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A full-spectrum guide to the Stansfeld year

RED: Radical Exterior Decorating. In February, Wyon had the

bright idea that hed like to paint our garden fence as a
rainbow. This merely involved three pots of paint, a
spreadsheet, a cow syringe and months of waiting for the
weather to warm up. It was ready by his 60th birthday
celebration in August.
ORANGE: Onerous Roles Abandoned, No Grief Experienced
As the year draws to a close, Janet and Wyon are both vacating
Chair positions; Janet for the Natural Voice Practitioners
Network, and Wyon for Oxford City of Sanctuary. They are
looking forward to staying involved with the respective
organisations while sitting on the floor.
YELL OW : Our cat Siskins middle of the night yowling has
been challenging one of Janets dearly held beliefs;
Everyones voice deserves to be heard.
GREEN: Colour turned by Janet on return flight from Texas
last New Years Day. While the rest of the extended family
chose to share gastric flu during Christmas week, Janet saved
the experience for the 10-hour flight home.
BLUE: Bike Lights Universally Elusive. Often found in our
Christmas letter, but less commonly discovered in the lastminute dash out of the house. A bewildering number of
degrees of separation can be involved: But I lent them to you
yesterday after your previous ones had been nicked from the
bike you had been borrowing from a friend... etc.

INDI-GO: Trip to India undertaken by Jordan after leaving

school in the summer. Ignoring his parents advice regarding
character-building effects of sleeping on station platforms and
cheap cockroach-infested hostels, this teenager rebelled by
staying in luxury hotels. Currently undertaking cultural
acclimatisation for a trip to SE Asia and China by working 20hour shifts at M&S.
VIOLET: Loaning out of some of Janets musical instruments in
order to make room in the house to sit down.

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