, and dehydrated, “ried or powdered products $0 low in moisture content as not 0 produce “development of microorganisms. e.g.cereal, powdered milk, canned goods, bottled catsup and other similar products) 212 213 214 21s 216 207 218 219 20 221 2m 22 PACKAGED FOOD - food that is botted, canned, cartoned, wrapped or otherwise enclosed, READILY PERISHABLE FOOD - any food of such type or in such condition as may spoil and which consists in whole or in part of meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs and their products or other foods or ingredients capable of supporting the progressive growth of microorganisms which can cause food infection or food intoxication [REPUSE DEPOSITORY - a designated temporary storage point for solid ‘waste prior t0 final disposal ‘SANITIZE - effective actericidal weatment of clear surfaces on equipment for utensils by a process that provides enough accumulative heat oF ‘ccnceniration of chemicals forasufficient time toreduce the bacterial count, including pathogens, to a safe level SECTIONING OR ZONING - grouping together in one section or zone in the market of similar commodities, goods or foodstuffs offered for sale, ‘SHELF LIFE. the span of time a product is determined tobe fit for hurnan consumption. [SOLID WASTE - all organic and inorganie noa-liquid, and non-gaseous portions of the total waste muss. It consists of all putrescible and ‘nonputrescible solid materials except for body waste. STALL - a compartment or area designated for the display or sale of ‘commodities, goods or foodstuts. STALLHOLDER - a person or entity who has been granted the right co use a stall where he can display or sell his goods, commodities or Feodstutt, VENDOR- any person who sells goods, commodities, oodstufts, and other merchandise ‘VERMIN - a group of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, fleas, mites, ticks, bedbugs, or small animals such as mice and rats thet are vectors of diseases. ‘VERMIN ABATEMENT PROGRAM - a series of preventive and control procedures and activities for vermin control in the establishment. SECHIONS. ul 32 PRESCRIBED STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR MARKETS Site Requirements 3 312 313 Bla Bis ‘The market site shall be located atleast SO meters (164 feet) from schools, religious institutions, public offices, funeral establishments, and other public gathering places and 25\ meters (82 feet) from abattoirs and other possible sources of contamination Ue shal be easily accessible ro the publi and conveyances or vehicles. ‘The site and area shall be considered in relation to future town or city development plan. It shall comply with the loeal zoning laws and ondinances. Markets shall be not located in areas subject to flooding, ‘Water and power services shall be available within the area Building Construction The following are the requirements in the construction and maintenance of markets and their premises: 321 Materials 4, The materials used for construction of the market shall be durable and resistant to wear and corrosion 322. Size a. Building. The building shall be of adequate size as to allow ‘smooth flow and convenient movement of both stallholders and customers or the public b. Stall The minimum area of cach stall shall be 3.10 square ‘meters (33.35 square fee). © Aisle, The minimum width of each aisle shall be 1.20 meters 6.94fee). 323. Floors Al floors shall be constructed of impervious materials and ‘of such construction and finish as will make it easily and thoroughly cleaned, 4 324 325 326 327 b, All angles between the floors and walls shall be rounded off to. height of not less than 7.62 centimeters (3 inches) from the floor. ©. All floors shall be kept clean and preferably dry at all times, Walls and Partitions 8 The walls and partitions shall be constructed of impervious and non-toxic materials toa height of no less than [.22 meters (4 feet from the floor, of such construction and finish as will ‘make them easily cleaned. b. Walls shall be painted or finished with light color, © Partitions shall not extend up to the ceiling to facilitate circulation or free movement of air within the building, Display Tables and Counters 8 Display ables and counters of stalls Forcarinderi, fish, meat and entrails sections shall be made of impervious materials and of such construction and finish as will make them easily cleaned, b, Display tables and counters for fish, meat and entrails sections shall be provided with adequate and approved table- rain. Display tables shall be made entirely open beneath 75 Centimeters (2.5 feet) in height, without drawers, and shall be made and kept smooth and clean, Roofing 8. Market buildings shall be provided with adequate permanent roof that will provide both vendors and customers protection from heat, rain and other hazards. Lighting @ All areas in the market shall be propery lighted either by natural or artificial light. The following are the minioum standards of illumination that shall be followed: 33 34 i Allarcas where readily pense foods ate displayed forsale shall be provided with a 20 footcandle (215.2 ux) intensity of illumination. Aisles, passageways and stairways sball also be provided with the same level ofillumination ii, Other ateas in the building shall be provided with an illumination intensity of 10 foot-candle (107.6 tux). bb. Lightbulbs and fixtures shall be ofthe safe type or, otherwise, provided with protection in case of breakage. The lighting shall be reasonably fre from glare and evenly distributed s0 as to avoid shadows d. No colored lights or other materials that will alter the color of the food shall be used in all foods displayed for sale 328 Ventilation The relative humidity within the building shall be maintained at 60 %. b. The building shall be provided with effective and suitable ventilation t0 maintain a temperature of 26.79C (80°F) &. Roof ventilator shall be provided to maintain the desired temperature. 329. SpaceRequirement a Thereshall bea! n area of 0.74 square meter (8 square eel) of open space per customer, FireBxit 331 All markets shall be provided with fie exits in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code of the Philipines @2D. 1185) and its implementing rules and regulations. Fence and Gates BAL. For security purposes, markets shall be enclosed by fence ‘with a height of at least 2 meters (6.5 feet) and gates with lock. 35 36 342. Stalls located along the perimeter of the market premises may be considered as fence, provided they are enclosed and secured with locks when not in use. Sectioning or Zoning 35.1 The marker shall be divided into different sections according to the kind of merchandise offered for sale (eg, meat and meat food products, entrails, fish and shellfish, fruits, vegetables, grains, cooked food, groceries, dry goods, handicrafts, and other merchandise) 342 All provisions, merchandise, goods or articles offered forsale in the ‘arket shall be so arranged that no portion of the alleys will be ‘obstructed and thatthe floor stands, stalls, and all other areas used for exposing the same ean be easily and thoroughly cleaned, Stalls 361 Every section shall be provided with stalls. 362 Tables used in stalls for food, fish, shellfish, meat and entrails shall bbe elevated to at least 0.75 m. (2.5 ft.) from the floor 363 Tables used in stalls for other foodstuts (vegetables, fruit, grins, ‘groceries and others) shall be elevated to atleast 0.46 m. (1.5 f.) from the floor. SECTIONS, SANITARY FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS FOR MARKETS 4 WaterSupply 42,1. There shall be sufficient supply of potable water in the market either from the public main water supply or from an approved 4.2. The quality of water used within the market shall be in eccordance with the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water. 4.13. Bach stall in the earinderia, fish, meat and entrails sections shall be provided with piped water supply facilities. Water supply shall be ‘maintained at a pressure of 138 KPa (20 psi). 4A There shall be adequate number of water pipe outlets for easy Cleaning of the market and its premises, Water supply of 40 liters! cepita/day shall be provided and maintained based on the number ‘of vendors and average number of customers per day. 7 as 46 47 ‘The use of water not obtained from a source cenitied as safe by the Secretary of Health or his duly authorized representative, for drinking for use in connection with food preparation, or washing of plates, lasses, cups forks and similar objects shal be prohibited in the market Drinking fountain or any equivalent water dispenser shall be provided in the marker. Ice used in the market shall come from ice plants with sanitary permit or shall be made from potable water supply. It shall be handted, transporied, stored and dispensed in such a manner as (0 be protected against contamination. Adequate and acceptable ice storage and dispensing utensils shall be provided and properly used. Ice making machine shall be located, installed, ‘operated and maintained properly to prevent contamination of the ice, All other pertinent provisions of the implementing rules and regulations of Chapter I = “Water Supply” ofthe Code on Sanitation ‘of the Philippines (PD. 856) are hereby adopted and made part of these rules and regulations ‘Sewage Disposal and Drainage 421 422 423 42a 425 426 Sewage shall be disposed to a public sewerage system or in the absence thereof, namanner complying with Chapter XVIJ- "Sewage Collection ané Disposal, Excreta Disposal and Drainage” ofthe Code ‘on Sanitation of he Philippines (P1D.856) and its implementing rules and regulations ‘There shall be sufficient drainage facilities in he market and its premises. Atleast one floor drain shall be provided in every 46.5 Square meters (500 square feet) of floor area, Slope shall not be less than 2.05 centimeters per meter (1/4 inch per foot) to the drainage inl Sewer line from toilets and urinals shall not be connected with Arainage line in the market Pipe diameter for drainage purposes shall not be tess than 1S ‘centimeters (6 inches), Al floor drains shall be provided with a deep seal rap (Parap or Ustap). Traps shall be properly installed Grease trap shall be provided for sewage coming from the meat and carinderia section, «29 43. Toiletand Hand-washing Faci 431 Drainage facilities shall be installed in accordance with he provisions of the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines. Adequate number of wilet facilities shall be provided with two ‘compartments, one for men and one for women, in accordance with the following Table I. Minimum Requirements for Toilet and Hand-washing Facilites for Personnel and Stallholders Water Coe Wash amber asin ‘Vesons, Una ema | ae Femae | wie re [ata]. ta do wo [ati 2 [2 to wo» |2f2]o2 13 ]o jt ‘Note: Additional one (1) fixture for each additional 50 persons or a fraction thereof ‘Table. Minimum Requirements for Toilet and Hand-washing Facilities for Consumers Water Closet Wash-ha Numberof Basin Persons Urinal Female | Male Female | Male One (1) toilet for differentiy-abled female and male customers, respectively, shail be provided. Note: Additional one (1) water closet and one (i) urinal for each additional 100 males ora fraction thereof; addtional one (1) waterclose foreach additional 50 females ora fraction there, 44 432. ‘The minimum toilet space requirements shall be as follows: ‘Table 3, Minimum Toilet Space Requirement Water closet Is 6 Urinal La 2 Lavatory 433. The plan of each toilet shall be approved by the local health officer as recommended by the sanitary engineer in accordance with DOH, standards 434 Odor absorbent materialsfequipment such ss. activated carbon, sawdust, and air purifier machines shall be provided in each wile, 435 The toilet shall be provided with acoess ramp for differently-abled petson, 436 The toilet shall not open directly to the food section area 437. Adequate hand-washing facilities shall be provided within oradjacent {0 toilet rooms, equipped with water, soap and clean towels or disposable toilet papersinapkins at all times. 438 Toilet and hand.washing facilites shall be located within the market area to cater to the public. 439 Hand.washing and other plumbing facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines. 43.10 All toilets and hand-washing facilities shall be kept sanitary at al times, ‘Solid Waste Management 44.1 Proper solid waste management shall be instituted in the matket in ‘accordance withthe pertinent provisions of Chapter XVIII- "Refuse Disposal” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations. 0 45 442. Market Premises a. Adequate number of refuse bins (separate bin or bin with separator) oF refuse depository, one for biodegradable and ‘one for non-biodegradable wastes, shall be provided in strategic places for temporary disposal of refuse before being collected b. A shredding space shall be allocated in the market premises, 443, Stalls. Each stall shall be provided with at least to (2) covered Tefuse receptacles lined with green-colored plastic bag for biodegradable wastes and another receptacle lined with black- colored plastic bag for non-biodegradable wastes. 444 All receptacles/efuse bins shall be provided with tight-fiting lids ‘oF covers, so constructed and maintained as to be vermin-proof and easily cleaned, 445 Storage bins for refuse shall be in designated space separate from food handling operations. 446 Storage of refuse shall be done in such a way that it shall be inaccessible 10 vermin to avoid becoming a potential attractant and harborage for vermin and cause of nuisance 447. Refuse shall be temporarily stored in garbage depository end collected on time as scheduled by the city or municipal collection system 443. Solid wastes shall be collected daily or more often as necessary, 449. After being emptied, each container shall be thoroughly brushed and cleaned inside and outside with water and soap. Vermin Control 4451 Proper vermin abatement program shall be instituted in the market in accordance withthe pertinent provisions of Chapter XVI-"Vermin Control” of the Code on Sanitation ofthe Philippines (PD. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations. 452. The establishment shall be kept free from vermin, 453. The growth of bushes, weeds and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, bugs and other insects. n SECTIONS. 31 456 458 All {00d commutes thot ate ‘vermin shallbe covered an protected Foodstuffs, vieasils and equipment shall be protected during pest contral operation, Pest control operation shall be under the supervision of the local health officer or his duly authorized representative or otherwise done by a certified urban pest control applicator. ‘A vermin abatementpest control program shall be maintained inthe establishment by the owners, operators, or administrators. If they fail, neglect or refuse to maintain such program, the local health office shall undertake the work at the expense of the owners, operators ‘r administators, “The procedure and frequency of vermin abatement program shall be deyermined and approved by the local health office ‘SPECIFIC SANITARY REQUIREMENTS FOR MARKETS Perishable Food Sections ‘The following shall be the minimum standards and sanitary requirements for the perishable food sections in the market Sa ‘Quality and Protection of Food & _Allfood for sale and/or distribution shall come from approved sourees such a6 licensed slaughterhouse, licensed food manufacturing and processing plants, licensed poultry farms, shellfish farms, fish, grains, vegetables, fruits, and food materials including all eadily perishable foods with ransfr permit issued by the local health officer from the place of origin. i. Allmeat shall come from duly licensed slaughterhouses and properly stamped or branded and issued with a Meat Inspection Certificate ‘i. Fish, shrimps, prawns, shellfish, seaweeds and ether sea Foods, brackish water foods, surface water foods and foods from aquaculture farms oF ponds shall aot come fromsourcespolluted, in any manner, by sewage,cherncals, radioactive wastes and other toxie substances. ii. Vegetables and fruits shall come from safe sources where the soil is not contaminated by night soil, sewage and toxic chemicals, R 512 js, No meat products, fish, vegetables and other foods shall be procured from sources or areas known to have been affected by radioactivity subject to the standard setforth by the agencies concerned. All milk and milk products shall come from approved sources and shall meet the standards and quality established by the regulatory authority b. All foods displayed for sate shall be fresh, no indication of spoilage or contamination, not adulterated nor smisbranded. © All food contact surfaces such as tables, chopping blocks. ‘cutting boards and others shall be made of even and Impervious materials, free of cracks and crevices, and easily cleaned 4 Food that is being sold raw such as meat, fish, vegetables and all articles of confectionery, bakery, dairy, ice cream and similar items shall be protected from vermin, All kinds of raw foods shall not be handled unnecessarily by vendors and consumers. £ The sale of any kind of damaged food or food in bad siate of preservation, including expired food, shall not be Permitted in the market, Such food shall be conderaned and destroyed by the local health office. The local health officer shall issue the owner the prescribed receipt (EHS Form No. 113) stating the kind and quantity of the confiscated food, keeping at the same time a record of such in the local health office. 2 Printed or used paper or other similar articles shall not be used directly for wrapping or covering any kind of foodstuff, bakery or confectionery products ‘Transporting of Food and Food Materials ‘Transporting of food and food materials in the market shall be in accordance with Chapter II] - “Food Establishments” of the Code ‘on Sanitation ofthe Philippines (PD. 856) and is implementing rules and regulations. 13 513 Equipment, Contait sand Utensils a Requirements regarding equipment, containers and utensils used in food handling, éry-storage of non-perishable foods, and refrigerated storage of readily perishable foods shall be in accordance with Chapter III - “Food Establishments” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations. b. Washing of Utensils Utensils shall be seraped oF all food particles into trash bags before washing. ji Utensts shall be thoroughly cleansed in warm water at 49°C (120°F) with soap or detergent ii, If running water is not used, the wash-water shall be changed frequently. ¢. Bactericidal Treatment Utensils and equipment shall be subjected to one of the following bactericidal treatments after thoroughly cleaned. i. Immersion forat least halfa minute in a clean hot water ata temperature of at least 77°C (170°F). |i, Immersion for at least one minute in lukewarm water ‘containing $0 - 100 ppm chlorine solution. Exposure ina steam cabinet at a temperature of at least ‘TPC (70°F) forat least 15 minutes or ata temperature ‘of 93°C (200°F) for at least $ minutes. iv. Exposure in an open or hot air cabinet ta temperature of atleast 82°C (180°F) for atleast 20 minutes, Immersion in water with iodine solution (12,5 ppm) for fone minute, vi Any other method approved by the local health officer. S14 Meat Stalls a. Meat stalls shall be located separate fom fish stats “ 52 b. The evisceration, skinning, or any operation other than the couitng of meat to facilitate its sale shall be strictly prohibited in the marker. © Chopping blocks shall be made of even, impervious and easily ‘leaned materials, and free of cracks and evevices, 4. Meat shall be hung by means of @ hanging rail and shall not be kept lying on the counter, & Signboards showing the kind of meat sold in every stall shall bbe provided in conspicuous place. £ Meat stalls shat be kept clean, sanitary and free from vermin ata mes. 51S Fish Stalls Fish stalls shall be located separate from the meat section, b. The selling of fish caught through the use of explosives, ‘chemicals and other unapproved manners shall be prohibited. © Chopping blocks shall be made of even, impervious andesily cleaned materials and free of cracks and crevices, 4. Fish stalls shalt be Kept clean and sanitary at all times 516 Weighing Seale & Weighing scale shall be properly calibrated and kept clean, b, -Meatfish and other raw food shall not be placed directly on the weighing scale. Approved containeriwrapper for such Toods shall be used during weighing Dry Goods Section “The following shall be the minimum standards and sanitary requirements foe the dry goods section in the market 521 All merchandise displayed for sale inthe dey section ofthe market shall be 80 arranged that the aisles and passageways will not be obstructed to allow smooth flow of customers. 522 Allartcles offered forsale shall be properly displayed and protected from dust and other contaminants 15 33 34 523 All stalls end equipment or tools used in the dry section shall be kept clean, sanitary and free from vermin at all times. Cooked Food Se “The following shall be the miaimum standards and sani for the cooked food section in the market. requirements 53. Cooked food shall be well protected against contamination by vermin and dirt 532. Vendors shall have sufficient equipment and utensils to handle and Uisplay food materials in a clean and sanitary manger, 533. Utensils and equipment shall be sanitized after use. 534. Heating of food shall be allowed only at the cooked food section provided it will not cause nuisance to others and pose as fire hazard 535. All prepared and cooked foods shall be served by means of forks, spoons, ladles or similar utensils and not with bare hands 536 Allotherpertinent provisions of Chapter III-“Food Establishments” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations are hereby adopted and made pant of these rules and regulations. Operationand Maintenance 54. Market Building and Premises a. Necessary personnel such as securiy guards, complaint desk personnel, janitors, and equipment and supplies for cleaning and maintenance of the market shal be povided by the owner/operator b. Maintenance of the general cleanliness of the market and its premises shal be stritty implemented by the Market Master/ ‘manager/operator in cooperation with the stallholders and the general public, Cleaning shall be done regularly a least twice sail, &. Complaint desi/suggestion box shall be available in conspicuous part of the market. 4. Repairs of structure, plumbing and drainage shall be carried ‘out without delay as necessaty and as prescribed by the local health officer or his duly authorized representative 16 san 543 © Noshanty or structure or independent room shal be permitted in or sbout the market other than the rooms or structures authorized for offices of the market employees. £ On the tract of land belonging to the market, ether on thet partcovered withbuildings or open areas, no sheds landscapes, or other similar appurtenances such as kitchens, stores, living (quarters, oF dormitories shal be allowed except those which appear in the plans and conditions approved by the local health authority or his duly authorized representative, The use of the market as aliving or sleeping quarter is strictly prohibited Stalls All market stalls shall conform to the sanitary permit requirements under Part III, Section 3 of these rules and regulations . Market stalls or portions thereof shall aot be utilized as living or sleeping quarter. © Nostall shall be assigned, ether temporatily or permanently, {o sell any other articles different from that for which the said stall was specifically assigned. d. No person shall alter, disfigure, and acd to, oF change the structure of any sual or market fixure without written permission from thelocalbealthauthorityorhis duly authorized representative ‘Other Market Spaces a. Noambulant peddlers and hawkers shall be allowed to display and ply their trade in the market aisles, sidewalks, stairways in or around the market place, or outside the designated section of the market b. No obstruction of any kind shall be allowed on aisles or passageways, c.The sale of any article on alleys, sidewalks or any space other than the stalls shall in no case be permitied d. Keeping of animals and fowls not intended for sale shall not be allowed inside the market, 7 SECTIONS. SPECIFIC SANITARY REQUIRI & —Cages and pens of fowls and animals for sale shall be ‘maintained clean at all times. They shall not be store in areas where readily perishable foods are sol. {No person shall be allowed to remain standing, siting or lying ‘down on te tables or counters where any article of food is being, sold, No children shall be allowed to play in or around stalls or in the market premises. NTS FOR su MARKETS: 61 Building Consteuetion oul 612 614 Supermarkets shall be constructed in accordance with he provisions ofthe National Building Code ofthe Philippines and its implementing rules and regulations, Floors 8 All Moors shall be constructed of durable water-resistant materials It shall be easly cleaned, free of cracks and indentation _Itshall be non-sippery and all angles between the loors and ‘alls shall be rounded off 102 height of not less than 7.62 centimeters. (3 inches) from the floor. d. It shall be Kept clean and dy at all times. Walls a Al internal walls shall have @ ceasily-cleaned surface mnooth, even, impervious and b, Walls shall be painted with light color. ‘c. _Wall covering shall be adhered firmly to the wall to avoid open spaces or cracks that would provide harborage of Collin a. Theceiling shall havea minimum height of 3 meters (10 feet 18 62 b. ‘The ceiling shall be smooth and painted with light color and kept clean. 61S. Lighting 8 Allereas shail be provided with a leat 20 foot candle (215.2 ux ) intensity of illumination 616 Ventilation All areas shall be provided with effective and suitable ventilation to eliminate objectionable odors. b. The ventilation shall be adequate to prevent condensation and formation of excess moisture on walls and ceitings ©. Mectianical ventilation such as air duct or exhaust fans shall, bbe provided to maintain desired temperature in the absence of natural ventilation. 4d. Odor absorber such as activated carbon or air purifier shall be provided to eliminate objectionable odors particularly in section with products that emit odor. 617 Space Requirement 4, Sufficient Noor space of at least 1 square meter (10.76 square feet) of open space per customer shall be provided to permit easy movement while selecting and collecting goods without having hisMher pusheart or basket bumping. with another pushcar or basket 6.8 Aisles 8 Allaisiesshall havea minimum widthof | Smeters (4.92 feet) {0 facilitate smooth flow of customers. Sectioning. The supermarket shall be divided into different sections according (0 the Kind of merchandise for sale. Signs with clearly legible letters, at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) high shall be provided above each shelf indicating the kind of goods displayed. Packaged Food Canned Food and Food Packed in Carton 19 i All. canned foods and foods packed in carton shall come from approved sources and shall be properly stored to prevent spoilage ji Noccanned foods with dens, rust and bulge shall be sold i, All canned foods ang foods packed in carton shall pass Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) requirements as provided in Bureau Order No. 163 5. 1997 Specific Requirements for the Regisaton of Imported Food and Food Products} and Administrative Order No.88:Bs. 1984 (Rules and Regulations Governing the Labeling of Prepackaged Fes Products Distiputedindhe Philippines b. Readily Perishabte Food i All readily perishable foods shall be stored at a temperature of 7°C (45°F) or colder, i The establishment shall conform to the shelf-ife requirement of the product. 622. Refrigerated Food & Chilled Food products shal be maintained between 0°C 104°C. b. Frozen food products shall be mainiained at a temperature below 0°C. ©The rule of frst first-out shall be strictly implemented 623 Medicines and Other Pharmaceutical Products All. medicines shall be located in an area separate from the food section and aot easily reached by children b. The ule of firstin firstout shall be strictly implemented, © Total quality management inthe dispensing of medicine shall be strictly implemented, All toys shall pass DOH requirements b. It shall be located in shelves and in areas separate from the {ood section 0 63 66 625. Inseetieldes and Chemicals Only properly sealed and labeled insecticides and chemicals shall be displayed for sale inthe supermarket. 'b. Periodic inspection shall be implementedto prevent accidental spillage and contamination. © They shall be located in an area separate from the food section and stored in shelves not easily reached by children 626. Clothing a Clothing shall be properly displayed. b. They shall be located in an area where accumulation of dust willbe minimized 627 Other Merchandise a Household cleaning materials, hardware, plastic products, slassware, Kitchenware, cosmetics aod other merchandise shall be properly arranged and shall be located in shelves separate from the other sections Food and Drinks 634 Food and drinks stored, prepared, packed and sold within the supermarket shall conform with the pertinent provisions of the implementing rules and regulations of Chapter III - “Food Establishments” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines @.D. 856). Pashearts and Baskets 64.1 Pushcarts and baskets shall be properly located and arranged in designated area of the supermarket and shall be kept clean at all times. Cashier Counter, {65.1 The cashier counter on which the goods to be purchased are placed while being counted by the eashier shall be kept clean and sanitized, Due care shall be taken to avoid food and food materials from being contaminated by detergents, insecticides, chemicals, and other hazardous materials, a4 06 or 68. Storage Avex 661 Foodand Food Materials 4 Storage of food and food materials shall bein accordance with the pertinent provisions of Chapter II -"Food Establishments” ‘of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations, 662 Dry Storage 4, Designated spaces, cabinets, cupboards, racks, shelves and conisiners shall be used for storage. All spaces, lockers nd cupboards shall be constructed of materials of the same quality as used for food preparation. Containers shal be made of metal or non-corrosive materials ited with tight covers, b. Storage room shall be vermin-proof © Goods shal be stored at leas 20 centimeters (8 inches) above the floor to facilitate cleaning of the storage ares, 4. Humidity in dry storage area shall not be more than 60%. Loadingand Unloading Area {61.1 Sufficient space with ramp for parked vehicles shall be provided with awning or roofing, 672 Flooring shall be finished with non-skid materials, 673 Adequate lighting of at least 30 footcandles shall be provided. 674 General cleantiness and orderliness shall be maintained. Delivery Transport Vehicle 681 All vehicles used by supermarkets for the transportation of food, food products. disposable kitchen utensils like spoon, fork, plate, 4lass, and other similariterns, and wrapping and packaging materials, shall be consiructed and operated $0 as to protect their contents from contamination 682 Vehicles carrying readily perishable foods with travel time of more than one (1) hour shall be provided with refrigeration equipment to ‘maintain a temperature not higher than 7°C (45°F) throughout the. lip to its destination, 2 69 60 683 All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance capable of contaminating the food or food products shall be transported with the food or food products Promotional Sales 69.1 Foods and other products offered for prometional sale and the employees Promoting such products shall be located in areas where they will not ‘obsinct the smooth flow of customers within the supermarket, 692. Promotional sales personnel shall conform to the health certificate requirements of these rules and regulations, Sanitary Faelities 6101 Water Supply The water supply shall be adequate and potable in secor- dance with the Philippine National Standards for Drinking. ‘Water and the provisions of Chapter II - “Water Supply” of the Code on Sanitation ofthe Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations. >. A minimum supply of 40 liters per capita per day shall be provided and maintained in the establishment. 6102 Toiletand Handwashing Facilities Toilet and hand-washing facilites shall be provided in accordance Patt I, Section 4, sub-section 4.3 ofthese implementing rules and regulations 6103 Sewage Disposal and Drainage All sewage discharged from supermarkets shall be disposed in 1 public sewerage system, or in the absence thereof, in « manner ‘complying with Chapter XVII - “Sewage Collection and Disposal, Excteta Collection and Drainage” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856)and its implementingrules and regulations, 6104 Solid WasteManagement Proper solid waste management shall be instituted in the supermarket in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVIII - “Refuse Disposal” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rales and regulations. 2B 6.105 Vermin Controt ‘Vermin control in supermarkets shall be in accordance with Chapter XVJ-"Vermia Control” ofthe Code oa Sanitation ofthe Philippines (PD. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations. SECTION. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSUMERS Consumers shal: mM 2 3B 74 Proteet market facilities from damage: Observe proper handling of foods that are being sold in the market; (Observe proger maintenance of cleanliness in the market and its premises; and Return merchandise to the shelves specifically provided for the purpose if they have decided not to purchase such merchandise SECTIONS. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MARKET STALLHOLDERS, Staltholders shal: BL 82 83 84 85 Maintain the cleanliness of their stalls at all times; Observe proper solid waste management Keep te astes fre fom obstructions to allow smocth flow of custome; Protect masket Facilities from damage; and Comply with these implementing rules and regulations. SECTIONS, RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MARKET MASTER/PRIVATE MARKETMANAGER ‘The market masteriprivate market manager shall 94 92 Post in conspicuous areas of the market, in English or Filipino or local dialect, the rules and regolations relative tothe sanitation and good order in the market Furnish cach stalholder a copy, in English or Filipino or local the rules and regulations herein mentioned; lect, of 93 Be responsible for keeping the market and ils premises, including stalls and offices, in a clean and sanitary condition at all tiraess 94 Ensure thatthe Noor in the wet section of the market is serubbed wo avoid accumulation of mudi 95 Be the custodian ofall the properties belonging 1 the market; and 26 Comply with these iemplementing rules and regulations, SECTION 10, RESPONSIBILITY OP THE MARKET ADMINISTRATOR The market administrator sal TOL Iniciate and oversee the posting of rules and regulations regarding sanitation and good order in the marker; and 102 Ensure chat all the public markets within the city or municipality shall be maintained in accordance with these implementing rules and regulations. SECTIONLI. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUPERMARKET MANAGER ‘The supermarket manager shall: HLL Post in conspicuous area ofthe supermarket, in English or Filipino or local dialect, the rules and regulations relative tothe sanitation and good order jn the Supermarket 112 Be responsible for maintaining the sanitary condition of all areas in the supermarket 3s well as its premises; 113 Keep the supermarket and its premises free from solid waste and LA Protect the establishment from damage; and 115 Comply with these implementing rules and regulations. PARTI. ABATTOIRS SECTIONI. SCOPE ‘These implementing rules and regulations shall apply to all abattoirs! slaughterhouses and other similar establishments where food animals are slaughtered for commercial purposes that are operated by government agencies or instrumencalities including government owned or controlled corporations, private organizations or firms, individuals or entities SECTION2. DEFINITION OF TERMS. ‘As sed in these rules and regulations, the following terms shall be defined as follows 21 ABATTOIR/SLAUGHTERHOUSE - ihe facility or premises used in the slaughter of food animals for human consumption 22 CARCASS-«llpartsexcluding visera of slaughtered animal afer bleeding and dressing, that may be used for human consumption 23. CHUTE facility used for loading and unloading anim. 24 _ DISINFECTION the process of eliminating or reducing to safe level the ‘number of potentially infectious microorganisms on an item or surface by either thermal, chemical or other methods. 25. DRESSEDDRESSING 25.1 Inrelation to slaughtered animals except for swine, sheep and lambs, goats and kids, means the removal of head, hide or skin, viscera (either including or excluding the kidneys). genital organs, urinary bladder, feet up to carpal and tarsal joints, and udders of lactating animals, animals that have ealved, or are in advanced stage of pregnancy; 252. Intolation to slaughtered swine, means the removal of hair and bristles fr skin, claws, eyelids, viscera (ether including or excluding the kidneys), genital organs, urinary bladder, udders in the case of factating animals animals thathave farrowed, or are in advanced sage ‘of pregnancy, and the external acoustic duct unless in respect of that part an alternative effective form of cleaning is carried out; and 253. Inrelation to sheep and goats, means the removal ofthe head, except in the case of young lambs and young kid, the pelt or skin viscera, genital organs, urinary bladder feet up to the carpal anc tarsal joints, and udders of lactating animals, animals that have lambed, or are in advanced stage of pregnancy. 6 26 29 28 29 2.10 2a 212 213 214 21S 216 FLL FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION - meat hat has beon inspected, passed and appropriately stamped by the meat inspector or meat conteol ‘officer and in which no change due to disease, decomposition or contami- ration has subsequently been found, FOOD ANIMAL - includes all domestic livestock slaughtered for human ‘consumption, such as eatle,carabao, buffalo, horse, sheep, goal, swine, ‘eer, rabbit and poulity such as chicken, duck, goose, turkey and pigeon. FOOT CANDLE - a unit of illumination on a surface that is everywhere ‘one foot from s uniform source of light of one candle and equal to one amen per square foot. One foot candle is equal t0 10.76 lux. HOLDING PEN/LAIRAGE- fuclityusedin keeping cleanand adequately rested animals that are fit for slaughter at che rate equal tothe throughput of the slaughterhouse. ISOLATION PEN- an enclosure used tokeep animals suspected of disease MEAT - the edible part of the muscle of food animal which is skeletal or which is found im the tongue, inthe diaphragm, in the heart or in the ‘sophagus, with or without the accompanying or overlying fat, and the portions of bones, skin, nerve and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue and which are not separated from it in the dressing MEATBY-PRODUCT--includesedibe partotherthan mest whichhas been ‘derived from food animal whether boned or boneless and whether ground cr unground to which no other ingredient has been added, MEAT CONTROL OFFICER - a veterinary health officer or a registered Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who directs and supervises. the implemeniation of policies, guidelines, rules and regulations with regard ‘© meat inspection and effective mest control measures, MEAT HANDLING - as used in the meat trade, includes slaughter, inspection, cutting, processing, preservation, and packaging of meat, MEAT INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. an official certficateissuedby the reat inspector or meat control officer who conducted the postmortem inspection to certify that the carcass is fit for human consumption MEAT INSPECTION STAMP - any mark or stamp approved by the National Meat Inspection Commission (NMIC) and includes any tag or label bearing such mark or stamp. a 2.17 MEAT INSPECTOR - a property trained officer authorized by the local ‘government chief executive or National Meat Inspection Commission to conduct inspection of meat and meat by-product. 2.18 OFFAL - the by-products, organs, glands and tissues other than meat of the food animal which may or may not be edible. 219 POULTRY-domesticfowls ikect, goose, turkey, pigeonand qual 229 SCALDING - the process of subjecting slaughtered swine or poultry between 58°C - 65°C water to facilitate heir or feather removal 221 SLAUGHTER - the butchering of food animal 22 SLAUGHTER ANIMAL - any food animal brought into an abattoir for slaughier. 223 SUSPECT - any snimal suspected of being affected with a disease or Condition, which may require its condemnation and is subject to further ‘examination to determine its disposition. 224 SWINE - refers to hog or ig. 225. TRIPPERY AND GUTTERY SECTION - section of an abattoir used for cleaning the viscera of the slaughtered animal 226 VERMIN - group of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, fleas, mies, ticks, bedbugs, or small animal such as mice and rats that are vectors of diseases 227 VERMIN ABATEMENT PROGRAM - a series of preventive and control procedures and activities for vermin control in the establishment 228 VISCERA - the internal organs of food animal. SBCTION3. PRESCRIBED STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR ABATTOIRS 31 Site Requirements 3.L1 The site shall be at least 200 meters away from residential areas, schools, churches, and places of public assembly, funeral estebish- ‘ments, coutts or public office and 25 meters away from markets and other food establishments. 3.12. It shall comply with the local zoning laws and ordinance 8 32 33 Building Constructionand Maintenance 321 The construction materials used shall be durable and resistant to wear and corrosion. 322. The building and any portion thereof shall at all times be properly ‘maintained in good condition 323. The construction and maintenance of abattots shall conform to sanitary standards prescribed by the Departenent of Health and the National Meat Inspection Commission (NMIC). Size 33.1 ‘Theminimumsize of slaughtering area fornew orextensively altered renovated abattoirs shall be as follows: ‘Table4. Dimension of Slaughtering Area “Type of Animal Slaughtered ‘Area Swine oaly 21 Cate only B Swine and cattle B Poultry 4 Note: ‘These dimensions are minimum standards, and when the number of animals to be killed warrants it, the size shall be appropriately increased, 332. The minimum size ofthe offal cleaning area for new and extensively altered/tenovated abattoirs shall be as follows: ‘Table. Dimension of Offal Cleaning Area ‘Type of Animal Slaughtered Area(m) Swine only Cattle only » Swine and cattle a 29 34 35 36 Floors 341 342 343 344 ‘All floors shall be constructed of durable water-resistant materials. Ik shall be easily cleaned, free of eracks and indentation i shall be nonstippery and all angles between the floors and walls shall be rounded off to height of at least 7.62 centimeters (3 inches) from the floor. Flooss shall be sloping toward drains, For cattle and swine pens, the floor slope shall not be less than 5.2 centimeters per meter and 4.2 cemimeters per meter, respectively. Walls, Partitions, Posts, Doors 35. The walls, partitions, posts, doors and other parts of the workrooms | shall be constructed of impervious materials to a height of atleast 2 meters from the floor and of such construction and finish ss will ‘make them readily and thoroughly cleaned 3.52. Walls shall be free of cracks and crevices and shall be of white or light cotor. 353. Doors shall be at least 1.5 m. in width to allow smooth work flow ‘and those opening from parts of the slaughterhouse where meat is handled shall either be fed with air screens or self-closing and snug fining double action doors, Overhead Rails 361 Overhead rails shall be placed not less than 0.6 m. from walls, posts| and othe fixed ports ofthe building. Header rails shall be placed at least 09 m, from adjacent walls and columns 362 The minimum height of overhead rails and distance between rails shall be as follows: 30 point of application of shackle to shack: Prom sticker's ed foot = 1.22 m) platform Dressing (Trottey| 335 | 1 | 3a | 10s length = 038 m) Lwhoie Carcass Ratt] 335 | on | 2m | 90 Head detached 305 [0 Head tacked fcuacer Carcass sail} 229 | 75 | - Horizontal Distance: IBeiwoon Bleeding Ra 248 8 : Dressing Rail fey 4 - chill Room Rail om | 322 37.1 The ceiling shall be made of materials suited for the purpose and shall be of sufficient height to permit carcasses to hang in such a way that they do not touch the floor. 312 Ceiling shall be well maintained, and shall be properly designed so as to prevent accumulation of dust and condensation 31 38 39 310 382 383 3a 385 336 mg ‘There shall be adequate light, both natural and/or artificial for all FooIns and compartments Lighting shall be free from glare and evenly distributed yo avoid shadows, Lighting shall be such that color of meat is aot altered. Light bulbs and fixtures shall be of safe type or otherwise, provided: with protection to prevent the contamination of meat and other products in case of breakage. ‘Acificial Tight intensity shall not be less than the following: & 50 foot candles (538 lux) at all inspection and workrooms; b. 10-foot candies (107.6 tux) at chilling rooms; and © 20 foot candles (215.2 lux) in other areas of the ‘establishment, The intensity ofthe required illumination inside the establishment shall be measured at a point 76.2 centimeters (30 inches) above the oor. Ventilation 391 392 393 ‘There shall be adequate ventilation in accordance with DOH standard to facilitate entry of fresh air in all working areas and to allow removal of obnoxious odor, heat and moisture, Openings for ventilation shall be provided with sereen Ventilation systems shall be designed and constructed to ensure thet air flows from foodareas toby-product areas, edible to inedible areas, ‘and cooked or finished food areas to raw ateas. Airflow from warm areas to cold areas shall be minimized to avoid condensation problems. Equipment Layout 3.10.1 Equipmentshall beinstalled atleast 30centimeters(1 foo! from walls, support structure and other stationary fixture. Distance shall be increased for large equipment, 2 aur 312 3.102 Equipment shall be made up of stainless steel or ether approved material which is impervious to liquid, non-toxic, and corrosion resistant. Galvanized metal having the smoothness of high commercial dip may also be used. 3.103 Equipment shall be so arranged as to facilitate sanitary contol 3.404 Equipment shall te properly installed. 3.405 Equipment and utensils used for preparing, processing and handling ‘of any meat or meat food product shall be of such materials and ‘construction as will make them easly cleaned and will ensure strict . ‘The area of the dressing floor shall be sufficiently large to cope up with the number of fowis to be handled daily. b. The walls shall have a height of atleast 2.5 meters and shell hhave smooth internal surfaces which shall be painted sith White, non-toxic oil or plastic paints, Dressing Facilities 4. The bars on which the fowls may be suspended for slaughter ‘or hung after slaugher shall be constructed of materials that are impervious to liquids, corrosion-resistant and easily ‘leaned. Satisfactory sanitizing of the bars shall be done ater each cleaning. b. The enclosures for fowls pending slaughter shall be so located as not to create nuisance and shall be kept clean and in a satisfactory state of re 4“ PARTI GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION1. DEFINITIONOFTERMS AAs used in these rules and segulations, the terms below shall be defined as follows: Lt ESTABLISHMENT - 2 collective term construed to include public ‘markets, food terminals, supermarkets, satellite markets, wet markets, ‘dry markets, abaitoirs and other similar establishments and theit Premises 12 HEALTH CERTIFICATE a writen certificate wsing the preseribed form issued by the city or municipal health officer to a person employed in the ‘market, abatioir and other similar establishments after passing the requiced physical and medical examinations and immunizations 13 LOCALGOVERNMENTUNIT the oca political subdivision whichrefers * ‘to the province, city, municipality oF barangay. 14 LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY- anofficial oremployeeresponsible {or the application of a prescribed health measure in a local political subdivision. For a province, the local health authority is the governor and for a city or municipality, the local health authority is the mayor. 1S LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER - the provincial, city or municipal health officer. 16 SANITARY ENGINEER - a person duly registered with the Board of Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (Republic Act 1364) and who heads or works with the sanitation division/sectionvunit of the local health office or employed with the Department of Health or is regional health offices. 17 SANITARY PERMIT--thecemification in writing by the city or municipal health officer or in his absence, by the chief or head of the sanitation division/sectionfanitthatthe establishment complies withexisting sanitation ‘equirements upon evaluation or inspection conducted in accordance with Presidential Decree Nos. $22 and 856 and its implementing rules and regulations and local ordinances. 18 SANITATIONINSPECTOR-agovernmentofficial orpersonnel, employed by the national, provincial, city or municipal government, who enforces sanitary rules, lewsand regulationsand implements environmental seitation activities under the supervision of the provincialieityimunicipal health officersanitary engineer. 48 SECTION2, SANITARY REQUIREMENTS FORPERSONNEL 21 Health Certificate 2.1 Any person who intends to operate or work in an establishment shall be required to secure an updated health certificate issued by the local health officer (EHS Form 102-A or B). 212. The health certificate shall be renewed atleast once a year oF more often as required by local ordinance, 213. The health certificate shal! be clipped visibly in the upper left front portion ofthe garment worn while working or shall be made available for inspection at all times 2d Health cenitieates are non-transferable. 22 Personnel and Personal Hygiene 22.1 Employeestworkers of the establishment shall at all times observe ‘good personal health and hygienic practices such as, but not limited to, the following: 8, Wearing of clean and appropriate working garment b, Washing of ands with soap and water before and after working, afer using the toilet, after coughing or sneezing into hands, oF as often as necessary to remove dir. and contamingats; © Keeping utensils and equipment clean and sanitary a al ties; 4 —_Refraining from smoking tobaceo, drinking of alcoholic beverages, spitting or blowing of nose, and littering, while working; and © Other personal health and hygienic practices called for the nature of work in the establishment 222 All workerslemployees suffering from a communicable, contagious ‘or infectious disease shall not be allowed to workin the establishment and shall be immediately reported to the operator and referred for tweatment, 223 Any person who is suffering from a cut or injury shall not be allowed ‘to work inthe preparation, handling, packaging or transportation of ‘meat inthe establishment unless and until the cut or injury has been treated or dressed to prevent the discharge of blood onto the meat, “9 2.24 Aprons, trocks and other clothing worn by persons who handle any ‘meat or meat food product shall be made of materials that can be easily cleaned, 225. Soiled work clothing and any cloth used in processing or cleaning. shallbe kept in containers provided for mops, brushes, roonts, hose, cleaning compounds and other items in routine use. Personal Protective Equipment 23.1 All workers shall wear appropriate clean protective clothing such 85 caps, coats, hair restraint, aprons, rubber boots, gloves and other necessary protective equipment in accordance with the provisions ‘of Chapter VII - “Industrial Hygiene" of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856) and ts implementing ules and egulations and in accordance withthe Occupational Safety and Health Standards formulated by the Department of Labor and Employment under the Local Code of the Philippines SECTION3. SANITARY PERMIT a 32 [No market or abattoir shall be established, constructed, operated or altered tuntil the plans and location of the same have been reviewed and verified by the local health officer and approved by the local health authority in compliance to the requirements of these rules and regulations. Sanitary Permit Requirement 32.1 No establishment shall operate without a sanitary permit issued the local healt officer. 322 Any extension of additional construction, alteration or renovation inthe establishment shall require new sanitary permit before itcould be operated. 323. Application for or Renewal of Sanitary Permi & The application for or renewal of sanitary permit shall be filed With the local health office having jurisdiction over the establishment b. Sanitary permit shall be issued upon compliance with the sanitary rules and regulations © Fees shall be paid so the local government office upon application, noting or renewal of sanitary permit, The amount of fees shall be set through city or municipal ordinance. 50 324 325 326 327 328, Noting of Permit. there isachangeinthe ownership of esblishment, the new owner shall apply tothe local health office within fourteen (14) ‘working days to have such change noted ia the records and permit certificate and shall pay the corresponding fee for such noting Validity. The sanitary permit shall be valid on the day of issuance ‘nti the last day of December ofthe same year, and shall be renewed every beginning of the year, thereafer, RevocationSuspension. Upon the recommendation ofthe local health office, the sanitary permit shall be suspended or revoked by the focal ‘eal autborty upon violation of any sanitary rules and regulation. Posting of Permit. ‘The sanitary permit shall be posted in a ‘conspicuous place of the establishment for public information and shall be available for inspection by authorized health and other regulatory personnel Record of Sanitary Permit a Every city or municipality shall Keep a record of all ‘establishments that have been issued sanitary permit and renewal thereof, b. The record shall in every case show the following: i, The nameandaddres of the holder ofthe sanitary perm 4 The location of the establishment; ii, The nature/kind of business for which the permit has been issued: iv. The date the first permit was issued and the dates of any renewal thereof: Every change of management of the establishment since the fist permit was issued: vi. Sanitary conditions under which the permit was issued ‘or any renewal theroof granted; and vil The revocation of the sanitary permit. The record shall be available at all reasonable imes for inspection by any authorized officer of the Department of Health or local goverament unit. BT SECTION4, EVALUATION AND INSPECTION 41 42 43 44 Responsible Officer, It shall be the duty of the focal health officer to cause the inspection and evaluation of every establishment required to secure a sanitary ‘permit for its operation atleast once every week for market and market stall and once every three months for supermarket and abatloir and 10 ‘cause as many additional inspections and re-inspections and evaluation as deemed necessary for the enforcement of these rules and regulations, Inspection of the establishment shall be conducted within seven (7) ‘days after payment of the inspection fee tothe city or municipal treasurer concerned, Sanitation and Inspection Fee ‘The fees payable on every inspection shall be in such amount preseribed by local ordinance Mission Order 43.1 The local health officer or the chief of sanitation division! section/unit of the local health office, asthe case may be, shall issue a mission order (EHS Form No.|12) for every sanitation ingpection that will be conducted by the sanitary engineer/ sanitation inspector. 432. The mission order must contain the date, mission order number and series, the name of the inspector and the I.D. number, the business names, addresses, categories of establishments 10 be inspected and the scheduled dates of inspection. This must be shown to the ‘operator of the establishment before any inspection is conducted, ‘The immediate supervisor of the inspector shall monitor the enforcement of the mission order. 433. Sanitary inspection conducted without a mission order is prohibited, 434 The owner/operator of the establishment shall report to the local health officer or chief of sanitation division/Sectionfunit any ‘unauthorized inspection that was conducted Uniform of the Sa Inspector and Aids to Inspection 44.1 The sanitation inspector shall wear the prescribed uniform of the office with the proper identification card while conducting the inspection 32 45 45 442 He shall likewise bring all che equipment and supplies needed in the inspection suck as the inspection forms, clipboards, thermometers, flashlight, measuring tape, camera, light meter, water pressure geuge, residual chlorine and pH comparator kits, blacklight, food and drink ‘sampling kit, copy of the sanitation laws, regulations, standards and ‘other materials needed in the inspection Frequeney ofInspection 45.1 Inspection of markets and market stalls shall be conducted at least once every week, 452. Inspection of abattoirs and supermarkets shall be conducted at feast ‘once every three months Recording of Inspection 461 The sanitary engineerfsanitation inspector shall keep a record of all his inspetions or evalution report in an inspection form (EHS Form. 103-B), 462. The sanitary engineer/sanitation inspector shall furnish the of ‘of such report to the owner/operator of the establishment 463. Demerts entered in the appropriate column of the inspection fortn shall indicate that the item does not conform t0 the requirements of these rules and regulations 3, The inspection form has twenty (20) items. Non-complying items areindicated withan(), Every suchitemis weighted withademnert ‘of. The rating of the establishment is therefore: 100 ess (number of demeritsx 3), The results expressed asa percentage (4) rating, 464. SanitationStandard & The percentage rating has an equivalent sanitation standard as follows: Table9. Sanitation Standard Rating [Percentage Rating| SanitationStandard LuminousGreen n-9% Nery Lumincus Yellow Satisfactory 50-69% Satisfactory | Luminous Red 33 ar 48, 465 b. ‘The sanitation standard rating sticker (SSRS) (EMS Form No. 104 -AVC) shall be posted ia a conspicuous par of the establishment preferably atthe entrance, for guidance of the customers and the general public. It shall be updated once every three (3) months, unless revoked earlier. ‘The average sanitation standard for every establishment shall be ‘evaluated by the loval health officerchiet of sanitation division? section/unit every end of the year to determine its improvement? ‘maintenance of rating Reportof Inspection an 472, 493 ‘The sanitary engineer/sanitation inspector who conducted the inspection shall complete the sanitary inspection report, and whenever an inspection form issued indicates non-compliance to any item, the inspector shall notify the owner/operator of the corrections to be made and indicate 2 reasonable period for its ‘compliance a. The recommended corrective measures shall be specific in nature for the easy understanding of the owner/operator of the establishment. b. Reasonable period for compliance or grace period shall be inclusive of Seturdays, Sundays and holidays ‘The sanitary engineer/senitation inspector who conducted the inspection shall likewise preparea sanitary order(EHS Form No. 107) for approval by the local health officer or chief of the sanitation division/section/unit as the case may be. Within 48 hours of the inspection or evaluation, the original copy of the inspection report (EHS Form No, 103-8) and the sanitary order shall be furnished and acknowledged by the holder of the sanitary permit or the owner/operator of the establishment. The inspection report shall be personally delivered, or shall be sent through postal service, registered with return card, Reinspection 481 If upon re-inspection after the deadline, the sanitary engineer? sanitation inspector finds that correction has not been effected, he shall report to the local health officer who shall recommend to the local health authority the revocation of sanitary permit, 54 ‘A copy of the ynspection forty ame any: notice secvet shall ceases be filed and kept by the local health office and be available for inspection by authorized officials. 49 Service of Notice 49 492 ‘Whenever an inspection or evaluation form indicates non-complying items, the focal health officer shall serve the owner or operator ofthe establishment a sanitary order requiring him, within the grace period stated i the order to take remedial zetion as may be specified thercin, In the event of non-compliance of the first sanitary order by the cownerfoperator of the establishment, the health officer may serve fa second notice: a Second Sanitary Order i IF the ownerfoperator of the establishment needs ‘additional time to comply with the frst sanitary order, he shall request the local health officer in writing, prior to the expiration ofthe sanitary order for an extension of the grace period. The local heath officer, upon the recoramendation of the sanitary engineet/ sai inspector who conducted the inspection, such request. li Notice of hearing (EHS Form No, 18). The local health officer shallcall he owner/operator of theestablishment to show cause, at atime and place stated in the notice ‘why the permit issued in respect of the establishment should not be revoked. 410 RevocationofPermit, 4a 4102 ‘After prior notice and hearing as provided above, the local health officer, if found that the terms of the two notices have not been complied with or failure to comply therewith is not excusable, shall recommend to the local health authority the revocation of the said permit, oF; ‘After the second sanitery order on an extended grace periéd, a r= inspection was conducted and still the owner/operator failed to comply with such order as reported by the sanitary engineer/ sanitation inspector, the local health officer shall recommend to the Tocal health authority the revocation of the sanitary permit without ‘delay and shall inform other elated agencies ofthecity ormunicipality of such revocation, 35 412 43 4a 4.103 Lifting of suspension of permit may be recommended when the ‘ownerfoperator of the establishment complied with the notices 4.104 The ovmerfoperator of the establishment may file « motion for Feconsideration to the local health authority if he isnot satisfied with the action of the local health officer. 4.105 The locel health authority shal file court proceedings against any establishment for continuously operating after the revocation ofits permit. ‘Summary Suspension of Permit Whenever the local health officer finds unsanitary of unhealthy conditions in the operation ofthe establishment which constitutes substantial hazard {© public heelth, the local heath officer shall secommend tothe local health authority the immediate suspension ofthe sanitary permit. Any person to ‘whom such order is issued may file a writen petition and shall be afforded a hearing within 48 hours Appeals ‘The person or panel conducting the hearing may confirm, modify or reverse the decision appealed from which decision shall be final PowerofEntry ‘Any sanitary engineer/senitation inspector or duly authorized officer of the Department of Health or ofthe provincial, municipal or city health ofices, ‘upon presentation of proper eredentials may at all reasonable times enter inio any market or abattoir premises or any premises used for any of the Purpose referred to in these rules and regulations, for the purpose of inspection or any other action necessary for administration of these rules and regulations. 4.131 Sanitation inspections shall be conducted by officials in aecordence ‘with Part Il, Section 4, sub-section 4.3 ofthese rues and regulations. 4.132 Sanitation inspections shall be done preferably during the operation of the establishment Hearings ‘The local health authority may conduct hearings regarding erring establishments to include appeals from establishments, The decision of the local health authority shall be deemed final and executory. 56 SECTIONS. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OPERATOR Government and private operators in-charge of markets and abattoirs shall: 3a 32 Ensure the efficient operation and maintenance of sanitation in the tblishment and its premises; and Comply with these implementing rules and regulations, SECTIONS. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER The | 61 63 64 66 health officer shall: Conduct or cause the regular inspection of every establishment and its premises to ascertain its state of sanitation: Jssue sanitary permit after @ complete evaluation/inspection of the establishment and its premises and after compliance to the requirements ‘of these implementing rules and regulations; ost the sanitation standard rating sticker (SSRS) in a conspicuous part of the establishment for public guidance after each inspection; Recommend to the local health authority the withholding, disapproval fF revocation of the sanitary permit upon violation of, or pending compliance to certain terms and conditions stipulated under these rules and regulations; Inform all concerned agencies/organizations regarding these implementing rales and regulations; and Assist in the enforcement of the provisions of these implementing rules and regulations. SRCTION?. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY ‘The local health authority shall ™ 12 2B Enforce the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations; Supervise over the maintenance of adequate sanitary conditions in government or privately owned markets and abattoits and their premises; ‘Ascertain the validity of sanitary permit of the establishment and health centficates of the employees in the establishment; 37 74 Supervise the sanitary disposal of all solid and liquid wastes incidental 10 the operation ofthe establishment subject the DOH ules and regulations, standards and regulations set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and other existing health and environmental laws; 75 Revoke the, sanitary permit of the establishment es recommended by the Tocal health officer; 76 Prohibit the use of the market and abattoir and thei premises as sleeping orliving quarters, or the construction therein of sleeping or living quarters: 77 Assist in the enforcement of the requirement on the examination of meat inthe abattoir as provided for by existing laws and rules and regulations ‘of the National Meat Inspection Commission; and 78 Coordinate with representatives of the Department of Health and Nationat ‘Meat Inspection Commission to ensure that animal slaughtering, dressing, handling, storing and transporting procedures are carried out in a sanitary SECTIONS. PENAL PROVISION 81 Any person who shall violate, disobey, refuse, omit or neglect to comply ‘with any of the provisions of these rules and regulations, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding six (6) months or by a fine of not exceeding Php 1,000.00 or both depending upon the discretion of the cour. 82. Any person who shall incerfere with or hinder, o oppose any officer, agent for member of the Department of Health or the bureaus and offices under it inthe performance of his duty as such under these rules and regulations, or shall tear down, mutilate, deface or alter any placard, or notice, affixed to the promises in the enforcement of these rules and regulations, shall be euilty of misdemeanor and punishable upon conviction by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months or by a fine of not exceeding Php 1,000.00 or both depending upon the diseretion of the cour. SECTIONS, SEPARABILITY CLAUSE In the event that any rule, section, paragraph, sentence, clause or words of these implementing rules and regulations is declared invalid for any reeson, the other provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 10. REPEALING CLAUSE, ‘All rules and regulations that are inconsistent withthe provisions of these rules and regulations are hereby repealed or amended accordingly 38 SECTION. ERFECTIVITY “These mules and regulations shall take effet after fifteen (15) days from date of publication in the official gazette or newspaper of general circulation, Approved on this 23rd day of December nineteen hundred and ninety eight, Manila, Philippines. ALBERTOG ROMUP/DEZ IR. MD. tary of fteath Date of Publication: 18 Rebruary 1999 Manila Standard 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘The Department of Health sincerely appreciates the dedication and enthusiasm of Dr Mario C. Villaverde, Director of the Envizonmental Health Service for his role in bringing these Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) from concept to realty. It is also worth mentioning the enduring commitment of the Environmental Sanitation Division headed by Engr. Vietor V. Sabandeja together with his ‘echnical staff in the Plans, Programs and Policies Formulation Section namely: Engr. Antonino A. Hormillosa, Enge. John C. For, Engr, Luis F rc ReynanteC. Francisco, Engr, Pamela A, Mogoland Engt sode Dios for their invaluable contribution in the revision and refinement of this document Deep sense of gratitude is also given to the agencies, associations and ‘organizations who shared their insights and experiences during the writeshops, consultative meetings and series of public hearings conducted nationwide. Their struggles, arguments and even temporary setbacks have enforced feasible sanitation laws. The following agencies, associations and orgenizations pursued their ongoing interests, invaluable comments and contibution to these efforts Department of Envizonment and Natural Resources, Quezon City Department of Public Works and Highways, Manila Animal Products Development Center, Bureau of Animal Industry, DA, Quezon City 4. National Meat Inspection Commission, DA, Quezon City and Baguio City 5. Department of Interior and Local Government, Quezon City 6. Bureau of Product Standards, Depatment of Trade and industry, Makati City 7 8 Metro Manila Development Authority, Make City Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers, Ine. Manila 9. Office for Public Health Services, Department of Health, Manila 10 Office for Legal Affairs, Deparment of Health, Manila I. Health Policy Development Staff, Department of Health, Manila 12. Department of Health Regional Offices 13, Provincial Health Offices of Davao del Norte, Laguna, Davao Oriental, Davao det Sur, Cotabato 4 City/Mtunicipal Health Offices of Makati City, Quezon City, Caloocan City, ‘Muntinlupa City, Baguio City, Pasay City, Lapu-lapuCity, DavaoCity, General Santos City, Parafaque City, San Fernando City-La Union, Valenzuela, Canmona-Cevite 15. Engr. Simon M. Cuevo, City Heslth Department, Manila 16 City Vetetinarian, Pasig City, Davao City und Baguio City 1. Philippine Society of Microbiology 18 Zero Waste Management of the Philippine Foundation Incorporated, Quezon iy oo 19. National Consumers’ Affair Council, Makati City 20. Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences, UPCVM, Los Bafios, Laguna 21. City Economie Enterprise, Davao City 22. Market Vendors’ Association, Pasig City, Marikina City and Davao city 23, ‘Sunshine Supermarket, Baguio City 24, Victoria Supermarket, Baguio City 25. Rustan’s Supermarket, Harrison Plaza Recoynition is hereby extended to the following DOH personnel who compissionately nurtured the spirit of collaborative effort inthe final review and approval of the manuscript 1. Dr.SusanPineda-Mereado Undersecretary of Health Office for Public Health Services 2 Atty, Agustin C, Mangila V Director it Office for Legal Affairs 3 Ms.Myleen Meniado-Beleran Oficerin-Charge Hesith Policy Development Staff ‘The Cepatment of Health enjoins all agencies especially the Local Government Executives in meetingthe demandsandchallenges fora healthful living environment a5 we enter our journey for development towards Philippine 2000. 6

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