Running Head: KOREAN WAR 1

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Running head: KOREAN WAR

Korean War
Jamie Erwin
December 6, 2015
Professor Shari Manley


Korean War

In 1950, two days after the North Korean Peoples Army crossed the 38th parallel border
to invade South Korea, President Harry S. Truman ordered the U.S. Air Force and Navy to help
South Korea repel the invasion. Truman acted after the U.N. Security Council called for member
nations to offer military assistance to the government in Seoul headed by Syngman Rhee. On the
same day, Rhee and other government officials fled the beleaguered South Korean capital. As the
fighting escalated, Rhee put South Koreas forces under the authority of the U.N. command.
Before the invasion, which caught the United States by surprise, Korea wasnt
specifically included in the strategic Asian defense perimeter described by Secretary of State
Dean Acheson. The administration, however, feared that the Korean War could soon widen into a
global conflict should Communist China and/or the Soviet Union decide to become involved.
On June 29, Truman told reporters that most of the members of the United Nations are
in full accord with what we are doing on the Korean peninsula.
Mr. President, everybody is asking in this country, are we or are we not at war? a
reporter asked.
We are not at war, Truman replied.
Washington saw Japanas a crucial counterweight to the Soviet Union and China.
The recognition that the security of Japan required a non-hostile Korea led directly to
[Trumans] decision to intervene. The essential point is that the American response to the
North Korean attack stemmed from considerations of U.S. policy toward Japan.


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