BMW S 113 91.0 Part.3 - June.1997

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WORKS STANDARD June 1997 1 4 BMWs ‘erminology and designations ‘Quality management and statistics asia 0 Part ‘Begriffe und Benennungen (Qualtstemanagement und Statist 4. Scope of application and purpose documentation of BMW AG and its affiliates ‘The terminology and designations in this works Paragraphs appearing in italics are remarks. 2 Terminology Supersedes 10.87 edition ‘Tris works standard serves for the purpose of standardizing terminology and designations in quality management and statistics in order to work toward uniform comprehension in thelr use in draving-related and wnitten standard have primarily been taken from the relevant DIN standards ‘and documents from the German Association for Quality (Deutsche Gesellschaft far Qualitat ¢.V. (DGQ), |n order to simplify use of this works standard, an alonabetical arrangement* has been chosen. Numbers specified in parentheses are references to numbers of terms contained in this works standard * [Transtater’s note: The terms are no longerin alphabetical arder when translated (othe Engish language.) No. Term Definition Iq ‘Acceptance test, Receiving test (7) at the instigation and with the participation of the customer or of the cammissioning party or his appointees, The acceptance testis to be distinguished from "accaptance” as used in § 640 and § 433 para, 2 of the German civ code "Burgeriches Gasetzouch* (BGB). Taken from 0GQ 11-04 2 | Absolute frequency Number of observed values which are equal to a specified | Value or which belong to a set of specified values. Tho set of specified values can be a class (39), for example, Taken from DIN 55350-29, Deviation Difference between a characteristic valu (48) or a value assigned fo the characteristic (47) and a reference valve. Taken from DIN 5350-12 4 | Change sample ‘Sample (50) after the changing of produation equipment procedures or the marginal conditions of production The change sample can be an intial sample (25) | simutaneousiy. Taken from DIN 55350-15 5 | Offer sample ‘Sample (50) for illustration and assessment of an offer, Taken from DIN $5350-15 Continued on pages 2 through 11 Tia guarantee can be given wilt Teapect to his Wansaton wil be considered a8 authorative In al] The German-Engisn terminciagy of this document fe tated slong wi Tha cases the latest German-language version of the orginal acument | respective literature the BMW Term data Dank lng reserved BMW S 113 91.0 Part 3 Page 2 1997-08 No. Term Definition Acceptance Determination that the criteria for accepting the test lot (61) have been satisfied As per ISO 3534, acceptance is defined as follows: Consent to take receipt of a lot (45) as offered The term "acceptance" in quaity testing (76) is to be differentiated from the legal term “acceptance” as used in German civil coda “Bargeriches Gesetzbuch" (BGB) § 640 and § 433 para. 2 Taken from DIN 55350-91 ‘Acceptance (inspection) test ‘Quaiity testing (78) to determine whether a product can be excepted as made available or supplied. Taken from DIN 55360-47 ‘Acceptance sampling inspection {Quality testing (78) using one ar more random samples (66) for assessment of a test lot (61) as stipulated in random sampling instructions (87), Taken from DIN 55350-31 Probability of acceptance Probability that @ test lot (61) will be accepled based on random sampling inspections (87). Taken from DIN §5350-31 10 ‘Acceptance number ‘The highest number of faulty units as established in random sampling instructions for the attribute test (13) or the established highest number of defects (26) in the random samples (86) at which the test lot (61) will be accepted Taken from DIN 5535031 1 ‘Candidate Those units (21) of a random sample (86) which have net failed but could have failed. Statistical examinations can be more informative when taking candidates into account. 12 ‘Arithmetic mean ‘Sum of the observed values divided by the number of observed values, Its not possible fori to be misunderstood, “average value" is also possibie. Formerty also "average." Taken from DIN $5350-23 3 Inspection by attributes ‘Acceptance sampling inspection (8) with which the acceptability of the test lot (81) is established using the number of faulty units (24) or defects (26) in the individual random samples (86), Taken from DIN §5350-31 14 Failure Termination or defined Impairment of the functioning capability of a material unit, 5 | Outlier ‘Actual vaiue (38) of a random sample (86) the deviation ‘of which deviates by such a large amount from other randomly deviating actual values in a sampla that it ean no longer be explained as occurring randomly Takeo from 0GQ 11-04 16 Reject Faulty product for which quality requirements (70) cannot be cris to be fulfited even with subsequent reworking. | 7 | Condition Totality of the characteristics (47) and characteristic valves (48) of a unit (21), Taken from OIN 5350-11 Selt-testing ‘Quality testing (78) carried out by the manufacturer. Taken from OIN 5350-17 BMWS 113 91.0Pata Page3 1997-08 Neo. Term Definition 73 Installation sample ‘Sample (80) for installation tests Taken from DIN 5350-15 20 Incoming inspection Acceptance (inspection) test (7) on a delivered product The incoming inspection is carried out by the purchaser himself or by an appointed center. Taken from DIN 85350-17, a Unit That which can be individually described and inspected. A unit can be, for example: ~ an activity or a process ~ a product = an organization, a system or a person or ~ any combination thereot Taken from DIN EN ISO 8402 22 Individual characteristic value (48) established at the lowest level of determination, Taken from OGQ 11-04 23 Final inspection Last of the quality tests (78) before transfer of the unit (21) to the purchaser, This test is intended to establish the extent to which the fished product satisfies contractually agreed stipulations inasmuch as the characteristic values (48) can be ascertained on the finished unit (21). In adétion to function-related characteristics (47), the final inspection Is comprised also of safaty, presentation, packaging and marking, as wall as the completeness of documentation, In the case of software, characteristics (47) such as ease of maintenance, user-friendiness, portabilly (ransferabilly 0 various types of OP systems with minimal amaunts of change to these programs), time and usage characteristics, are also included Aliso “intiafzation test.” Taken from DIN 55350-17 24 Development sample ‘Sample (50) for testing of the development status. Also “design sample," "prototypa. Taken from DIN 55950-15 25 ‘sample ‘Sample (50) which is manufactured exclusively with that equipment and those procedures intended for series production under the marginal conditions belonging ta them. With the initial sample itis intended to provide varifcation that quality requirements (70) can be satisfied when the ‘equioment and procedures intended for series production re used under the marginal conditions belonging to them. Also ‘failure sample,” "model," ‘production sample," type sample." Takeo from DIN 5350-15 | Defect Non-fulfilment of specified requirements placed on a characteristic value (48) In qualty management, tho requirement is always an Individual requirement within the framework of a qualty requirement, Taken from DIN 5350-31 Page 4 BMW S 113 91.0 Part 3: 1997-06 No. Definition 27 Intermediate test (103) on a material product which Is Presently in production Taken from DIN $6350-17 28 (Outside testing Quality testing (78) carried out by a department other than that which is the producing department. 29 Function Inthe sense of maintenance, a task related to an intended Purpose. Taken from DIN 31054 20 Function test Quality testing (78) on a part or assembly on which not characteristics (47) but rather the function (29) is tested, a Suitability for use Suitability of goods for their prescribed purpose based on objectively and non-objectively determinable characteristics of use and the assessment of which is derived from individual needs Taken from DIN §5350-11 Limit deviation Lower (91) oF upper limit deviation (53). ‘Taken from DIN §5350-12 33 Limit sample ‘Sample (50) which indicates the limit of a quality characteristic (76) according to which a differentiation can be made between good and poor. 34 Limit value Minimum value or maximum value Taken from DIN 55350-12 38 Population Totalty of the units (21) under observation ‘Taken from DIN 55350-14 36 Frequency Number of the individual actual values in a specified class divided by the total number of individual actual values, Frequently used with the addendum “absolute.” The Population number is then meant. The total number of individual actual values can come from 4 finite population or a random sample (86). Taken from DGQ 11-04 37 ‘One hundred percent test (100% test) ‘Quality testing (7) on all units (21) of a test lot (61) Note: occasionally also “routine toast” (28) Taken from DIN 55950-17 38 ‘Actual value Determined characteristic valve (48) in the case of quantitative characteristic. Taken from DGQ 11-04 38 a0 a Class Classification Technical Specification (Lastenheft) ‘Subdomain of characteristic valves (48) created were sifcation (40) is concemed, Taken from DIN $6350-23 Division of the value range of a characteristic (47) into subdomains (classes (33)) which are mutually exclusive and which fil the range of vaiues complataly, Taken from DIN 56350-23 Description of the required properties of a product to be developed, In-house at BMW the term “Technical Specification” is used exclusively and not “Specification af Obligations” (55) 42 Running test Production testing (27) by one testing person where several varying locations of production equipment are concerned. Taken from DGQ 11-04 BMW S 113 91.0 Pata: 1 No. Term Definition 43 | Service life The time from the beginning of use until the time of the failure of an individual product after which the functioning capability of the product can no longer be restored ‘Supplier assessment ‘Assessment by the commissioning party of the supplier's Capability in terms of quailty (86) or other characteristics. [45 | tot Quantity of a product which is produced under uniform conditions. The product can be, for example, raw material, semi-finished| material or a frished product. | Taken from DIN 55360-31 | 4 | Lotvolume | Number of units (21) in the lot (48). Taken from DIN 55350-21 47 | Characteristic Property for recognizing or differentiating between units 21). | Oitferentiation serves the purpose of both delimvtation and | ‘iso examination of a population. | Taken from DIN 5350-12 | 43 | Characteristic value ‘The value assigned to the form of the characte“istic (47). Taken from DIN 55360-12 49 | Measuring specification | Prescribing of the measuring conditions, setting parameters of the measuring equipment and evaluation for the sake of Uniform assessment of measuring results, Measuring specifications are compiled by the quality ‘management personnel who are assigned measuring tasks and can be obtained from the Standards Department. 80 | Sample Matarial unit (21) which is subjected to quality testing (78) {for a particular reason or that which is required within the | framework of quality testing (78), I Taken trom DIN $5350-15 81 | Reworking All activities in order to subsequently fulfil quality | | requirements (70) in the case of a faulty component or to Subsequently make the product suitable for the intended use| by the customer and then futfilled these requirements, { Taken from 0GQ 11-4 | 82 | Nominal value Value of a quantitative characteristic (47) for organization of| the area of application The nominal value is often expressed using a rounded =| figure. If nominal value is specified, fit deviations (32) can be referenced lot. In the case of length dimensions. mt | deviations (32) which are referenced to the nominel dimension are called limit dimensions. Taken from OIN §5350-12 3 | Upper limit deviation Mairum value minus reforence value | Taken rom DIN 85360-12 34 | Parameter ] Order of magne for eticaton fa prbatilty | distribution 8) | Taken trom DIN $5350.21 |"35-|Speetication of obligations Description ofthe equiremonts placed ona technical product. Pages 997-08 Page 6 BMW $ 113 91.0 Part: 1997-06 No. Term Definition 36 | Precision {ualtatve designation forthe extent of mutual approximation of separately determined, independent results of determination inthe event of manifeld use of an | established method of termination under spaciied | sondtons | Taken trom DIN 55950-13 37 | Product behavior test {ually testing (78) in order to obtain knowledge with respect to behavior ata product aftr iti tured over tothe | purchaser. | _Takon tom DIN 55950-17 38 | Process reliability |” Gualiy-related capability (69) ofa process Taken from DIN $5350-33 33 | Process specification Stipulation of charactentcs (47) which are necessary for / the process procedure as well as fr is inaividual process | phases 60 | Testing instructions Instructions Tor carving out quaity testing (78) |. ita wniten test specification ie avaiable, iis the basis for the testing instructions. Taken trom DIN 35350-11 @t | Testiot Lot (45) which is presented at a point in time as a wnole for ‘quality testing (73) Taken from 06Q 11-04 | 62 | Test characteristic Characteristic (47) which is used in carving outa fost Taken trom OIN 5260-12 63 | Testing schedule sul of test planning (64) Taken from DIN 5350-11 @4 | Test planning Planning of quay testing (76) In the case of qualty management, test planning is a planning af quality testing (78) Taken from DIN 8350-11 35 | Test specification Test procedure for development and release teste during the develonment process in order to attain the objectives ofthe | technical specication, as well as for series production | "monitoring within the framework of quality testing (73). 68 | Quality Totaly of characteristics (47) and characteristic values (48)] of a unt (21) in terms of ts suitability for satisfying | estabished and predeterminea requirements Taken from DIN EN ISO a402 87 | Quality audit ‘Systematic and Independent examination in order to determina whether qualt-related actives and resuts associated therewith are in accordance with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are actualy realized and are suitabe for attaining the objectives at hand The quality aude is ypealy used on the qualty manegernent| system (75) or an elements therefrom, on provessos. or 0) products (including services), however isnot insted to these, Such quailty audits are often referred to as "system | uci," procedural auc,” product audi," “services auch" | ueity aud are cared out by persons who have no direct responstilty for the areas to be audited. tis desirable, however, that they work together withthe personel who are affectec One ofthe purposes of a qualty audtis assessing the nacessty for improvement or corrective measures. A quaity| audi isnot to ba confused with the activites of qual BMW S113 91,0 Pats: 1 Tmontaring oF testing whieh are cariod ol for Tha purpose oH process contraling or product accoptanc Qualty audits can be carried out for internal or for external purposes Taken from DIN EN (SO 8402 No. 68 Term Quality element Definition Contribution to the quality (88) ~ of a material or immaterial product due to the resuits of an activity or of a process in a planning, implementation or utilization phase, ete. = of an activity or of a process due to an element in the course of this activity or of this process. Taken from DIN 5350-11 68 Quality-related capability Suitability of persons, procedures and/or equipment for fulfling existing quality requirements (70). Taken from DIN 55350-11 70 Quality requirements Formulation of the prerequisites or their implementation into 2 series of quantitatively or quantitatively-established requirements placed on the characteristics (47) of a unit (21) in order to facilitate their implementation and testing. Quality requirements or parts therefrom are, for example, estabiished in a lachnical specification (41), in @ technical drawing, technical conditions of delivery, or a quality specification (80) Taken from DIN EN /SO 8402 nm Promotion of quality Improvement of Quality-related capability (69) A differentiation is made between person-related, procedure-related, equiement-related and product-related Promotion of qualty. Promotion of quaity is an integral part of quality improvement, Taken from DIN 55950-11 72 Quality level Percentage of faulty units (21) or number of defects (26) per] ‘one hundred units inthe lot (46). | Also in the case of quantitative characteristics (47) information with respect to the position and/or scatter of the values ofthe quality characteristic (76) (refer to DIN $5350-11) in the lot (45) in relation to the specified values Taken trom DIN §5350-31 73 74 ‘Quality control Quality management Preventive and corrective activities in the implemen ‘unit (21) with the objective of satisfying quality requirements (70) using quality engineering (79) Taken from OGQ 11-04 | All planned and systematic activities which are | implemented within the quality management system and Which are exhibited as required in order to generate sufficient trust that the unit (21) vail satisfy the quality requirements (70) at hang, “Quaity assurances" has previously been used as the generic term. in keezing with international development, this is now designated as “quality management.” Taken from DIN EN ISO 8402 Page 7 1997-08 Page 8 BMW S 113 91.0 Part 3: 1997-08 No. Term Definition 75 Quality management system The necessary organizational structures, procedures, processes and means for bringing quality management (74) 0 truttion, “Quaity assurance system is now designated as “qually management system.” Taken from DIN EN ISO 8402 76 Quality characteristic A characteristic (47) which has a bearing on quality (66). Taken from DIN 55350-11 7 Quality planning Activities which establish the objectives and quality requirements (70), as well as the requirements for the application of the elements of the quality management system (75), Quaity planning is comprised of the following: 3}, Planning with respect to the product: Identifcation, classification and assessment of quafty characteristics (76), as well as establishing the objectives, qualty requirements (70) and the imited condtions; 5) Planning with respect to management and execution activities: Preparation for the use of the quailty management system (75) together with procedural and time schadulas; ©) Compilation of quailty management plans and the Planning of qualty improvements. Taken from DIN EN /SO 8402 78 Quality testing Determination of the extent to which a unit (21) satisfies the | quality requirements (70), Taken from OIN 85350-17 73 Quality engineering Application of scientific and technical knowledge and management techniques for quality management (74). Quaity engineering is 2 part of engineering which has the objective of satisfying quality requirements (70), Taken from DIN 5350-11 30 Quality specification ‘The establishing of quality characteristics (76) ta provide verification of the required quality (65), ‘A quaity specification is an integral part of the draviing. at Trueness Guaitatve designation forthe level of approximation ofthe | expected values of the results of determination with respect to the reference value, whereby this can be the true or the correct value depending on what is stipulated or agreed Taken from OIN §5350-13, Rejection Determination that criteria for the acceptably of the test lot (61) have not been fulfiled Refusal to accept a fot (45) as offered. The decision with respect to the handling of rajected lots (35) (0.9. sorting out, reworking, sending back} « oriented around special agreements, Taken from DIN §5350-37 83 ‘Self-testing Part of the required quality testing (78) as part of quality control (73) which is carried out himself by the party performing the processing. Taken from OIN 5350-17 Nominal sample ‘Sample which embodies the nominal value (85) of a quality ‘characteristic (76) Taken from DIN 85050-15 Page BMW S 113 91.0 Part 3: 1897-06 Na. Term Definition 35 Desired value Value of a quantitative characteristic (47) from which the actual value (38) ofthis characteristic is to deviate as little as possible. Desired value and nominal value (52) can coincide In many cases, lint values (34) are associated witha | desired value, Deviations from the desired value ara not to ead to exceeding the maximum value or faling short of the ‘minimum value, ‘Taken from DIN 55950-12 88 Random sample ‘One or more units (21) which are taken from the total populaticn (35) or from subpopulations. The purpose of the random sample is to gain knowledge with respect to a total population (35) or with respect to 2 subpopulation, Taken from DIN 55350-14 87 Random sampling instructions Instructions with respect to the scope of the random ‘sample(s) (88) to be taken and with respect to the criteria for determining acceptability af the test lot (61), Taken from DIN §5350-31 38 Routine test Quality testing (78) on all units (21) of a test lot (61). Nota: occasionally also “100% test” Taken from DIN 86350-17 39 Technical delivery specification ‘Specification which establishes technical requirements either directly or by means of reference to standards or annexation of the contents of standards, technical descriotions or instructions for deliveries. 90 Tolerance Maximum value minus minimum value and synonymously the upper limit deviation (32) minus lower limit deviation, Taken fromm DIN 5350-12 Lower limit deviation ‘Minimum value minus reference value The reference value is the nominal value (52) or the desirad value (85). Where doubt exists, the reference value used Isto be indicated, Taken from DIN 55350-12 9% Distribution ‘Qualitative designation for the relationship between the values of dependent variables (98) and the probabilities assigned to these values or between actual values (38) and the population numbers assigned to them, the population numbers summed together, the frequencies (36), frequency densities or cumulative frequencies, Taken from GQ 11-08 Test sample ‘Sample (50) for function fests and reliability tasis Taken from DIN 5350-15 i Determination of the characteristics which are necassary for] the assessment of the components concerned in terms of function and reliability, Preliminary sample ‘Sample (50) which Is not yet manufactured with the ‘equipment and procedures intended for later series Production andlor not yet manufactured under the marginal Conditions for this later series production. Taken from DIN 5350-15 36 Probability distribution ‘A function which indicates the probability with which @ random variable will take on values in the specified ranges. Taken from DIN 55350-21 Page 10 BMW S 113 91.0 Part 2: 1997-06 [[no. Term Definition } a7 Repetition sample ‘Sample (50) which is manufactured during series | production and, where applicable is taken at the respective Specified interval fom the preceding one The repatiion sample i intanded to provide vercaton that the quaity requirements (70) are satisfed during serio | production | Taken from DIN 55350-15 98 | Dependent variable Variable whose value range Known but fom which Te ‘unknown which value ¢ wil randomiy assume in individual cases | Taken from DGQ 11-04 @ | Reliabiity Summarizing expression with respect to the descripion of availabilty and its influencing factors; functional capability, ‘maintainability and maintenance support performance Retabity is only used for general deseiations in a non- quanttaive sense | Reliability is one of the time-related aspects of quality (86). | | Taken from DIN EN ISO 8402 100 | Reliability requirements That part ofthe quay requirements (70) which concems the behavior ofthe unt (2%) during or following the specified time periods under the specified conditions of application j | Taken from DIN 85360-11 101 | _ Reliability characteristic ‘quality characteristic (76) which has a be | reiabty (69), | Taken from DIN 55350-11 | 102 | Intermediate sampie ‘Samo (80) which isin part manufactured with the i equipment and procedures intended for series production and/or manufactured in part under the marginal conditions | of series production, The intermediate sample's cccasionaly called a “special sample,"in the automotive industry, for exemple. | | Taken from DIN 5350-15 [103 | Intermediate test ‘Quality testing (78) during the design and construction ofa | unit 24), Taken from DIN §5950-17 Standards cited Iso 3634-1 Iso 3834.2 Dea 11.04 DIN §8350-11 IN 58350-12 DIN 55350-13 DIN 55350-14 DIN $5350.15 DIN 58350.17 DIN $8360.21 Statistics; Vocabulary and symbols; Part 1: Probability and general statistical terms Statistics; Vocabulary and symbols; Part 1: Statistical quality control Terminology with respect to quality management Quality management and statistical terminology; Quality management terms Quality management and statistical terminology: Characteristic-related terms Quality management and statistical terminology; Terms concerning accuracy of procedures of determination and results of determination Quality management and statistical terminology; Terms concerning sampling Quality management and statistical terminology: Terms concerning samples Quality management and statistical terminology; Terms concerning types of quality tests Quality management and statistical terminology; Statistical terminology; Dependent variables and probability distributions. DIN 5350-23 DIN §5350-31 DIN 55350-33 DINEN Iso 8402 Page 11 BMW S 113 91.0 Part 3: 1997-06 Quality management and statistical terminology; Statistical terminology: Descriptive statistics Quality management and statistical terminology; Terms concerning acceptance random ‘sampling inspections Quality management and statistical terminology; Terme concerning statistical pracess control (SPC) ‘Quality management; Terminology Additional standards DIN §5350-18 DIN $5350-22 DIN $5350.24 DIN 55950-34 DIN EN 180 9000-1 DIN EN iSO g001 DIN EN 180 9002 DIN EN 10 9003 DIN EN ISO 9004-1 DIN 1S0 9900-3, DIN ISO 9000-4 DIN Io 9004.2 DINISO 1014-1 DINISO 1011-2 DINISO 1011-3 vol 2221 Previous editions 10.87 Revisions Quality management ang statistical terminology; concepts relating to certificates on results of quality inspections; quality inspection certificates Quality management and statistical terminology; Statistical terminology: Special probability distributions Quality management and statistical terminology; Statistical terminology: conclusionary statistics Quality management and statistical terminclogy; limit of recognition, identification limit and recognition ability ‘Standards conceming quality management and quality assurance/exhibiting QM Quality management systems; Quality assurance model/QM exhibited in designideveiopment, Production, assembly and customer services Quality management systems; Quality assurance model/QM exhibited in production, assembly and customer services Quality management systems; Quality assurance model/QM exhibited in the final inspection Quality management and elements of a quality management system Quality management and quality assurance standards; Guide to the application of DIN ISO 9001 in the development, delivery and maintenance of software ‘Standards regarding quality management and the exhibiting of quality management systems; Guide to the management of reliability programs Quaiity management and quality management elements; Guide concerning services Guide for the auditing of quality management systems; Carrying out an audit Guide for the auciting of quality management systems; Qualification criteria for quality auditors Guide for the auditing of quality management systems; Management of audit programs Methodology for the development and designing of technical systems and products; Part + Guide AS compared to the October 1987 edition, the standard has been completely revised.

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