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WORD: Ashamed Page: 11

DEFINITION: embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or
MY EXAMPLE: When a person says a incorrectly word in public, they feel very ashamed
and your cheeks get become a bit pink.
2. WORD: Among Page: 11
DEFINITION: Indicating a division, choice, or differentiation involving three or more
MY EXAMPLE: My cat always hides among the trees of the garden
3. WORD: Stitches Page: 11
DEFINITION: a loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the
needle in sewing, knitting, or crocheting.
MY EXAMPLE: When a person hurt a part of your body such as knees, doctor puts some
stitches in their knee.
4. WORD: Scholarship Page: 20
DEFINITION: academic study or achievement; learning of a high level.
MY EXAMPLE: In Ecuador, The money will be used to support scholarships and
5. WORD: unhurried Page: 17
DEFINITION: moving, acting, or taking place without haste or urgency.
MY EXAMPLE: If you wants to be a good professional,you must study at a leisurely
and unhurried pace

When you dont know enough about someone, you cant feel the confidence of be
yourself, you try to be polite and answer the questions at the right times, without
give much personal information, It was what Oliver felt when he was talking to his
father, he just tried to please him.
PAGE:23 PARAGRAPH : 15 chp:3
The world is full of all kinds of different people,where , we can to found two group
like rich and poor, when two people fall in love among these two groups, this
causes a big problem " different social class", Jennifer don't feel good ,she feels
that oliver should go his way and she will go hers.

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