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is - Inversion Eliphosts twas Stoven Spleberg whothat ‘rected £1. and use Pack We can pul emphasis on certain words or pats of ‘Sentence wit © ttiawas ..whotwhicvthat 129.8) Shea's panng fowers inthe goraen 1s Sheil whothat is planting owors in the arden fempnasison te sutyect = Shea) ) Shots planing flowers nthe garden Wis flowers that Sheia is ann in the garden femprasson the object = towers) 12) Shai plontng flowers In the garden {tis nthe garden tat Sho planting towers (emhasi on the adverbial phrase = 9 the ‘arden 4) The dog's barking cin wake me up, the ‘wast te dog's barking whichithat woke me up. was the alarm clock Note: We use who, which or that to put emphasis. ‘on the subject. We normally use that to put ‘emphasis on the object or the adverbial phrase, “© 0 nat)= the onty ting (29 Al (thal ae cores abou is money Al that) ho i was call met say goodbye © Wat 29.8) Jogging hears me in shape. (subject) What keops mein shape 099i (OR Jogging what koeps me n shape »b) need a holiday. (2ject) Wnat | neodis a hoy (OR A hoicay what | need Wat. 60 (to put emphasis on verbs) 29.8) Sharon designe clothes What Snaron does sto) design comes 18 1) Greg updated ie ties What Greg dd was) up te tes. © vestion wor + ever (usualy shows surprise) (29. Who ever ot you (as geting maried? Where ever cit yur fin ns ot map? ‘Which and whose are not uses inthis ease 29. Whose ion was (NOT-Hhaseever Her) Note: Question words + ever (except for why) can be writen as one word. e.9 Whoever iolsyou 7 ‘We also use ever to put emphasis on negative sentences. 29, Nobody ever explained this tame ‘haven Sen tis man evar bafoe Weuse doldoes/ct + bare iintve in the present Simple, past simple or the imperative to give emphasis. 9.8) She belloves in supernatural powers. She does believe in suzematual powers 1) He went the reception. He aid go othe racepvon ©) Stay ate onger Do stay ail neger Remtite these frst ad instructions using ‘what, a inthe example. 1 You should remember to stay calm What you should remember isto stay ca 2 You need 0 ae! quchy 3. You have cal a ambulance, | Youmust concentrate on helang tne cis. 5 Youred io check tat he mjry nck serous {6 Yousnould net alow anyone to ove tne nutes people 7 You should remember ta keep the wets wart 18 You have o hoe te injured poopte calm (2) cna ne sentences, nn ea 1 Ion need a penal nae a pen i> nota pencil need ts ape 2. Samisnt apoieeman Danes, 3 [dont he cats. |e potatoes 4 He's nat eating sweets e's eatng hut 5 We dnt watch atm, we watched a play 6 don speak Fench, | speak German 17 They don't want a muse. they wana at 8 ant break a wen, Evoke a mise % 1 Jane moved totaly in 1986. Ie wae Jane whorthat moved to Italy In 1986. was italy that Jane moved ta In 1966, ‘wae n 1986 that Jane moved to Italy. Paul eld his ol cris week Sarah lest her keys this morsing Dad made cnner last right ‘Sion pubstad his aos novelas month, | meta tm star ast week ‘Aan repaied th fence this atornoon, Catherine loud akon on Monday. Rewrite the sentences in all possible ways, 2s in the exam Read the information, then rewrite it ‘emphasising the words in bold. 1 Victor Fleming rected "Gone With te Wind ft was Victor Fleming wholthat. directed ‘Gone ‘Mth the Win ‘Clark Gable ana Vivien Leigh played the ead parts 3. Margaret Mitenel weet re ongral nove! 44 The fim was released in 1839 5 The fim was lst shoo in Alanta The fim became a huge success soon after is r- lease 7 The tim wen nine Oscars in 1940. 0 Emphasis - Rewrite the sentences putting emphasi on the highlighted words. Lydia stole ie papers rom ie office I wae Lydia who/that stole the papers from the offs ‘Alison made the tridesmads' cesses, Where ci you meet Jason? Who gave you hs expensive necslace? ‘ve you going to Buy that cake tr te party? Steve decorses he lng room What made you react he hs? ‘Why di you pone the police? Why dont you remember my wrinaay? We recened the lt this morning, Rewrite the sentences using emphatic constructions, starting with the words ven. ohn set of the fee alarm, Iwas. John who/that eet off the Fe alarm Come nt Do Why ci they close he shop? Why ever Sheneeds a pay nse What ‘She geome 19 eal hm Sheod When did you get mara? Wen was Wat nave you done? Whatever Hold you tobe quet a ‘Annie opened he windows, Iwas Complete the sentences, using your own ‘eas. [Al wants to be happy. Wat would be nat realy nood is nat enoy What hate What Gon understand is What would ike to cw What ike most 19 ey aa ....... arived ate stain q than te rain pute ‘There are two ways to invert the subject andthe verb, 1) befhaveimodaliauiary verb + subject + main verb Nis used in tne folowing cases: 8) Inquestions. 2g Is Peer taking an exam ody? 1b) after the folowing words or expressions, ‘when they come atthe beginning of sentence Seldom ‘Only inthis way Rarely ‘Only then ute Hardly (ver) .. when Barely No sooner . than Nowhere (else) Not ony. but (also) Never (before) Not unit Not (even) once In no way ‘Onno secount in Under no cleumstances Only by Not since, et. 2.9. Never (before) have I seen such # beaut Not only did they make 2 donation But hey (also) promised 10 buld 2 sheter forthe homeless, Seldom do we go out since the baty was bon But: We seldom go out sincere aby was bon [There is no iverson because the word seldom {es nor come a the begining oF he sentence) Note: When the expressions only after, only by, only if, only when, not unit! come atthe Degianing ofa sentence, the inversion i in the main clause, 12, Onl ater she sted working wes she able to save some money Only if you Folow my sovice will you succeed 120 ©) with so, nether, nor, as to express agreement 29 Nove chocolate ce ovum Sogo! (Weuse ‘oto agree wih an afirratve staerert) ‘ean’ stand vont ns ‘NelterNor can (We use rete! nor to agree win a negative siatement) ‘Sho was a talertod muna, as washer ister Jad 80 was her sister 4) with shoul, were, had when they come a the begining ofan itclause instead of ‘09 Typo ¥ Shoutd he cal ym fm cut he shoul call.) Type2, Wore I you wou must er. ( Iftwore you.) Type 3: Had I boon ils woul have ofored nny tel (Ita been tol.) 2) main verb + subject itis used in the following cases: 9) after verbs af movement or adverbial ‘expressions of place when they come at the beginning ofa sentence, 69 Outside the nouse was a sports ear. Cn the sofa satan old man, Here comes the bride There goes the bus ‘tthe subject is pronoun, there Is no inversion Hora she comes (NOT: Howweomerahe, Up you get (NOT. Hpgotyou) ) in direct speech whon the subjoct of the Introductory verb is a noun. 20,1 aon ike nis hotel said Henry (OR. Hemy sa) "cally atu, 'said the doorman. (OR: necioorman sac) But: What can! do for you?” she asked (NOT: .. askod-she, because tne subject of ho Invoductry vet's @ pronoun) a 1 thave a teribie co. 0, |. oe realy bad 2 didnt go tothe party as night: Nor | stayed at home instead 3. Wo went shopping yestrcay So Wie bought so ngs 4 Te got some good news! So Ive gota new ob 5 Idiot win a pve Nor | was very sappointed 6 eand Kina cara So buy ane tomorrow. 7 Lent shang lat year Se Lad tovey te, 8 Werenct going on holy this year ener ‘We cant alr 9 can play tho gut. So Dutt very wl 10. Tmt going to werk tomorow Nether My boss has gen me ‘he day of Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the ‘words in bold. 1 Then came down 2 The bros Hew away. 31 My house a the endo he rome 4 Treactts came onto the stage 5 The aeoolane ose up int the sky 6 The Grand Hotel tends a he fot ofthe mountain 7 The poiceman waked own the stret. {8 The window cleaner cimbes up the ladaer Rewite the sentences using the words) phrases given. 1 Ihave selon eaten at such an expensive restaurant Seldom . have leaten a euch an expensive restaurant, 2 She had no scone fan asieep than te eephone ang. No sooner 3. Via not ely got es but out car broke down. Nt ony 4 Ihave never heard such ater sory belore Never below 5 Werealsec onl then thatthe jewels Pad been stolen. ‘ny then {6 Business has rarely been so good. Aly 7 The boss has not once gen him a bonus. Net once 8 Youshouldet ener room under any encumtances. Under no rourstances 8 gotto know Peter ony ater meeting tum several ines Oniy ater Emphasis - 10 The potoe dint know tat he man was a ceria Lule 11 haven't been 10 the baach since last sumer Not since 12 ‘i nag known about he pany, twouts have gone Hos 12. We havent had euch a wonder time anywhere ele Nownere 14 were you | would lok fora new joo Were 18 He hac barely entre the ofice when the manager cae rim Bay % Cris Young i fashion designer. He i ttking {oni staf about keeping the designs for ns next Show a secret. Put the verbs in brackets int the correct form, LUncer no crcumstances 1). shoul you tl. yousroult tel) anyone aboxt he plans fr he show newt week and in ro ay 2) (youtrus.gve) our compettors ary bes about our designs. Not uri the day ater the fashion stow 3) (yowiwatbe able to) lak to reperes about the dtnes Only ns a 8) (he shomiloe) a success. you al fon these odes. not ont 8) Gouwtiget lage bonus ater the show, but you mil aso be gen some time ot @ 1 Never Fefors had she seen. such a beauttl dress. Flin the blanks with a sultable word oF phrase. 2. Nosooner an tere wat a rock atthe coor 3 Oniy by id we trish the report on tm 4 On no account ave late on Monday morning 5 Notonly ry wate ‘balmy waten was missing, to. © Oniy when alse ‘nad been asienn 7. Not since | was young such an enjoyabie day 18 Uncer ne crcurslances be inte of tis agreement Is - Inversion ‘Look atthe following text and write inverted ‘sentences using the words/phrases in bold. ® mance foneg exe a seo celine ores eel ahiali oar auch tee aes crete asec marae See pe eine rapes ele Pa Sea a i vel Pslpeplop prep epreg lyee Sopcast iene (4a), newnte me sentences as ine example 1 Alexander Graham Bal ivantec the telenhone, It was Alexander Graham Bell who/that invented the telephone 2. Vice Van Gogh painted beaut pictures. What '3 The only ng Maza cares about was his muse aL 4 Tre Vight Bromers mace the tet aeroplane ght " ‘5 Wietng gave Chaves Deans great pleasure, nae {6 The only thing Emiy Parkhurst wanted was equal Fights for women al 7 Tobacco was fst decovered n Amenca " |8 Margaret ‘Thatcher became the Inst female Pre Monster of Buta 122 " 2 “ 6 6 Complete each sentence with two to five ‘words, including the word in bold. You wit get thereon ime # you leave now wil Oni you es now wil you. get thre ontme ‘As soon as | got ito bed. fellate. sooner No ‘nto bed han ol asienp We didnt noice the tie unt # wa toe late iy Not unt t wae tee leva only ater crane tne mikthat Iealeedtvas sur id Oniy ater had drunk the ik twas sou. Itt were you. would buy a computer. you Wore buy a compute. nly noticed te sean on my ear when Ilackest cose. notice Only when | looked closely the sratch on my ca “They had no idea it was the wong ain know Lite twas the wrong vain “Thor's no way Lean meat hin at tho apo. can Innoway at he airport We coule only get hereon time by taking a shor cut ould On by taking a shortcut there on time ‘She's brant acess anda talented writer as wel only Not ‘actress. but she's als a talented weiter. Don't open the aor on any account while fm aut should On ne account the door while fm out kha realised how ate was, | wouldn't have stayed 0 ong. realised Had was wouldn't have stayed 0 long. navn’ eaten such deliious food anywhere else Nowhere such delsous food You must not open this box under any excumstances m0 Uncer this box I had never seen such a ferce dog belere belore Never ‘0h a ftce dog. remembered my keys oi ate |had Cosedtne door remember Chiy ater | had closed ne door my keys We rarely hag sweets when we wer young have Hardly eer wo wore young Comment tnisteke 1 Rarely they travel abroad any more. Rarely do they vel abroad any more. “+ Horaly rod he tthe house thanitsated aig, x Horaly na seo the house when tsiatedanng. 7 Nt ony she Is arogaet but aso ruse. Not only is she arogant but aso rude. 7 * Only ater ha he fnshed is work Ne had a break * Only afer he haa finished ris work id he have a break / ‘+ “Lenjy going to open-ax concerts. $01 do” x ‘enjoy going to open-ar concerts $0 do” ¥ ‘She is bvely person. a8 er brother ‘Shes abvely person. a8 is her brother 7 ero it you buy his rug? asked he x Were ia you by ths rug? he asked. 7 (48), cmect ne mistanes. ove chocolate bscuts’ So do ‘What have you been dong? asked she Haraly hag Melissa gore fo bed than the telephone ‘ag Nt onty nes ty, but aso stubborn He ea mechan ash ater Seldom she goes othe theatre. Only ater nad ne Cosed tn wndows he ot he nous. i oem tne sscey wr 1. Do you comin, pase 2. What! woud eally thei org hei 3 Oniy by you geting a job wil you be able to pay oft your debts 4 Marion enjoys ravling abroad and so does enjoy her ster 5 was Angela who she lod me about your accent. 6 were Iyou, would fink wie before accepting is proposal. 7. Aline ai it was mumble an excuse {8 Chiy when dit takes to hm in person was the matter sot. 19 Rarey ever do we goto the opera 10 No sooner hag we tnished our meal han when a ght rake out Emphasis - In’ 1 The plans towishea i the smh... te green house war) 2 Suddenly we caught othe glitlenng tive sn. 560) ‘3 Animals inthe wie have to tight for (sure) 4 Host my keys. but ny neighbour has a spare se. torture) ‘5 My brothers avery talented (rust) {6 We shoula eat at creatures wath endress ad respec. (ie) 7 The ancran reached a 35.000 feet (nigh) 18 The company nave recewed several about ter atest product. (complain) 9 Sheisavey ‘ver and never exceeds the speed im (caution) 10 Taking a computer course has been to my career. (oenett) 11 Shetas mode useful contacts throughout her carer (number) 12 prefer to waar ciathes which are made from fixes. (nature) 13, Modom supermarkets ofr argo of products. (eneose) 1“ a goed quaty to have, hones) 18 To Rews i painting won tho competion amaze) ill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets, ‘The Pirarvew isan 1) expense. expense) holon tho shor of 2) (peace) Lake Bead. The hotel is very 3) ve Vac) and i Se in 4 Aoonuty) soundings. I has over a bund §) (space) rooms which ae very) (unary) Lats of7) (lame) people have stayed there in order to enjoy he a (penate) that the note ofrs them since mere ae 9) (Secure) quatds 10 keep phologaphes and repaes ot. 125 is - Inversion 2010 mo ame MOREE it aed look ater: (i ake care of Took down on: (1) have abadopeson ats: Asapprove sist (opp: look up to) look for: tr) sean or look forward to: (7) anticipate (th pleasure) Took into: (i) nwesigate look on: watch (instead of doing sty ook onupon: (7 ragard as, consider look out for: (1) be ale in order 1 seen sth ook over: 1) examine caruty go through, 2) revise bre and quickly look round: examine (an area pls, etc) ook through: (0) 1) look at quickly, 2) study sth care fay ook up: 19 (look for sth (such as an adress, tc) na book oF Est, 2} vi sb ape cially sb lng faraway ook upto: {respect (opp: Hook down on) make for: () move in the direction of make off: ft} run auay, escape; make away ‘make out {it 1) see ssh cleary, 2) uncerstan work out, 3} te ot in ‘make sth up toab: compensate 80 for sh make up: 1) (e) invert: think up, (2 stoy, an ‘excuse, ete} 2} An put cosmetics on 3) (in) become tnenas aga, 4) tH) ‘compensate, 5) form as a whee make upfor: compensate repay so passanay: (ni ce as off as: (i) pretend tobe ssh ese successtly ss on: (tae sth (usu clothes) to younger! smal member of family ass out: (nose consciousness Grams sme nan 1 Theylooked.reur. the lage before sting down tha mourn 2 Frod passes athe sight of blood, 3. The across made nese! betore she wert onstage, 4 Nuses ook patonts in hota 5 Look the ring, don't want to m8, {6 Two membre of staf and eight parents make the acheo! commie. 7. Wat does this word 29? cart make the handing, 8 Henk. people who ae less pivages. due inches the Book quiy inne shop belore she bough 10 Saaly. he charman of he cub passed last weokene 124 2 0 “ 6 6 7 cry ® a 2 2 2 2 28 2 28 Hooked your telephane number i the telephone book Tihs schools looked asbbeing one othe best inthe area The doctor looked the pation careluty betore giing hs dhagnoss The shoplite was making the door when tn secunty guard stopped hm They gave hm a froe meal fo make tne bad sericea odo Vimake the cheque to you shal We're realy ooking your brthday ary ive made an excuse for his beg ate am ooking 4 new house a the momart Most other clothes are passed from ne older estos Look ‘he conta before you sgn The wll tied to pass the rng sod gold even ough wasn ‘The man made wih cash rom hei, but was caught by th potce a shot ime tater Iwas inthe ate so thought took you "wo navent sen each ater for seh a ong tine Please lend me you car ths weekend make you late. gromee “The crowd ioked ‘asthe athe finished tho a9 in core tie The pole are looking the burly. AN Arthur's mpioyees look fhm are respect hi vry much, Thay ad an argument yesterday, but tin they ve mage now Gi), enrin tm cone mreeston ® “ 6 ” ‘Sanaa has wonder ast oftaatclohas. This ea tastes oat staaberes |as anu aboutofor ahs upper. ‘The bg reteres the woman atonwih a ke Lehn thew te ball atto‘af me. bul dropped {Bo tvow the bal atorar ne coconut and won agree She's res om/aby doing he same ng every day Ho wae ted homaty working nthe garden al day The trouble ofwithiabout computers that they are very expense Ths wel weathers ypcal ofram/an England Catry was upsot about trom/of ming ine train We ied to warn hin about arom they roads but he woul ten He wastes all is money fortofan computer games ‘and magaznes| ‘The pererance was werty offeitrom an aware ‘These vousness are valid Intofrm al good reeare shops. This cet is vai offorirom ines mont. [nave ta ransiate this poem forintoat English or my omewerk \ Revision Box GB, cme nent eon 1 Your teacher has tld you to wite a story for your homewerk. You tell your paren BI should wnte a story, 1 bmaywite a story © tase 1 wite a story 2 You put some patil inthe car. eventhough your Taher cod task you to, 1 You needn't have put petal inthe car. B You ought to have pu petralin the car © You can' nave put peta ine ca. 3 You want use your mobile phone on a plane. but the slowarsess els you isn alowed, ‘A You nesent use your aie pacne onthe plane You mustn't use your mobile phone onthe plane © You won't use your mobilephone on the plane 4 You have a headache. Your fiend gives you some acs, 18 You should take an asprin B You may tke an asin {© You might take an asprin 5. Chris did't speak to you. You are sure he aint see you, 2 Chris cant have even me, B Cir shoule nave seen me. © Cars might nt nave seen me 6 Anold manistrying to cary a heavy Box up he stars You ofr 19 coo hie Shall cary the box for you? Must cary the box for you? © Couldnt carry tne box or you? 7 You and your tnond quarrel about something moran. Your mother says was wrong. 1& You coukn have quaralles B Youmustnave quates © You shouldn't have quaalod 8 A pace! ares at your house. You are sure itis tom Uncle Peter, Beant be tom Uncle Pete. B imght be rom Unde Peter © must be from Uncle Peter. 9. Youotler odo theironing. but your mother says isnt nocessary. You must do he ening You could co tho toring © You needn't do the roning 10 You want yout ned to cary your bag for you 1 Need you cay my bag forme?” 1B Would you cary my bag forme? © Sha you cary my bag for me? @, mesmo nesmemernen ried is 1) .the.. manage of 2)... rge company. He enns 3) expensive sportscar which he drves oa) office every morning By theme he aries als) mailand made 7) work, hi Gooey has openod 6) ot of calle fe hin. n 8} morning, Mr Webb usualy has meetings wen 9) important cients, He has 10) ‘rank for 1) hunch al tele 0 lock and in 12) aftsnoan he spends 19)... Nour orto catenin up wih 18) Paperwork Wnen he goes 15)... nomen 18) ‘ening. he watches 17) ‘wlevson or pad 18) quiet evering wit is amy. ’ 2 3 0 " 2 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. My secretary open hema every morning Te mal pened by my secretary every morning. ‘tote esued he young gt A gardeners watering tne towers Caron was ihe dogs evry maming Hea ran fad eavsed he Food Pole ote were examning he evdence ‘spouerpereon give an intorew to te repos focal wil ae yu to your seat Wie are gang io anncunce he resus on Faday ‘The non manager has mide ome changes “Testicensave-making he arangemens ene pa Tey clean the windows every week 125 Conditionals are clauses introduced with it The min . When the main clause comes before the iklause, then ‘types of condlionas are: Type 0, Type i, Type 2 and no commis necessary pict itsela q Conditional clauses consist of wo parts: the clause, _——-eiause__mainclause_ (hypothesis) and the main clause (raul). When the ©. the weathers good tomoron: we wil goo the Beach Clause comes betoe the main clause the two clauses Ye gota the bach he woater is goo omen, ore seprsted wih 2 comme, “——qainause cause Main clause Main clause 15 present simple | presen simple WF past simple or | woueouldimight + continuous resent bare ninve They are used to express something which is always Pest true. We can use when (=whenever instead of ‘They ate used to express imaginary stations which are contrary to facts in the present and, therefore, are ‘unlikely to happen in the present or future. They are ‘also used to give advice tte ai fel trots et topo peony ars dangers sats i tart have © vert sich og hur Two be 3 ae T+ present simple) | futureimperative 7 ia ci resent contipresent | can/mayimightimust ete ain claute Perfectpresent pertect | shouldicould + present 7+ pastperfectipast | wouldlcould’might + cont bare infinitive perfect continuous pertect bare infinitive ‘They are used to express real or very probable They ate used to express imaginary situations which situations inthe present or future. are contrary to facts in the past. They are also used to express regrets or criticism. Simon nade 0 big misao bec he west! coe “7 had bean move wai | woult have made such 4 i stake 126 Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Re Note: Type 1 and Type 2 Conditonals refer to the present or the future. The use of Type 2 Conditionals suggests thatthe situation is less probable, impossible, or imaginary. Compare the examples: (29,3) meet Brad Pt, J ask him about hs nex Sn, {comment mace by 8 reporter who's gong 0 Holywood) {1 mot Brad Pit I would ask for his autograph {comment mace bya teenage fan) JIE Twin the money 1 buy a new car (comment ‘mado by a constant on a TV gare show) If won the money. would buy anew car (comment made oy @ member of he audence) We use if to show that something might happen. We use when to show that something will detiritely happen. 29, Steve cas, te him i Ge back non minutes (Steve mgnt cal) Wen Steve cals thin be back nen minutes (tes carn nat Steve ws ca) # We can form conditionals. by using words) expressions such as unless (Type 1 Conditionals), roviing|provided that, 50/28 long as, on condition (that, what i, supposeisupposing, otherwise (= i ot), but for, and, or els), event, In case ofin the ‘vent of, et. 29, a) Unless you help me. won! finish on ine (= yeu dont hala me.) 1 water the plans providinglprovided (that) have time his aero, (ave me.) 6] Sols long as you promise 10 be back by rmsvght, you ean gota the pany (you prom.) He agreed 19 work Saturdays on condition that he was paid overtime (ithe was pa.) 1) Tihtake Dads car tomorrow nigh.” What Wf he eas "(= What wil you dof he neds i”) ‘9 Suppose/Supposing you were ted, what would you 00? (= Ifyou were fred.) 9) W's beter leave now. Otherwise we'! miss ‘ourtight. (we con't eave now, we'll mis our ign) 1) But for your advice, 1wouldet have been able 10 solve my probes. (you had adsed me, .) 2 Dotmatagsin and } (you co tat ‘gain.) punch you 1) Dont do that again or (tse) ‘punish you 4 Iwoulon goto me pany even they invted me 1) Incase ofin the event of a fre, sound the alam, (there se.) Wo do not normally use wil, would or should in an itlause. However, we can use will or would ater it to make a polte request or express insistence or uncertainty (usually with expressions such a5 1 dont know, I doubt I wonder, el.) In this case, if means whether. We can also use should after if to talk about something which is possible, but nat very ely to happen. (2g. 8) f you wil waa mite, Mr Carnngion wil be able 0 ee you (il you please wat. - polite request) If you will go on making so much nase, send you out {you rss on making insistence) 6} wonder it he cal me tomorow. (I wonder wheter .- cera) Paul shout turn up. im to wait for me (1 don" aly expect Pau 0 rn up.) ‘Wo can uso wore instead of was for all persons inthe itlause of Type 2 conditional. 2, HAncrow wasiwere tl, he could bea basket bal player We use if I wore you acviee. 129, IT were you, ! would tavel on my own, when we want to give © We can omit it and use inversion in Type 1,2 and 3 CConditonas. This structure is more common In formal Engish. 9, 2) Should he fal o be elected it wouls be a ‘rat sappoinment for hm Were he more cari he would make fewer meianes. Had she been asked, she would have given her permission (Oy aramensmsc nse 1 We maght go tora alk tomorow. F we go, -e wil take me dog wth ws. 2. The guess will ave soon. .When they arrive. We vill ret them athe dose {3 Lam going to phone Sam in @ minute tm, I want you lo leave the room, 4 Imight st Pamela tomorow. ent vl buy hor a resent 5 The bus comes al eght o'deck, ve wal get on {She might invite us to her pay. ws. we wl go, 17 Tha tlm wa stan soon recor it {8 Mark may ond mo some money. some ‘money, | wil buy that jacket 7 ® ~ Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather - Unreal Past Match the items in column A with these in column & in order to make correct Type O Conditional sentences, as in the exam) 29. 1-4 If you wash woollen clothes In hot water they shrink A 8 1 Wash weollen cothes, a They de in hot water. crane 2 Puttood in tne nage, \ ® "Becomes ice. 3 Don't water plants, \e It gots rusty. 4 Punwaterintneteerer Ny thoy sink 5 Leave meta outin the rain ¢ Ital tothe ground 6 Drop something eseuseaicriensa 7 Trvow a penbie into "stays Feshorlong the sea 9 You get green, frit sinks. 8 Mix tlue and yellow. ‘A tiend of yours Is going to Monaco. You have ‘bean thore Before. Wha information do you give himier? Fest, match the items in column A to the ones in column 8, then make sent: fences, as in the example. 128 Ifyou want to stay at a Muerstar hotel, go to the Hotel de Paris's very huvurious 9 a stay ala twe-star hoe. one out see a pay watch athletics evens S0e beautl flowers ‘bere wid arenas ‘90 shopping Princess Grace Rose Garden fopen every day) the Oceanographic Museum (popula wi tours) the Casino Square (designer shops} ‘nde’ Restaurant (French ood) the Lous i lad (ternatenal competion) the Zoological Gardens (recently modernised) 49 the Hotel de Pars (ery luacus) I the Fort Antone Theate open-air performances) b ‘ t In pairs, ask and answer questions about ‘what you would do In each ofthe following situations, as in the example. Use your own fens. % ‘8A; What would you do i you saw someone committing a robbery? ‘8B: If! saw someone committing a robbery, | would cal the police. you! 8 / someone commiting a robbery You / find lat of money 8 fie / stain your home you / have /a headache you | see /a stray dog outsde your house yous boss / shout / at you Read the headlines and make a conditional sentence for each, as in the exemple. 2g, I the prisoner hadn't escaped, he wouldn't have robbed the bank. STUDENTS" HARD WoRK Qrscaren rmsowER — piicrs ‘MOUSANDS Fok ‘RODS BANK TY Srooraautennows © actntss NR WITH MANAGER AND ACCIDENT = ‘FILMING QUITS TEAM DELAYED 9 AVY RAINS CAUSE © spave reenncen FLOODING OF SHVESCHID FROM Caer value DROWNING (6) unre coc tr te et My brates Keven nas aways been a fines fanatic. He beleves that # you 1) lok afleriooked ater your body. willook ater you Whenever anyon ile 2) says. say I they had taken cave of themselves, they 3) woulda’ get wouldnt Rave got And the same thing 4) happens ‘will happen to me #15) didn't keep fidon' keep ft | would ‘ofton say to im, were you. Kevin. | 6) would try would ‘have ried to sow down a ite bt. You wi wear yourself out Last month, Rowever, | went to the doctor’ and he tld rmotnat was unft He said hat 17) on" start did't start taking requiar exercise. | 8) would be!would have been in lage. 4 the ship ad not titan iceberg, wou have unk, 2-H Calon s'rado operator ra been onc, 3 he Ttanc adhd enough eco, 4 Ihe sea hac been so cl, he Carpahad ot aod, 1 Than had sin, 7 te Tare had ot ben 90 69, = - Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather - Ris Better? AWE eit Had betor + bare initve (= should/ought) Tis structure is used to give advice orto say what the best thing o do ina particular situation is, 29 You had’ better book your ha ary 1d beter not ake outa an; Iwan be able pay tack Had better is more emphatic than shouliought to, butts not as emphatic as must 2g. You must see a lawyer. (strong advice) You hed beter see a lujer (ess emphatic an mast) You should/ought fo see a lawyer (ess er ‘phate than rad beter) © Would rather (= would prefer to) expresses preference When the subject of would rather is also the subject of the following verb, we use the following constructions: 9) woul rather + present bore infinitive (presentuture) 29. rather do my shopping tomorow: 1b) would rather + pertoct bare nite (past) 2.9, rather not have gone othe anne party ast right (9) would rather + bare ininitve + than (+ bar ntti) 29, Feather watch a coma than (wate) ater. ‘When the subject of would rather is diferent from the subject of the following vero, we use the following constructions: 2) would rather + past onse (presenttuture) (9. rather Kate stayed wih us tong by would rather + past pertect (past) (69. eather Sam hadnt taken fs her car stad We can also use prefer in the following ‘constructions to express preterence: 2) profery ang for + 0+ Ang frm (general preterence) 2g, | prefer playing tens to paying squash by prefer ful inttve + rather than + bare Inintive (General preference) 12g. | reer fo oat fe rather than (at) met. {© profes nouns to + noun (general preterence) 29. He prefers basketbal to football 6 would profer + full Infinitive + rater than + bare Infinitive (spectc preference) 2g. a)/pretertowal ame rather thantake me bs )Fdprefertohave juice rater than (have) Coho it} Answer the following questions using 1 Your parents have offered to take you to Reme on hhasay ang your Best Hand has inves you to jon himiner in Majorca. Where would you prefer to go? (60 u!d rather go to Majorca because | love being by the sea 2 You have received two ivtatons, One is fora fin premiere ang one is fora rock concert. Wich would you rater go 19? 3 You have recently won the lotr jackpot. Would you rather have allo the money al once, ora set amount every month? 4 You neea some extra money. Would you rather spend your evenings babysting or gota paper round inthe ‘momings? 5 Yourparens have ofered to buy you @ present Would you rather have some new clethes ora pat of oer Dados? 6 You have lost the watch which your parerts bought youard you know they wl be angry. Would you rather uy yoursel new watch anc pretend noinng has happened. ot el your parents the tah? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1A: im going cut in a rinute 8; Soam|. 80 you'd beter rate... Cake) your Kays with you Do you watch much teleusion? No I preter (2d) books 19 (watch) olwsion edn enjoy the concert much B: Nord would ater hey ‘modern music (way more 4 Shall we goto that new restaurant ths evening? 8: Goos ies. We haa beter (2004) a ‘able ‘5 Shall tdy your bedroom for you? 8: leva you {otc 1 8 ate {6 A: Shall we go fra wah tis atersoen? 8: No, ! woul pater (stay) nove and read a book 7A: My oroiner protes (play) computer genes to (do) rs nomework 8: Sodoes mine 18 A: Did you enjoy he play astrogh? 8: No. ratner (90) 10 the cinema, 9A IG rather you (notimake) 50 much B: Sony. ity tobe quet 10 A You had beter (work hard at your now po. 8: [wit want to make a good impression IT 9 id nA Paul has bought Tania a preset. B Yes, but we'd better might be a surprise id you enjoy the party ast ight? Yes, but | wouls rather we longer. {eotiertion (say) ait 13. A: Shall we spend the evening togathar? 'B Well actualy. Ia preter (spenc) some time alone. 14 A. That meal was tbe. rather (ea at ome 8. las very expensive oo. Its the company's offe pay tomorow. B: Yes. To be honest, /@raher Wit Gest (nougo) Gl) Sieseht 24) = ‘The past simple can be used to refer tothe present {unreal present) when we talk about imaginary, unreal ‘or improbable stuations which ate contrary to fact In the present, ‘The past porfoct can be used to refer to imaginary, unreal or improbable situations which are contrary to facts in the past (unreal past). ‘The past simple is used with: ‘+ Type 2 Consitionals 29, If ho had tho money, would buy a new ca. + suppose/supposing 29. Suppose'Supposing he stood you up. rat would you do? * wishit only 9, | wishilf only | had a bate job + would rather (present) 169, Fd rather Nick drove me tothe stator as though (09, Mar tats a6 i! though sho new everyting «ts (anouthigh) time 2g. I's (aboutihigh) te you went 1 bed. ‘The past perfec is used wih: ‘+ Type 3 Conditionals (2g she had’ fallen down the sts, she wouiant ave broken her arm + suppose supposing 12g, Suppose/Supposing you had been invited, oud you have gone? waht only ‘29, | wishilf only hadnt argued with him 1 would rather (past) 9.1 rather you had hopt ita secret. «+ asitias though 2.9, He had never been abroad, bu he spoke about Now Yorkas as though he had been hore may 34 ishes~ Hod Better/Would Rather - Unreal Past 6 een 1 10 " 2 8 “ 6 0 " 2 ‘rather you de had done your homework betore you ‘g0.ut ‘Supposing you had heardhad been heard ieling me ‘hal would have happened? He acres as he ownsiowned tne house Iw | wantihad gone to the itary yesterday would have made a cake‘ Anowhad known you were comng His about time we employedihad employed some new ltt HY she had woniwon the competiton. ste would have hada pal, {rather you ant interrupt had interrupted me ‘when aking, Suppose you sawihad seen a crime being commie, what would you do? tony youtoldinad told me, | would have understood He woulahave sent acad ine reaisedhad realised twas your btnday 1 you metthad met John now. you wouldn't recognise hn, 1 high time you learatinad leart how o dove "orator you hadn't misbonavediaidn't misbehave at the party las ight ‘They soe as they knewihad known each other fo years Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Would you rather .come.. come) shopping wih mo orstay athome? only (notion in he ‘now everybody knows my problems, “Amy says she would rather lorganse) the event hese Fes rater you (get a alte job than partie jb, Supposing | ined you toa pay, (youaccept? I wish | (ask) my parents for some advice betoe I made up my min. Suppose you hal wuld you say? ‘She giant understand the question. but she looked 3s. (ret ate star though she (understand) it Liz sued Art at unweit but she says she would rather (stugy stony wish an (noumove) avay. a5 ris i aot In seemed as she (tore about the moating. HH you hah tet ear, you (meen T Concitioncls - Wishes - Hod Better/Would Rather - Unvty (nein [study these examples. The second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence, 1 Idont think its @ good eat ie to your parents about ‘hat happened, were were you, | wouldnt i to my parents bout whet apoenes 2 Ityou st next to te lnelace, youl get oo het. flse Dont st next tothe replace o else yout get too hot. 3. raved nealy a8 cay. so mey aint go out for But for the heavy rain. they would nave gone out 4 ltyoudon' act quickly. youray Sn yourslin rouble unless You may find yourse in trouble unless you act quickly 5. Samranoutoftime, that's why he didnt go shopping would Sam naan run out ! ve, he would have gone shopping, 6 tHelen gets grat, she wil be abe to coniaue her studies. Provided Helen willbe abe to continue her ‘studios provided she got a grant. 7 Tony wants to buy a new car. but he hast get enough money wishes. Tory wishes he had enough money to buy anew ea {8 Jack would proto lean Haan rather than lar German rather — Jack woul rather learn lion than (Garman 9 Mary agets not studying hard or her exams Wishes Mary wishes she had studied hardifor her 10. You shoud join gym. better Youd better join a gym. ‘1. Why dort you make an efor to improve you Me? would |wish you would make an efoto prove your tle 12 Wtsapty missee you graduabon ‘wish [wish hadn't missed your gracuaton Complete each sentence with two to five ‘words, Including the word In bold 1 You willbe late for schaol unless you leave now. You wil be late for school. you don't 2 Ityou ouch the won, you wil bm your fingers fge Deni touch thio, bu your fingers. 2. dentthink e's a goad ise to buy tat eke were i | would’ uy hat jacket. 4 wo " 2 ry “ 8 6 ® 8 2 | wantto have a party. but my Hat sn tbig enough wish big enough forma to havea pany "You shoud’ go out tonight, you have to goto schoo! better You out ‘ong you have o go to schoo tomorow. John woul preter to eat pizza rather han chips. rather Jona pizza than chips. Jane egrets spencing al rat meney on new cores. wishes Jane alltat money on new cletes. Irs. oy! int make 10 your wedding wish | tt your wedding Coin wishes ne ant mssed te Bus: now he te ‘oc work missed 1'Goin the bus, he wouldn't be lat or work. i he weather gete better, weil ga on a sing tp tomorew, Provided Weil go ona sailng rp, beter tomonaw You should wre a letter fo your paniend better You to your pen tren Samantha wats fo be a model. bul she is tl enough Wishes. Samana tobe amodel ny don't you wipe your fet when you come back from the pack? would 1 your eet ‘when you come Back fom the park, Ifyou dont stop being naughiy. | wil tlhe headmaster else Slop being navahiy, the nesamaster ‘Sam would prefer to go out rater than stay at home, ther Sam than say at home Its pty did go to that pasty, wish that panty. Iie’ anow your adres: he's why I didnt send you 8 postcard, Would thie known your adress, you a posteard He wouldnt hav ished his reper you hadnt helped hi, for But he woud have finished his epod, you exceed the speed iit, you've to pay ane. else Dont excend te speed it have to pay afr. Iryou eon" practise daily, you willnever learn to play the piano, unless Youwil ever lean to pay the piano ay 0 B6 he) os the gaps with the correct form of ‘the words in brackets, 1. Shanas st alot of. weight. recent weigh) 2 Duetons 'o add up property, ne made ‘2g mistako i tho accounts book. (im able) 31 ‘th whal you ae sayng nach. ‘am a ie exact opposite opinion. agree) 4 He has made many succeseul investments. nance) 5 That man sivohed miso! actos, butthepoice cant prove anyhng athe moment egal) 66 Amitake ints chemical formula could be (dsasier) 7 ant want him to babys forme. Hes too responsi} 8 Tons very and works hard to achieve has gots. (artion) 9 The project is can make t work (prectea) 10 He doosnit speak very good French, which is why he the woman's quesion. (understand) 11 Mewiebb avery ‘man nthe business word. ontuence) 12 its ‘atthe plan will go ahead. since thee 's very lite money avaiable atthe moment (key) 39 lamoten ol he water in foreign ‘countries. (suspicion 14 It must be wonderto be 18. His good Get the 0b (education 16 We found nis lection of modem paintings gute He even possessed a genuine There 8 n0 way we (wean buackgrouna helped him to Picasso! ¢meress) In the gaps with the correct form of Ga, saat ers |A. Tom made thet). decilon. (decide) to havea pty He sent 2) (eee 0 twenty ois ands and allo ham care, wt he 3) (except) ‘of Dand, who had areacy made 4) (arange) fr that evening Alison atended a jb itewiow lst week and the company made ner avery 1) (ata) fofer She has ust wien alter of 2) (accept othe 3) (manage) of he ‘company and she nopes to receive 4) [contem of ners) employ) soon © My aunt colts 3) (value) panting. isarater2) (expense) nabby, but she considers each picture she buys 10 be an 3) (invest she ever sald her 4) "would make an 5) amount o meney (colt (iuribeheve) shes - Hod Better/Would Rother - Unreal Past Commen tlsichs “+ you wi finish eary, ge mea cal « you finish eariy. ave me acl. / 1 Unless we dont pay the oil te phone wil be cat ote Uniess we pay the bil. the phone willbe cut of * wish we would buy a biage: house. wish we could ouy a igger nouse. + We'd better to cut down on our eupenses. We'd better cut down on our excenses. * You'd not beter tak to him about it» ‘You'd beter aot tak oti about 7 + ie would better ieave now. x We had batter eave now. * 4 rather Grog goes to medical senoek Id rathor Grog went io mocical school. + Ws high time you redecorate you at x high time you redecorated your fst ee 1 Youd nat beter be lat or your interview 2. We wou better go soon 3. tshigh time you dy your bedroom. 1 Wiad ater toc he washing up 5. rather ne quests come at eght o'ciock 6 Unis you don’ study. you won't pass he exams, 1 Lwish we would aford a new car 1 Hyou wil need any help. st cal mo (: 1 You'd beter to apply toa urwersiy in your county 2. AS long a8 you vill Book eat, you wont have @ preblem tncing a seat. 3. |wish someone would 6o something about 4 donn eu ater his ster nad made less nose every ‘ime she comes back tom a pay Ws time Pau nod stopped acing Ike a chil {6 They went et youin unless you wit wear a Sut and Unless you not ask nim. ne wont come 18 Even ihe ofleres to lend me the money. of! woulsnt take i 9 I preer playing cards than to playing boars games 10 Had we boon nore. we wouls nave ore to hep. 11 Emma would athe to stacy Mecione than Chemsiry 12 they wil practse har, ty may win the match Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/ Would Rat Phrasal Verbs payback: s/etun money owed. 2) getreverge onso pay for (rece punishment ora wrongong pull down: (demolish a structure palin: {ind (ltrs, ec aro, draw in opp: pul ut) pull through: nt) survive pul up: [nt sow down ana stop put aside: save: put by put away: put sbinlo pison or mental hospital put back (t) cause fo be delayed put down: (t) 1} makea note write down. 2) pay a depost fer sn put down to: (ti) atibute sto sth ese put ot: (t) 1) postpone, 2) discourage sb from Hog sh put on (1) 1) dress oneself in, 2) increase (in weight) 3) switch on. 4) pretend, 5) ‘cause to ake place (snonipefomarce) put out (i) 3) exinguisn ire, ete), 2) cause ‘noerveniance toed put through: (H) 1) connec by telephone, 2) make sb undergo or sur sth put up: {ty 1) afer sth for sale 2 (ot prices) increase, 3) fer hosptaty (put sb up) put up with: tolerate: bear i rime comerzertce 1. Tre tran puted «In Beople goto 2 Tretax pules the ceiver an got out 3 Put your iseas at the Staton and hundieds of outside my house, |pae ‘on paper and Ii eok at ther ater. 4 Mi putyou tothe cont separiment madam s Pw your gloves. t's very cold outside 16 Water’ parents red 0 pt im oecoming an ans 7 She puther wedness the fac that she tad been working very hard, Ignore James. He's not realy il. he's jst using 9. That shop nas put 10 ly tying to pu week for her sumer hola 11. The firemen put the tre 12 Youll just have to put rapais are fished, tm aka 18. Tho snowstorm caused the teams expedition tobe put a tow days, ts prcas aga. ‘some money avery vary auch. the noe unt the “ 6 6 wv 6 19 20 2 2 2 m ey 26 ry 3 “ 6 6 w 6 Gordon vowes to pay St forwhat ne nas done toni, We put ‘00ng on aliday because | was very busy at work The arama group are puting thai st Pesormance next monn ‘ie sata ane, You! pay ts one day ‘Te young solar were put stret traning io the est few weeks His nouse was put... forsale afer he last his joo He put... adepast of £100 when Ne booked the holoay He borrowed £20 tom me but he stil hast pad Ti put you hotel. Ik was @ serious operation, but the patient puted foc the right you can find Htyou don't stop eating sweets. youl put weight ion want to put you for me tonght please? ‘Al the old buldngs in ths area ae going to be pulled but could you babysit Put the tlension if you're bores ‘The pubic called forthe criminal to be put for along time with the correct preposition Some prepositions can be Used more than ence. 2B for. ion, out tof, 10, wt ‘She wrote the tepor hy’. hand. as the computer wasn’ working You lock wormed. What's you mind? Tim surarve, ns boss gave fim a BoAUs, Passengers must checkin... arval a the apo. He's saving money 1 wea to buying a cer. Don't worry. ve got everthing ono! He was breath ater turning fr ten ieutes [think Ihave a sandiich ‘cond though. Firave a sala. Steve has rot been touch with us recent We must put ou the ie al costs Peep wing in developing counties are reed of ur help ‘Where nave you been? Ive bean wating sama i bad mood today Medicine shouldbe kept rach of enter, Ts otal the cheapest on the island fae Her names Joanna, but we cal ner Jo shot She searenes | vain for the messing money | ant beieve in ove fest ight. ‘ages, G7 Conditionols - Wishes - Hod Better/Would Rather -U \ Revision Box Tur the following sentences into reported speoch. 1 are you such a hun” sre asked me She asked me why | was In such a hur 2 met some hiends in loon, Brian said. (uptodate reporting) 3 Where dd you go lst mgr? he asked he, 4 | would go out tonight #1 dnt nave to work” she a 5 You should ask your eacher for help, he tld her. 6 Cleanup this moss” ne sa totnem, 7 Brssmake ness n Nees. he saa to me. 8 ‘Belgum isa small courny, he ol us. 9 ‘il nelp you pant the garage’ he sad, (out-o- date reporing) 10 You canst wherever you ike. she sido fim, (upto. repering) Write sentences using have something done, fs inthe example. 1 Jose's mum aoa io cut her ha for het Jobe ls going to have her hair cut by her mum. 2 Wemust ak he carpenter to mend se cupboards, {3 Ask Sam fo do the shopping for you 4 Tony’ tooth was taken ou yesterday 55 The docoris examining Clare's broken eg, 6 James asked othe parce o be sent ist-class 7. We dnt go out We asked Tora pazs lobe delvered 8 Frank asked the shop assistant o wrap the gi for rim « ORAL ‘Activity ‘Answer the questions below using | wish ... then Justity your answer using the correct conditional ype, ‘8 inthe example. 1 Which county inthe word woul you mast ke tis? ag. wish I could visit, India If ever visited Ino | would vist he Taj Mahal you most ke to own? . 9, fwish (had. {3 Who would you most keto meet? 29, [wish could moot 2 What ject would nl you most ke to have? eg Iwish Icoula ") 5 What prod in iter (Dh) would you most ie tonave ved in? 4 eg, | wish had ved co gil eg, wish (had U9

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