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Demons Souls

A journey of the undead
By Steven Lee Figueroa

Steven Lee Figueroa


Brave soul, who fears not death,

I shall guide you. So that you may
lull the Old one back to slumber

Demons Souls

A thick fog has fallen covering the outskirts

of Boletaria Castle. The groans of the
undead can be heard from afar, amidst the
sound of crackling embers that burn away
from hanging lanterns through a small
passage on the east side of the Castle wall.
The faint sounds of a storm can still be
heard as drips ripple on the ground floor
next to a splatter of blood. A sudden light




water on the ground as if a thousand

fireflies have gathered to welcome what is
to come.
An orb begins to form. The heavy rattle
sound of armor can be heard as it begins to
appear, kneeling, as if fallen from a battle
but is ready once again.
He rises up; sheathe scrapping along. He
moans in pain but stands proud and strong.

Steven Lee Figueroa

He looks at himself, examining his

Gauntlets, his armor as if foreign to his
body. He takes a heavy step forward. His
breathing is heavy. His knees almost buckle
from the weight of the Cuirass. The Faulds
grind as his torso twists. His Helm obscures
his vision from his path that leads into the
His fingers gently touch the Pommel of
his Long Sword. They circle around it gently
before he slightly unsheathes it emitting
the bright shine from its blade. He puts it
back in and he notices a small flask
dangling around his belt near his hip. His
lips quiver from thirst as he reaches for it
and removes the cork to release its content
He slides his visor away from his face
and he takes a drink. His neck bends as the
power of the flask slowly pours in, moving
through his body regaining his life, his
youth and his humanity. His once pale

Demons Souls

skin slowly regains color. His armor emits

light as if he is once again reborn into this
The brave Knight is now ready. He is
focused. His poise has changed, and he is
ready to face what lurks within the castle
The brave Knight walks along a narrow
path that leads to an open area outside the
Castle wall. What once appeared to be a
beautiful garden has now turned into a pile
of ruins. The fallen pillars block his path as
he makes his way through debris of fallen
warriors, of fallen enemies.
As he gets near the long path into the
Castle walls, a moaning sound of an
undead, a Dregling can be heard. The light
footsteps and clacking sound of a broken
sword can be heard as it makes its way
towards our fierce Knight. Our hero readies
his Kite Shield, unsheathes his sword,
ready for battle. The unpredictable Dregling

Steven Lee Figueroa






carelessly. The brave Knight parries, lunges

his sword through the creatures chest,
then ends his life with a final blow. The
Dregling, lifeless, it falls to the ground.
Wooden shield to the side, broken sword
still gripped in his hand.
Suddenly, a small orb, like the soul of the
Dreglin trying to escape a life of torment, it






penetrates the Knight through its thick

armor. Like an eerie breeze, a cold chill
runs through the Knight wondering what
this could be.

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