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(Letter to Sydney Morning Herald about Sydney Council

Dear Editor,
In thinking through how we want local services delivered it is
best to avoid generalisation - don't assume that a smaller scale
equates to better tailored service delivery.
Key to transparent decision-making around development is ease
of access to information. Presently, it is larger Councils that
have better information systems.
Key to fair decision-making is for contentious development
applications to be dealt with in a quasi-judicial way, through
independent panels led by former Court commissioners. Elected
representatives to set the controls and neutral parties to apply
Key to effective representation is having councillors with the time
needed to do their job properly. Fewer Councils will allow better
councillor pay. Larger Council areas will require a proper
strategic focus for elected representatives.
Clear and transparent decision-making by Councils is in all of our
interests. Corruption benefits from obscure processes. Big
developers can do well either way. The ones who currently
struggle the most are small businesses seeking straightforward
decisions and households seeking renovations or small
developments (such as dual occupancies).
The proposed amalgamations are a step in the right direction.
Matthew Benson
Principal - MB Town Planning

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