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Running head: Capitalism in a business environment

Capitalism in a Business Environment

Capitalism is considered the most ideal economic environment because it allows
individuals to own economic resources as well as make decisions based on their self-interest. The
government is involved in the Capitalistic market, but doesnt have dominance over the business.
Unlike the Communist market, the government doesnt regulate or restrict businesses in a
Capitalistic market, but instead assists them. In Capitalistic environments it allows individuals to
work for their money. Capitalism creates innovation as well as economic expansion from firms
and individuals. Capitalism opens up doors for individuals to compete in business industries, and
to have economic freedom. In a capitalistic market, it doesnt matter what your race is, financial
position, or culture, any individual has the opportunity to succeed.
Individuals have the opportunity in a Capitalistic market to work for their own money.
Entrepreneurs are allowed to own economic resources and to make their own decisions that is
beneficial for their business. In a Capitalistic environment, individuals have the opportunity to
compete with other businesses that have similar products or services. According to (Ayn Rand,
2013, 169-170), from Atlas Shrugged states, If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of
Americans, I would choose-because it contains all the others-the fact that they were the people
who created the phrase to make money. It doesnt matter where youre from, ethnicity, poor, or
even religious beliefs, Capitalism offers opportunity for individuals to succeed on their selfinterest. Individuals or firms create innovation as well as economic growth in a Capitalistic
market economy.
In a Capitalistic environment, the government is limited to the amount of authority that
they enforce on businesses. The difference between Capitalism and Communism is that in a
Capitalistic market, individuals have the ability to own businesses and to earn their own money,

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when in Communism the government has complete control over the market. The government
doesnt have the right to decide on production or what the price is for goods. Winston Churchill
states, It has been said that Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others
that have been tried. Consumers have the option to decide which business has the better
products and services, which creates competition between firms or individuals.
Capitalism opens up the door for individuals to have freedom/choice to decide which
career they want. Capitalism works out great with Democracy because the people have the right
to choose who they want politically, just like how they can choose which products or services to
choose from. Susan Sontag states, The ideology of capitalism makes us all into connoisseurs of
libertyof the indefinite expansion of possibility. In a free market economy, such as
Capitalism, individuals have the ability to choose between their wants and needs. According to
(R.H. Tawney, 2013, 180), from The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
states, The true happiness of man cannot be other than the vision of the divine essence. In a
capitalistic market, individuals have their own specialization in which they contribute to society.
This speeds up the production process. Capitalism has been considered the modern market
economy in todays society because of the opportunity that is available.
Capitalism offers individuals the opportunity to own their own resources, make their own
decisions, and have the ability to choose which products or services they want. In a Capitalistic
market, the government is limited to the amount of power they can enforce on businesses and
individuals. Individuals have the opportunity to earn their money as well as create innovation
and economic expansion in todays society. Capitalism offers competition between individuals
and firms to grow their businesses larger. There is no certain standards for any individual who
has the desire to succeed in a market economy. Individuals can decide which products or services

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they would like to choose from that works best for them. Capitalism gives the people a variety of
different products and services to choose from as well as a fair market system.

Capitalism in a business environment4

Pettinger, Tejvan. (2013). Pros and Cons of Capitalism.
Rand, Ayn. (2013). Atlas Shrugged. Foundations of Business Thought. (169-170)
Susan Sontag. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Tawney, R. H. (2013). The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.
Foundations of Business Thought. (180).

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