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Monroe Doctrine- The US is putting out word to Europe saying it will protect
smaller, weaker countries. It also includes a pacific part towards Russia. Because
of this, Latin American countries resent the US
Roosevelt Corollary- says that the US has the right to intervene and they will
Shows the worry of facism in Europe and Japanese emperialism.
Asian Tigers- South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore- all had big growth
spurts. Their role model is Japan and it shows a dedication to a better Asia.
Globalization- increased connectivity between countries across the world. It has
undermined complete sovereignty.
Mikhail Gorbachev- General Secretary of the communist party in the 80s. He
was a commited communist and his reform agenda failed.
Perestroika- was Gorbachevs plan to introduce capitalism into the stagnant
Glosnost- Gorbs plan to unleash the forces of nationalism
Demokratsia- plan to energize the communist party
Arms Race- 1945/US atomic bomb, soviets follow.
S.A.L.T- Strategic arms limitation talks- treaties to start LIMITATIONS
S.T.A.R.T- Strategic arms reduction talks- actually start getting RID of nuclear
Nuclear Proliferation- Spread of nuclear weapons to places like Britain, France,
and China
Response is N.P.T- Nuclear proliferation treaty- goal is to keep others from
gaining nuclear weapons
Since N.P.T- Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan have gained
Jonathon Bowden- was a French catholic Nationalist who was a part of the
freedom party and the British National Party during the 80s and 90s
Mustafa Kemal- was the first president of Turkey and made it a Muslim state. He
helped Turkey win independence after WWI.
Reza Pahlabi- Shah Became the Secular Nationalist leader of Iran in the 70s.
He was overthrown in the 79 and people rulers are now way more religiously
Is NOT Arab, primarily SHIITE which is different than most others.
They think what is going on in the US today is wrong-(Women liberated,
Media, etc..)
Ruholla Khomeini- leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, overthrow of
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leaderthe highest ranking political and religious authority.
Muhajadeen- freedom fighters opposed to soviet invasion. Devout Muslims.
Invoke Jihad-holy war on soviets.
Osama Bin Laden- A muhajadeen, leader of the Taliban, 90s. identified as the
culprit of 9/11.

Taliban- takes control of Afganistan. Devout Muslims who want to bring Islam
into government, harbor Osama and Al Quaeda

Taliban- National movement, bring change in Afganistan, not as much terror

Al Quaeda- International movement, revival of islam across the world.
Shiite and Sunni muslims fight in Iraq
Sunni is the majority on Iraq
Kurds- Sunni Muslims, NOT Arabs
Saddam Hussein- becomes the leader of Iraq in the 90s. he invades Kuwait in
1991 to make it part of Iraq. Pushed back by collective security.
3 members of Indian Family Dynasty
Nehru, Indira Ghandi, Raji
3 Major changes since 1945
Technological advacements, Globalization, Fall of the Soviet Union
Nationalism- nation/country identity
Globalization- world identity
Locales in Latin American/ US involvement Cuba, Nicarauga, Chile

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