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Baria 1

Arianna Baria
Professor Erick Martinez
English Basic Skills (021, 057LS, Self Assessment)
9 November 2015
I have provided a detailed description of both my visual texts. I have chosen two
paintings by the painters, Leonardo Da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. The painting by
Leonardo Da Vinci is called The Last Supper and the painting by Pablo Picasso is called
The Old Guitarist. In my thesis, I provide examples of how both paintings portray the
idea of depression and I really elaborate throughout my paragraph how they do.
I provided background information behind both visual texts I have chosen to give
the audience an idea of the time and setting of what was acceptable in that society. I also
provide sources of where I found both paintings, but I could have mentioned where the
paintings are now located in present time.
I have not literally interpreted the texts, but I do prove my thoughts on the
paintings by the specifics and detail I use throughout describing why I believe in the
theme of depression for both portraits.
I pulled various threads such as balance, lighting, emotion, and setting. In
balance, I speak about each distinct individual in each painting. In lighting, I specify how
the sun and the glare of the moon is the only place light is provided, cause in the old
days, there never really used to be light sources until someone decided to create it. In
emotions, I differentiate the facial expressions of each human being and assume a
situation that each of the individuals is experiencing. I felt like that was more of
assumptions because I did not completely know the meaning behind the story until I

Baria 2
looked it up afterwards. In settling, I have spoken about the claustrophobic area that each
person was stuck in. I provide an idea of escape that the artists are seeking for because of
how they truly feel as they are creating their sculpture.
I am somewhat confident that I have designed my essay appropriately. I speak in a
general sense then I specify my generality by expressing my thoughts on both pieces of
art. I mention four visual elements and I strongly believe that they are adequate and
relevant to the topic of this piece. I do not provide a Web text only because I have chosen
two pictures rather than two videos.
I have edited my essay multiple times because I did it completely incorrect the
first time. However, I am positive that this draft is better than my first draft because it
was like I had no idea what I was talking about. Reaching the word count was also hard
at first, but once I received the rubric, I felt as if I was guided through the assignment
because of the multiple questions I had to answer to obtain the succeeding grade that I
hoped to achieve.
I have checked all of my citations and have provided in-text citations and a works
cited page against the Purdue Owl. I am positive that my works cited page is accurate.
However, I am quite unsure as to what happened with my in-text citations. I remember
doing it differently in high school as opposed to college. I put the link in parentheses
because that was what Purdue Owl required. In high school, I remember typing in the
authors last name and the page number of where I cited the quote.

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