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Environmental Pollution (Unfavouable alternation of surroundings)

1. Classification
1. Origin
1. primary
1. @ original form from sources: ash, smoke, dust, radioactive
compounds, oxides of sulphur & nitrogen
2. secondary
1. formed in atm by chemical reaction of primary: sulphur tri
oxide, peroxyacylnitrate(PAN), ketone, Ozone
2. State
1. Gaseous:carbon dioxide, oxides of sulphur & nitrogen
2. Particulate: suspended droplets, solid particles or their mix
3. Source
1. natural: volcanoes, deflation of sand, dust
2. man made: industries, aircraft, automobiles, agriculture
2. Source
1. Automobile
1. Reaction

2. Exhaust pollutants
1. Hydrocarbons/ VOC's: Forms Ozone in the presence of
Nitrogen oxides( i.e. major smog component) :irritates d eye,
respiratory problems
2. Nitrogen Oxide:Ozone, Acid Rain
3. CO: Due to partial combustion, reduces flow of blood
4. Carbon dioxide: Greenhouse gas, Global warming
5. soot: in diesel engines:incomplee combustion of
carbon:contains PAH
3. Evaporative Loss
1. Hot Fuel tank, Fuel Tank Heating by sun,Refuelling:

2. VOC's(Colourless, Odourless, Tasteless) form cars interior &

exhaust. Eg: benzene,butadiene,Poly cyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons ( PAH), methylene chloride, hexane, toluene,
4. Prevention
1. Catalytic Converter
1. Catalyst (platinum, rhodium or palladium) is coated onto
a ceramic honeycomb or ceramic beads that are housed in a
muffler-like package attached to the exhaust pipe. Converts
carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons into
carbon dioxide and water, nitrogen oxides back into nitrogen
and oxygen
2. 1. Reduction: 2NO2 => N2 + 2O2, 2.Oxidation:2CO + O2
=> 2CO2
2. Industry
1. Industries: Chemical, Paper & Pulp, Cotton Mills, Petrlium,
2. Produces: Carbon, metals, dust, radioactive material,
S02(Burning coal, heavy oil forms sulphuric acid with oxygen>>acid
3. Biomass/Garbage burning
1. emits carbon, sulphur, nitrogen oxides,particulate matter, biomass
like forest:nocid rain2>soluble in water>nitric acid>acid rain,
aerosol is a colloid suspension of fine solid particles and/or liquid
droplets in a gas(smog, smoke)
1. carbon,dust:1 to 200micro metre,suspended partculate matter
(spm): 1 to 100micron metre:smoke (solid particles from incomplete
combustion):0.1 to 1micrometre,
3. Effects
1. Man: Headache, nausea(feeling of vomiting),convulsion(abnormal
contraction/expansion of muscle,body part movement)
2. When sulphur pollutants fall on to buildings made from limestone and
sandstone they react with minerals in the stone to form a powdery
substance that can be washed away by rain. Famous buildings like the
Statue of Liberty in New York, the Taj Mahal in India and St. Paul's

Cathedral in London have all been damaged by this, Acid deposition

speeds up natural weathering caused by rain, sun, snow and wind

3. global warming, melting of glacier, polar ice caps, flooding of coastal

4. Abatement
1. using LPG, CNG as fuel, low sulphur fuel
2. Scrubber for industrial exhaust streams:spray of wet lime powder in
3. electrostatic precipitator (ESP), cleans lime salts, lead, cadmium,
nickel using induced electrostatic charge>>stick to metal
1. Effects
1. pathogen in water>>diarrhoea(three or more loose or liquid bowel
movements per day), cholera (small intestine infection, watery
diarrhoea), typhoid(fever), dysentry( severe diarrhoea with blood feces)
2. Minamata Disease: mecury in water>>methyl mercury>>fish
consumed (minamata bay, japan), Itai Itai(ouch ouch)disease:cadmium
poisoning caused softening of the bones and kidney failure
3. Eutrophication:+nutrients in water, much more growth of
phytoplankton, algae. algae decomposition uses oxygen and deprives the
deeper waters of oxygen which can kill fish and other
4. Biomagnification: increasing concentration of various toxic
substances along the food chain
2. Sources
1. municipal drains, detergents contains phosphates>>eutrophication
2. heavy metals(lead, mercury>>methyl mercury in fish)
3. offshore oil spills
4. waste water from nuclear plants
5. hot water from thermal power plants>>less oxygen holding capacity

Name: Prashant Dayal

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