Conceptual Enterprise Asset Management For Plan... - SCN

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sanv015 Conceptual Erterprise Asset Management for Pan. SCN Conceptual Enterprise Asset Management sens for Plant Construction Process [See] [s4 0 me 2 Conceptual Enterprise Asset Management for Plant Construction Process ‘Apples to:Documertisaplabi al SAP LB and ERPS. varins. This document provides an inocuctory and conceptual overview of Entorpise Asset Management Is usted using a case study, under the cortaxt of production lant constuction. ‘BenedctYongis2 Cord SAP 8 Consutnt and precitoner o Enero Assot Managoment(EAM) ene Busiass betigene (BH hlds a Sachalor of anagenent (Ausra) an » Diplo Business heTech (Singapore). He ‘etansar win fe Coneuling and Suppor envitonrens wih nis verous Project Lead & Coneutant les during hie ay in Accenture and BN. Hes shad in Singapore and is ngualn Engl and Nandan conversational Ia proferthe good oft SCN pot plod fomat. Hence, have costes one => hepa seni. conise!125319700\Concep tab clerprse-Atet Management Plun-Conshucton Process {comosyih allneseeonsusratons) ‘This s my second whitepaper. Hope ithelps the community Conceptual Enterprise Asset Management for Plant Construction Process Introduction In today’s business ervironmers the bttontne fr high system avail, costs reduction, and maximize retum on assets ate becoming more obvious. Hence, an Inavatve need for an inerated approach to Erieprise Asset Management (EAM) is needed to ‘Yield sigicat savings’, “improve the operational parformance" and "proper cost cotroling’. The approach shouki spans all phases of an ‘assotfecycle, lari Inches coat planning / budgeting, sesetinconsiicton | tna asset, specication ang design, ‘perauons and mantonanee, decansissionng and spas nd, aly repating and anys. In SAP wars: “EAM helps companies manage piysical assels ~ production plan's, capital equipment vehicle fleets, and faci complexes — over the complete asset ite cycle. In canunction with power reporting and sniyss, the SAP solitons’ EAM capabltes eneble you fo reduco operating costs, otter ‘manage capital experstre, ae improve asso! tization” Definitions What is Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)? Wo shatladopt a noualdefiton tom WK. 2012: "Entvieassetmanagement (EAM) mean he whole Ie ‘canstvcion commissioning, operons maintenance and decommiesininghepecement ola equipment and Cases busines unt By managing aeantn rors th ey, rganzalons can improv teaton an prance, Iipiscn sap comiéoes/D0C-36623 45 sanv015 Conceptual Erterprise Asset Management for Pan. SCN ‘SAP ow agra prior 2072 What is SAP Offering to EAM? + tevostmont planing and 12fenton and deslgn ~ Gin contloverbusness planning and sutton, 8 Specticaon and design, an calorie projec management tation and mplementaten- Opsise supp gaeaon ant caidat eecton, basing and convactraagement calorie project manager, claborave change {WR parts one senenspoerement, MRO nveniory managemant ealoyes and canratormanagenen asset accountng ana manonance sudgetng, and net perfomance arab. + Decommisstoning andetsposal -Perom asa vans’ and ispassl, colaborave ngineasng andpojet ‘management waste management equi conplance marsgemen and asntremarkeng What does SAP EAM comprise of? Mundamenly ins Project Stans (PS) an Pan Matrsrance (PM) wit inoaraton wi Purchase Overs ‘rom Mati! Managemen (YALPO), Assets om Finance (FAN), and Cost Cores om Conkling (CO-CCA What is PM and what is its function? Plant Maintonsnce (PM) in-charge a meinansrce of lanelied isms repi overhaul nspacsontutean be ‘islomizes 0 go beyond tha. procuaton plant ian asset PM's used mens asses Pi Dy st is an area ot ‘sounds ul ut to Aeraivestels company ts not laughing mai, You sad o have malrtenancs planing. For What is PS and what is its function? Projet Systoms (PS) provides broacer unctonalty i suppor of project mansgamentrequramants beyond cos ‘raplaoning, pojctachedung, ele) al PS provdesLenabies nore ely and ect oa cape Our Case Study: How do we do it? Business Requirements. (/)8ugpet Convo! (2) Orde Executon (0) Asset Setenent ‘System Setup Strategy {a} Purchase Order win heamal Or (b) Purchase ror win WES slant (e) Pat Order with irl Oe (6) PM Orer wi WS steran ‘The snestway or bueget contin is using Purchase Cre with account assignment ether aS element bomalorser. However nine cone o FAM PM Order wl 6 mare pte fe canal ransatonal be 0% the greler manioranceeniily tf We witwakrvough scene) =e mast complete cesign! PM Oxor witb the primary tensecionn any EAMsioms, coupod wih he busgotngfunetonaly of PS Pojact A Pi Order PMWO} shold ony be ied! wit 8 WBS sleet arigned ofthis wl neue he Budget mechanism Iipiscn sap comiéoes/D0C-36623 sanv015 Conceptual Erterprise Asset Management for Pan Wher a PMIND is eased, # PR wil be goneratad (by customizatan). The component aque by PYAVO wil be ‘oeed but a PO commenti raised against he budget Wher te PO fl delveres andlor nvoiees the PO comment mers no aca eat in achat on MasterData Setup Functions Location par master lato the Pant Maintenance modu, ti babel an bjt at SAP ses to tne arene fr pant maintenance, Toqoter wih equipment, fey ar fomad as achneal objec’ Teoria) ‘hjecs ne conten of PM, ara Roms Bal can be aubjecid to nenance (a. an equlpment can breakdown, cana roam in plat} A netona eaten Inet sorepe locaton asin SAP M— ero inkago aa, ss "is very eri fo defn furtions eaon nthe PM union, Tie even more cca when we ate ung PM in he cana of EAM, When we usa PM EAI, wdfn the whole plant (fom ie enginasing concept ert) n= & ‘The SAP dictonary defniton 2 a lreons eeaton ie “an xganzatonl unit wihin Logics Mat stuctres he Imaitnance objects of @ company acorn to uncons), processeatd or sata cnona. & functional locaton Was Project I rary mastr data Projet System modula, and Me second most nporsn maser or EAM. tisbascaly an objethat SAP uses manage and stucur costor projec Bese on experence, tis rgetant a stuctur a Projet alles aectone Based on capializaton ypes 1) TangileCapialzaton 2} tangle Capiacaton 8) ance (no capcalizaton) nae rec os aro broad characterizes either a tangible ora nang cass, SAP elow eal casiicaton of WS ebantunde’ rent eal as. {As he proc object is also used for operational puposos, te lanible secon can bo furor deal — allows Costflow ‘rls FXA. In th assignment rl sereon, wo can allocate he costs pr PM Ordo fo XA, ‘The tow for eas tas PM Order When e Orr incurs acti cst and satement tun done, costs moved Hom the Oror to assigned WES clement. And he a-assged ru Inthe WAS sloront moves 20 eae AUC. ‘using tie sacondselementrun coli rally moved fom AuC lo XA = provided alocn lois ade. PIO > (2) 8S Eloment-> (2) uC» (8) FA Our Case Study: How do we use it? Screen Sequences ‘Besec on eu syst design and tequremantae Asay he SAP sereon inte following saquoness (2udget Cont, O1se Exscuton abet Setlamant we wil 2. Taehng Seren Budgeting Screen ‘The fat step EAM is budgetmanagemet. The uncon is accesses a rensacton C420, The sep wig 8 tage avalbilily checkin fre PM One. nthe “adiional ata" of PM Order mainananc, we cn acta randelory 85 element Tracking Screen Iipiscn sap comiéoes/D0C-36623 Ison sanv015 Conceptual Erterprise Asset Management for Pan. SCN (anar ton WAS elemenapoac by satis. date sino plank knctoralleeson, equipment sles, Settlement Screen ‘ransacton CC. allows usts allocate cost ase on PM Orde lve However, Wo maycro058 9 Boak ne ‘The ransncton 68 (or C186) tne acl oxeovon ransnton fr cost seement, Reporting Screen Tho repor 8 ALR. 87013558 enables us have acoso oop analy, sho Yansacton ow om budget costo actual cor and for ararhiesl Project levels ranactonalPM Order lve Of cura hrs ae pany afther reports that ne SAP PS ntmaton Systm can of. fh wo can sil usig seean pair wrt Conclusion ‘Te car for neter asset management shoul tow fom te corporat eel the ground. Sater, more produce cantotig ean. deesuse I encompesses cuca decans at Impact PM Ort, Purchase Orders, Final ASS fn Av, a Conte and Bue ‘SAP PlanMainenanc is notjsta system or maintenance of prosucton par tan be seals ow be a comple & system collet sralee and alles oso plant consactor and evensialy an anemia sytem so manage he cmalaettecyle of asset estas Credits and Content Sources 1.SDN EAM Bet rochure hipshvwn sp containduriesniyeducsimeatnyrochureSoilon_ Ose! EAM pf 2,S0N Over otEAM etues an uncon hipown ep conlasaaolonakamieabirshinesonlassomansgorentep 3.SAP Roadnap or AMT? ipa p-conslng daladtvarrapinag-201 iEnarprseAssetManagement SAP Rossmap-New Soliton Feats ps 4. SAP EAM Upcates on Otaings tom SAP "2 hipaa sp.conteampaigns2012_02 mining ricaiasosSAP_MiningMaial, Forum, 2012_AS_SAP_Eniepie_Astel Management dt 5 Assails: Seeing the Opperuniy in Asse Manageme hips snap comirsenigaporalrooorlirayluidn0SBe055-c51.2610-9332-857008268387 uedincindexsoverdetayoutauesa71 15790491858 pian z6nap.comineniaaporalprrectcestiorayiwidn028e085-c19.2610-39e2-8670082aKI 8. grating SAP BPC na SAP Business nligene, technically pls sap zomoes1D0C-4262 (ny ote paperln 2010)~ someday EAM wl sway o Business (tra) joa (o 1.Comment hiplscn sap.comitoes/D0C-36623 saris Conceptual Enterprise Asset Management for Pan. SCN exw pw aug 2s 21972200 Iipiscn sap comiéoes/D0C-36623

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