Quiz Chapter 1-10 For Health Psychology 328 Mcgill

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1: Josh is feeling achy, has a stuffed up nose and a cough, and is feeling
very tired. On the basis of these symptoms Josh's doctor tells him he has
been infected with a cold virus. This diagnosis is an example of
Question 1 options:
systems theory.



Question 2 (1 point)
Ch.2: The release of steroids via the adrenal cortex is stimulated by
Question 2 options:
epinephrine and norepinephrine.
thyrotropic hormone (TSH).

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).



Question 3 (1 point)
Ch.3: The health belief model states that the practice of a particular health
behaviour is a function of
Question 3 options:

an individual's beliefs that he or she, rather than powerful others or chance, is in control of his or
an individual's attitudes about a health behaviour, subjective normative beliefs, and self-efficacy.

an individual's beliefs in a specific health threat and beliefs that a specific health behaviour can re
perceived self-efficacy and perceived invulnerability.

the fact that messages that emphasize potential problems should work better for behaviours that


Question 4 (1 point)
Ch.4: Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that fat in the
_______________ is an especially potent risk factor for diseases.
Question 4 options:

hips and buttocks
abdomen, hips, and buttocks
thighs and hips


Question 5 (1 point)
Ch.5: Social influence intervention programs often use the principle of
behavioural inoculation. According to this principle, exposing individuals to
Question 5 options:
strong persuasive message ensures that they will internalize the message.

boring, repetitive persuasive message ensures that they will become desensitized to the message

one-sided message ensures that uncommitted individuals will more likely be persuaded by the me

weak version of a persuasive message ensures that they will develop counterarguments to resist
continued message for at least 6 weeks will ensure they will internalize the message.


Question 6 (1 point)
Ch.6: Which of the following is a valid criticism of Holmes and Rahe's (1967)
Stressful Life Events (SLE)?
Question 6 options:
It is uncorrelated with illness and health behaviours.

It fails to consider individual differences in the experience and reporting of events.

It only counts unresolved stressful events.

It fails to consider that the number of illnesses experienced over a period of time is more importa
duration of these illnesses.
All of these answers are correct.

Question 7 (1 point)
Ch.7: According to the buffering hypothesis,
Question 7 options:
the more resources an individual has, the better he or she is able to cope with stress.
individual resources augment one's ability to cope with high or low levels of stress.
individual resources improve a person's ability to cope with only moderate levels of stress.

individual resources have little effect on coping with low levels of stress but become important at high levels of str

the more space an individual places between himself or herself and the situation, the better he or she is able to co

Question 8 (1 point)
Ch.8: The correct order of the stages of delay in seeking treatment is
Question 8 options:

appraisal, illness, behavioural, and medical delay.

behavioural, appraisal, illness, and medical delay.
appraisal, illness, medical, and behavioural delay.
appraisal, symptom, illness, and medical delay.
behavioural, illness, appraisal, and medical delay.


Question 9 (1 point)
Ch.9: Qualities of the medical interaction that exacerbate communication
problems include the fact that
Question 9 options:
providers receive little feedback from their patients.
patients are more likely to provide negative rather than positive feedback.

patients seldom provide feedback about the effectiveness of providers' communication.

many patients are relatively cautious with providers.


All of these answers are qualities of the medical interaction that exacerbate communication proble

Question 10 (1 point)
Ch.10: The use of surgical techniques to control pain
Question 10 options:

involves the use of spinal blocks that block the upward transmission of impulses in the spinal colu
is becoming increasingly common as a treatment of last resort.
may result in only temporary improvement and have no lasting negative side effects.

may damage the nervous system and actually exacerbate chronic pain.
work if the individual has not already adapted to the pain.

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