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Written by Carly Labrie

Bet hany
Hamil t on
Young shark attack survivor who
made a major comeback...

Each year there are about 50 to 70 confirmed shark

attacks and 5 to 15 shark-attack fatalities around the world
(Handwerk). You have a 1 in 63 chance of dying from the
flu, and a 1 in 3,700,000 chance of being killed by a shark
during your lifetime (?Shark?). Pretty small chance, right?
Bethany Hamilton had been surfing since she was 5 years
old, and not once did it occur to her that she would become
just another number in a statistic. On October 31st, 2003,
Bethany was surfing at Tunnel Beach in Ha?ena, Hawaii,
when a shark bit off her left arm. Less than a month after
the attack, Bethany was back on her board, and soon after
won her first national title.
After such a life altering event, it?s easy for someone to
feel traumatized, stopping them from being able to move

past it and continue on with their lives. After the attack,

Bethany was able to not only come to peace with the
situation itself, but to also continue surfing. Bethany
became a huge role model for not only her family and
friends, but also for others around the world. ? ?I guess
since I handled the situation so well, that people have taken
me as a role model, but I don't like feel like one,?? she said
(?Young Surfer?). Throughout her recovery, she was
determined to keep a positive attitude and knew from the
beginning that she would soon be surfing again. Bethany
claimed that she didn't feel compelled to show people she
can bounce back from the attack and get back in the water.
She said she planned to do it for herself.



Bet hany's
Lif e
? ?God will never leave you or forsake
you?? ("My Story"). Bethany Hamilton has
always been strongly connected to her
religion, and these words that the paramedic
whispered to her in the ambulance after the
attack have stuck with her. When she was
little, her parents taught her about God and
read Bible stories to her. Bethany remembers
becoming committed to her religion when
she was as young as five years old
(interestingly enough around the same time
that she started competitively surfing), and
even though her parents were big influences
in this aspect of her life, it was her own
choice to become a believer in God. ?When
people ask me what my faith in Christ means
to me, I usually answer in just one word:
?everything!?This was true before the shark
attack as well as after? (?My Story?). Some
people don?t reach this mindset until after a
life changing event has occurred, but
Bethany has always believed in the strong
importance of her faith.

Bethany was born into a strong surfing family on February 8th, 1990 in Lihue, Hawaii, living
with her parents, Tom and Cheri Hamilton, and her two older brothers, Noah and Tim Hamilton
(?Profile?). Her parents were natives to New Jersey, but moved to Hawaii to surf (?Bethany
Hamilton? Gale). By the age of nine, Bethany already had her first sponsorship deal with Rip Curl
USA. Bethany was home schooled throughout her life, and was a member of the Hanalei Bay
girls?surf team as a teenager (?Bethany Hamilton Biography?). She was long and lean, a blonde
streak across the waves. Those that have seen Bethany surf know that she has been blessed with
an extraordinary gift. ?Suzanne ?Bobo?Bollins, who calls herself the ?Grandma of the Surf,?says
she knew Bethany had what it takes to be a champion; ?I consider her a little ocean person. I'd
say she has salt in her blood,?Bollins said. ?She lives and breathes the ocean. She gets the big
waves. She doesn't mess around. ? I have said to myself, 'There's the next World Champion' "
("Young Surfer"). Bethany described surfing as ? ?an addiction, a pleasure rush indescribable to
anyone who has not experienced it. And when it grabs you, it won?t let go?? (?Your?).


Bethany was motivated and determined to be the best. Her

board was her life, and she was constantly training in order to get
further in her career. She felt this way even during the most
traumatic event in her life: the shark attack. ? ?I was praying to God
to rescue me and help me,?Bethany said. ?And then, I had this one
pretty funny thought. I was thinking, 'I wonder if I'm going to lose my
sponsor' " (?Young Surfer?). This explains maybe the two most
important things in Bethany?s life; her faith and surfing. It?s rare for
someone to develop such strong views and values so early on in life,
but like everyone always said, Bethany was special. She knew what
she wanted and how she was going to get it, while also staying true
to herself and her loved ones.


Bethany Hamilton?s favorite surf spot was at Tunnel Beach, Ha?ena, and on October 31st, 2003,
the water was glassy and calm, a perfect day for surfing. Upon arrival, Bethany pulled herself out of
a roofless 2001 bright yellow Jeep Wrangler, her long, slim, sky-blue board slung under her arm.
Her best friend, Alana Blanchard, by her side, the two bounced across the sand like popcorn in a
microwave, quick enough to avoid getting their feet burnt by the scorching sand. The sun was a
flame, burning a hole in the sky, beating down on their tender skin like the sound of a bass drum.
Headed towards the water, sparkling like the night sky, the two friends laughed and shouted,
almost as if they were five years old again. When they finally immersed themselves in the
breathtakingly cool water, the overwhelming pleasure of being wrapped in a comforting hug filled
their senses.

(Tunnel Beach, Ha?ena)

The two surfed for hours, but to them it felt like
only a couple minutes. During a break in the
excitement of the moment, Bethany was resting on her
board, arms dangling off the sides, absorbing the cool
sensation of the water. She breathed deeply, allowing
the fresh, salty smell of the air to spread through her
entire body. In a matter of seconds, the moment
changed, as drastic and sudden as the music in a
horror movie. Bethany became aware of a bumping
from under her board, there was a flash of grey, and
before she knew it, she was pulled under the surface
of the water. The crystal water suddenly turned
crimson. Bethany broke the surface again, grabbing
her board for safety. Not once did a scream escape her
mouth. ?Alana? I got attacked by a shark? (?Young

Bet hany (l ef t ) and

Al ana (r ight ) bef or e t he
at t ack

Sharks do not normal l y hunt humans, but if t hey do,

it ?s usual l y just a case of mist aken ident it y. Ninet y
percent or more of shark incident s are mist akes. They
assume t hat we're somet hing t hat we are not
(Grabianowski). A shark?s main diet consist s of f ish, sea
t urt l es, and whal es. They do not hunt humans
purposef ul l y, in f act , humans don?t provide enough high
f at meat necessary f or sharks. Somet imes sharks wil l
invest igat e pot ent ial f ood it ems by t aking a t ast e, but
some shark species can cause an individual t o be
severel y injured or even bl eed t o deat h by just a singl e
bit e, due t o t heir rows of many t eet h. There are t hree
main t ypes of unprovoked shark at t acks, t he most
f requent being a ?hit -and-run? at t ack. This is when t he
shark grabs a vict im, rel eases it , and l eaves t he scene,
invest igat ing pot ent ial f ood, or perceiving t he individual
as a t hreat . The next t ype of unprovoked at t acks are
sneak at t acks. This is when a deep-sea shark moves upon
an unaware swimmer. Last l y, bump-and-bit e at t acks are
when a shark curiousl y head-but t s t he individual bef ore
it t akes a bit e (?Why?).

It can be assumed that the attack Bethany was involved in was

considered a sneak attack, especially when looking at it from the 14-foot
tiger shark?s perspective. When looking at a surfer from below, a shark
sees a roughly oval shape with arms and legs dangling off, paddling along.
This bears a close resemblance to a sea lion (the main prey of great white
sharks) or a sea turtle (a common food for tiger sharks). Although shark
attacks can seem vicious
and brutal, they aren't
evil creatures constantly
on the lookout for
humans to attack. They
are animals obeying their
instincts, like all other
animals (Grabianowski).


Bet hany was so cal m t hroughout t he whol e t errif ying

receiving maybe t he worst news of his l if e, Bet hany?s dad was

event t hat Al ana?s dad, who had come al ong f or t he ride,

wheel ed out of t he operat ing room, just t o have his own

didn?t even know she had been at t acked. ? ?We're just sit t ing

daught er be repl aced in it . ? ?I just prayed t o God t hat she'd

t here and al l of a sudden Bet hany goes, ?I got at t acked by a

survive,?Hamil t on said. ?They had t o rol l me out of t he

shark,?Bl anchard recal l ed. At f irst , he said, he t hought she

upcoming surgery room and she repl aced me in t he same

was kidding because he never saw any spl ashing or st ruggl e

operat ing room?? (?Young Surf er?). Bet hany?s mom received

or heard her scream? (?Young Surf er?). Trying t o f igure out

t his devast at ing news whil e she was driving, get t ing t he cal l

what t o do bef ore she bl ed t o deat h, he used his surf board

f rom Al ana?s dad. ? ?I just l ost it . I f el l apart . I had t o pul l of f

l eash t o f orm a makeshif t t ourniquet around her bicep, and

t he road?? (?Young Surf er?).

quickl y l ed her back t o shore. ? ?I t hink I f igured out t hat , l ike

Bet hany?s arm was severed just bel ow t he shoul der, and

if I panicked, t hen t hings woul dn't go as good as if I was cal m,?

af t er mul t ipl e hour-l ong surgeries, it was concl uded t hat her

Bet hany said? (?Young Surf er?).

arm woul d not be abl e t o be saved. She admit t ed t hat t he

Bet hany was rushed t o Wil cox Memorial Hospit al ,

whol e t hing became very real t he next day, in t he hospit al

ironical l y t he same hospit al t hat her dad was at , about t o have

when she l ooked down t o see what was l ef t of her arm. ? ?My

rout ine knee surgery. The doct ors t ol d him t hat his operat ion

f irst t hought s were just l ooking down and seeing t hat I onl y

was going t o have t o be del ayed due t o an emergency shark

had one arm. It was a weird f eel ing?? (?Your?). Bet hany was

at t ack vict im who was on her way in. Bet hany?s dad, knowing

l ucky t o be al ive; t he combinat ion of her uncommon grace

t hat his daught er was out surf ing t hat day, f eared t he worst .

under pressure and Hol t Bl anchard's quick act ions probabl y

?Dr. David Rovinsky recal l s t el l ing Tom Hamil t on t he news. ?I

saving her l if e. ? ?I t hink we're al l very t hankf ul t hat I'm st il l

was crying, because I knew it was Bet hany. I knew how it

here and t hat Hol t was t here and I t hink t hat t his wil l

woul d af f ect Tom, and it 's t he hardest news you can share

def init el y bring our t wo f amil ies cl oser t oget her and it al ready

wit h anot her parent ?? (?Young Surf er?). By t he t ime Bet hany

has,?she said. ?But I t hink t hat we'l l def init el y have a t hankf ul

made it t o t he ER, she had l ost more t han 60 percent of her

Thanksgiving?? (?Young Surf er?).

bl ood and was in hypovol emic shock (?Amazing?). Af t er


Af t er a week of recovery in t he hospit al , she was rel eased t o go home. Bet hany showed ext raordinary grace in her recovery
right f rom t he beginning, t el l ing f amil y and f riends t hat she pl anned t o keep a posit ive at t it ude and, remarkabl y, t hat she pl anned
t o get back on her board and surf as soon as her arm was heal ed. Maybe being t he one wit h t he most posit ive at t it ude t hroughout
t he whol e process, Bet hany was t he one t o boost her parent ?s spirit s. Wit hin days of recovery she al ready st art ed t o l earn how t o
do t hings wit h one hand, and adjust ing t o t he physical and emot ional scars. ? ?Wel l , I t hink t hat I shoul d just have a posit ive at t it ude
t oward t hings and t he chal l enges coming up and if I have a bad at t it ude, t hen it 's not real l y gonna make anyt hing bet t er,? she said?
(?Young Surf er?). It def init el y wasn?t easy, considering t hat Bet hany needed hel p wit h al most everyt hing at f irst , f rom doing her
hair, t o get t ing dressed, and compl et ing simpl e t asks in t he kit chen. As what woul d be expect ed f rom any shy t eenager, Bet hany
st ruggl ed wit h deal ing wit h react ions of ot hers. ? ?Learning how t o deal wit h peopl e and t heir react ions t o my l if e is one of t he
most chal l enging t hings... peopl e st aring at me, peopl e asking rude quest ions, deal ing wit h media, st uf f l ike t hat ?? (?Your?).
Bet hany soon real ized t hat posit ive messages great l y out numbered t he negat ive ones, and al t hough Bet hany had become a major
rol e model t o t he ent ire worl d in just a mat t er of days, she didn?t f eel compel l ed t o bounce back f or anyone but hersel f . ? ?If I don't
get back on my board, I'l l be in a bad mood f orever,?she said? (?Young Surf er?).

Af t er t he
At t ack

By f ar t he most import ant chal l enge f or Bet hany was her ret urn
t o surf ing. ? ?What ever your sit uat ion might be, set your mind t o
what ever you want t o do and put a good at t it ude in it and I bel ieve
t hat you can succeed?? (?Your?), Bet hany said. She connect ed wit h
t he val ues t hat had been inst il l ed in her f rom t he minut e she came
int o t he worl d. ? ?I f ocused on t he t hings t hat were real l y import ant t o
me at t hat t ime? my f ait h in Jesus Christ , my f amil y, being grat ef ul
t hat I was st il l al ive and t hat I coul d survive such a t raumat ic event ??
(?Your?). Al t hough t he t hought of get t ing back int o t he wat er was
t errif ying, she said t hat not going back woul d have been even worse. ?
?Surf ing f or me is more t han my l if est yl e; it ?s my passion, my l ove and
it ?s a part of me,?she said. ?Shark at t acks are very rare, and t hat was
not real l y my issue going back in t he wat er. It was more whet her or
not I woul d be abl e t o surf again. My l ove of surf ing just pushed me t o
go t ry again?? (?Your?). Wit h enough int ense pract ice and mot ivat ion,
Bet hany was comf ort abl y back on her board wit hin t hree weeks of t he
at t ack. She had a modif ied board t hat hel ped her t o paddl e wit h one
arm. A l it t l e over a year l at er, Bet hany won her f irst nat ional surf ing
t it l e. Her New York Times best -sel l ing aut obiography writ t en in 2004
was t urned int o t he f il m Soul Surf er in 2011. In Jul y, 2004, she won
t he ESPY ?Best Comeback At hl et e? award. She was al so present ed
wit h a special courage award at t he 2004 Teen Choice Awards. In
2007, she real ized her dream of surf ing prof essional l y and won
numerous compet it ions, receiving many accol ades and schol arships
al ong t he way. Al ong wit h being invol ved in numerous charit ies, she
creat ed her own f oundat ion, Friends of Bet hany, encouraging young
amput ees and yout h t hrough rel igion.

Bet hany has never necessaril y seen hersel f as brave.

When asked how she was abl e t o overcome her obst acl es,
she al most shrugs it of f . ? ?I guess I just l ike t o chal l enge
mysel f and push mysel f harder t o do t hings t hat I don?t t hink
I can, t o do t hings t hat ot her peopl e do not t hink I can. It
pushes me. I push my own personal l imit s?? (?Your?). There
are obviousl y st il l every day obst acl es and f rust rat ions, but
t hese soon disappear when she sl ips int o t he ocean.
Current l y, t he biggest chal l enge she f aces is her f ame and
t rying t o keep up her inspirat ional image. ? ?It ?s hard t o go
anywhere and not worry about peopl e recognizing me. Your
privacy is pret t y much diminished. But I just have t o bel ieve
t hat I am going t o hel p peopl e t hrough t his. The best t hing
about f ame is t hat I can share my st ory and bring hope t o
ot her peopl e?? (?Your?). Her advice f or t hose peopl e t hat
have al so experienced a t raumat ic event is simpl e: get
moving again. That is at t he core of what Bet hany Hamil t on
want s peopl e t o see in her? not a girl who l ost an arm or who
survived a shark at t ack, but one who overcame f ear and
disabil it y t o excel in t he t hing she l oves most . ? ?I l ove
surf ing very much,?she says. ?What I have accompl ished
t hrough surf ing gives me mot ivat ion t hroughout t he day. It
brings me joy. It hel ps me appreciat e everyt hing I have been
given?? (?Your?). Bet hany?s recovery was f ul l of resol ve and
det erminat ion, wit h enough posit ive t hinking t o end war. But
if anyone coul d do it , it was Bet hany.

Bibl iogr aphy

"Amazing Miracl e: Bet hany Hamil t on, t he 'Soul Surf er' Who Survived a Shark At t ack."
Newsweek. Newsweek, 12 Jul y 2015. Web. 5 Dec. 2015. <ht t p:/ / bet hany-hamil t on-343571>.
"Bet hany Hamil t on Biography." A&E Tel evision Net works, 2015. Web. 5 Nov.
2015. <ht t p:/ / peopl e/ bet hany-hamil t on>.
"Bet hany Hamil t on." Gal e Biography in Cont ext . Det roit : Gal e, 2005. Biography in Cont ext .
Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
Grabianowski, Ed. "How Shark At t acks Work." How St uf f Works. HowSt uf f Works, 2015.
Web. 5 Dec. 2015. <ht t p:/ / advent ure.howst uf f shark-at t m>.
Handwerk, Brian. "Shark Fact s: At t ack St at s, Record Swims, More." Nat ional Geographic.
Nat ional Geographic Societ y, 13 June 2005. Web. 5 Dec. 2015. <ht t p:/ / news.nat ional news/ 2005/ 06/ 0613_050613_sharkf act ml >.
"My St ory." Soul Surf er. soul surf, 2013. Web. 3 Nov. 2015.
<ht t p:/ / www.soul surf st ml >.
"Prof il e." Bet hany Hamil t on. Bet hany Hamil t on, 2015. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.
<ht t p:/ / bet hanyhamil t prof il e/ >.
"Shark At t ack Fact s." Nat ional Geographic Channel . NGC Europe, 2013. Web. 5 Dec. 2015.
<ht t p:/ / nat geot ca/ human-shark-bait / f act s>.
"Why Do Sharks At t ack?" Discovery. Discovery Communicat ions, 2015. Web. 5 Dec. 2015.
<ht t p:/ / t v-shows/ shark-week/ about -t his-show/ why-do-sharks-at t ack/ >.
"Your Personal Best : Bet hany Hamil t on Is Back on t he Board." Success. Success Magazine, 2
Jan. 2010. Web. 5 Dec. 2015. <ht t p:/ / mobil e/ art icl e/ your-personal -best -bet hany-hamil t on-is-back-on-t he-board>.
"Young Surf er Tel l s Tal e of Shark At t ack." ABC News. ABC News Int ernet Vent ures, 2015.
Web. 5 Nov. 2015. <ht t p:/ / 2020/ st ory?id=124360&page=1>.

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