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Article Review: Effective Curriculum and
Instructional Models for Talented Students

Prepared for : Mr Mohamad Hisyam Ismail

Prepared by: Wan Izzati Nabilah Binti Wan Mahmud

Id Number: 2013942275
Group: ED2484A

Article review
The content of this article is related with our curriculum and instruction subject but
specifically for talented students. This article was written by Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska in the
year of 1986 which published by National Association for Gifted students. She studied about an
effective curriculum and instructional models for gifted students. The author, Dr. Joyce
VanTassel-Baska is the director and founder of the Center for Talent Development at
Nortwestern University. She is also the president of National Association for Gifted students .Her
study focused on the high achievers whereby she spent most of her time on research to find out
the right curriculum for gifted students such as Albert Einstein. From that research, she came out
with the an idea to investigate the curriculum that can develop gifted student to get on the right
track by fully utilize their advantages and how they can cope with advanced curriculum.
However, the important issue was the method to access the differences learning program that
involve two element of acceleration and enhancement of plan (Feldhusen & Kollof,1978 ;
Maker,1982 ; VanTassel-Baska,1984). According to this article and also other related article, it is
such an eye opener to know that the special students or fast learner will need to have different
type of curriculum. From this idea, the curriculum can also be enhance or alter to cater for
normal students. It will train normal students to be more advanced in learning.
In this article, there are three models were tested by the researcher. It was to investigate
on which models more suitable for fast learners or talented students due to their advanced
abilitities, IQ or talent. The three models which have been proven in different stages for gifted
student was named as: the content model; the process-product model and the epistemological
model. Every model was used and tested the gifted students in different methods and they also
have their own approach in determine the level of students ability and their development in
academic or soft skill.
In content model, it emphasizes more on the importance of learning skills and concept
within a predetermined domain of inquiry. Meaning to say, this model requires student to master
the certain topic or content which was given for their curriculum. The content model used D-P
(Diagnostic-Prescriptive) approach, whereby student being evaluated to know their tendency
towards certain topic in the whole content.

The process-product models emphasis on learning investigatory skills, both scientific

and social to allowed students to develop a high quality product. In this model, they use teacherpractitioner/supervisor-student concept as one collaborative team to explore the specific topic. In
this model, student will learn to solve a problem with their own understanding and apply the
knowledge that they acquired from the experiences. Through this method, student will be more
effective and efficient in delivering a high quality research. Furthermore, the soft skill or critical
thinking will be developed own its own.
The third model presented on the article is the epistemological model. It focuses on
talented students understanding and appreciation of system of knowledge rather than the
individual topic. The students not only focus on a certain topic but they need to understand the
syllabus of whole system. This model use the role of teacher as questioner, raise interpretive
issue for discussion and debate. Student will focus on reading, reflecting and writing but
aesthetic appreciation is equally an important outcome of this model. Students gain their
understanding through the Socratic methods which also known as brainstorming.
There are numerous researches done by people who interested with the curriculum and
instruction related with talented students. Talented student are also known as fast learner or
gifted students due to their different ability with normal students. Fast learner can be identified
by conducting IQ test and the ability in problem solving. Based on this article, the author more
focus on the context of three models used to approach students. The model that was tested in this
research may have some limitation, advantages or disadvantages.
Content model may work and benefit when they only want student to focus on the
specific task. Otherwise, it will not work if they want to test on more than one task because the
student was trained to focus on one situation or topic. The limitation for this model is students
focus on specific task, student lack of creativity and problem solving skill on other subject.
Process-product model is effective to trained students in critical thinking or creative
thinking. According to ONell, Subject matter tentatively selected in the development process
has importance only to the degree that a student can find meaning in it for himself or herself .It
may also encourage unexpected and creative learning to occur. The limitation for this model is it

may create confusion on curriculum scope and sequence of learning. It also devaluate core
content element in traditional curriculum.
Epistemological model concept is more useful to train students understanding that their
knowledge related with relationship for whole subject system. This model is effective because
fast learner has a unique ability to see and understand interrelationship with their environment. It
also provide student with intellectual framework.
As a conclusion, in my opinion the content in this article has many uses in the education
development because it was tested in various level and different sets of environment. The three
models are useful in the advancement of our understanding on how the confluent approaches to
curriculum. From the idea of learning program which was written by VanTassel-Baska, she also
stated that the implementation is not just for gifted student but can also be used for others school
program. I strongly agree with this author because the implementation of such program or
framework on normal students will improve and enhance them to perform better in education and

1. Joyce VanTassel-Baska(1986) . Effective Curriculum and Instruction Models for Talented
Students. Northwestern University. Gifted Child Quarterly, 30(4),164-169. National Association
for Gifted Children.
2. Geraldine ONeill (January 13,2010) . Programme Design: Overview of curriculum models.

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