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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 15, 2015

How do we counter the pulls of the Gunas or qualities of passion and dullness?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
As your day progresses, as one enters the field of daily work and
toil, you are infused with the passionate
quality (rajoguna). Before you take your lunch, meditate on the
Lord again and dedicate the work, and the fruit derived from it to
the Lord Himself. Start eating only after this act of devotion and
grateful remembrance. This is the meaning of
the noon (maadhyannika) worship. By observing this ritual,
passion is kept in check and is overpowered by the satwic
nature. During the day, people are possessed by a third nature,
tamas or dullness. When evening descends, one hurries home,
eats ones fill, and is overpowered by sleep. But a duty still
remains. To eat and sleep is the fate of idlers and drones. When
the worst of the qualities, tamas threatens to rule, one must make
a special effort to escape its coils by resorting to prayer in the
company of those who extol the Lord, reading about the glory of
God, the cultivation of good virtues, and the purposeful nursing of
good rules of conduct. This is the prescribed evening
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 7

Prayer alone makes life happy, harmonious and worth living in this universe. Baba
15 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AsIN,susqI Aqy vwsnwvW dy AvguxW dy Asr nUM,ikvyN byAsr kr skdy hW? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ijauN-ijauN idn bIqdw hY Aqy mnu`K,Awpxy roz dy kMmW iv`c ru`J jWdw hY,quhwfy iv`c,vwsnw dy gux(rjogux)
Aw jWdy hn[doiphr dw Kwxw Kwx qoN pihlW,Bgvwn dw dobwrw icMqn kro Aqy kIqy kMm nUM,Aqy aus dy Pl
nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kr dau[
Bgvwn dw SukrIAw Adw krn qoN bwd hI,Bojn Kwxw SurU kro[duiphr dI pUjw dw iehI ArQ hY[ies qrHW krn
nwl,vwsnw au`qy lgwm lg jWdI hY Aqy swqivk gux Aw jWdy hn[idn dy dOrwn,mnu`KW iv`c qwms gux ArQwq
susqI Aw jWdI hY[jd Swm FldI hY,mnu`K Gr vl dOVdw hY Aqy pyt Br ky Kwxw KWdw hY Aqy sON jWdw hY[pr,Ajy
vI ifaUtI,rih jWdI hY[Kwxw Aqy so jwxw,susq lokW dw kMm hY[jd mnu`K au`qy qwms gux,Awpxw pUrw Asr
pwauNdw hY qW mnu`K nUM,auh lokW nwl iml ky ,ijhVy Bgvwn dI ArwDnw krdy hn,Bgvwn dw ismrx krnw cwhIdw

hY ,Bgvwn dI aupmw vwlIAW ikqwbW pVHnIAW cwhIdIAW hn Aqy cMgy gux pYdw krny cwhIdy hn[iesy nUM,Swm dI
pUjw ikhw jWdw hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey s`q)[
ies bRhmMf iv`c,pRwrQnw hI iek swDn hY ijhdy nwl jIvn KuS,iek ijhw Aqy jIx Xog bxdw hY[(bwbw)[

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