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This article will covers most of general science syllabus as per upsc main syllabus paper gs 3

upsc syallbus general science

Awarness in the field of IT , Space , Computers , robotics , nano technology ,bio technology
and issues relating to intellectual property rights
Achivements of indians in science and technology ; indigenization of technology and
developing new technology
Science and Technology developments and their applications and effects in every day life
The above syllabus of upsc for general science is vast so I tried to confine this article to upsc point of
view i.e. by seeing gs papers from 1986-2012 that are posted by mrunal.

Nine planets are : Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune
My Very Efficient Mother just showed us nine planet
Asteroids :- tiny bodies which also moves around the sun example ceres
meteroids :- small pieces of rocks that also revolves around sun
ISRO (indian space research organisation ) :- launches satellites for india
space commission formulates ploicies and programmes for isro .

Que State the importance of Antrix Corporation.

Ans Antrix Corporation is the Commercial branch of the ISRO. It sales scientific services
related to the space technology and satellites in the international market earning valuable
foreign currency for India.
Types of sattelite :1). Exploartion and Research Satellites :-Hubble space telescope , kepler(space craft) , Terra
(satellite),Aqua (satellite) (EXPLAINED BELOW)
2). Communication Satellites :-includes telephone, television, radio, internet access, military, and
probably more
3) Weather Satellites
4) Navigational Satellites:- Global Positioning System
5). Reconnaissance :-KH-9 Hexagon

Launch Vehicle
what is a launch vehicle ?
Launch Vehicles are used to transport and put satellite or spacecrafts into space.
Satellite Launch Vehicle :- 4 stage launcher project by isro to develop technology needed to launch
Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) :- project to place five-stage ASLV into low earth orbit
in order to develop technology needed for payload to be placed in geostationery orbit .
Polar sattelite launch vehicle (PSLV) :- Expandable launch system for the purpose to develop indian
remote sensing satellite .

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) :- expandable launch system to develop its INSAT
sattelite into geostationery orbit and to make india less dependent on foreign players . more powerful
than PSLV.Requires a cryogenic engine.
A cryogenic engine is one that uses a cryogenic fuel or oxidiser, that is, its fuel or oxidiser (or both) is
gases liquefied and stored at very low temperatures

Geocentric Orbit :- Orbit around earth
Altitude classification of geocentric orbit
Low earth orbit :- upto 2000 m
medium earth orbit :- 2000 to geostationery orbit
geostationery orbit:- orbital time period equals to 24 hr , used for communication purposes , always
appers to be at fixed point , type of equitorial orbit. So main advantage is that geostationery sattelite
remains over same place and provide better service to a single country. If geostationery orbit is too
much crowded then threat of collission between tracked satellite and large debris increases .
so what is an equitorial and polar orbit ?
In equitorial orbit satellite at any time remains above the equator of earth moving either east or west
overhead , satellite launched as close to the equator as possible
polar orbits are inclined nearly 90 degree from the equator , launched from higher altitude

Que What is Integrated Guided Missile Development Program

Ans IGMDP is a ministry of defence programme for the research and developments of missiles for
defence purposes and is managed by DRDO and ordinance factories board. Successfully ended in 2008
MISSILES DEVELOPED :1) Prithvi missile :- surface to surface short range missiles , range 150-300 km , 3 prithivi missile
2) Agni missile :- intercontinental and medium range missile, agni i-v developed and agni-vi is
under development range upto 6000 km
3) Trishul Missile :- short range surface to air missile , range 9 km ,
4) Akash Missile :- medium range surface to air missile
5) Nag missile :- all weather missile , can fire upto 5-7 km
Que what is meant by a "stealth aircraft" ? mention two stealth technological techniques used in such
an aircraft ?
ANS Stealth aircraft are used to avoid detection from radar , infrared emission. Compromise with
speed and agility. Stealth technology is a combination of technology that prevents aircraft from
detection . Technology employed are :1) Radar cross section reduction :- use of chaff, chaff is a radar counter measure in which an
aircraft spreads a small pieces of aluminium or metallized glass fiber that results into swamps of
radar screen.
2) Effective design of aircraft in order to minimize radar refelction
3) Radar Absorbent Material (RAM), often as paints, are used especially on the edges of metal


Que Trace the progress of India's Space Research Programmes? What are its significant achievements?
Ans 1969 ISRO set up , 1975 1st aryabhata launched
(Indian National Satellite System):- Geostationery satellites for communication ,meteorological ,
search and rescue operation . 10 satellites in service
IRS( Indian Remote Sensing ) :- Remote sensing is a technique to get infoemation of an object through
analysis of data that are in form of electromagnetic radiations by special instruements that are not in
physical contact with it. It is mostly used for surveying area to get millions of data from an object
surface. It increses accuracy in measuring dimension of the object. Remote sensors include
photographic camera,mechanical scanners and imaging radar system.11 satellites that can provide a
better resolution of 1m .
Satellite Navigation
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) :- main aim is to access gps technology . It
provides 2 types of services
1) Standard Positioning Service:- for civilian use
2) Restricted service :- for military persons
GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmunted Navigation ) :- Implemented by isro and airport authority of
india to carry out operation for safety of life .
Launch Vehicle
Satellite Applications
SatCom Applications
Remote Sensing Applications:- IRS data is used for various planning purposes like forest mapping
,urban planning , identifying mineral zones and much more
Village Resource Center's (VRC) :-skill development institue or experts provide education to rural
areas through village resource center's
Que What are VSATs? What are they used for?
Ans Very Small Aperture Terminal is an earthbound station used in satellite communications of data,
voice and video signals excluding broadcast television .It consisits of two parts Transceiver that is
plcaed otdoor in direct line of sight of satellite and another device is placed indoors that interpret the
signals such as a pc .

Que How does the development of Pinaka benefit India?

Ans Pinka, a multi-barrel rocket launcher weapon has proved India's Capability to develop
Latest, Stage weapons. This System has 12 Solid Propellant rockets to give it higher capacity.
Its tange is about 40 km. It can launch variety of warheads. The Pinka developed by the
Armament Research and Development Establishment, Pune.Defence Research and
Development Organisation developed it based on indigenous technology. This System has
pushed India's missile programme. It can be situated near the border line to control strategic
activities of neighbouring countries that may cause negative impact on Indian security
concerns, by its influence on defence policy. Multi barrel system contributes to enlarged attack
capacity.India's relations, especially with boundary joined countries have not been passing
through a reliable and safe phase and so, the proof of India's capacity in scientific research and
development will help control situations.

Lunar Eclipse:-occurs when Earth's shadow blocks the suns light i.e. sun , earth and moon
are in a straight line which happens onlly once a month. So why not lunar eclipse every month
because usually shadow of earth falls above or below the moon surface when it fall exactly on
moon sarface then lunar eclipse occurs.

so lunar eclipse is visible only in that half portion of earth whish have night. It means you can
not see lunar eclipse in day time. Lunar eclipse occurs only on that part of earth which have
full moon night because Moon has to be behind Earth for full moon - that's when we see the
biggest part of it . Another question arises that why moon appears to be red during lunar eclipse
its answer lies in dispersion of shorter wavelength in atmosphere only longer wavelength
reaches us . If earth has no atmosphere then moon looks copletely black in eclipse.

Solar eclipse :-A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon goes in front of the sun and blocks
most of the sun's light from the earth. During a total eclipse all you can see from earth is a ring
of light around the moon which is part of the sun the moon did not cover. It is dangerous to
look at a solar eclipse directly, even if you have sun glasses or smoked glass. It is better to view
solar eclipses through a pin hole projector.

Black hole:- A celestial body whose surface gravity is so strong that not even light can escape
once trapped. a black hole is invisible So if light cannot escape, nothing else can.

Comet:-A comet is a small member of the solar system made up of rocky material held
together by frozen gases When a comet approaches the sun its tail is following. When it moves
away from the sun its tail is leading the comet.

Constellation :-A constellation is a group of stars visible within a particular region of the night
sky. Some were named after animals and some mythological characters. Some Constellations
can be viewed after sunset and before sunrise . you can't see constellations during the day
because the sun's light is too bright to see star light.on equator you can view all the
constellations in a year. On North or South Pole, you will only be able to see the part of the sky
above you.
Phases of moon :- Throughout each month the moon will change from a crescent shape to a full
moon. The stages in between are called phases. After seven days the moon will change from a
crescent to a half moon. For the next seven days the moon will change from being a half moon
to a full moon. The reason why it has full and half moons depends on how the sunlight reflects
off of the surface of the moon and how much of it we can see. The shadow on the moon always
goes from east to west. The line that divides the part we can see from the dark part is called the

A meteoroid that burns up as it passes through the Earths atmosphere is known as a meteor. If
youve ever looked up at the sky at night and seen a streak of light or shooting star what you
are actually seeing is a meteor.

A meteoroid that survives falling through the Earths atmosphere and colliding with the Earths
surface is known as a meteorite.

Que what is a quasars and pulsars ?

Ans A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star the remnant of a supernova explosion. It has a
powerful magnetic field, shooting out jets of radiation that sweep across space like lighthouse
beams when they line up with Earth they appear as a rapidly repeating burst of light. A quasar
is in fact a distant galaxy with a fluctuating blaze of light and other radiations coming from its
central regions. The activity in these galaxies is caused by a giant black hole at their very heart,
pulling in material from its surroundings, tearing it to shreds and heating it up to tremendous
temperatures before swallowing it up.

Measuring instruements
1. Hydrometer Measuring the density or relative density of liquids. Based on
floatation principle.
2. Magnetron Produces microwave. Used in ovens.
3. Actinometer Used to measure intensity of electromagnetic radiation
4. Altimeter Aneroid barometer for measuring altitude.
5. Bolometer For measuring heat radiation
6. Dasymeter Measuring density of gas
7. Galvanometer Used for detecting small electric currents.
8. Gyroscope Determine orientation in aircraft, ships etc.

9. Katharometer Measuring thermal conductivity

10. Manometer Measuring the pressure of a gas.
11. Nethoscope Determining the speed of celestial bodies.
12. Rectifier Converts AC into DC.
13. Tonometer Measures pitch of sound
14. Venturimeter Measures rate of flow of fluids
15. Udometer Rain guage.


1. Copyright and Trade-mark
Copyright is one of the creative Intellectual Property Rights and protects creative or
artistic works. Copyright applies on literative, music, art, painting, etc.
A Trademark is a type of intellectual property represented by a distinctive sign or
indicator of some kind used by an individual, business organization or other legal entity
to identify uniquely the source of its products or services to consumer.
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) is an
autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology, established
in February 1988.
TIFAC aims to keep a technology watch on global trends, and formulating preferred
technology options for India.
3. Aspartame
The artificial sweetener aspartame has been the subject of public controversy regarding
its safety and the circumstances around its approval.
The US Food and Drug Administration states that the safety of aspartame is "clear cut".
4. Gene doping
Gene doping is defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency as "the non-therapeutic use of
cells, genes, genetic elements, or of the modulation of gene-expression, having the
capacity to improve athletic performance."
5. Sappan

Sappan Wood or East Indian real wood is a multipurpose tree. It is a small thorny
spreading tree that up to 10m in height and the wood reaches 15-30 cm in diameter.
In India it is cultivated in gardens and nurseries as a live fence plants in parts of Tamil
Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal
6. IPCC Report on Global Warning:
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of
increases in global average air and ocean temperature, widespread melting of snow and
ice, and rising global mean sea level.
The report said man-made emissions of greenhouse gases can already be blamed for
fewer cold days, hotter nights, heat waves, floods and heavy rains, devasting drought,
and an increase in hurricane and tropical-storm strengths.
7.What is firewall?
It is a technique related to security regarding computers. It allows only those programs
to the computer which are permitted and restrict any other unwanted command and data.
8. What is malware?
This software is made to harm any computer system. Computer users are unknown to
the term malware and many a times they miSunderstand it with virus.
9. Discuss the missile technology initiatives undertaken by India.
(i) MPEG: Moving Picture Expert Group.
(ii) HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language.
(iii) ASCII : American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
10.What is Root Kit?
By Root kit a special program is directed which can destroy the whole operation system
and it can steal information from a group.
11.What is computer architecture?
Computer architecture is a computer technique which helps in various areas and subjects
related to designing.
12.What do you understand by a search engine in computer?
Internet search engines (eg Google, AltaVista) help users find web pages on a given

subject. The search engines maintain databases of web sites and use programs (often
referred to as "spiders" or "robots") to collect information, which is then indexed by the
search engine.
13. Expand the following
(i) CAD: Computer Aided Design
(ii) CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
(iii) CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing
14.Explain what is Thin Film Memory in computers?
Thin film memory is a high-sped variation of core memory developed by Sperry Rand in
a government-funded research project. Instead of threading individual ferrite cores on
wires, a thin film (4 millionths of an inch thick) of iron- nickel alloy (called permalloy)
was deposited as small dots (using a mask) on small glass plates, by vacuum evaporation
15.Write a short note on Artificial Intelligence.
A branch of computer science that studies how to endow computers with capabili: ties of
human intelligence. For example, speech recognition is a problem being worked on by
A1 scientists.
16.Who are called Hackers in computer world?
A hacker is someone who creates and modifies computer software and computer hardware, including computer programming, administration, and security-related items.
The term usually bears strong connotations, but may be either favorable or denigrating
depending on cultural context (see the Hacker definition controversy). Common
definitions include.
17.What do you understand by E- governance?
E-governance refers to the use of information and communications technologies to
improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of government.
18.What is URL?
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other
resources on the World Wide Web.
19.What do the following stand for?
(i) CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Read Only Memory

(ii) USB: Universal Serial Bus.

(iii) ITES: Information Technology Enabled Services.
(iv) FORTRAN: Formula Translator.
20.What do understand by MP3?
An audio compression technology that is part of the MPEG-1 and MPEG2specifications.
21.What are cyber crimes? How are these protected?
Cyber crimes consists of specific crimes dealing with computers and networks (such as
hacking) and the facilitation of traditional crime through the use of computer (child
pornography, hate crimes, telemarketing/ internet fraud). Cyber crimes can be protected
by passing stringent laws, developing security codes and use of digital signatures.
22. What is 'Sympathetic Haptics'?
Sympathetic Haptics:
Sympathetic Haptics uses a data glove to sense the pressure being applied by a user to
every part of that user's hand and fingers. The system can then broadcast those feelings
over the Internet to another user wearing the same type of glove.
23. What are special features of 'Linux'?
Features of Linux are:
(i) Full multitasking and 32-bit support
(ii) GNU software support
(iii) TCP/IP networking support
(iv) Virtual memory and shared libraries.
24. What is an operating system? List the basic services provided by an operating
The operating system is the first program loaded into the computer as it boots, and it
remains in memory at pull times thereafter. This is responsible for allocating system
resources, including memory, processor time, disk space and peripheral devices such as
printers, modems and the monitor.
25. What is an 'Internet Worm? Explain DDoS.
When a worm gains access to a computer (usually by breaking into it over the internet) it

launches a programme which searches for other internet locations, infecting them if it
can. At no time does the worm need user assistance (accidental or not) in order to
operate its programming. Moreover, the worm travels over the internet, so all machines
attached to an infected machine are at risk of attack. DDOS- Distributed Denial of
26. What do the following stand for?
(i) POSsIX: Portable Operating System Interface.
(ii) EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read only Memory.
(iii) MODEM: Modulator-Demodulator.
(iv) COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language.
27. What is a digital camera?
A digital camera has no film but a server converts light into an image that can be stored
on a computer or printed out on a desktop printer.
28. What is firewall in computer Language?
Firewall is the safety valve for the computer not allowing others to reach the converted
29. What is multimedia?
Multimedia uses audio, video, virtual reality technique, telephony etc. at the same time.
30. What do the following stand for?
(i) HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
(ii) FTP: File Transfer Protocol.
(iii) MFLOPS: Million Floating Points Option Per Second.
(iv) PLANIT: Planit website has won 5 web awards.
31. What is Piracy?
Piracy is duplicating the original one and selling it through black marketing.
32.What is "handshake" in computer language?
In computer language 'handshake' is the sequence of messages exchanged between two
or more network devices to ensure transmission synchronisation.

33What is "Ethernet" and what is it used for?

A baseband LAN (Local Area Network) specification invented by Xerox Corporation
and developed jointly by Xerox, Intel and Digital Equipment Corporation. Ethernet
networks operate at 10 Mbps using CSMA/CD to run over coaxial cable. Ethernet is
similar to a series of standards produced by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic
34.What is "digital signature" and what is it used for?
In business transaction, digital signature plays a function for digital documents. The
increase in electronic commerce has made it a requirement. A digital signature system
consists of two parts - a method of signing a document so that forgery is not possible,
and a method of verifying that a signature was really generated by the person who it
35.What do the following stand for?
(i) DRAM: Distributed Random Access Memory.
(ii) JPEG: Joint Photographic Expert's Group.
(iii) ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
(iv) IMAP: Image Map.
36.What is a WAP-enabled phone?
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
is a technique used in telecommunication. In this technique a telephone is attached with
a screen on which one see the image of the talking partner through this technique one
can also access the WAP sites.
37.What are the prospects of CTBT?
If nuclear powers are ready to accept the national interest of other countries and willing
to negotiate the terms, this CT&T would ensure the world peace even with nuclear
38.Differentiate between Collective security and Cooperative security.
Collective security is for the Global concern including all the nations on common vital
issues, i.e. environment space etc. Cooperative security is agreement between two or
more nation in defence.

39.What do the following stand for?

(i) MARV: Multiple Airborne Re-entry Vehicles
(ii) MIRV: Multiple Independent targeted Re-entry Vehicles.
(iii) ICBM: Inter Continental Ballistic Missile.
40.Differentiate between Explosion and Implosion.
In explosion, energy is released by particles flowing outwards of the nucleus - i.e. Atom
bomb. In implosion, energy is released by particles flowing inwards to the nucleus i.e.
41.What does the 'clock speed' of a computer signify?
Clock speed refers to the rate of which the CPU clock operates. Measured in mhz or
GHz. Faster the clock, faster the programme of operations.
42.What do the following stand for?
(i) HTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
(ii) CPU: Central Processing Unit.
(iii) ROM: Read Only Memory.
(iv) BIOS: Basic Input Output System.
43.What are a modern and what is it used for?
Modern stands for modulator demodulator. This device links a computer system and a
telephone line to facilitate data transmission at high speed between two computers.
44.What is spamming?
It refers to junk mails. They proliferate despite many efforts to reduce them. Term is
used for unsoldated commercial mails.
45.How does a computer virus destroy data?
A computer virus is active software. It enters a computer and damages or destroys data
by its program.
46.What is modern? What is it used for?
Modern stands for modulator demodulator telephone line to facilitate data transmission
at high speed between two computers. It converts analog data to digital vice-versa.

47.What is CNG? How can it reduce air pollution?

Comprehensive Natural Gas. Reduces emission of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and
other pollutants, green house gases etc.
48.What is a computer virus? How does it infect systems?
Computer virus is a Software Programme which actively spreads and enters in
computers to destroy or damage, data in the affected computers.
49.What do the following stand for?
(i)NISSAT: National Information System for Science and Technology.
(ii) GMRT: Giant Metre wave Radio Telescope.
(iii) INMAS: Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science.
50.Where are the following located?
(i) Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology :Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research: Kakpakkam, Tamil Nadu.
(iii) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
51.How do identical twins differ from each other genetically?
Identical twins are 'minor image' of each other in their genetic composition and so their
habits reflect it. One becomes lefty and other right handed and soon.
52.Why are transgenic organisms important?
Transgenic Organisms are created with desired ability and quality. In agriculture, such
plant is made drought proof, resistible to any disorder. Livestocks are brought up
through this technique which yields more milk meat and wool.
53.State the importance of Antrix Corporation.
Antrix Corporation is the Commercial branch of the ISRO. It sales scientific services
related to the space technology and satellites in the international market earning valuable
foreign currency for India.
54.Why is Website getting popular?
Website is the location where information is kept in the Internet. They give us easily and
quickly information access. So, they are very popular now-a-days.

55.What do the following stand for?

(i) C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
(ii) ICMR: Indian Council of Medical Research
(iii) TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
56.Give the functions of interferons.
Interferons increases immunity of our body by producing antibodies. They are anti-viral
57.What is the difference between E-mail and FAX?
E-mail is electronic-mail used to send message between two computers via internet
while fax prints the message on a paper by fax machine.
58.What is centchroman?
A contraceptive formulation developed and used in India. Though it is not approved by
FDA for sale in the U.S. yet, is supposedly does not have any of the negative side effect.
59.What is ultrasonography?
Using more than 20,000 Hz frequency rays an image of internal part of body is recorded
for medical and surgical user. This technique is known as ultrasonography.
60.What do the following stand for?
(i) C-DOT: Centre for Development of Telematics.
(ii) CGCRI: Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute.
(iii) INMAS: Institute of Nuclear medicine and Allied Science.
61.What is HIV? What does it cause?
HIV is Human Immuno deficiency Virus. It causes a disease Aids (Acquired Immuno
Deficiency Syndrome) which weakens immunity system of body.
62.Why does a lunar eclipse occur only on a full moon?
Only on a full moon day, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, which is
necessary for a lunar eclipse.
63.Where are the following located? (Give the name of the city and state)

(i) Central Drug Research Institute: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

(ii) Space Application Centre: Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
(iii) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research: Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.
Rohit Garwal

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