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Loussinian 1

Michael Loussinian
Emily Prior
Sociology 001
20 November 2015
Project 1: Video/DVD Analysis
The video I chose to analyze with Marx's, Durkheim's, and Comte's theories of Sociology
is a short five minute clip from one of the most popularly viewed sitcoms, The Big Bang Theory.
The clip is from the beginning of the episode, The Gorilla Experiment. Within the scene, the
characters Leonard, Penny, Sheldon, and Raj are gathered around a coffee table enjoying a meal.
Penny then grabs a piece of here meal and throws it in the air to catch it with her mouth and eat
it. It is after this that Dr. Sheldon Cooper begins the argue and debate about her lack of table
manners and disregard for even distribution of the food. It is after this that the couple Bernadette
and Howard join them at the table. As Bernadette attempts to sit on the couch, the rest of the
gang stop her as she is sitting in Sheldon's spot. Penny then provides a list of reasons on why that
is Sheldon's spot, which then Sheldon replies by saying, "Maybe there is hope for you after all".
In the second half of the scene, the characters speak of humor and physics. It is during the first
half in which the conversation and behavior of the characters can by analyzed by socialist
theories thought up by the famous philosophers. This scene from The Big Bang Theory can be
interpreted with Marx's, Durkheim's, and Comte's theories.
Karl Marx would most likely interpret this scene with his theory of Capitalism. This
theory states that capitalism would lead to an unavoidable problems of social destruction. He
believed that capitalism would eventually be replaced by socialism, leading to a classless society
of pure communism. Marx would use this interpretation because Sheldon's personality and

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authority have caused him to be the capitalist figure within their group of friends. In fact, this
trend continues throughout the television series as Sheldon develops and enforces more rules and
regulations for his peers.
Philosopher Emile Durkheim would have a different interpretation of this video. Unlike
Marx who's beliefs focus on communism and capitalism, Durkheim views society as one that is
functionalist (one person relies on another, people work together) and based on facts (there is a
correct social order and behavior). This is most clearly seen when Sheldon is explaining to Penny
the social standards of eating at a dinner table including not playing with your food and equally
distributing the portions to the people around the table. The theory of functionalism comes into
play when the other characters prevent Bernadette from sitting on the couch to keep peace and
stability within the society (the apartment). They then explain to her the expectations and
requirements of being around Sheldon Cooper, which in this scene is why she cannot sit in his
spot. If it was not for the other characters helping her and explaining to her the situation may
have escalated and resulted in chaos.
Lastly, August Comte would relate this short scene to his theory of Positivism. This
theory states that it is in a way possible to establish valid, reliable knowledge about how social
life works. This is done through observations. This theory sticks out most when Penny lists the
reasons why Sheldon sits in the spot he sits in. Sheldon observes this and realizes Penny's course
of social change and her improvement is Sheldon's idea of society. This is a reflection of
Comte's theory of Positivism.
The Functionalist sociological paradigm is most represented in my video. This is because
in one way or another all the characters are collaborating with one another to either help another
person out, give them advice, and keep social stability and interactions. In other episodes of the
series, there have been cases in which the characters failed to support and help the others like

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they would in a functionalist society. It was at these times that the characters would face conflict
and struggle within their life.
As a result, all three philosophers (Marx, Comte, and Durkheim) would view the scene
from The Big Bang Theory with their different types of Social theories and perspectives/views
that they developed as a contribution to Sociology.

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