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Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

Yael Jacobs
November 12, 2015
November 11, 2015
Cooperating Teacher

Room Number

Animal Pairs Book

Students create a book focusing on pairs and types of animals
Developmental Focus: In this lesson, students will work on
literacy skills through learning the names and different types
of animals. Children will also work on fine motor skills through
the creation of this book. Math skills will also be addressed
through the recognition of a 1:1 ratio.

Objective(s) Children will demonstrate knowledge of types of

animals , as well as recognition of pairs.

Relevance/Rationale (Why are the objectives of this lesson

important with regard to supporting the development, growth
and learning of infants and toddlers?) this will increase
vocabulary, literacy, fine motor skills and understanding of 1:1

Time Needed
20-30 minutes.
Instructional Context (Is this activity a whole group learning
experience, or an activity designed for an individual, or small
This activity will be a small group learning activity
Procedure (step by step) (will the children be participating in
the activity in a whole group, small group, or individually?
How will you get childrens attention? What will happen
during the lesson what will they do? What will you do?)
Children will participate in this lesson in small groups of about
four to five students. One teacher will be guiding the children

Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

through this project. Each child receives five sheets of paper,
and is given a tray of even-numbered cut-out pictures of
animals. The students pick out five different animals and are
instructed by the teacher to find a matching cut-out that
corresponds to each animal of their choosing. The children
adhere the pair of animals to each page of the book. The
teacher asks each child the type of animals and sounds that
correspond to the animal. The children are then asked what
letter each animal start with and are given an adhesive foam
letter to place on the corresponding page.

Resources/Materials Needed
Cardstock, small cut-out animals, markers, foam letters, glue
Room modifications (what changes, if any, will you need to
make to the physical environment to enrich this experience?)
tables must be cleared and separated.
Plan for differentiated instruction/Instructional modifications
(How will you support the individual needs of children?)
Help children who need extra assistance with fine motor skills.
Method of assessing childrens growth and learning (What
methods will you employ to document, or provide evidence of
childrens growth and learning? Specify the assessment tools
that will be used to provide you with evidence of childrens
learning, or that objectives have been met) observing how the
children manipulate the animal cut-outs will help to assess the
motor skill level of each child. Additionally, teachers can
assess the childs literacy level by asking about the types of
animals the child chooses to use. Math skills can be assessed
by having children count two animals on each page.
Follow-up/Extension Activities (How can I provide an
opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students
learning today in class?) sing songs about pairs in circle time,
read pairs book in circle time, talk about other types of pairs
and concepts of pairs in circle time.
Any additional information that would be helpful for the
observer to know:

Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including

commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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