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Question: Should freshman be introduced into disorientation right away in an

early stage or absorbed into it as college life progresses?

Quote 1: Colleges want to protect freshman from dissenting voices
-Relates to class discussion on what is normal, sane, the word normal is an
-Frosh week was glossy, tries to cover some of the bad.
-Reminds me of the handbook and the FEDS agenda planner where there is a
small section on social issues and sexual harassment.
-Small discussion on mental illness and transgender issues in orientation
week, only give out help centre information and skit, topics are not covered
- Manipulative power, try to take control of students and way of thinking,
only see in one perspective.
- Scared of an opposition being formed that goes against the colleges.
-When students hear dissenting voices, they start to question what is going
on and that may create internal problems in the colleges and effect the
colleges operations.
-Why do colleges want to protect students from dissenting voices? The voices
are not necessarily harmful, they are just information that I think needs to be
Quote 2: Every environment dispenses its conventional wisdom, and
swimming against the current is always hard. But our freshman's
predicament was driven by an exaggerated impression of "everyone else."
-Again relates to class discussion on people siding with the majority and
having problems expressing true self.
- I really like the metaphor swimming against the current is always hard. Its
very easy to succumb to peer pressure. Its hard to fit in a group without
having a common interest. In the article the girl who was mentioned did not
support Obama but went along with helping his campaign because her
friends were all supporting him.
-When someone has a different opinion than everyone else. Everyone else
around him may see the person who is the lone wolf as crazy. Personally, for
me I fear what may happen when something like that happens. When ones
perspective is different from the majority, its probable that they may be
shunned at. Being the only one or part of the minority can be pretty
intimidating when facing the majority. Different perspectives can lead to a
clash of ideas and lead to aggression against one and another and more.

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