WAVMRA Requirements

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Virtual Machine Readiness Assessment Requirements

Hardware and software requirements.

Welcome to the Windows Azure Virtual Machine Readiness Assessment.
In order to best prepare you and your environment for a smooth migration, we
invite you to read through the technical requirements below.
The computer you run the Virtual Machine Readiness Assessment tool on must
meet the following hardware and software requirements.
In many cases the tool is run from a desktop computer against a set of target
servers. If you instead run the tool directly on the target servers then these same
basic requirements apply to those servers.

1. Operating system and hardware requirements.

Server-class or high-end workstation machine running Windows Vista,
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows Server 2008, Windows
Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2.
Minimum: 4GB RAM, 2 GHz dual-core processor, 5 GB of free disk space.
Joined to one of a domain of the Active Directory forest that the target
computers are a member of.

2. Additional software requirements.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Windows PowerShell 2.0, or later

3. Network access and permissions. All of the following are required when
remotely querying each server that makes up the target environment.

Virtual Machine Readiness Assessment Requirements

Administrative user.
Enterprise Admin privileges are required if assessing an Active Directory forest.
SysAdmin privileges are required if assessing a SQL server.
Administrative privileges are required against each server of the SharePoint farm,
to include its SQL servers.

Unrestricted network access.

Full access through firewalls or proxies are required.
If static ports are used to access the service then access to them is required.
Remote access (unless running locally) to WMI, the Registry and RPC.

4. Additional items.
The data we collect is temporarily stored in your local Documents folder
structure. Your Documents folder must be local. Network or redirected
Documents folders are not supported.
Run As to launch the tool as another user is not supported. You must launch
the tool as the user directly.

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