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Babur 1526 - 1530 The First of the Mughals Sabur was a droct descendant of te Turkish Ghengis Khan Defeated the Delhi Sultanate & established the Mughal Empire. ‘Gunpowder, 2 skied commander vained solders on horses contributed "oe weary Gained control ofthe whole northern India ‘Made Agra capital He reigned for 4 short years and died at age 47 in 1530, Did not enact new laws or organzaton inthe empire dv 0 ary his Akbar 1556 - 1605 The Great + Akbar become the new Mughal ruler at the age of 14 = Regont and his mother ruled in hs name for 4 years + Akbar was an ambitious and noble commander ~ Built the largest army ever in the empire, = ‘early all of modem-day northern India and sheen " ¥ + Great administrator ~ doveloped a centralized goveenmant + elogaiod 15 provinces enc under a poverot and ech provinge nko (Galieland ooh atic was urbe ulcdoed io small eachans, + Bost known for toleranee of his subjects (especially Hindus) — Removed poll axes on Hindus + Invited religious scholars fo debate him in his private chambers. ~ Developed his own faith call Din lab. Olas was'a mare ofthe oer eigns Akbar had sae fom hoes eae + Ration never caught on + After Babur died, he was succeeded by his son Humayun i Humayun 1530 - 1556 The Luckioss Leader 1530, Humayun was 23 years old He was nota ster ard une fis fther, nator ste na Inherited a disunited and cisorganized empire In 1549, Sher Shah of Bengal defeated Humayun and took over the Mughal Empire. The Empire was lost om 1540-1545. ~ Ho was exes but ator gained power in 1555. Humayun died in 1556 aftr fang down the steps of his brary he is ‘known as “te luckless one". Jehangir 1605 - 1627 The Paragon of Stability + Jehangir succeeded his father Akbar in 1605. Opposite of his fath: = Poor monarch and warrior but good at maintaining quo He continued many of Akbar’ policies. = Freedom of worship. = Fair treatment of Hindus, ~ Continued tiendship and alliance with Rajputs. = Allowed foreigners ike the Portuguese and English into india for trade, + Jehangir married Noor Jahan, She became the real tuler of the empire until the death of her husband. Aurangzeb 1658 - 1707 Shah Jehan 1627 - 1658 The Intolerant The Master Builder ‘Aurangzeb ascended the throne after disposing his father and beating out his two brothers, + Shah Jehan succeeded his father in 1627. Despot + Better ruler than Jehangir. ‘severely persecuted Hindus of Northem India. ~ Restored the efficiency of government. Empire declines under his reign ~ Recovered territories. ‘He removed the tactee status fr Hindus ~ Maintained peace “Destroyed their temples ~ Foreign traders were allowed into India and trade increased ‘Crushed semi-autonomous Hindu slates sonsiderably. tnd ote Hugh epee andthe begnnng of rsh ul blah iadeeha cakes r 7 . + Shah Jehan was a patron of the arts Kohinoer amend e Aghsysan & arate who bare ~ Buitmany great architecture buldings such as Jama Masi powerful under leadership of Shivaji declined the Mughal Empire Red Fort. & Taj Mahal =a ee =a =a a a 7 E B [il Mota Empire, 1520 (T tenitory added, 1520-1605 A Gi tenitory aces, 1606-1707 < Mughal emperor Shah Jahan and shown belon, still stands in Agra, Inda. Arabian Sea INDIAN OCEAN

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