December 20 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 20, 2015

How can we illumine ourselves? Bhagawan lovingly inspires us today, so we

may choose to follow it assiduously.

Temple worship, company of sages, adoration of the Lord

and recital of His name - these are external sources of light.
Meditation, austerity and reflection (dhyana,
tapas andmanana) these are sources of inner
illumination. Devoid of both, how can you experience the
vision of divine glory? Once Tulsidas Goswami declared,
Do you require light inside the house as well as outside? If
yes, then place the lamp on the doorstep! So too, if you
desire to experience the illumination of peace (shanti) within
you and also spread it out, then place the name of the Lord
on the tongue, which is the doorstep of your personality!
The lamp on the tongue will not flicker, fade, or be put out
by any storm. It will confer peace on you as well as on all
whom you meet - in fact, the entire world. Therefore, for
your salvation, evoke the vision of the form with the Lords
name on your tongue.
- - Dharma Vahini, Ch 12.

Keep the name of the Lord always radiant on your tongue and mind; it will keep the antics of the
mind under control. Baba
20 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AsIN,Awpny-Awp nUM,ikvyN A`iDAwqimkqw nwl cmkw skdy hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl pRyirq krdy
hn qW jo AsIN Awpxw lkS hwsl kr skIey[
au`qr: mMdr jw ky pUjw krnw,irSIAW-munIAW dI sMgq krnw,Bgvwn dI pUjw krnw Aqy Bgvwn dw nW jpxw,ieh
ijauqI(pRkwS),bwihrlI sRoqW qoN imldI hY[iDAwn,qp`isAw Aqy mnn,ieh swry ,AMdrUnI rOSnI dy sRoq hn[ieh
donW FMgW nUM C`f ky ,idvXqw dw AwnMd ikvyN ilAw jw skdw hY?iek bwr,gosvwmI qulsIdws ny ikhw ik kI
quhwnUM,Gr dy AMdr Aqy bwihr,rOSnI dI zrUrq huMdI hY?jy hW,qW AwpxI jldI lYNp nUM ,Awpxy drvwjy dI dlIj
au`qy r`Ko[ausy qrHW,jy qusIN,Awpxy AMdr,SWqI dI ijauqI dy AnuBv krn dI ie`Cw r`Kdy ho Aqy nwl hI ies rOSnI
nUM bwihr vI PYlwauxw cwhuMdy ho qW Bgvwn dw nW,AwpxI jIhvw qy r`Ko,ijhVw nW quhwfI SKsIAq dI idhlIj
hY[Bgvwn dy nW dI ijauqI,ijhVI quhwfI jIhvw qy hY,auh ijauqI nw qW fgmgwey gI,nw iP`kI pVy gI Aqy nw hI

bu`Jy gI[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwnUM Aqy auh swry, ijhVy quhwnUM jwxdy hn,Aqy Asl iv`c swrw sMswr,aunHW nUM SWqI
imly gI[ies leI,Awpxy mokS leI,Bgvwn dw ic`qr Awpxy iDAwn iv`c r`K ky Bgvwn dw nW AwpxI jIhvw nwl
jpo[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey 12)[
Bgvwn dw nW,hmySw AwpxI jIhvw Aqy mn qy cmkdw r`Ko[ ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwfy mn dI cMclqw,kwbU iv`c
Aw jwvy gI[(bwbw)[

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