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ENGLISH Begin Here: 1. Edwin is a member of the Earth Defenders. He the environment through conservation. A. helps C. helped B. help D. helping 2. He separates plastic waste from food waste. He throws his waste A. haphazardly B. reluctantly C. gradually D. properly 3, He also makes posters that show the importance of waste segregation. A. herself C. itself B. himself —_—D. myself 4, Every Saturday, he trees with his friends. A. plant C. plants B. planted _D. planting 5. They show their green garden to the community. A. shyly C. quickly B. proudly D. quietly a All Earth Defenders are responsible for taking care of the garden. They keep the garden clean. A. themselves C._ himself 8. ourselves D, itself 19 NATG6-10 7. Which statement below is a simple sentence? A. He was reading a book when his father arrived home. B. Qn weekends he reads newspapers while his mother cooks meals. C. Reading is good for the mind while exercise is good for the body. D. Reading is. good for one's imagination. Read the following selections and answer the questions that follow. A, Items 8-11 Long, long ago, shortly after Bathala made the world, different kinds of animals lived together like ‘one happy family. Dalag the mudfish, Tutubi the dragonfly, Putakti the wasp, and Kuhol, the snail, all decided to live together. They lived in a cozy little house by a tinkling brook. Around the house were vines and water plants that shaded them from the sun. The four friends divided the housework among themselves, depending on what each could do best. Tutubi, Putakti, and Kuhol asked Dalag to be the head of the household All right," replied Dalag. “I wil run the household and find food for us to eat. But each of you must have a job to do.” The dragonfly said that he could be the messenger because he could fly the fastest. The wasp said that he could be the guard becauss his sting could poison anyone who wanted to break in. And the kuhol said he could cook and keep the house clean. The four friends did their best to make the household run [ smoothly. They worked well together. 8. Long ago, the different kinds. of animals lived together like . vines and water plants . @ cozy little house » one happy family . Very good friends gompr 9. Whenever there was a problem at home, the four animals most probably A. fixed it on their own B. helped solve it together C. told each other what to do D. asked other neighbors for help. 10. When the animals divided the housework among themselves; each one felt A. active —C. generous B. smart D. responsible 11. After Dalag agreed to be their leader, he A. looked for a job for everyone . gave them housework to do right away told them that each one has a job to do |. Started doing the housework with everyone B. Cc. D. 20 2-40 B, Items 12-15 Earlier that day, Tatay Ador Was his usual self-strong and healiliy. After cleaning his jeepney and saying good- bye to his son, Teo, he headed for the farm. As. he drove the j backwards to get to the stre truck zoomed by. The speedir: t the Jeepney. CRASSHHI The truck | driver didn't even bother to stop. He just drove away. The neighbors, coming to Tatay Ador's rescue, told Teo, “Don't worry, we'll take care of your father!" And they rushed him to the health center. Everyone was relieved « Or. Soriano said Tatay Ador was out of | danger, although his’ left leg was | wounded badly and the other parts of his body were bruised. The d was firm, “Rest in bed for a few day: 12. Tatay Ador was on his way to A. the farm B. his son C. his neighbors. D. the health center 13. After the accident, Tatay Ador’s physical condition may A A. worsen in the next few days B. return immediately back to normal C. make it difficult for him to work D. make Teo angry and lonely ENGLISH 44. All:the neighbors who helped Tatay Ador showed that they A. cared for Tatay Ador B. felt proud and relieved C. got too loud and excited D, were angry with the truck driver 18, After being rushed to the health center, A. Tatay Ador had to rest for a few days. B. Teo bandaged the wounds and bruises. C, Dr. Soriano visited Tatay Ador and Teo. D. Or. Soriano checked Tatay Ador's condition. 16. Maya enjoys performing on stage. She is talented in singing and dancing. For her, both gifts that must be shared with others. A. is B. are Cc. has D. have 147. She can reach the higher notes, more than anyone else in our theater group. In fact, she can even sing the notes of a song without much effort. high . highest . most high . more high VORP 2 NATGE~: 48. For Maya, doing one’s best on stageis____——_—sthan hearing the audience clap and cheer. A. important B. most important C.. more important D. more than important 49. When she performs, her good juck charm is a . handkerchisf. A. green, big, polka-dotted B. polka-dotted, green, big C. big, polka-dotted, green D. big, green, polka-dotted |. Maya makes many people happy by sharing her talents keeping them to herself. A. besides B. instead of C. aside from D. because of 21. Our Grade 6 section is a happy class. Everyone going to school each day. A. enjoy C. enjoyed B, enjoys D. enjoying 22. We are also the section in our year level because of the many academic contests we have won. A. most smarter C. smarter B. more smartest D. smartest ENGLISH 23. Among all the sections, we have the number of absences for the first quarter A. less C. least B. few D. little 24, Although ours is the ust | s classroom, itis special to us. A. big, square, concrete B. big, concrete, square C. concrete, big, square A D. square, big, concrete 25, Each student is truly special ____ the classroom. A. on B. in C. at D. for C, Items 26 - 30 | My father and | spend a lot of time together. We both love music. We listen to his collection of music CDs together and pretend to play musical instruments: 1 do the drum parts, and he does the guitar. Sometimes, he plays a real guitar. } My father works as a school | counselor for student artists. Whenever he has to go out of town for seminar workshops and teambuilding activities, he brings me with him. | love it when | go with him. During his presentations, | try to help him by operating the computer. - At home, my father does carpentry. He has a workshop and has lots of tools. He asks me to help him get | the job done by sanding the wood, holding his gadgets, and painting | | furniture. | am proud of the study table | and the bookshelf we made together. NATG6-10 Best of all, he shows his love for us by cooking delicious food During | weekdays, he prepares breakiss. and | baon for us. | love pizza and hotcake, so he taught me how to prepare them, too. | love my father so much. | know he will always be there for me and will always love me, my mother, and my | sister. That is more important {i anything else in the world. A. asense of appreciation for his father B. how important his father is to the community C. excitement about the things he can do D. happiness in his family life 26. The writer feels 27. The writer loves it when his father works and he tags along because A. he meets the student artists B. his father is a school counselor C. they include him in the workshops D. he gets to help his father in his presentations 28. Which of the following sentences expresses an opinion? A. My father works as a school counselor. B. At house, my father does carpentry. C. My father seems to love us so much he will do everything for us. D. Father cooks delicious food for us. ENGLISH 29, The main idea of the essay is about how the writer's father A. shows his love to his son B. participates in community ‘activities C. expresses himself through his teaching D. demonstrates many talents at work © 30. More important than anything in the world for the writer is A. spending a lot of time with his father. B. sharing so many things with his father. Ce C. being aware that he loves his father very much. D. knowing that his father loves him, his mother, and his sister. D. toms 31 ~35 (4) On April 7, 1524, Magellan led his fleet to Cebu, the wealthiest and most populous island in the Philippines. He had decided to claim all the islands for Spain. Cebu had many villages and many people. Magellan became friends with the raja, named Humabon, and they traded many goods. The ships took en geld, pearls, silks and gems in exchange for iron, copper, mirrors, scissors and knives. | (2) The raja, his queen and the natives were converted to — Christianity. Magellan ordered a large cross to be erected on the shore and an altar to be built. The raja and thousands of his people were baptized by Catholic priests i who had sailed with the expedition. ; Magellan was on his way to making the, 23 NATG6-10 Philippines, with its high volcanic islands, forests, blue water and brown people, into an outpost for Christian Spain. 31. The main idea of the second paragraph Is about A. the Catholic priests and how they had baptized the Filipino people B. Magellan and how he was determined to convert the Filipino people to - Christianity _C. the Philippines, its islands, waters and people D. Cebu and the way it traded with Magellan's ships 32. What details tell us that Cebu was a wealthy island? A. There were a lot of Catholic priests. B. There was a large cross that was built on its shore. 7 ©. The people from Cebu traded gold, silk and gems D, There were many villages and many people. 33. What was the general mood in the selection? A. critical » B. serious C. irreverent D. lighthearted ENGLISH 34. Which detail below proves that Magellan was creating a Christian outpost for Spain? A. Cebu was the richest island in the Philippines. B. Magellan and his men traded goods with the Cebuanos. C. Catholic priests baptized thousands of Filipirios in Cebu. The Philippines has fertile Voleanic islands and forests. 9 35. What can one conclude from the passage? A. Magelian wanted to spread Christianity. B. Magellan wanted to build a trading empire. C. Magellan was an arrogant man who wanted slaves. 0. Magellan wanted to lain all the islands for Spain. im IS 5G ee Long ago, Chinese saat sailed to the Philippines to trade the treasures of China. They brought silk that felt like a soft breeze against your skin. They brought’ porcelain jars and plates with pictures of dancing | dragons and ‘swishing fish. Jade statues of Buddha and the goddess | Guan Yin watched over their ships, | and the air was perfumed by bundles of tea leaves. When the merchants returned to China, they brought back pearls from our seas and Spanish silver coins. They told of our fiestas and fighting cocks, and monkey-eating eagles. ey NATGe-10 Wu Ti Co liked to listen to the merchants’ stories. Like other young men in his homeland, he yearned see the Philippines. | What would life be like on an island, he wondered, where the sun turns’ your skin to gold, where the people dance between clicking | bamboo poles, and where a woman's | hair flows like silk? Ti Co had to. find out for himself. One day he boarded a merchant's junk bound for Manila. in his sack was everything he owned. He waved good-bye to China gna never looked back. 36. The story introduces the reader to the A. sights and sounds around China B. wonders of China and the Philippines C. history of the Chinese and the Filipinos D. trade between China and the Philippines 37. Ti Co's wonder and curiosity about the Philippines grew because ofthe A. merchants’ treasures brought to shore B. merchants’ stories about the Philippines C, number of merchants who came to shore D, many young men leaving for the Philippines ENGLISH 38. Which of the following statements expresses a fact? A, The Chinese seem to be fond of smooth and shiny silk. B. The merchants may have Teturned to China with treasures from all over the world. C. The Chinese merchants sailed to the Philippines in order to trade. C. Wu Ti Co appears to be a tich merchant from Manila. 39. One detail described in the story that'supports Ti Co's curiosity about the Philippine: \Is_ A. the air perfumed by tea leaves B. seeing many Spanish silver coins C. a merchant's junk heading to Manila D. people dancing between bamboo poles. NATG6-10 40. Ti.Co’s departure for Manila shows that A. he was a man ready for adventure B. there was no work for men in China C. he wanted to be a rich merchant himself D. China was not as beautiful as the Philippines *END OF ENGLISH TEST*

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