PHED 239 Module 4: High School Site Observation/Teaching Assisting Assignment

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PHED 239 Module 4: High School

Site Observation/Teaching Assisting Assignment

Due one day after the observation
Directions: Read and become familiar with the questions below BEFORE the
observation. Submit answers to the questions on a separate sheet (wordprocessed/double-spaced). Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling and
punctuation mistakes. Total = 30 pts.
Include the following general background information:
Name of high school Agawam High School
Name of cooperating teacher(s) Mr. Podworski
Grade level of students 9-12
Number of students in class observed Approximately 30
Description of facilities & equipment available at school 3 different types
of gyms (main, smaller, and fitness) as well as many types of field outside.
Equipment room with a great amount and variety of various equipment.
1. Describe how students interacted with each other, teachers, and/or administrators.
The students before class interacted by just kind of hanging out talking about
different topics while also talking to the teacher which can help build a positive
relationship. The students also interacted well during the lesson communicating during
games and focusing but also talking and laughing and enjoying it as well. They
interacted well with the teacher by listening to all of their instructions, feedback, etc.
while also never talking back to the teacher or anything like that.
2. What characteristics of a high school student did you witness? Give examples.
We did not actually watch the students for a very long time but when we did I
was impressed by how well behaved every single student was, there were no students
that caused any problems at all. However I did notice that the students overall seemed
less interested, motivated, and active younger middle school students. They were not
necessarily disinterested but definitely less active than I have previously observed in
3. What rules, routines, and management techniques are used by your cooperating
No specific rules were discussed, most likely because they have been previously
addressed throughout the year. Their routine is very set that they change, go directly to
their activity location, begin the warm-up then begin the activity for the day. The
management techniques they use are different color attendance cards for each

students to easily identify them and their teacher then those are also used for grading
the students easily during units and for them selecting their units as well.
4. What units are the students participating in during this time of year? How do the
teachers determine what units the students will be involved in? How long are the
This time of the year students are doing badminton, fitness, and nitroball. It is
also there last unit of outside activities for the winter. The teachers determine amongst
themselves what units to do although they try to incorporate fitness options as much as
possible. Each unit lasts for two weeks then they transition into different activities to
choose from.
5. Any discipline issues? If so, how were they handled? What is the teachers
discipline policy?
There were no discipline issues observed. This is probably due to the amount of
respect there is between classmates and between students and the teachers.
6. What are the average class sizes? How are classes divided (i.e. by grade level,
skill level, etc)?
The class sizes vary a decent amount as one block a teacher has about 14
students but then the next block they had around 30 students. The classes are a mix of
9-12th grade but typically are more Freshman and Sophomore heavy. They also break
up by skill level or competition level in some activities as well.
7. What is/are your biggest concern(s) about teaching at the high school level?
Students who do not want to do a certain activity or think they do not have to
listen to me because I am just a few years older than they are.
8. What are you most looking forward to in regards to teaching at the high school
Being able to relate with the students more closely and working with students
who chose that certain activity which tells me that they want to be there and will be
motivated to do the activity.

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