Instructional Template Final

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766 Alignment Template

Coral Shanahan
Problem Identification
School District XYZ has created a list of MN State Standards and District Benchmarks. They have not
purchased a pre-made curriculum for Third grade noting that what is available is not geared toward the
urban population they serve. There is a need to create daily lessons moving Third Grade Students toward
mastery of the listed Terminal Objectives.
This will be a classroom based instructional project. It may include short videos, audios, and PowerPoint
type presentations.

Terminal Objective: I
Enabling Objectives
Give examples of
character traits.

can describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations or

Assessment Idea
Absorb Activity
Do Activity
Matching activity. Video
Matching activity.
(Match picture with
: Given a deck of
the written
cards that list
character traits,
students play
Matching activity.
(Match picture with
the written

Connect Activity
Students will find 3
examples of
famous people in
history or current
events. Using a 2
column table
students will
identify the person
and describe the
character trait that
person best

Explain how
different character
traits can change
the outcome of a

Multiple Choice
quiz. (Predict an
outcome based on
given character


Multiple Choice
Given two sample characters with
different traits, and a short story.
Students re-write the story using one of
the two sample characters to change the
outcome. During a small group
presentation of the re-written stories
students discuss how the given traits
affected the outcome of the stories.

Terminal Objective: I
and phrases.
Enabling Objectives
Explain what is
meant by context.
Explain the
difference between
literal and nonliteral words and/or

can use context clues to help me understand literal and non-literal meanings of words

Terminal Objective: I
Enabling Objectives
Identify supporting
detail sentences.

can determine the main idea of a text.

Assessment Idea
Absorb Activity
Do Activity
Connect Activity
Short paragraph
Given a list of detail
quiz. (Identify the
sentences students

Assessment Idea
Cloze writing
Categorize literal
and non-literal
words and/or
phrases on a TChart.

Absorb Activity

Do Activity

Connect Activity
Students create a tchart listing
examples of literal
and non-literal

sentence that does

not support the
main idea.)
Justify a main idea
by identifying
supporting detail

Graphic Organizer
of main idea and 3
supporting details
of a passage.

will create a main

idea sentence that
the detail
sentences would

Students create a
paragraph with a
main idea and at
least 3 supporting
detail sentences.

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