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AH1 N1

- AH1N1 influenza virus often called as « Swine flu ».Although the virus, first
detected in April 2009 , contains a combination of genes from swine, avian (bird
) and human influenza viruses and it contains genes from five different flu viru
ses : North American swine influenza, North American avian influenza, human infl
uenza and two swine viruses typically found in Asia and Europe. It can’t be affe
ct by eating pork or pork product.
- The outbreak began in a state of Veracruz, Mexico. The Mexican government clos
ed all most public places in a try to stop the spread of the virus because the i
nfluenza AH1N1 is infectious , but it continued to spread globally after, in Jun
e The World Health Organisation and US Centres for Disease Control declared the
outbreak to be a epidemic.
- The symptoms : At the first only mild symptoms that the majority people had be
fore, there’re : fever , sore throat , cough , headache , muscular or joint pain
s , vomiting and diarrhoea. Those include in a risk to spread the swine flu espe
cially people that have chronic illnesses and it even affect healthy people, the
se manifests also cause breathing difficultly, too.
- To avoid spreading the infection : you should stay home away from crowded pla
ces as school , work …ect.
Always wash your hands after coming back home remaining 30 second and try to put
a mask on your nose and mouth , also avoid shaking hands and kissing.
- According to a study in The USA Centres For Disease Control published in May 2
009, that children aren’t immmunized to the new Swine Flu but adults especially
those over 60 years old they have 33% to be ill by AH1N1 and adults who aged fro
m 18 to 64 have 6_9% and the organization suggests to have vaccinations for seas
onal flu .
- The World Health Organization (WHO) states that total mortality by the AH1N1 i
s unquestionably higher than 9820 deaths only in US.

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