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Empathy Entry

To empathize with my users I didnt follow a particular method from Stanfords,
but instead exemplified my empathy in a few different ways.
First, I analyzed the pre-assessment given to the students. I tallied how many students
correctly answered each question, and then found the percentage of students who got each
question correct. This uncovered their strengths and weaknesses concerning the standards
in 6.SP.

I then examined the survey given before the pre-assessment, paying special attention to the
question of what helps the students learn the best. This gave me insight into who they are
as learners, and what style of teaching helps them to learn best.

Lastly, I had to empathize with my own needs and constraints. I am a teacher assistant, so I
am not able to teach in the 6th graders classroom. I have to respect my own limitations and
be creative as this process moves forward.
Artist Statement

Who did I collaborate with?

I analyzed the survey and the pre-assessment on my own, but collaborated with my
MTH 323 peers to develop both of these tests.

How did I do the work?

I went through each pre-assessment and kept track of the correct answers. This
gave me insight into their areas of need. I then looked over the answers to the
survey they took to determine in what manner they most liked to learn new

Where does it fit in the process?

Before designing any lesson, we first must know who we are designing the lesson
for. This work in empathy uncovers needs that the students might not be aware of
and helps to define our challenge as we go forward in creating a lesson.

What did I learn?

It is important to understand that there may be multiple users to empathize with in
the midst of the design process. My main focus is on how to meet the needs of my
main users (the students) but in order to do this I have to respect my own needs. I
also learned some basic information as to where the students are at concerning the
standards in 6.SP.

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