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Schoolcraft College

History Reflection
History 134
December 15, 2015, 2015
Stacy Tubbs

Looking back on this class of the history of humans I have learned many things
from the application of history from the ancient ancestors to my role in human history. My duty
is to take what our for-fathers have paved in the history books and learn from it and responsibly
act in the betterment of society. I have taken a long look at different aspects of study from this
course and have decided that the most significantly influential aspect of history would be
Religion/Morals & Tradition.
From the time of the early Homo Sapiens walking the earth evidence has been discovered of
religion, morals, and traditions enriched in history. Before man had words, a written language, or formal
education; cave paintings found have been found. In the southwest part of France depicting, animals of
the area has taught us man felt a need to record his life some how. In the Module Lesson, The Red Cow
& First Chinese Horse, taught us that the reason for the drawings have been speculated for years and the
true meaning are not fully known; but some argue the cave paintings are depicting successful hunts,
training guides for tracking game, or stories to be passed down as traditions. Some believe they
represent Gods for these ancestral people. Regardless, they represent a thought, memory or story which
constitutes as primitive traditions by these first people. Every person needs something to hold on to.
Each of us needs to a sense of their life having meaning. Traditions, religions, something to believe in or
explain things they do not understand. Traditionally, institutions that govern a great detail of our
everyday behavior took shape hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Having been preserved and
altered across the generations tour own time, they are sure to continue into the future. (William H.
When we covered Ancient Egyptians and Early Romans we learned that Polytheism date back to
these cultures and possibly beyond. Still caring on traditions of multiple gods and idolism some religions
today hold these traditions and beliefs. Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism,

Shintoism are just to name a few that still hold ancient beliefs and live by these religious moral

and traditions. Believing in multiple Gods such as Odin, Zeus, Ra, Vishnu and Matres, all which have
been preserved and passed down for centuries and through many lifetimes. These people/traditions
believed that ones needs for a god depended on different situations for that god. Such as fertility God
Priapus could be called on; He would watch over fertility, livestock and fields. Having a shared belief
unites people. It gives them purpose. Religions has also started wars across human history. The article,
What Can History Teach Us Today?, the author makes great sense of the reason for history. He says that,
History is a lesson; a lesson of intentions, movements, experiments, and human production; a lesson that
builds integrity and character within our children historical narratives offer us stories of humanity,
courage, wisdom, and most important hope. In essence, history teaches us to move forward,
recognize our mistakes and learn from them, and ultimately create a better existence for all.
As the population grew and cultures formed people migrated and traditions spread; as well as
religions and traditional beliefs. Some worshiped Gods of the Sun, Gods of the Wind, and Gods of the
heavens. Out of these polytheistic cultures eventually sprung up a monotheism thought. This new
transcendent type of religion/moral was eventually dictated to language and preserved in history for
generations. Out of this One God belief sprang other branches of the same thought/tradition
Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Catholicism. These traditions are so staunch in peoples daily lives that
thoughts or opposing beliefs are often debated. Some traditions are so set that in the Catholic church
millions of worshipers wait for a group of Cardinals to send white smoke signal a new Pope has been
chosen. We have cell phones, internet, broad ban yet the tradition of white smoke is what lets millions
know the news because its tradition. Thousands stood vigilant and millions cheered when the smoke
finally bellowed ushering in a new Pope for the Catholic people. The author of, On the Rhetorical Use
of History to Understand the Present, Blair Hodges she quotes another author Mills. At the same time,
Mill also warned mightily against the tendency for uncritical acceptance of custom. Customs show us
what experience proved effective for earlier times, and may become unsuitable in different
circumstances. Besides, uncritical acceptance of custom robs the individual of the freedom to make

morally-meaningful decisions (Mill, 65). Customs can become chains preventing the growth of progress.
This is especially what is happening in not just Catholicism but other religions today. Islam for instance
believing as a radical that all Christians must convert or die. The colonists left Great Britain and broke
away from the mother land for religious freedoms. This new/old idea of killing people because of their
faith is unsuitable in this time and in this country. Yet, the threat of historys past is growing more real
everyday with each political decision. This is a very scary time we live in because of history past
Which leads into the final chapter of study for our class Islam What can I say to tie in religion,
tradition and MORALS into Islam. The Islam study was personally difficult for me, as a teacher,
Christian, and mother. Traditionally as these and an American religious tolerance has been morally
instilled. If this question was asked for me to answer 16 years ago, pre 9-11, maybe my answer would be
different. In fact, I know for certain it would be. But, as a realistic adult, involved in culture, religion,
and world news I have to brutally honest as to how my theme has influenced my responsibility and my
contribution towards the betterment of society. I will do all I can to vote for the best politician that can
protect our country the best. I will, protect my children to the best of my ability. I will rally, donate, and
have considered taking a fire arms class to just be able to fight back. The extra credit paper I changed my
topic three times, began research on three different topics, relooked at the expectations, saw that it was
extra credit, and shut down. As a historian shut down toward this religion and its beliefs. I can tell you
many things I learned about Shira Law, the way Muslim was spread by trade and camels, and more than I
want to know about Shira Law. My grade could have been boosted if I would have completed this paper.
I should not have gotten this upset over an assignment, but I did. I did. I apologize that my contributing
role toward the betterment of society is that I hate this New Normal that we have to live in because of
extremists. I hate, the berka and what it symbolizes. I hate the crescent moon, the words Shira Law, and
driving past a Muslim temple here in the city I live in. I hate that I feel this way toward a specific
people/religion. Because history is teaches intentions, movements and experiments, and human

traditions (), I do appreciate history the subject. If history repeats itself than in my heart a

revolution/religious war is brewing; and its not going to be good. In the words of, Ryan
Masters, Well return to a society built upon hunting and gathering, this will probably come
after the next religious wars and humanity has annihilated much of the planed if we proceed the
same way with the same attitudes and disregard to human life.

Works Cited
Dee, Blair. Hodges Foundation of Modernity Term Paper. On the Rhetorical Use of
History to Understand the Present. May 7, 2012.
McNeill, William. H. Why Study History? 1986.
Perry, David M. How History Can Help Us Predict the Next Pope. March 12, 2013.
Postma, Michael. What Can History Teach Us Today?. ASCD Express, Vol. 6, No. 22.
Copyright 2011
Masters, Ryan. Ice-Age Education, online article.

I know my Works Cited page is not completely correct. I am a teacher but this
always trips me up and I could not figure out how on my work computer how to fix
the line spacing. Very sorry.

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