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SIEMENS SIMATIC S5 Closed-Loop Controi Module IP 262 Instruction Manual (GESS 998-5SG21) €79000-G8576-C5 Release 04 for GES5 262-5AA21 Preface Introduction ‘The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control Characteristics of the IP 262 Module Installation Guidelines Structures and Parameters Operating Modes and Commissioning Communications Interface ‘The Data Blocks: Summary and Contents Structure Diagrams Index and Abbreviations Safety Guidelines LN AN AN Qualified Personnel Correct Usage LN ‘Trademarks Copyright © Siemens AG 1980. ‘This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as wel as, to protec the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted inthe manual by warring tangle and are marked as folows according to the evel of danger: Danger indicates that death, severepersonalnjuryor substantial propery daragewilresuproperprecautions ae not eken, Warning indicates that death, sovere personal injury or substantial property damage can result proper precautions are nat taken. Caution indicates that minor personal nur or property damage can result proper precautions are not taken, Note ‘ DW96 KF #4) DW 99 Initialization-Job number for cyclic reading In the Initialization Organization block you must write KF +151 in DW99 Error Memory expected values: Ifthe FB gets no response in the propriety time period (see DW92) from the IP262 after a job is send tothe IP, the data from the communication area (expected data from the FB; DW111-114) will be copied in the error memory expected (DW101-104). Ifone of the expected values is equal KH8000 there won't be an error analysis be done by the FB. Overview of the data area DW 101 Job number with acknowledgment bit (bit 15) DW 102 1, Data word expected DW 103 2, Data word expected DW 104 3. Data word expected Error Memory actual values: If the FB gets no response in the propriety time period (see DW92) from the IP262 after a job is send to the IP, the data received from the 1P262 will be copied in the error memory actual (DW106-109). Ifone of the expected values is equal KH8000 there won't be an error analysis be done by the FB. Overview of the data area DW 106 Job number DW 107 1. Data word received DW 108 2. Data word received DW 109 3. Data word received ‘Communication memory: ‘With each telegram the FB automatically writes the data anticipated into the communication memory, ‘This is done to facilitate a comparison with the received data. If the FB writes the value KH8000 into the ‘communication memory no comparison is made with the received value from the IP 262 . This means no error analysis dane by the FB, ‘The communication Interface : DW- format commentary/ Nb. and value ‘memory-area oO |-RT= 0000 RECEIVE DATA 1 TP-Stats, Job number 2: ‘Net Data word 1 5 Net Data word 4 (Net Data word 3 5 TEETTTTIOT BEND BAYA STOO 6 ob number 7, Ne-Data word T z ‘Net Data word? 3 NeData word 3 10. CONTROLLER I Data Area 1 Mode 12 Reference input 1 aot used 14 Manpulated variable 15 *p 16: Th 17 Te if Tot use 19; not used 2: T7775 CONTROLLER 2 Datu Area 77 2 Mode m2: ference input a ot used 24 [-KFF=00000, ‘Manipulated variable 25. -KF= 701000, Kp 26, CKF=+30000, Th 27K = +0000, Tr 28 Tolused 2s notused Ei CONTROLLER 3 Data Area iI Mode B: Raference pal 3 nol used 34 ‘Minipulated variable 35 Kp 36 Tn Fi TW Ey Tal wsed 3. nol used a0 7ais=" CONTROLLER 4 Data Area 7770 ar Made 22 Reference input 3, KF= +0000, ‘not used “4a, KF= 700000, ‘Wanipulated varabie 35 | KF = 701000, % 6 Th aT Tv a8 used ss not uss 30. T{COMPARISON DATA CONTROLLER T 3 Mode Bi Reference Input Es Controlled variable 54 ‘Manipulated variable 35 kp 36] KF = 30000, Ta 57, Ty 38: Bot used 39: not used. co ==COM PARISON DATA CONTROLLER 2™* 61 ‘Mode 6 Reference Input 6 Controlled variable 64. Manipulated variable 65-_|-KF=+01000, Kp 66:_|_ KF = +3000: Tn. Ga 00000; Tv 68__| KH= 0000; Tok used o ‘0000; not used "70_|KH= 0000, ==COMPARISON DATA CONTROLLER 3™* 7 [-KHT= 0002; Mode 72._|_KF = +0000; eference Input 7 = 00000; Controlled variable 74_| KF = +0000; Manipulated variable 75 KF = 401000; Kp "76__| KF = +3000, Ta 7i_|_KF= +0000; Ty "78__|_KH= 0000; ot used 779: -KH= 0000; not used B0__|_KH= 0000; **COMPARISON DATA CONTROLLER 4° ‘1 RH= 0002, Mode 2__| KF = +0000, Reference Input ‘3. | KF = +0000, Controlled variable 84 KF= +0000, “Manipulated variable 85._|_KF= 01000, Kp 86._|_KF= 330000, Ta 87. |_KF= +0000, Tv 88._|_KIT= 0000, ok used 89_|-KH= 0000; ‘ot used 30:__|-KH= 0000, USER DATA Di:_|_KF= +0095; “Fimer-Number 32 ‘Timer-Value 93 not used 34, not used 95 not used 96 Count ofused Controllers 97, ot used 38. not used 35: actual read telegram 700, 7777 ERROR MEMORY EXPECTED™===* 10K expected Reccive word 1 102: expected Receive word 103, ‘expected Receive word 3 104: ‘expected Receive word 4 105: "ERROR MEMORY ACTUAL=""7> 106 [KY = 000,000, actual Receive word | 107__|_KF = +0000, actual Receive word 2 Tos._| “KF =~+00000, actual Receive word 2 109_| KF = 00000, ‘actual Receive word 4 110: 0000, 7==GOMMUNICATION-MEMORY"* Tii_[-KY = 000,000, ‘expected Receive word | m2: 00000; expected Receive word 2 113; KF= 09000, expected Receive word 3 1a: expected Receive word Us: FREE FOR USER PROGRAM™ What must the user note: Preparation for the Close-Loop-Control Module 1P262 ‘The Close-Loop-Control Module 1P262. must be selected in the ET 200 work-made, to do this you have to write KF=+1 in data word 1 from data block 17 (DB17) Preparation for the communication Interface Before the first stat of the IP you have to prepare the communication interface related to the 1P262-) [A noise immunity of 4 KV contact discharge (BKV air discharge) is ensured ifthe device is set up correctly (see setup guidelines in the '$5-13SU/155U System Manual) ‘Noise immunity to electromagnetic HF field ‘80 to 1000 Miz amplitude modulated to ENV 50140 / IEC 1000-43, 10 V/m 80% AM (IkHz) ‘Noise immunity to electromagnetic HF field pulse 900 Miz modulated to ENV 50204 10V/m 50% ED ‘Noise immunity to high frequency (sinusoidal) 10 (0:15 to 80 Miz ENV 50141 10 80% AM 1 Signal lines that do not serve process control, for example, connections to extemal /O devices, ete: 2) With closed cabinet door CE Symbol kV ‘Notes on the CE Symbol for SIMATIC S5 e Manufacturers Introduction The SIMATIC programmable controller is nota machine in the sense ofthe EC Directive on machines, Therefore, thee is no declaration of conformity for SIMATIC as regards the EC Directive 89/392/EBC on machines. EC Directive “The EC Directive 89/392/EEC on machines controls machine requirements. ‘9/292/EEC on Here, a machine is understood tobe the entre number of devices or parts Machines involved (see also EN 292-1, Section 3.1). SIMATIC is par of the electrical equipment for a machine and must therefore be included in the procedure for declaration of conformity by the machine manufacturer. Electrical “The EN 60204-1 norm applies to the electrical equipment for machines Equipment for (Machine safety, general requirements for the electrical equipment for Machines to machines). Ck The following table should help you with the declaration of conformity, and shows which riteria apply to EN 60204-1 (as at June 1993) or STIMATIC. EN 602041] Subject Remaris Para. 4 | General Requirements Requirements are fullled i the machines are assembled/installed according othe setup guidelines. See also the explanations onthe previous pages. Para. 112 _| Digital YO Interfaces Requirements are fulfilled Para. 123 [Programmable Equipment | Requirements are fulfilled ifthe machines are installed in lockable cabinets, to protect them from memory modifications by unauthorized persons. Para. 204 | Vollage Tests Requirements are fulfilled. Preface, IP 262 Preface Our closed-loop control module IP 262 is a powerful input/output card which is intended for use in the programmable controllers S5-20U, $5-95U, $5-100U, but can also work as a stand-alone unit. To make full use of the card's wide range of functions, please consult the following instructions for detailed technical information. {As the functional scope of our new controllers $5-90U, S5-95U and S5-100U is being continuously extended and the device's manual is already, at this stage, @ very extensive document. we have decided not to include the IP 262 description in the controller handbooks. Instead, we have provided the IP 262 closed-loop control module with its own instruction manual; it details those facts and examples which are directly related to the control module. Throughout the creation of this manual, we were led by the idea to offer you a comprehensive technical document which is clearly structured and easy to work with. In particular, we have triad to obey the following principles: © Standardization of terminology and notations, © Detailed subdivision of the entire contents, © Highlighting of specific issues, * Clear presentation. The book's organization reflects our desire to provide the reader with all the information needed for working with the IP 262 closed-loop control module. We hope that the instructions given are of interest to both, the newcomer to the SIMATIC SS subject and the expert. Yet, a handbook cannot offer a solution to every question that may arise; the field of application of our new WO card is far too wide. But help is always available. Please contact your local Siemens office. Our colleagues will gladly offer you advice at any time. c73000-G8576-C5, Pa IP 262, Preface P2 ¢73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Introduction Introduction The following pages inform you about the layout of this manual. Description of the Contents The contents of the handbock is based on the assumption that you are familiar with the programming language STEP 5 which is used to run our SIMATIC programmable controllers. ‘The book is divided into the below topics: © General description (Technical characteristics, ‘undamentals of closed-loop control, mounting instructions) © Controller structures and control parameters (Commissioning, operating modes, on-line operation) © Data exchange with the programmable controller and the programming and operator control devices (Addressing, data exchange, standard function blocks, examples) Training Courses We offer you a number of trairing courses designed to instruct you in the use of our SIMATIC SS controllers and their inteligent LO cards. Please get in touch with your local Siemens representative to find out more about our training program. €73000-G8576-C5 4 introduction. IP 262 Literature This instruction manual gives you a complete description of the closed-loop control module IP 262. However, ‘opics not directly related to this device are beyond the manual's scope. For more detailed information on automatic control, please consult the folowing literature: + Speicherprogammierbare Steuerungen SPS Band 1: Verknipfungs- und Ablaufsteuerungen; von der Steuerungsautgabe zum Steuerungsprogramm (Programmable Controllers Volume 1: Logic and Sequence Control; From the Practical Problem to the Control Program) Ginter Wellenreuther, Dieter Zastrow Braunschweig 1987 Contents: = Principle of programmable controllers - Theory of automatic control using the STEPS programming language for SIMATIC SS programmable controllers Order No.: ISBN 3-628-04484-0 ‘* Automation with the SIMATIC $5-115U Programmable Controller ‘Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen SIMATIC $5 Hans Berger Siemens AG, Berlin und Munchen 1987 Contents: = Programming language STEP 5 = Program processing = Programming of function blocks = Interfaces to the peripheral VO units Order No.: ISBN 3-8009-1484-0 * Programming the SIMATIC® $5-100U Programmable Controller Practical exercises with the PG 615 programming unit Siemens AG, Berlin und Manchen 1988 Contents: = Mechanical design and installation of the $5-100U unit = Introduction to programming with the PG 615 programming unit, Order No.: ISBN 3-8009-1500-6 * Closed-Loop Control with SIMATIC® $5 Fundamentals Siemens AG, Berlin und Minchen 1988 Contents: = Fundamentals of closed-loop control = Characteristics of the controlled system (process) = Controller characteristics = The closed-loop control principle = Controller types = Setting up the controllers Order No.: E80850-C331-X-A ‘ndividual manuals exist for the other components and modules of the SIMATIC SS automation system (e.9.. for the SINEC L1 bus). Whenever we mention such a component in this manual we also provide you with the ‘eference of the recommended literature or catalogue. One of the documents you might find very useful, is the catalogue ST 52.1 which describes our programmable controller S5-100U. he 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Introduction Conventions To obtain a clear presentation of the manual, we have applied the following method to organize its contents: ‘© The individual chapters are identified by a printed register on the right-hand margin of each page. © The titles of the book's chapters are listed at the beginning of the handbook. ‘© Then, at the head of each individual chapter, you will find a finer subdivision of that particutar chapter. ‘The contents of each chapter are graded into three levels whose headlines are numbered 1.. to 3... Any further subdivisions within the lowest level are headed by unnumbered titles in bold print. © The book’s pages, figures and tables are numbered consecutively within each individual chapter. On the back of the chapter's detailed list of contents you will find a summary of figures and tables of that particular chapter. ‘Some special notation has been used throughout the text: ‘© Certain devices or software modules are also referred to by a characteristic abbreviation which often is a Siemens standard. Example: Programming unit or programmer (PG) Please refer to the appendix -> chap. A.3 for list of all abbreviations used in this manual * Footnotes are identified by small superscript figures (e.g. °1*), or asterisks "*". You find the cor- responding explanations at the bottom of the page © Dimensions in drawings are always expressed in mm. © Ranges of value are expressed as follows: 17... 21 = 171021 © Information of outstanding importance is enclosed in a grey frame. ® All programming examples mentioned in the manual have been programmed in the form of a ‘statement list’. Handbooks always describe the current state of the equipment. Should modifications or additions prove necessary at a later stage, then supplements will be issued. They will be properly incorporated in the manual ‘as soon as a new edition is being prepared. The actual version of your manual is indicated on the cover; with each revision, this number will be incremented. Modifications with Respect to the Manual ‘Closed-Loop Control Module IP 262’, 6ES5 998-5SG21, Edition 1 ‘The entire manual has been revised. It has been extended by © chapter 6.3, ‘Data Traffic via the SINEC L1 Industrial Bus" © chapter 3.3, "Signal Conversion Box’ The first edition of the IP 262 manual described the card's usage in conjunction with the $5-100U programmable controller. In the meantime, the programmable controllers S5-90U and $5-95U are on the market; they too are capable of driving the IP 262 closed-loop control module. In general, any remarks in this manual referring to the S5-100U controller do also apply to the S5-90U and S5-95U controllers. The main differences lie in the number of plug-in slots available and in the use of standard function blocks which can be applied by simply defining their parameters. In these cases, the SE-90U controller behaves ike a CPU102 whereas the characteristics of the S5-95U controller are similar to those of a CPU 103. Modifications with Respect to the Manual ‘Closed-Loop Control Module IP 262', 6ES5 998-5SG21, Edition 2 In addition to the correction of typographical errors, the Manual has been extended by Chapter 6.5 (Data Traffic via the ET 200 Distributed v0 System). €73000-G8576-C5 13 introduction. IP 262 €73000-G8576-05 Notes on Safety Measures. IP 262 Notes on Safety Measures The manual in hand is the technical document accompanying our product and contains essential and important information on how :0 work with our equipment. Its contents are intended for technically qualified personnel such as engineers, programmers or service and maintenance staff especially trained for these tasks and being familiar with the principles of measuring techniques, sequence and closed-loop control. ‘The safety precautions, warnings and instructions given in this manual are of utmost importance; please read them carefully and comply with them thoughout working with our equipment in order to ensure safe installation and commissioning as well as continuous operation, service and maintenance without any risks. Our experience has shown that only qualified personnel have the necessary special knowledge and awareness of correctly interpreting our safety and operating instructions, expressed for the general case, and applying them to their individual application. ‘The present handbook is part of the standard IP 262 package, even though it has been given its own order number for organizational purposes. To keep its contents clear and easily accessible we have not included every single detail of all available designs of the product, neither was it advisable to elaborate every possible practical case of installing, operating and maintining it. Should your particular situation not be described and you require more detailed information, or if, after all, you encounter problems not sufficiently discussed in our ‘manual, then please do not hesitate to contact your nearest Siemens office for help. We sould also lke to point out thatthe contents of this document are not part of any previous or present agreement, promise oF legal Undertaking, nor i it our intention to make any changes to the later by issuing this marval All obligations to be met by Siemens resut from the contact of purchase in question which aio lays down the warranty concitons. Only te regulations agreed in the said contract of purchase are vai; they are nesber amended nor estrcted by the explanatons gwen inthe present manual 1 Safety Instructions The following instructions are mportant for your personal safety. Do keep them in mind when working with ‘our product. We especially draw your attention to the notes given in point 2; they outline how to use the product correctly for its intended purpose. Our manual emphasizes warnings and instructions crucial for the prevention of injury, death or material damage by the catchwords ’Warning’, "Danger’ or ‘Careful’. 2 How to Use the Product Correctly for Its Intended Purpose © The device/system must only be run and operated after it has been properly installed andior its enclosure is safely closed. © Prior to setting the device/system into operation, verify that the rated voltage range set on the unit matches the local mains voltage. © For equipment with fixed mains leads (stationary device/system) and without an all-pole mains switch, and possibly without fuses, fit a mains switch or a fuse in the building installation, © Those devices/systems which have a fixed mains connection and mobile lead and are not provided with an all-pole mains switch, must have an easily accessible mains socket in the proximity of the data processing unit. €73000-G8576-C5 S41 P 262, Notes on Safety Measures Mains fluctuations and deviatons trom the rated value must not exceed the tolerances specified in the data sheets. If they do, device failures or dangerous situations cannot be ruled out. ‘When instaling the 24 V supply, ensure safe electrical isolation from the extra-low voltage. Only power supplies according to VDE 0108, Section 101 or VDE 0100, Section 410 should be used. Open circuits due to broken wires or cores on the signal side may cause indefinable conditions of the electronic sequence’ciosed-loop control equipment. Prevent such a risk by taking appropriate Precautions on both the hardware and software level when connecting and assigning the inputs and outputs. ‘Automation systems and their operating elements must be installed in such a way that they are sufficiently protected against unauthorized access. ‘Any access to the equipment or intervention in its operation going beyond the intended purpose of the described product may only be undertaken by qualified personnel. 3 Qualified Personnel ‘The expression ‘qualified personnel’ used in our manual or stated on equipment labels in the context of safety precautions and secure handling of our equipment refers to persons who are familiar with the installation, ing, commissioning and operation of the product and have suitable qualifications. These qualifications mignt have been obtained: a t) 9 after successful completion of an appropriate training course providing a certificate of authorization for commissioning, earthing and labelling electrical circuits, devices and systems according to safety standards, after successful completion of an appropriate training course for working with and servicing safety ‘equipment according to safety standards, after successful completion of an appropriate training course for handling programmable controllers and/or control and instrumentation equipment and power station installations. A\ WARNING Electronic automation devices and control cubicles, operating correctly and for its intendec purpose, will inevitably contain certain parts which are at dangerous voltage levels. Any access to the system or intervention in its operation without compliance with the wamings stated in this manual or indicated on the device labels may therefore cause heavy injuries or material damage Only qualified personnel should have authorization of access to the device/cubicle. ‘These authorized persons must have thorough knowledge of all possible sources of danger and ‘must be familiar with the service and maintenance measures decribed in this manual. The correct and safe operation of the product assumes suitable transportation methods, correct storage, installation and wiring as well as circumspect command, operation and maintenance. $2 €73000-G8576-C5 Notes on Safety Measures Ip 262 4 — Service and Maintenance © The device requires no maintenance. © Hardware repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer. Unauthorized opening of the device and improper repairs may cause considerable risks to the user. © Always pull out the mains plug or switch off the mains switch before opening the device. © Should measurements and tests be necessary with the device being under power, then the accident prevention regulations VBG 4.0 must be complied with, whereby special attention must be paid to paragraph 8 "Deviations permitted when working with active parts’. Make sure to use suitable electric tools. 5 Emergency Stop ‘The EMERGENCY STOP devices have been designed according to the VDE 0113 regulations; they must remain operational in all opereting modes of the automation equipment. A reset of an EMERGENCY STOP device must in no case result in an uncontrolled or indefinable restart Measures must be taken to ensure orderly resumption of a program that had been interrupted by a voltage dip or voltage failure. Dangerous operating conditions must never arise, not even for very short instants. If necessary, the EMERGENCY STOP condition must be forced. Power leads and signal lines are to be installed in such way that inductive and capacitive interferences on these lines do not adversely affect the sequence control and closed-loop control functions. ‘Siemens do not assure corectness of this manval's contents. This apples especially to damages and consequential camages which ‘might erie fom possble typographical errs, arthmetic 0: representaton erors or ncoroctIstings. AS these types of errors cannot be ‘eniely red out even by the most thorough examination ofthe text, we always welcome any recommendatons and suggests for impeovernent you might care to sutmit. ‘The manuat's contons are checked for accuracy and updated at requiar intervals and are therefore subject io change winovt special notice. The information contained ths handbook is protected by copyrght. No repreducton, copy or wansmission ofthis pubicabon may be made wihout the pubister’s prior wniten consent, nor is it allowed 0 translate the text into ferent languages without ©73000-G8576-C5 83 1P 262. Notes on Safety Measures Please Read This Note Carefully You are advised not to underestimate the possible risks when making use of so-called SIMATIC compatible, electronic cards offered on the market by manufacturers other than Siemens. “The manufacturer of a product (here: SIMATIC) has the responsibility to observe the application of this product. The manufacturer is generally obliged to call the customer's attention to any dangers which might be caused by the use of his product. Recent law has extended this liability to accessory parts offered by other suppliers. Every manufacturer has hence the duty to recognize and point out even those risks which might arise when his own product is employed in connection with installations of other manufacturers. We therefore feel committed to caution our customers, who employ SIMATIC equipment, against making use of so-called SIMATIC compatible cards offered by outside manufacturers. You ere advised not to install such ‘compatible’ cards in the SIMATIC SS programmable controller, neither as replacement part nor as additional item to extend the controller's scope. Our products are submitted to a quality assurance procedure of very high standard. We are not aware ‘whether the "SIMATIC compatible’ cards offered by other manufacturers undergo an equivalent quality check ‘or whether their quality is tested at all. These pseudo-compatible devices have been launched on the market without our prior consent; we have never issued any recommendation to apply them in our SIMATIC automation systems. The advertising material published by the manufacturers of such ‘compatible’ cards in trade journals, catalogs or at trade exhibitions may give the impression that its propositions had been agreed with us. Yet, this is not the case. The use of so-called SIMATIC compatible cards in our SIMATIC automation equipment is against our recommendations. Our SIMATIC automation systems are employed universally in all fields of industry and many different SIMATIC products are currently offered on the world market. We ere therefore not in a position to analyse and indicate the concrete forms of the risks and dangers possibly caused by pseudo-compatible SIMATIC products when used together with our authentical SIMATIC equipment. itis indeed beyond our capacity to investigate the effect of all these so-called compatible SIMATIC cards upon our genuine SIMATIC automation system. We refuse any warranty for a SIMATIC automation system which has been fitted with ‘compatible’ SIMATIC cards and shows signs of malfunctioning. We are not liable for any damages which might be caused by the use of so-called SIMATIC compatible cards as we have not failed to caution our customers against the employment of such pseudo-SIMATIC products.” 84 73000-G8576-C5 1 The Control Loop 4 12 Measuring Sensors and Transducers 4 13 Final Controlling Elements and Their Actuators oo 14 Characteristics of Different Feedback Systems ..... seve 12 15 The Controller ........ 6... 13 Types of Feedback Systems 19 The Single Feedback Loop . .. 19 Cascaded Controt 19 Ratio Control 4-10 Cascaded Ratio Control... $12 €73000-48576.C5 eee fe pA oe 4 Closed control loop and signal flow diagram ...... 6... - + 12 ‘The principal response characteristics of controlled processes . . + 13 ‘Two diferent controller designs, with continuous and discontinuous output signals 1 14 ‘Step response of controllers with P, PD, Pl and PID characteristics 1 15 Block diagram of a continuous-action controller = 1 16 Pulse controller (two-position controller) 1" 17 lock diagram of the pulse controller IP 262 1 18 Response of the actuating variable y of a pulse controller 1 19 Block diagram of a three-position step controller 18 1.10 ‘Transfer function and control parameters of the three-position step controller * wn Signal flow in a unity-feedback control system 1“ a2 ‘Signal flow in a cascaded control system .. . 1 4.13 Example of a cascaded control scheme for controlling temperaturefiow rate 14 114 ‘Signal flow in a ratio control system on 4 1.15 Example of a ratio control system. - 14 1.16 Signal flow in a cascaded ratio control system 14 73000-G8576-C5 The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control. JP 262 1 The Fundamentals of Closed-loop Control 14 The Control Loop The aim of a closed-loop control system (also called: feedback system) is to act on the output quantity x of a process in such a way that itis maintained at a preset value. In doing so, any disturbances z affecting the process must be compensated for. In a digital control system. the controlled variable x is, at regular intervals, recorded and compared to the reference variable (also called: command variable). The calculated error signal xd = w ~x (also called: contol error) is then picked up by the control unit and converted into the actuating variable y. This computation is based on a certain control algorithm. The actuating variable y (also called: manipulated variable) hence represents the result of the closed-loop control process; it acts on the plant in ‘order to maintain the controlled quantity x at the desired level 257023 tt Reference input variable Controlled variable Error signal 1 ‘Actuatng variable Disturbances eaters Plant Controting system Fig. 1.1 Closed control loop and signal flow diagram 12 Measuring Sensors and Transducers The controlled variable x of an industrial process may be any physical quantity, such as. pressure, temperature, liquid levels or flow rate. Some sensors, such as resistance thermometers and thermocouples, may be connected directly to the Controller. Others require a transducer which transforms the measured process quantity into an electrical signal. The transducer’s utput signal is then passed on to the control module. The IP 262 card is designed for transducers with standardized signal outputs (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA). 13 Final Controlling Elements and Their Actuators In most applications of process engineering, such as temperature control, the actuating variable y is fed back to the system by means of < valve, damper or some other mechanical controlling device. We distinguish between three actuator drives: = Electric actuators, consisting of an electric motor and a gearbox. They are integral action elements and are usually controlled by three-position step controllers. Some electric actuator drives have the actual Positioner already integrated (series connection). These devices have a proportional control effect and are usually controlled by a continuous-action controller. ~ Pneumatic actuators (piston actuators) using compressed air as auxiliary energy and an electro-pneumatic positioner or electro-pneumatic signal transducer to act on the process. The action of these devices is ‘proportional; they are controlled by continuous-action controllers. Hydraulic actuators with electrically driven oil pumps and electro-hydraulic positioners. They, again, are proprtional-action actuators and are controlled by continuous controllers. The electric actuators equipped with ac or three-phase ac drives are very rugged, require little maintenance and are very economic in their use. ‘The pneumatic drives are faster than the electric ones and are usually of flameproof design. They are however unsuitable for high-power actuating quantities. ¢73000-48576-C5 11 IP 262. The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Contro! Hydraulic actuator drives are fast and suitable even for high-power outputs. They are however more expensive than the other types. We have just discussed three methods of passing on the actuating signal to the process. Any of them can be employed to construct a continuous-action control system. For unsteady processes though such as temperature control with electric heating and/or cooling, relays, the role of final actuating control element is better taken on by relays, contactors or thyristor switches. 14 Characteristics of Different Feedback Systems ‘The overall feedback system usually comprises several loop components. Each individual component has certain response characteristics which are expressed in the form of a transfer function. To efficiently manipulate the plant's output quantity x it is vital to know the response characteristics of the loop’s components. This knowledge allows you to select the most suitable type of controller and set it up precisely for your specific application Figure 1.2 lists the principal existing response characteristics. The transfer functions represent the reaction of the controlled variable x to a sudden change at the input. ‘Stop input response forxe = 1 ‘Transfer element xf —______ Output quantty xa. Response Short form Proportonal Pp * 's proportional and instantaneous 4 1 the input signal xe is the ime integral ofthe input Integra! ' ‘ stoner lag pr is proportonal to te input variable but nas an exponential delay is propertonal tothe input variable ‘2nd order ag | P-T2 1, buts delayed and produces a amped sinusord +f] 's proportonal to the input variable Proportional. ‘i. Sboeded up by the diferent tere PO tie constant Diterenval decreases t0 20r0. A change atthe 2 ott input produces a decaying diferent asins Of the input xe atthe output 's proportional tothe input, but Dead ume Pt, | tl | o note ee ee | | | pee — Fig. 13 Two different controller designs, with continuous and discontinuous output signals The pulse controller is also often referred to as two-step or on-off controller. The controller's circuit components determine its response characteristics which may be: Proportional (P), Proportional-differential (PD), Proportional-integral (Pi), Proportional-integral-differential (PID). AA step function applied to the controller input produces the output response shown above. The P-action controller has the characteristic parameters Kp (proportional or controller gain) and yo (operating point). The operating point is defined as that value of the output signal y at which the control error xd is zero. Contrary to the P-controller, the integral component of the Pl-action controller has the effect of preventing the permanent existence of a control error, irrespective of the position of the operating point, the set reference variable and any changes in the disturbance factors. The integral time constant Tn is the determining factor of the I-component. ©73000-48576-C5 13 (P 262. The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control xd Step input Controt response | ‘Step response y P Kp xd Yo PD PI PID Fig. 1.4 Step response of controllers with P, PD, Pl and PID characteristics The PlD-action controller has the added advantage of a derivative component which improves the controller's dynamic quality. The effect of the D-component is determined by the parameters W (derivative- action gain) and Tv (derivative time constant) The output signals supplied by the controller must be suitable for the actuator. For the main types of actuators, two types of controllers prevail in industry: the three-position controller for electrically-driven ‘actuators and the continuous-output controller for pneumatic and hydraulic devices. 1-4 €73000-G8576-C5 The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control IP 262 ‘The Continuous-Action Controller The continuous-action controller (= C-controller) is usually employed in plants with pneumatic actuating devices. The controller's output signal of 0 to 20 mA (or 4 to 20 mA) is fed across an electro-pneumatic signal converter and acts steadily on the actuator. w Reference input varable x Convalod varaole xe Error sgnal 1 Transducer 2 Setooint generator 3 Conteol ameiter TAY 4 Giectro-oneumate signal converter 5 Preumate actuator Fig. 1.5 Block diagram of a contiruous-action controller The Pulse Controller (Two- or Three-Position Controller) Pulse controllers supply an ON-OFF output signal. They are therefore more suitable to drive relays, contactors ‘or thyristor switches which, in their turn, may have the task to operate heating or cooling machinery. Once the pulse controller has reached its settled operating condition, it supplies an output signal with a constant mark- space ratio. ‘The pulse controller (fig. 1.6) reacts whenever the controlled variable moves outside the set range x1, x2. Hence the controled quantity x oscilates continuously whereby the frequency of this sustained oscillation depends on the time delay inherent in the process to be controled and on the onioff hysteresis of the controller. ‘As in most cases this sort of output oscillation is not good enough to control the process satistactory, it is ‘common practice to increase the switching frequency and thus reduce the amplitude of the output oscillation, This way itis often possible to obtain an onvoff controller delivering the response of a P or Pl-controller. Once the pulse controller has reached its settled operating condition, it supplies an output signal with a constant mark-space ratio. Block diagiam Response of the centvaled variable Fig. 1.8 Putse controtler (wo-postion controller) : C73000-G8576-05 16 IP 262. The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Contio! Controllers with mechanically operating contacts do not allow high switching frequencies as the life expectancy of these contacts is limited due to wear and tear. The use of electronic switching elements however, such as thyristors, makes it possible to increase the switching frequency. On the IP 262 card, the pulse controller has been designed in the form of a continuous-action controler, followed by a mark-space modulator whose period of oscillation can be adjusted. This way, we have obtained an on/off controller with PID characteristics. ‘Setpoint generator ‘Conta! amplifier Mark-space modulator Plant “Transcucer Fig. 1.7 Block diagram of the pulse controller IP 262, In some control processes, the controller is to intervene at more than one point; it might have to act on different actuators or actuating variables. One such case is the process of heating and cooling. This convol task is usually accomplished by two-position controllers whose actuating variable is divided into two sections fed to two different outputs. In between these two sections there is a dead band whose width is adjustable. In ‘each part of the output curve, the pulse duty factor can lie anywhere in the range from 0 to 100 %. This type of pulse controler is also often referred to as three-position controller. ‘Such a three-position controller implemented with the IP 262 card is called ‘pulse controller’; it is often ‘employed in the chemical industry where one controller output is reserved for the heating process and one for cooling down. 100 Curve for ‘Cooling’ Curve for ‘Heating’ owl Tp = Period Fig. 1.8 Response of the actuating variable y of 2 pulse controller 16 €73000-48576-05 The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control, IP 262 ‘The Three-Position Step Controller The three-position step controller (also called: switching controller) uses relays or semiconductor switches to set the electric actuator motor to clockwise or anticlockwise rotation or to stop. This type of controller affects the positioning rate of the actuator by varying the on/off ratio of its output signal —~— és. HH \ _?- @ ut w Reference input variable Transducer x Contoed variable Setpoint generator xd Ero sgnal yy Actuating variable “Three-posison switch Feedback with 1st order lag (internal postion feedback) Contol ampliier Actuator Fig. 1.9 Block diagram of a three-position step controller ‘The on/off action of the three-position switch is illustrated below in the form of a timing diagram, ay a= Artval curve of ‘actuating variable geal cure of ‘actuating variable ——_| Proportional gain Integra une constant Contral ence Actating varable (contol) ‘Actuating variable (actuator ; YA. Aetuating signal for ar fw rate RF Mulpir for ratio flow Fig, 1.14 Signet How in a ratio contol yet seam rrr toon Fee oar ct A orsptoner ri oo Go Gators i r OL Ok Airflow rate Fl oO Aenea ea ae un Mite cure Jo 36 Amiga ow te 2 WR Romy Soe tow ous ‘cone ot “Tes 4 Fig. 1.15. Example of a ratio control system ©73000-G8576-C5 iP 262, The Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Control 1.64 Cascaded Ratio Controt This is a mixture of the control schemes we have just discussed. On the closed-loop control module IP 262, a cascaded ratio control has been obtained by connecting a ratio controller in series with the master controller. Figure 1.16 shows the signal flow in such a control arrangement. Ly Ratio adjuster Legend: x Actual value MC Master controller FC Follow-up controller Xeorr Corrective actual value w — Setpoint y — Actuating value Weorr Corrective setpoint Py Plant 1 Pe Plant 2 fig. 1.16 Signal flow in a cascaded ratio control system 412 €73000-G8576-C5 24 General Description 22 The Card's Hardware Design . 23 ‘System Components and their Order References 24 Technical Characteristics ¢73000-G8576-C5 23 2d 22 G8576-C5 €73000- The IP 262 card as ‘stand alone’ unit or as part of the SIMATIC $6 automation system ‘The family of IP 262 closed-loop control modules Function diagram of the IP 262 module 24 22 23 IP 262, The Module’s Characteristics 2 Characteristics of the IP 262 Module 24 General Description Within the SIMATIC $5 automation system, the IP 262 closed-loop control module constitutes a self-contained intelligent unit. Its wide field of application ranges from process engineering to control tasks in the construction of machines and apparatus. The card has been specially developed for feedback control systems whose response is not time-critical. The card's integrated firmware allows you to design your own contro! system by offering you an extensive range of control structures anc control parameters. This way, you are given a universal controller which can be easily adapted to both simple control loops and complex feedback tasks solved with multiple-loop systems. ‘There is only one limit to consider when you are planning your contro} system with the IP 262 module: the number of inputs and outputs available on the card. For selecting the control structures and parameters, you may make use of our programming units PG... of the SIMATIC range (also called: programmer). Throughout this setting-up work, you are guided by predefined data blocks which are stored on the card and contain all the data necessary to run the controller. These defauit settings are of great help when you start up your control system for the first time. In addition, we provide a floppy disk which, among other things, stores the predefined data values explained by comments in different languages. The IP 262 module also offers you a function for automatic selt-adjustment which is a useful tool for finding the optimal control parameters. 22 The Card’s Hardware Design Features of the IP 262 closed-loop control module: © Four analog inputs for the connection of = current signals, ~ voltage signals, — resistance thermometers PT 100 or — thermocouples. ‘Any combination is allowed. © Four digital inputs for selecting the operating mode: - Safety, = Inhibit, - Tracking mode, = P(O) controllers. © Four controllers = with four pairs of on/off outputs (step controllers) or = with three continuous outputs (continuous-action controllers). © One interface to the UO bus of the S5 programmable controllers © One serial interface for connecting a programming unit or an operator panel, or the SINEC L1 industrial bus. ‘The time constants Ty and Ty do not depend on the cycle time of the control module. €73000-G8576-C5 at The Module’s Characteristics, IP 262 Power supply Sensors, Transmitters g Actuators Binary signals ——_| > cee 87] Current, Dar] 8 a> | ts ‘Thermocouple << == PID Prof AG_S5-90U $5-95U Programming SINEC L1 S$5-100U unit bus system Fig. 2.1 Function diagram of the IP 262 module * Only three outputs for the continuous-action controller 22 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, The Module's Characteristics 1. IP262 as stand alone device Power E> supply Actuators Sensors > Power supply J Actuators: 2. IP 262 with AG S5-90U $5-95U ‘$5-100U Sensors 3. 1P262 with SINEC L1 bus system SINEC L1 bus system Fig. 22 The IP 262 card as ‘stand alone’ unit or as part of the SIMATIC $5 automation system 73000-G8576-C5 23 The Module's Characteristics. IP 262 You can obtain the card equipped with © Three current outputs (continuous-action controller) for the connection of pneumatic or hydraulic actuators with proportional action or ‘© Four digital outputs (step-action controller) which can be configured as = three-position step controller for electrically driven actuators or = pulse controller with one output each for ‘heating’ and ‘cooling’. Fig. 2.3 The family of IP 262 closed-loop contro! modules 24 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, 23 Controller with current outputs (continuous-action controller) Controller with digital outputs (step-action controller) System Components and their Order References ESS 262-8MA 12 ESS 262-8MB 12 Diskette with predefined data blocks, comments, standard function blocks, programming examples and standard process images. For the S5-DOS Operating System Diskette 53°, 40 tracks — muti-ingual Diskette 33", 80 tracks — muti-lingual For the MS-DOS/S5-DOS MT Operating Systems Diskette 53", 360 kbytes muti-ingual Diskette 33°, 720 Kbytes muti-ingual Instruction Manuals. German English French italian without voltage divider with voltage divider Interface modules 24 Technical Characteristics 6ES5 840-88G01 6ESS 840-78G01 6ESS 998-5811 6ESS 998-5821 6ESS 998-5831 6ESS 998-58G51 Supplier: Phoenix Contact Supplier: Phoenix Contact The Module's Characteristics (C73000-G8500-C5) (C73000-G8576-C5) (C73000-G8577-C5) (C73000-G8572-C5) ‘Type no. 22 87 601 ‘Type no. 22 88 383 In the following we shall list the electrical characteristics which are specific to the IP 262 module. To find out about the more general details like climatic, mechanical and electro-magnetic working conditions, please consult the instruction manual of the $5-100U programmable controller. Auxillary Power (L +) Rated value Permissible range Permissible range with PG605(0P393 Current consumption internal (for 9 V from CPU) ‘external (for 24 V, no load) external (for 24 V, no load, with PG605/OP333) Analog Inputs: Number of inputs ‘Additional input for ref. temperature Digital representation of the input signal Resolution Representation of the measured value Principle of conversion and measurement Integration time (adjustable) Total coding time for inputs Potential isolation Permissible potential difference ‘between individual inputs €73000-G8576-C5 24Vde 18 to 34 V de 18 to. 27 Vde ‘approx. 20 mA ‘approx. 180 mA approx. 340 mA 4 (suitable for current, thermocouples or PT100) 1 (PT100) 12 bits, sign included 11 bits (unipolar) ‘Two's complement, (right justified) ‘Successive approximation, for each input: about 60 conversions and averages within 20 or 16.7 msec 20 _ msec for 50 Hz 16.7 msec for 60 Hz 55 msec for 50 Hz 45.8 msec for 60 Hz ‘not galvanically, (but electronically, with respect to central ground and to each other) “Vio +1V 25 The Module's Characteristics IP 262 between inputs and central ground 1Vt0 +1V Limit monitor yes Open-circuit monitoring of signal ines yes (Open-circuit central indication yes Interference suppression common-mode interf.voltage (Upp=1 V) 8048 min. series-mode interf.voltage (peak of 60dB min. interference < rated value of input range) crosstalk limiting 8048 min. between two analog inputs Current Input Input signal range 0 to 20 mA oF 4 to 20 mA Input resistance 24.30 £ 0.1% Permiss. common-mode voltage 21V Static surge limit £100 mA Dynamic surge limit #500 V (1.2150 ps, Ri= 82 2) Absolute error 220 yA Ambient temp. sensitivity + 2 WAT0K Voltage Input Input signal range 0 to 10 V via signal conversion box ‘mV Input (for Thermocouple) Input signal range Oto © S0mV_ or -89 to 41.1mV Reference range thermocouple type J Oto +870°C or -210 to 730°C thermocouple type K Oto 1230°C or -270 to 990°C thermocouple type L Oto +850°C or -200 to 720°C Oto 18 mv thermocouple type Oto 170°C Cable resistance 30 © per core Permiss. common-mode voltage #1 Static surge limit £30V Dynamic surge limit £60 V (1.2150 ps, Ri=82 0) Absolute error for types J, Land K £1°C for type S 26°C ‘Ambient temp. sensitivity for types J, Land K £02 °Ci10k for type S £1.0 °CH0K Note: For technical details about the input of the reference temperature, please refer to the values given for the input of the resistance thermometer PT100. 26 €73000-48576-C5 IP 262, The Module's Characteristics Resistance Thermometer Reference range initial value final value ‘Supply current 2.4 mA approx. Permissible cable resistance Static surge limit Dynamic surge limit Absolute error -100 to 320 * ~200 to -100 °C Ambient temp. sensitivity Note: All stated error values apply to the range Pa the lower range limit and the upper range limi Binary Inputs Number of inputs Potential isolation Signal level “0 Signal level “1 Input resistance Static surge limit Dynamic surge limit Binary Outputs (Step-Action Controller) Signal level Signal level "1 Maximal load current Fault current Overcurrent time Static surge limit Dynamic surge limit Analog Outputs (Continuous-Action Controller) Number of outputs Potential isolation Output signal range Control range Maximum load impedance No load voltage ‘Sensitivity to load change Max. permissible inductive load Resolution Linearity error Zero error Final value error Ambient temperature sensitivity of zero point of final value Residual ripple 900 Hz Time constant Static surge limit Dynamic surge limit €73000-G8576-C5 18.49 Q = -200 °C 219.12 9 => #320°C 309 per core £30 V (without Pt100) £500 V (1.2150 ps, Ri=82 Q) £0.1 °/10K % and Pe= respectively. 100 % with Pa and Pe being 4 no -30 to +45 V or open +1310 +30V 4 kQ approx. +90 +500 V (1.2150 ps, Ri=82 2) s2v L, -3.8V 100 mA, short-circuit proof < 400 mA max. 10 min <-1V oder > +35 V £500 V (1.2150 ps, Ri=82 2) 3 ‘no (neither with respect to central ground, nor to each other) 0 to 20 mA oder 4 to 20 mA 0 to 22 mA 600 9 Le -2V < 0.1 %/1009 o1H 0.1% < 0.1% < 03% < 03% < 0.1 WOK < 03 %/10K <02% 300 ms <-1Vor > +30V £500 V (1.2/50 ps, Ri=82 2) 27 The Modules Characteristics, IP 262 Controllers Overall cycle time of the IP 262 module 100 to 200 ms approx. Resolution of step-action controller 5 ms for 50 Hz 4.2 ms for 60 Hz S ly _Kp- xd 0.001 - 01% Lowest integration time a ee a Tr 30006 28 €73000-G8576-C5 How to Fit the Card. How to Connect the Controller Analog inputs : Binary Inputs . : fesse Binary Outputs of the Step-Action Controller ‘Analog Outpu's of the Continuous-Action Controller... . Interface to the Programming Unit ....-.2....2.0005 The Interface Modules 73000-G8576-C5 344 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.16 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 a AG ee es ee ese Setting the coding wheel ofthe bus module . Le Bt Dimensions of the IP 262 controller module 32 The IP 262 modu’ fitted onto the bus module 34 Pin assignment of the 25:pin submin. D-type socket connector 35 Selector switch S1 . 3-5 Example of connecting a 2-wire measuring transducer... . 36 Example of connecting a 4-wire measuring transducer 36 Voltage measurement using an external potential divider. a7 Voltage measurement with non-isolated thermocouples and external reference junction 37 Voltage measurement with isolated thermocouple and ‘external reference junction 38 Bidirectional voltage measurement with isolated thermocourle and internal reference junction 38 Example of connecting a resistance thermometer as 4.wire bridge arrangement 39 Example of connecting a resistance thermometer as 2wie bridge arrangement 310 Connecting a sensor to binary input B12 3410 Pin assignments of the 10-point terminal block for the step controller at Connecting a motor-driven actuator to the step controller no. 4 (binary outputs 7 and 8) 311 Pin assignment of the 10-point terminal block for the continuous-action controler 3-12 Connecting a pneumatic actuator to the continuous-action controller no. 3 3-12 Terminal assignment of the interface modules 314 (€73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Installation Guidelines 3 Installation Guidelines A\ DANGER To ensure safe operation, the device must only be fitted and commissioned by qualified personnel who are urged’ to comply with all recommendations and wamings given in this instruction manual. Especially when connecting up the device's electrics make sure to follow the "Regulations for the Installation of Power Systems and Equipment with Rated Voltages below 1000 V" (VDE 0100). Failure to comply with these standards may damage your equipment and ‘cause grievous bodily harm or be fatal. 3.1 How to Fit the Card © Ifyou use the IP 262 card in conjunction with a CPU of the programmable controller, take care to insert ‘or remove the card only with the CPU being in the STOP condition. © In order to prevent indeterminate signals when the module is being plugged in, switch on the auxiliary supply only after the module has been clipped onto the bus module. © The number of IPs allowed per programmable controller depends on the type of controller and type of CPU used: AG90 (BESS 090-...) 6 IP on slots 0 to § ‘AGQS (BESS 095-...) 4 IP on slots 0 to 3 CPU 100 (GES 100-8MA 02) 2 IP on slots 0 to 7 CPU 102 (6ESS 102-8MA 02) 4 IP on slots 0 to 7 CPU 103 (BESS 103-8MA 02) 8 IP on slots 0 to 7 © Prior to mounting the clesed-loop control module, turn the coding element of the bus module to 6. Fig. 3.1 Setting the coding element of the bus module €73000-G8576-C5 at Installation Guidelines IP 262 How to Fix the Module © Suspend the card into the top of the bus module, © Pivot it towards the bus module, © Carefully press it into the unit, © Tighten the screws to fix the module to the bus unit. Al BO Dol on = ar 3 = fl ae \ 5 i ee lee \ I oe or SSSSS CSCO SSSSS CLL? as \ in poten tay cree 8 Fig. 32 Dimensions of the IP 262 controller module 32 How to Connect the Controller When you design your control cabinet, make sure to provide a reference bus large enough to accommodate ‘several earth connections. ge ee ery eo For non-floating sensors you must ensure that the potential difference between the inputs and the potential of the standard mounting rail does not exceed the permitted limit value. You achieve this by taking the sensor's minus point to central ground, Connection 16 of the 25-way Sub-D socket is already linked internally to the ground connection (terminal 2) _ ‘on the 10-way terminal block. Connection 16 is exclusively used as the reference potential for temperature © ‘measurements with thermocouples and must not be connected to other ground potentials. ‘The potential difference between the inputs must not go beyond + 1V. ‘Any analog input used neither for current nor for temperature measurement must be inhibited by short- ‘circuiting and grounding both its connecting points. Instrument lines and power cables must be run and screened separately. Connect their screens to the central chassis gound. ‘The IP 262 closed-loop control module can withstand high electromagnetic fields and radio-frequency interferences. To maintain this good immunity and operational reliability we recommend you provide suppressors (RC circuit) for all those inductive elements (¢.9. contactors, motors) which are directly connected to the switching outputs of the IP 262 card. bi cacaneapenimiiaine i ‘7 addition to the above guidelines, please also consult the recommendations given in the instruction manuals: of the S5-100/90/95U programmable controllers. “32 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Installation Guidelines Connecting the Power Supply and the Actuators /\ WARNING Before switching on the auxiliary supply, make sure that the connected actuators will not operate as soon as the supply comes on; uncontrolled reaction of these elements may cause damage to equipment or even injure or kill people. Connect the supply voltage for the IP 262 module to the 10-point terminal block (terminal 1 = L+ and terminal 2 = M). A diode inside the IP 262 module protects the card against inadvertent reversal of the ‘supply's polarity. Both the controller and the power circuit can be supplied by the programmable controller. But do take into account the maximum current capacity of the fitted power supply unit, when calculating the ‘overall supply requirements. You can enhance the availbilty of both the IP and the CPU by making use of separate power supplies. The 10-point terminal block is also used for connecting the control system's actuators (-- sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4), Signal Isolation a ‘The analog inputs are however electrically isolated. It is therefore possible to measure input signals of up to a potential difference of + 1V with respect to central ground. ©73000-G8576-C5 33 Installation Guidelines IP 262 Connections for the analog and binary inputs Status LED for RUN" and open- Circuit monitoring Bus module VO bus PG- interface for PGIOP or SINEC L1 Standard ‘mounting rail Selector switch CurrentVoltage for the analog inputs Coding wheel Fixing screw Terminal block for the power supply and the analog or binary output signals Fig. 3.3 The IP 262 module fitted onto the bus module a4 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Installation Guidelines 3.2.1 Analog Inputs To each of the four measuring inputs of the IP 262 card you can connect one of the following signal sources; any combination is allowed: © Current (0/4 to 20mA) © Thermocouple (0 to SOMV or -8.9 to +41.1mV) © Resistance thermometer (Pt100) The fifth input (Vb) is exclusively intended for a resistance thermometer PT100. It determines the reference temperature for those thermocouples which operate without external reference junction. For the measurement of negative temperatures with non-earthed thermocouples, the controller provides a compensation voltage Vk Terminal LR is reserved for the connection of a reference voltage for calibrating the IP module. As this has already been done by the manufacturer prior to delivery, LR must not be connected up. The transducers (sensors) ard the binary inputs are to be connected via the 25-pin subminiature D-type socket connector on the module's front plate. The connector’s pin assignment is shown in figure 3.4. (Vb = P1100 nout fr retarence temperate very ee v3) BO very 2 via ne va(+) wove va(+) vere) vies) leis) (01 ti = tpt eanent 1104) ais) (lot opt ¢ = cura source for P7300) an (M2 = relerence earth) (8510 BU = binary input 1 10) n(s) {Vx = compensation rage for emecoures) {UR must rot be es) Pin assignment of the 25,pin submin. D-type socket connector S1 +|f] S1-1Anaiog not 1 2\—-] S1-2Acalog not 2 sl] S1-aAnalg int al] St-4Analg input 4 Eamaod an = Current off = Votage Fig. 3.5 Selector switch St 73000-G8576-C5 35 Installation Guidelines IP 262 IMPORTANT: In this manual, we often talk about ‘structure switches’. Even though we actually refer to a defined data word in the data block DB15, we use the term ‘structure switch’ as it faithfully reflects the purpose of this data word. EXAMPLE: Structure switch in position 1 = DW16 KH = 0001 Any modifications made to the switch positions are retained in the IP's non-volatile memory after 30 seconds at the latest. They are thus safe even in case of power failure. Input Signal: Current Each of the four current inputs has two connection poles and is terminated with a resistor of 24.3 +0,1% You tell the card that current signals are to be processed by setting the appropriate structure switches (-- section 4.3). The measuring range too is selected by these switches (0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA). NOTE: If you lead the transducer current across several load resistors (eg. for recording the signal movement), then make sure that [the current oop remains intact even when one of the loads s i withdrawn, It is comman practice to insert Zener diodes in the = e ‘marshalling terminal biock inside the control cubicle. Fig. 3.6 Example of connecting a 2-wire measuring transducer NOTE: The analog input can be grounded either at the measuring transducer or directly at the IP 262 module. Fig. 37 Example of connecting a 4-wire measuring transducer Input Signal: Voltage of 0 to 10V The use of an external potential divider allows the card to handle voltage signals in the range of 0 to 10 V. The potential divider has the task to reduce the maximum input voltage of 10 V to 0.6 V approximately. Due to the fact that a current of 20 mA max. causes a voltage drop of 0.5 V across the internal resistor of 24.3 9 it is possible to use the current input even for voltage signals without altering the setting of the structure switches. 36 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Installation Guidelines To create the potential divider, use two standard resistors of 4./5 kK and 243 2 with a tolerance ot 0.1%. Figure 3.8 illustrates how to connect the analog input Al2 for measuring voltages between 0 and 10 Volts. For the input of voltage signals, the selector switch S1 must be set to OFF to enable the required input ‘The given resistances puta curent load of 2 mA approximately on your votage source O10 10V Fig. 8 Voltage measurement using an external potential divider We are now in the position to offer an interface device which not only directs the connecting points of the 25- pin sub-D socket connector onto an easily accessible terminal block, but also provides for all four analog inputs the above mentioned potential dividers for the 0 to 10 V signals. This interface device comes in the form of a voltage conversion tox. Input Signal: Voltage 0 to 50 mV or ~ 8.9 to 41.1 mV ‘The voltage input has two connection poles. It is intended for the connection of thermocouples. cee MOP The selector switch $1 must be in the OFF position to enable the required voltage input. AAs voltages in the pV-range are to be measured, the input leads should be screened and installed with due care. Connect the cable screen to chassis ground. Set the appropriate structure switches (see section 4.3.6) to select the measuring range (0 to 60 mV or -8.9 to +41.1 mV) and the type of the thermocouple. The low-drift input amplifier has a high common-mode rejection factor so that a direct voltage or low- frequency alternating voltage from -1 to +1V between sensor and controller ground can be tolerated. This makes it possible to connect even non-isolated thermocouples (welded junction, with undetermined grounding). NOTE: The instrument leads must not be grounded additionally T, = Reference temperature Fig. 3.9 Voltage measurement with non-isolated thermocouples and external reference junction 673000-G8576-C5 37 Installation Guidelines IP 262 NOTE: (One instrument lead must be grounded at one end. T, = Reference temperature Fig. 3.10 Voltage measurement with isolated thermocouple and external reference junction To process two-directional input signals (measuring range -8.9 10 +41.1 mV), a voltage of 9 mV (internal resistance of 25 9 approx.) is available at connection point 15. Connect the negative pole of the non-earthed thermocouple. NoTE: Use only one unearthed thermocouple. In this case, any common-mode voltage that might ‘occur will falsify the measuring result Do not connect the current from Ipt3 to terminal 16 but to ground! Fig. 11 Biairectional voltage measurement with isolated thermocouple and internal reference junction Internal / External Reference Junction Thermocouples can be connected either directly to the IP 262 module (intemal reference junction) or by means of thermostats/compensation units (external reference junction). Hf your thermocouple works with an external reference junction, use parameter Tr to adjust the IP 262 module to the reference temperature set at the thermostat. Connections 13 and 14 are only used to measure the temperature of the internal reference junction. These two connections must be short-circuited and earthed in all other applications. ee 38 . 73000-48576-05 IP 262. Installation Guidelines If you connect your thermocouple directly to the IP 262 card (internal reference junction), use a resistance thermometer PT100 to pick up the temperature at the IP module. Connection points 13 and 14 are provided for this purpose (figure 3.1.). Select an unused current source by setting the appropriate structure switch. Should you wish to simulate a heat source with an adjustable voltage source rather than with the thermocouple, then make sure to reduce the voltage representing the desired temperature by the amount which corresponds to the temperature of the internal reference junction, Example: Simulation of 867 °Ctype J 949.862 mV Ref. temperature 28 *Ctype J 91.432 mV 48.430 mV Set this calculated value to allow the controller to work with 867 °C. The lower and upper limits of the measuring range can be adjusted by means of parameters. The characteristic curve of the thermocouple is automatically linearized by the controller. There is no need to specifically set the structure switches for this linearization nar to enter the interpolation points. It ig absolutely essental that the operating conditions and limits for continuous operation stated for the thermocouple according to DN 49710 and DINIEC 884 are complied wi Input Signal: Resistance Changes Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) can principally be connected up in 2-, 3- or 4-wire bridge arrangements. The 4-wire bridge circuit provides the most accurate results as compensating leads largely ‘cancel out any errors due to lead resistances. eee NOTE: Do not connect the current from Ipt2 to terminal 16 but to ground! Incoming resistor Fig. 2.12 Example of connecting 2 resistance thermometer as wire bridge arrangement ©73000-G8576-C5 39 Installation Guidelines IP 262 NOTE: 17 bt ‘This wire arrangement is not recommended as the «let, 5 ¢ D- lead resistances cause inaccuracies in the measuring result. oY 0 a oe - Fig. 2.13 Example of connecting a resistance thermometer as 2-wire bridge arrangement The lower and upper limits of the measuring range can be adjusted by means of parameters. The characteristic curve of the resistance thermometer is automatically linearized by the controller. 3.22 Binary Inputs The closed-loop control module IP 262 provides four binary inputs (BI to B14). The effective direction of the signal and the type of action are to be defined by the user (-» chapter 4.8). You may choose among the following types of action: © Inhibit the controller output Bh © Correct the controller output Bi2 © Output of safety actuating signal Bis © P(D) controller (I component inhibited) 84 © Adjusting the effective signal direction of all binary inputs These inputs have no 2-wire connection. An external distribution is therefore necessary. The sensors must be connected to L + (connection point 1 of the terminal block). | a2 2 Fig. 3.14 Connecting a sensor to binary input BI2 3-10 ©73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Installation Guidelines 3.2.3 Binary Outputs of the Step-Action Controller The binary outputs BO1 to BOB are assigned to the four step-action controllers, always two outputs for each controller: = B01 (terminal 3) and 802 (terminal §) for controller 1 = B03 (terminal 7) and BO4 (terminal 9) for controller 2 ~ BOS (terminal 4) and BOS (terminal 6) for controller 3 = B07 (terminal 3) and BO8 (terminal 10) for controller 4 Providing that the plant to be controlled acts normally and the proportional-action coefficient is positive (i.e., ‘no sign reversal), the actuating signal ‘open’ or ‘heating’ generates a rising controlled variable: the actuating signal ‘close’ or ‘cooling’, on the other hand, produces a falling controlled variable. ‘The binary outputs BO1, BO3, BOS and BO7 supply the actuating signals for the sense ‘open’ or ‘heating’. ‘The movements ‘close’ or ‘ccoling’ are governed by the binary outputs 802, BO4, BO6 and BOs. L+ BO1 B02 803 B04 L+ = Positive connection of the auxiliary supply Ai B01 to B08 = Binary outputs 1 to 8 Q@ Q eo Q Q M =. Negsve conection of he aur supply oun M B05 606 607 B08 Fig. 2.15 Pin assignments of the 10-point terminal block for the step controller The eight binary outputs are not provided with a 3-wire connection. It is therefore necessary to distribute the signals externally. Connect the actuators to terminal 2 by establishing a link to the ground terminal Fig. 3.16 Connecting 2 motor-driven actuator to the step controller no. 4 (binary outputs 7 and 8) ©73000-G8576-C5 ont Installation Guidelines IP 262 3.2.4 Analog Outputs of the Continuous-Action Controller The analog current outputs are assigned to the three continuous-action controllers as follows: = yt (terminal 3) for controller 1 = ly2 (terminal 5) for controller 2 = ly (terminal 7) for controller 3 Use data words 9 to 11 of data block DB15 to specify a range of either 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA. ‘These three analog outputs have no 2-wire connection. You can however make extended use of the ground terminal by connecting a wire link between terminals 2, 4, 6 and 8. ly1 to ly3 = Output current from controllers 1 to 3 Fig. 3.17 Pin assignment of the 10-polnt terminal block for the contiauous-action controller If you require a voltage signal at the output, simply connect a load resistor of 500 2 between the current output and ground. The voltage drop across this load provides you with a signal of 0 to 10 Volts. Fig. 3.18 Connecting @ pneumatic actuator to the continuous-action controller no. 3 312 73000-G8576-05 IP 262 Installation Guidelines 3.2.5 Interface to the Programming Unit ‘The programming units PG or operator panels OP serve as programming and monitoring devices; use them to enter (write) or display (read) data words and to observe signal statuses. A special connector cable establishes the link between your closed-loop control module IP 242 and your PG or OP device. Any of the entire range of SIMATIC programming units and operator panels may be connected to the IP card; itis also possible to use the module in conjunction with the SINEC L1 bus. 3.3 The Interface Modules ‘Two different interface modules for the IP 262 card are offered by the Phoenix Contact: ‘© Transfer Module S41 ‘This module transfers the signals from the pins of the Sub-D plug connector to screw-type terminals at a ratio of 1:1, ttis suitable for the connection of PT100 resistance thermometers, thermocouples and current signals. © Transfer Module with Additional Voltage Dividers Again, you may connect PT100 resistance thermometers, thermocouples or current signals to this module. However, as it is provided with additional voltage dividers and jumpers, it also allows you to apply voltage signals in the range of 0 to 10 V to the IP 262 card (see overlea!. €73000-G8576-C5 343 Installation Guidelines IP 262 7 () Bye 1. oH 0 20m T — uyartw10v otto sone t yo 1ov Fig. 3.19 Terminal assignment ot the interface module y 1 4 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Examples of how to wire up the signal conversion box: Current Signal to Alt Positive signal to terminal 1 Negative signal to terminal 9 Switch $1 = "T+!" ‘Switch $1-1 (on 1P262 card) = “ON" If current source isolated then switch S2 = “ON’ Hf current source not isolated then switch S2 = Voltage Signal to Al2 Positive signal to terminal 6 Negative signal to terminal 10 Switch $3 = "Vv" Switch $1-2 (on 1P262 card) = “OFF" If voltage source isolated then switch S4 = "ON" if voltage source not isolated then switch S4 = *OFF" PT100 Resistance Thermometer to AI PT100 across terminals 7 and 11 Connect current source ipt3 (terminal 19) to PT100 Connect PT100 to ground (terminal 2 of bus module) Switch $5 = "T+!" ‘Switch $1-3 (on F262 card) = "OFF" Switch $6 = "OFF" ‘Thermocouple to Ald (unidirectional measurement) Positive signal to terminal 8 Negative signal to terminal 12 Switch $7 = “T+1" Switch $1-4 (on 1P262 card) = “OFF* If thermocouple isolated then switch SB_= “ON” If thermocouple not isolated then switch SB = "OFF" If reference junction external then switches $9 and S10 = "ON" Thermocouple to Al4 (bidirectional measurement) Positive signal to terminal 8 Negative signal to terminal 16 Switch $7 = “T-I" ‘Switch S1-4 (on IP262 card) = “OFF” ‘Switch $8 IN if reference junction external then switches $8 and S10 = “ON" Internal Reference Junction (for thermocouple only) PT100 across terminals 14 and 13 Connect PT100 to ground (terminal 2 of bus module) Connect current source, e.g. Ipt4 of terminal 17, to PT100 Switches $9 and S10 = "OFF" €73000-G8576-C5 Installation Guidelines 3-15 installation Guidelines IP 262 316 73000-G8576-C5 _ Selectin ng the Structures and F a4 ‘The Terminology Used... 0... oe eee eee eee ce eeeeeeeeeee eee 42 Defining the Principal CONTROL Structure 421 ‘The Principal Structure of Controller No. 1. 422 The Principal Structure of Controller No. 2 423 The Principal Structure of Controller No. 3 424 ‘The Principal Structure of Controller No. 4 43 Preparation of the Analog Input Signals 43.4 Analog-to-Digital Converters AlT to AIS 432 Transducer Fault. . 43.3 Input Fitter 43.4 Current Input 435 PT100 Input 436 Thermocouple 437 Normalization 438 Linearization (Polygon Generator) 4a Generating the Error Signal. 444 Fixed-Setpoint Controller 442 Feedforwarding of Disturbances at the Controller int {effective controlled variable) ee 4.43 Ratio Controller a 444 Cascaded Fixed-Setpoint Controller 445 Cascaded Ratio Controller 45 PID Algorithm... . 454 The Basic Structure . voce 452 Special Functions 7 453 Feedforwarding of Disturbances at the Controller Output’ =. 46 Controller Output Structures 464 Controller (Contnuous-Action Output) 46.2 Pulse Controller (Mark-Space Output)... 0... 463 ‘Three-Position Step Controller with Internal Position Feedback 464 Three-Position Step Controller with External Position Feedback a7 Limit Monitor 48 Changing the Operating Mode via Inputs BI1 to B14 49 How to Set the Structures and Parameters 4.28 4-28 4-40 4-42 4-46 4.48 4.60 4:50 4-60 464 4-66 4-66 4-70 474 4-76 4-78 4-80 481 ©73000-G8576-C5 ee ey aa The data OK ees a a2 Three methods of daining tho svucures and parameters and cbserving the conoler’stesponse sss oe 43 43 Relationship between flow rate and differential pressure... . . . 417 aa Roshnaho been put quay and ceded any 0 ay 45 The effect of the parameters Pa and Pe eee 4-25 a3 Graphical method of nding the interpolation points far a7 Ramp function: th effoct et Tw ae oo a3 ‘he efect of ciraching #35 49 ‘The effect of w-tracking 437 410 The effect of the adaptive roncinea fiter a 431 The ettect ofthe dead-band component 22 LE 28a 4.12 Pulse controller: response of the actuating variable cee : 47 4.13 The effect of yp and y__ . . eee 4-72 Hy deen a as 4.15 Three methods of limit monitoring 4-79 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters 4 Selecting the Structures and Parameters “The firmware EPROM of the IP 262 module contains a large number of prepared functions commonly needed for the control of industrial processes, machines and apparatus. You ‘program’ the IP 262 control module by setting the card's so-called structure switches and thus selecting the control functions required for your specific process. The module's overall control action is hence a combination of the configuration of the various structure switches Your ‘control program’ is finally saved in six data blocks (DB 11 to DB 16) in the card's non-volatile memory section and is hence protected against loss at power failure. The data blocks DB 6 and DB 17 are reserved for the data necessary for the data exchange with the operator panel OP393 and the bus system SINEC L1 respectively. ‘DB OP333 DBI7 SINEC Lt DB16 General Data DBIS Structures DB14 Controller 4 DB13 Controller 3 ‘D812 Controller 2 (0811 Controller 1 ee Fig. 41 The data blocks By defining the contents of these data blocks you select your controler structures, © determine the parameters, © supply the controller with process variables, ¢ Gemand different manual operating modes and thus intervene in the control process. ‘The four data blocks which are assigned to the individual controllers (DB 11 to DB 14) are of identical layout. They contain the control parameters and process variables for each controller. Block DB 15 contains information on the controller structures for all four controllers. Data block DB 16 stores, amongst others, the parameters of the analog inputs, of the limit monitors and status information. The ‘communications’ data blocks DB 17 and DB 6 are used by the SINEC L1 bus and the OP393 panel respectively. In the following we list some examples of structures, parameters, process variables and other controlling quantities: Structures © Basic settings Type of sensors used Designation of the analog inputs Function of the binary inputs Input for limit monitor Restart conditions Reaction to S5-100U failure Proportional gain (Kp) Integral time constant (Tn) Derivative time constant (Tv) Derivative-action gain (W) Setpoints ‘Actuating variables (Yex operation) Actual values Parameters for automatic self-adjustment Inhibit Correction Safety Priority Yex operation Setf-adjustment P(O) controller © 73000-G8576-C5 at Parameters Process variables Manual operating modes weer ce cree cece cccece Structures and Parameters, ere cee 202 The contents of the data blocks can be modified and observed by means of the following devices: © CPU of the $5-90/-95/-100U unit, © Por PG, © SINEC L1 industrial bus. You can transfer the data blocks to the IP card at any time, even with the controller being in the on-line moce. They practically take immediate effect. A\ WARNING Prior to modifying any of the data words, make sure that this change does not cause any harm to people or damage to your equipment. To avoid such occurrences, the user should inhibit the output of the selected controller, if necessary. Default Settings When you receive your IP 262 module from the manufacturer, its structure switches and control parameters have already been preset so that you can immediately implement a contro! loop without having to change any ofthe settings. However, for reasons of safety the outputs ofthe controller are inthe inhibited mode. senescent een s 2 ee eee The contents of the data blocks, as preset by the manufacturer, are listed in appendix At Before starting up your controller for the first time, please consult chapters and 6 of this manual The subject of access priority to the IP module is dealt with in section 6.4.1 42 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters 2nd Method: From the CPU ‘1st Method: 2 From the PG cal 23 fost ‘Stand. = rs or = ([-- eb 2a mr > oar Ed ob = f Master 3rd Method: o a From the SINEC L1 bus System oO SINEC L1 Fig. 42 Three methods of detining the structures and parameters and observing the controller's response ‘As we have mentioned earlier on in the manual, it is the combination of all the individual structure switch positions which governs the overall action of your controller. The number of possible configurations is actually only limited by the number of available inputs and outputs. If indeed you require more V/O signals for your specific control task than are provided by the IP 262 card, you can let the IP card communicate with the CPU of the SS programmable controller via the S5 VO bus and thus have access to the V/O cards plugged in the subrack. This way you can extend the number of VO signals being processed by the IP 262. How to Select the Structures and Parameters for a Specific Control Task The IP 262 control module always provides several functions which operate according to the same principle. Consider for instance the analog input signals which are fed in via the analog inputs Alt to Ald; they are processed by the same procedure. In the following, we will use the analog input Alt to explain how the analog input signals are handled. All structure diagrams and an overview of the overall structure are shown in appendix A2. To guide you when choosing the required subfunction, each detailed diagram is headed by a horizontal function chart. The functions we wish to analyse are shown on a shaded background together with their relevant individual functional units. This way you can recognize at a glance whether a particular function is relevant or not for the design of your control task. The horizontal function chart at the top of the diagram is divided into two lines: the top line indicates the selection made at a higher level. The second ine tells you which function will be described by the explanations that follow the diggram. Al structure switches, parameters, monitoring points and bit quantities mentioned in this chapter's structure diagrams are included in the data block lists of appendix At. Chapter 4 is subdivided into the following topics: = Preparation of the analog input signals ‘Computing the control error PID control algorithm Controller output structures Operating modes ‘The theoretical background given in sections 4.2 to 4.8 is accompanied by a practical guide in section 4.9 which suggests a step-by-step design procedure. €73000-G8576-C5 43 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 44 The Terminology Used Monitoring Point aa lonitoring Point fe [es At certain points inside the overall controller circuitry it is possible to pick up ‘he signal and record its size in the data block DB and data word DW reserved for this quantity. Use a programming unit PG or operator panel OP to access ‘he data block, Example: The signal at analog input Alt is stored in DB16, DW69 S18 Structure Switch ‘The desired structure is selected by a so-called structure switch which is to be set or reset in data block 8 15. All values stored in data block DB 15 must be interpreted in KF format. Again, use a PG or an OP to set, modify or check the specified structure. Example: Selecting the input signal with structure switch $18. This refers to data word DW18 of data block DB15. Te meen A specific control parameter can be modified or observed by accessing the ‘appropriate data word in the data block. Example: Parameter Te is stored in DB16, data word DWO B18 Bit Quantity sito You can observe the important bit inside the data block. Provided that wite DW ay access is allowed, you can also modify the quantity Example: Bit 0 in DB16 and data word DW89 (transducer fault) Transd. Fit Connector Logic operation 44 €73000-G8576-05 IP 262. Structures and Parameters 42 Defining the Principal CONTROL Structure The main differences between the various types of controllers were explained in chapter 1, from section 1.3 ‘onwards, The structure switch SO defines the controller type: continuous-action controller (C-controller) or step-action controller (S-contraller). You can consult the DB to read the position of switch SO, but you have ho access to modify the setting of this switch. The controller's principal structure as well as the device types are specified by means of structure switches $1 to S3 and switches S4 to S10 define the characteristics of the controller output. The four diagrams that follow illustrate various possibilities of interconnecting the four controllesr implemenbted on the IP 262 card. The diagrams’ upper parts indicate the principal controller function whereas the lower parts show the possible output structures. 424 The Principal Structure of Controller No. 1 Controller 1 Fixed-setpoint controtier (Structure ewtches: St=1 to 4 ‘and $2=0), (Figures A2.7 and 42.17) Follow-up controller Controller 4 as master controller (Structure switches: S1 (Figures A2.18 and A2.17) to 8 and $2=0 Ratio controller Ratio follower of controller 4 inside a cascaded ratio control scheme (Structure evitohes: S1=5 to 8 and S21) (Figures A2.15 and A2.17) (Structure euttohes: St=1 to 4 and S2+1 (Figures A2.11 and A2.17) Continuous-action controller (Structure switches: SO=t1 ‘and $8:0 or 1) Three-position step controller with internal position feedback {Structure switches: S0=0 and S4=1) (Figure £2.21) (Figure 42.28) Pulse controller Three-position step controller with external position feedback (Sructure switches: $0=0 and $4=0) (Fgure 42.24) (Structure switches: S0=0 and $4=2) (Figure A2.82) (C73000-G8576-C5 45 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 422 ‘The Principal Structure of Controller No. 2 Controller 2 Fixed-setpoint controller, (Structure switches: St=1 to 4 Follow-up controller Controller 3 as master controller (Structure switches: $1=8 and 30) (Figures A2.14 and A2.18) Ratio controller Ratio follower of controller 3 inside a cascaded ratio control scheme (Structure ewtches: S1=8 and §3=1) (Figures A2.16 and A2.18) (Structure ewttenee: S1=1 to 4 and $31) (Figures A2.12 and A2.18) Continuous-action controlie (Structure ewitches: S0=1 ‘and $9=0 oF 1) Three-position step controller with internal position feedback (Structure switches: S0=0 and S5=1) (Figure 42.22) (Figure A2.29) Pulse controller ‘Three-position step controller with external position feedback (Structure ewttches: S0-0 and $5-0) (Figure 2.25) (Structure switches: S00 and S5=2) (Figure A2.33) 423 ‘The Principal Structure of Controller No. 3 Controller 3 Fixed-setpoint controller Follow-up controller {Structure switches: $1=3,4 oF 7) (Structure switches: S1=8 and 53=0) (Figures A2.9 and A2.18) (Figures A2.14 and A2,19) Master controller of a cascaded Ratio controler ratio control scheme not possible (Structure switches: $1=8 and $3-1) (Figures A2.16 and A2.19) Continuous-action controller (Structure switches: SO=t ‘and $10=0 oF 1) (Figure A223) Three-position step controller with internal position feedback {Structure switches: S0=0 and 88=1) (Figure 2.30) Pulse controller ‘Three-position step controller with external position feedback (Structure evitehee: S0=0 and S6=2) (Figure £2.34) (Structure switches: $0=0 and S6=0) (Figure A2.26) 46 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. 424! ‘The Principal Structure of Controller No. 4 Structures and Parameters (Structure witches: St=4) (Figures 2.10 and A2.20) controller Follow-up controller (Figures A2.13 and A2.20) Flatio controller ratio control scheme ‘ot possible (Structure switches: S1=5 to 8 and S2=1 (Figures 42.15 and 42.20) controller not possible Continuous-action (Figure A2.31) Pulse controller (Structure switches: $00 and S7=0) (Figure 2.27) (Structure switches: S1=5 to 8 and 2-0] Master controller of a cascaded Three-position step controller with internal position feedback (Structure switches: 50-0 and S7=1) as follower ‘Three-position step controller with external position feedback {Structure switches: $0=0 and $72) (Figure A2.35) Controller 1 C73000-G8576-C5 47 Structures and Parameters, 43 431 Preparation of the Analog Input Signals Analog-to-Digital Converters Al1 to Ald IP 262 “BO60H2 | Transdf.| Input Filter | Root extr. ‘Normalization | Linearization oon SH ‘sf =e BAH he] eH aq [SS LS % | Fama == 9 nim 7 4 pa OT lr | ety | @ 4 wst [ a a SY “l= 7 =e ‘Structure Switches as ‘Name DB 60 Hz Alt: S11 15 1 Al: $11 15 1 Als: $11 15 1 Ala: $11 15 W 76 [69 Monitoring Point Parameters No, DB DW) Name. DB OW Alt 16 69 Az 16 72 Als 16 75 Aa 16 78 (C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters Four analog inputs Alt to Alt are available. Analog input AIS is reserved solely for the connection of a resistance thermometer PT100 which is to supply the reference junction compensation in the case of thermocouples. Structure switch S11 allows you to adapt the IP 262 module to the mains frequency used in your plant. This way you can largely suppress any harmonic content of the analog input signals. pe You have no read access to the signal at analog input AIS. The input is intended for picking up the ‘temperature of the reference unction by means of a PT100 resistance thermometer. . pecassusaeemeire ¢73000-G8576-C5 49 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 4.3.2 Transducer Fault [Curent wv ath ont. vaiviaer) © | “Thermocouple | prio. a | Transdt.[ Input Fitter | Root ex. [°C/°F | Normalization | Linearization een a ee] NO 2 Ss Aa 7 ap o ves ws oy Gs ZL 1 foam “fae Ww a [SHH | oe z af am}—— [8 7 a am LL TT] aT rie i % ~ ay YN at wn fs] (EE it & ats tos __| a8 ees Sh ‘ore TN ae a" @ Structure Switches ; Name. DB ow 1 Bito| Traned. tautt Transd. fault Alt: S18 15 18 wy Transd. fault Al2: $19 16 19 a Transd. fault AIS: S20 18 20 Bit 0 Transd. faut Ald: $21 18 21 by Monitoring Point Parameters No. 0B Dw. Name De Ow Transd. fault Alt 16 a1 Transd. fault Ale 16 a1 Transd. fault AIS 16 81 Transd. fault Ald 16 at 4.10 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters ‘All four analog inputs can be configured with overload, undercurrent and open-circuit monitoring. Use the structure switches $18 to S21 to enable or inhibit the desired transducer monitoring facility (input AIS is automatically monitored if the internal reference junction is in use). ‘The following analog input signals are detected by the IP 262 module and recognized as transducer fault: For inputs 0 to 20 mA: > 20 mA (overload) For inputs 4 to 20 mA: > 20 mA (overtoad) <4 mA (undercurrent) For PT100 input open-circuit (overload), short-circuit For thermocouple input: open-circuit (overload) measuring range (20 mA for current input, 500 mV for PT100 input, 50 mV for thermocouple input). then even the measured value of a non-faulty input is slightly affected by this fault. Should this have a disturbing effect upon your control system, we recommend you have your control program register the error indication and initiate appropriate corrective measures. Ensure therefore the correct polarity whten connecting up the sensor in order to avoid faulty measurements. For further guidelines, please refer to chapter 3 and to figure A2.1 in the appendix. A flashing LED indicates that at least one analog input has not been wired ub ioon ectly. er DRE ae ‘As soon as a transducer fault has been detected, the green LED on the front plate starts to flash, provided that the function ‘transducer monitoring’ had been enabled before. The following status data words indicate whether or not the transducer monitoring circuit was triggered: > — DW44 in DB11, 12, 13 and 14 > — DW81 in 0B16 > — DW89 in DB16 > status byte of the telegram for the SS 1/0 bus (see A1-40) WARNING AA transducer fault may give rise to unwanted situations in your plant. These could damage your equipment or even endanger life. You should therefore ensure that the transducer fault is detected, analysed and, at the least, an alarm is given. These tasks can be solved, for example, by an appropriate diagnostic part in your 5 program. lt might prove useful to program your controller in such a way that it automatically switches over to the ’safety ‘mode’ when a transducer fauitis signalled (see chapter 5.1, ‘Operating modes’). €73000-G8576-C5 ant Structures and Parameters. IP 262 4.3.3 Input Filter | Garent W wate voivien | ee | Normalization | Linearization Root extr. onal 3 En ‘aon @ doh z Ehien Lfate =a 77H] tale om} | qx mae A= Lfiaomal [= i + is | ve }2 ay lo wo wt @ 4 XUG air weed | = HS ® ites —, i : TN ae Structure Switches = : Monitoring Point Parameters [Parameters to 3B Name OB ow at 16 70 Ait, 16 00 a2 76 73 AT, 16 15 8 16 76 AT 6 30 Ae 16 73 AT 76 % 412 C73000-48576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The parameter T; allows you to suppress, to a large extent, any disturbing effects on the input signal. To ‘ensure that the fiter's influence on the response of the closed control loop is kept as insignificant as possible, select a time constant T, which is many times less than the dominant time constant of the controlled system. ‘The fiter can be inhibited altogether by setting the parameter T; to zero. C73000-G8576-C5 413) Structures and Parameters, IP 262 43.4 Input Filter win Fa a “Je aT ecole es Lea = ww fg (S| = i _& > Pa Pe o— 1s ras) i TA] .@ fo Bases eas Oo Als 1 roe SANT 8 oa Structure Switches: si2 Name DB 20 ma | AN: S12 18 Az: S13 15 13 | AIS: S14 16 14 4/20 mA LE. Ala: S15 15 15 Monitoring Point Parameters Nr DB Tow | Name DB DW Alt 16 70 Az 16 73 Ais 16 78 As 16 73 414 ©73000-48576-C5 Structures and Parameters IP 262. | For the analog input you wish to use, set the structure switches $12 to S15 to ‘0! for an input signal of 0 to 20 mA, and to '2' for an input signal of 4 to 20 mA. Use the current input when you intend to measure a physical quantity such as pressure, temperature, velocity, by means of a measuring transducer which converts this process quantity into a current signal When choosing the conversion ratio ‘measured input/current output’ and selecting, as a consequence, a suitable transducer, do rememoer that the IP 262 card interprets the entire measuring range as a percentage between 0% and 100% . Example: Measuring range 4 to 20 mA (span = 16 mA) 4mA + 0.0 = 0% 20mA + 1.0 =100% Remember: the input should also be configured as ‘current input’ when the input signal is a voltage from 0 to 10 V and an external voltage divider is made use of (see chapter 3.2.1). 73000-G8576-C5 415 Structures and Parameters. IP 262 Root Extractor ____ Gurrent (v with ont vive [Thermocouple = S0%0H2 | Transat] Input Filter | Root ext. | °Ci°F on | Linearization 60] | 4 2) Co) @& + c ‘Lake sts iat = [aw Hk GA try 7 me wust [aes a Geb) srl RES ce) as or too aN Ge F 7] Structure Switches siz Name. OB Ow 20 ma |_| 7/ AN: $12 15 12 7 ‘Az: $13 16 13 [ AB: $14 18 14 ‘420 mA S 3 Alé: S15, 15 15 Monitoring Point Parameters No. 0B Ow Name De Ow At 16 70 I Az 18 73 Ais 16 76 Ala 16 79 416 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters If you wish to extract the root of the current signal, set the structure switches S12 to S15 tor the selected analog input to 1" for an input signal of 0 to 20 mA, and to ‘3’ for an input signal of 4 to 20 mA. You need to use the ‘root extractor’ function when a quadratic curve is to be linearized. Quadratic characteristics occur when, fer example, a differential pressure transducer is used to transmit the flow rate measured by a restrictor. Flow Rate q 10 08 08 os 02 Diferential © 02 04 0,6 0,8 1,0 Pressure Ap Fig. 43 Relationship between flow rate and differential pressure Please take into account that it is always the percentage value of the input signal of which the root is extracted. Example: Input signal 8 mA = 40 % (0.4); Measuring range: 0 to 20 mA Xett = Vikreasured VOA = 0,632 = 63,2 % Calculated Quantity y (1.9 = 100%) 10 oe oe m4 yef® 02 ° Input Quantity x © 0.2 04 0.6 0,8 1,0 (1,0 100%) Fig. 44 Relationship between input quantity and calculated quantity C73000-G8576-C5 47 Structures and Parameters, 4.3.5 PT100 Input IP 262 Giront O wih ot veneer = | TBOISO HE | Transat. | inputFiter | Root ent. | “CF —[ Normalzaton | Linearization esoraf 3 a =a. ax el ° @.. Bae} ey fe) (| pe # ate am ie % = le em =| Ts 9 @—Tetlee sé amas ri ar 6 Pn ® Structure Switches \ ‘$12 Name OB OW Ait: S12 15 12 Al2: $13. 15 13 H 4 —\ Ais: $14 16 14 o) Al4: S15, 15 15, Monitoring Point Parameters No. DB OW Name OB ow At 16 70 Aa 16 73 a8 16 76 A 6 73 418 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters Set the structure switches S12 to S15 to ’4’ to inform the IP 262 card that you intend to measure temperatures with PT100 resistance thermometers. In this case, the nonlinear characteristic curve of the measured values will automatically be linearized so that the measured value which is further processed and stored in the DB is the linearized value. €73000-G8576-C5 Structures and Parameters IP 262 ‘Temperature Scale —— gene re see te Thermocouple "50160 Transd.t. | input Fitter [Root ex. | °C/*F | Normalization | Linearization ecousf 5 tee] @r cilw “LEAH =}@_—_ E rem} m z Bel | = 3 att SE] [ar [awm}7 ae oN , asia Z wosr Bea] z ® a7 = { | Structure Switches Name oS Dw Alt: S16 15 16 1 o} St Al2: S16 15 16 jx AIS: S16 15 16 °F Ald: S16 15 16 Monitoring Point Parameters No. 0B Ow Name DB ow Alt 16 70 Aa 16 73 Ais 16 76 Ala 16 79 4-20 ©73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Use the structure switch S16 to specify the dimensional unit; the temperature can be indicated either in degrees centigrade (C) or in Fahrenheit (F), ‘The conversion is based on the equation: €73000-G8576-C5 Structures and Parameters x°C 1.8 + 32 Yor 421 Structures and Parameters. Ip 262 4.3.6 Thermocouple ___ Gumrent W wate vive | 7 oo | S010 Hz | Transat. | Input Fiter | Root extr. | “C/F | Normalization | Linearization : LS Ww ‘Must LEZ} fone Lfeto Leama fy ow 5 = mH 7 7 “ ie Hit $12 Structure Switches Name DB ow Transat. FUE) An S12 15 72 31 : 7 ws a Aa S13 3 73 a7 7a Sta 15 74 ggleaohea| ee - ‘Ald: S15 15, 15 T, o Te S17, 18 7 Montoring Pont Parameters No. DB OW Name 0B OW Alt 16 70 iT 16 60 Ala 16 73 AIS 16 76 aia 6 73 ‘Transd. fault 16 81 4-22 ¢73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters lt you wisn to measure and transmit temperatures by means of thermocouples, inform the IP 262 module about type and measuring range of the thermocouple used by setting the structure switch $12 appropriately. The control module is equipped with a voltage source for the measurement of negative temperatures. Connect the negative pole of your thermocouple to this voltage source (see chapter 3 ‘Installation Guidelines’) a “The non-inear temperature characteristics will automaticaly be linearized 50 th is further processed and stored inthe DB is the linearized value ‘Again, as with the PT100 input, you can choose the temperature to be indicated either in degrees centigrade (C) or Fahrenheit (F). Use switch $16 to select the dimensional unit (please also refer to point + 4.3.5 "Temperature Scale’). Should you make use of an extemal reference junction, indicate its reference temperature by setting the parameter Tr in data word DW 60 of data block DB 16. ‘An alternative method is to obtain the reference temperature from a resistance thermometer PT100. Connect the PT100 to the analog input AIS and assign one of the four current sources provided by the IP 262 module to this input. Use structure switch $17 for this purpose. Explanations and examples of the use of internal and external reference junctions are given in chapter 3, “installation Guidelines’. €73000-G8576-C5 423 Structures and Parameters. Ip 262 4.3.7 Normalization Given tion vaio. BOEOHE | Transd.[ Input Fiter | Rootexr. [°C°F | Normalization | Linearization om camel an “TS B=HFH | an ae oe A a Ree Structure Switches (16 Name DB a Pa, Pe Monitoring Point No. o8 Ow Name DB Dw. Alt 16 7 Ait: Pa and Pe 16 01 and 02 Al 16 74 ‘AI2: Pa and Pe 16 16 and 17 Ag 16 7 ‘AIS: Pa and Pe 16 31 and 92 Aa 16 80 ‘Ala: Pa and Pe 16 48 and 47 424 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The parameters Pa and Pe alow you to match your IP 262 control module to the measuring range of your transducer (transducer with current output). The measured values are thus normalized before they are further processed, stored in the appropriate DB and read out. There is hence no need to encumber the CPU of your programmable controller with this task. The parameters Pa and Pe are recorded in data block DB 16. You have access to these values and can adjust them individually for each of the analog inputs. The default setting at delivery is KF=0 for Pa and KF=1000 for Pe. These settings allow you to interpret the analog variables (analog inputs, reference values, control parameters etc.) as percentage representation with a resolution of 0.1% . This is especially useful for current inputs. Contrary to the current inputs. the signals arriving at the temperature inputs (thermocouple and PT100 inputs) are straight away indicated with the correct dimensional scale (in degrees centigrade and with ‘one digit after the decimal pont), with the parameters Pa and Pe at their default settings. There is hence no need to alter the preset values for Pa and Pe. Example: 1. Let Pa=0 and Pe= 1000: A current input signal of 0 to 20 mA is represented in DW 71 of DB 16. Format: KF Range: 0 to 1000 2. Let Pa=-20 and Pe=80: (e.g.. positioning rate in mmisec). A current input signal of 0 to 20 mA is represented in DW 71 of DB 16. Format: KF Range: ~20 to 80 The below diagram illustrates the effect of the parameters Pa and Pe. xint x Int xint x Int (Phys) (06) (whys) (%) KF=1000 100 KF-80 F100 KF=800 | 80 Kr=60 + 80: 20 = oo eal = wan tm oo Je te eee | eee ewes | Eun pacontly aigeajees) { | Saas General rule: Calculated variable = input variable - (Pe - Pa) + Pa This equation means that a larger difference results in an amplification and a smaller difference results in a reduction of the rate of change of the input variable. A zero offset is also possible. Please always bear in mind that the value of Pa always represents 0 % and the value of Pe always refers to 100 % Example: Measuring range 4 to 20 mA (span = 16 mA) 4 mA = foranyPa> 0% 20 mA -» for anyPe > 100 % ©73000-G8576-C5 4-25 ‘Structures and Parameters, 4.3.8 IP 262 Linearization (Polygon Generator) Ee Gant ne ve BoE | Transat. | Input Filter Normalization | Linearization En sono ae LEZ] fovea cam HH] po ~ er a ax me of = ay Hema a0 | _ F fu x py i @ i @ be see @ er Ge a = we S26 Structure Switches Name DB Dw U 1} Alt: S26 18 26 Ala: S27 16 27 AI3: $28. 15 28 Ala: $28 15 29 Monitoring Point Parameters No. DB Dw Name OB ow ai 16 71 Alt: Peito PI 16 031013 Az 16 74 Az: Patto PI 16 181028 ais 16 7 A: P-ito P11 16 331045 As 16 20 ‘Aid: P-tto PIT 16 481058 426 €73000-@8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The closed-loop control module IP 262 is equipped with a polygon generator for the linearization of non process quantities. To utilise this facility you have to provide the IP 262 card with the curve of the non4 process variabie by defining the necessary interpolation points. The characteristic curves of the PT100 thermometers and the thermocouples are automatically linearized by the control module. There is hence no need for you to apply the linearization function to these input signals. Use the structure switches S26 to $29 to select the analog input which you wish to linearize. Then write the interpolation points (also called ‘pivotal values’) in the data words of DB 16 reserved for this purpose (the procedure is explained below). The y-axis’ graduation is predefined at steps of 10 % and cannot be altered! How to obtain the interpolation points 1. Obtain the characteristic curve of the process variable to be linearized. You may choose a graphical method and make use o' an X-Y plotter 2. Subdivide the y-axis (vertical line) in intervals of 10 %; include 10 % each for overcurrent and under current. These graduations serve at the same time as interpolation points for the IP 262 module's polygon generator. 8. On the x-axis (horizontal ine), enter the scale you wish to apply. Begin with Pa and Pe. 4, Draw straight horizontal lines from the interpolation points of the input quantities on the y-axis to the measured curve. 5. Starting at the intersection on the curve, draw a straight line down to the x-axis. The point of intersection on the x-axis gives you the value to be entered for this interpolation point. Fig. 4.6 illustrates the procedure. inear R3z2RR 32372 Rr 0 30 60 90 120 160 180 210 240 270 Msn” CE] Mune tn this exarrpe the value for PB is 80 Fig. 48 Graphical method of finding the interpolation points In technical literature the linearization function is often referred to as polygon curve or characteristics. ems eee A Se ce es Woe ee W the measured values produce a very steep curvatre, then the polygon cure might show some deviations from the expected trace. This is due to the approximation method used by the IP 262. You can apply a corrective measure by selecting new interpolation points to the left and right of these deviating values. eae ae €73000-G8576-C5 427 Structures and Parameters. IP 262 44 Generating the Error Signal 4.4.1 Fixed-Setpoint Controller eit. Cont | Ratio Controller ‘Cascaded Contr. Cascaded Ratio Contr. ‘Setpoint Setpoint ‘Safety | wracking | weracking | Distrvance | Rato Factor “Tramp Gonertr| Liner Seoont Feodiowars. | Normalization ® Srodure Swichos a FF fia Name oB DW 41 a3 11135 41 37 Contr.1; S02 15 02 w Contr.2: S03 15 03 7 4 Nontonng Port No. DB ow Contr.1: w phys 33 G x phys: 34 41134 151 36. w% W 35 12 3 A e Parameters: Contr.2: w phys 33 Wane 38 ow a 2 we e | & x % 36 xd 37 Contr.3: w phys 33 aye 3 we cae os x % 36 xd 37 ‘Contr4: w phys 33 x phys 34 ® u | # x% 36 xd 37 4.28 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The fixed-setpoint controller (also called ‘fixed-command controller) obtains the error signal by comparing the reference variable w with the process variable x. This comparison is based on the percentage values obtained from the normalization process. xd = w-x ‘The control algorithm (PID) is then applied to this control error and as a result the actuating variable y is available at the controller's output. Use the appropriate structure switches to specify the sources of the process and reference variables. For instance, switch $34 defines the source of the process quantity for controller no. 1. An analog input usually acts as data source. At the commissioning stage, you can simulate the input values by means of a programming unit (PG) or an operator panel (OP). The IP 262 card will automaticaly take into account the normalization scale defined for this particular analog input. tis therefore necessary to always use the physical values for the simulation procedure ‘The following devices can act as source for the reference value: > a SIMATIC programmable controller (S5-...), > a programming unit or operator panel (PG/OP), > the SINEC 1 bus system, > or an analog input. Select the type of source with the structure switches S30 to $33. pea “crucial factor for the effect ofthe reference value isthe normalization scale (measuring range) specified for the process variable. If the reference value too comes from an analog input, you must also take into account the normalization range specified for this The IP 262 module 'Step-action controller’ allows up to four fixed-command controllers, whereas the module representing a continuous-action controller admits a maximum of three fixed-command controllers. C79000-G8576-C5 4-29 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 Ramp Function Generator for Setpoint Bae Contr. | Ratio Controller Cascaded Contr. Cascaded Ratio Contr. Convot | Setpaiet [Setpoint Safey | wwackng | w-tacking | Distwtance | ato Factor ror | Raa aa sesoet Fesdorars. |_Nermalzason Structure Switches Name DB Dw I Tw Monitoring Point Parameters DB ow Name DB ow Contr.1: w phys 1" 33 AN: Tw 1 05 wi 35 ‘Contr.2: w phys 2 33 i e = w% 35 AN: Tw 13 05. Contr: w phys 13 3 w Ey AN: Tw 14 05 Contr.4: w phys 14 33 woe 35 4.30 C73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters if a change occurs in the reference quantity, this change is multiplied by the selected proportional gain Kp and directly applied to the actuating variable of the controller. In order to avoid abrupt changes in the actuating variable due to a variation in tre setpoint, a ramp function generator (integrator) can be switched on. Winout 100 % 100% Tw Tw = ramp of setpoint Fig. 47 Ramp tunction: the etect of Tw €73000-G8576-C5 431 ‘Structures and Parameters, IP 262 Setpoint Limiter ee etpt. Cont. Ratio Controller Cascaded Contr. Cascaded Ratio Contr. Conver ] Seti Safey | wracking | wevackng | Daturoence | Rato Factor Eror_| Ramo Generator Setpcint Feedtorward. | _Normakeation | @ fara =] [Ze | | wt Aaa N baa} — oS i fed Ge | Structure Switches eee ‘Name DB ow Monitoring Point Parameters DB ow DB ow Contr: w phys " 3 " 06 woe 38 o Contr2: w phys 2 3 whe 3 G % o7 Contr3: w phys 8 3 woe 3 Contr; wa 13 08 Contr: w phys 14 3 = 7 w% 35 Contr; wa 14 06 we 07 4-32 €73000-G8s76-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters ‘These parameters allow you to limit the effective range of the setpoint. The lower limit is determined by wa, the upper limit by we. 73000-G8576-C5 4.33 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 X-Tracking | Fea-Sewpt. Contr | Ratio Coatrotior Contol | Setpom ‘Sapo ‘Salty Rato Facer Ero [Ramp Generator] Limiter Serpont Normatzaton Ress @ ps a 4 : eB “ iz TE ese Structure Switches Name 0B ow Contr.1: S53 18 53 Contr.2: S54 15 54 Contr.3: S55 15 55 Contr.4: S56 15 56 1 We 08 [ow oi % tine a we fou | & Tae 8 ow xe % ie & Contr.2: w phys 33 xive & ve 2 | $ x% 36 a # Contr.3: w phys 33 rae § w% 13, 36 is % i % ‘Contr.4: w phys 33 Sane & we u | & x% 36 ei & 434 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters ‘When you switch the controller from the automatic mode to the manual mode, it might be necessary that the internal value for the setpoint adopts the value of the controlled vaiable for the period of the manual operation. Use structure switches S53 10 S56 to determine whether or not the controlled variable is to govern the setpoint at manual operation. This function should be applied when a Kp step change must be avoided at the return to automatic controller operation. ‘We talk about ‘manual mode" when the controller is driven by Yex, or when itis in the inhibitive, corrective or safety mode. These modes are described in chapter 5.1 ’ my Manual (Inhibit) xi # ! i t : without x-racking va, ; with xtracking ect of xtracking €73000-G8576-C5 4:35 Structures and Parameters. W-Tracking IP 262 Po ontr. | ‘Ratio Controller. «| Gascaded Contr. | Gastaded Ratio Cont. | ae a See Goro tee a See eee eres en ences = ® 4x ete @ = weLc/ PG S57 ‘Structure Switches Name DB DW Contr.1: $87 15 87 Contr.2: $58 15 58 Contr.3: $59 15 59 Contr.4: $60 16 60 Monitoring Point Parameters 4-36 No. 0B ow Name DB ow Contr.1: w phys 1" 33 we 35 Contr.2; w phys 12 33 w% 35 Contr.3: w phys 13 33 w% 35 Contr.4: w phys 14 33 w% 35 €73000-48576-C5 IP 262 Structures and Parameters It the controller receives its setpoint trom an analog input and the controller's internal setpoint value (DW 27 ‘of the corresponding data block) needs to be matched to the value coming from the programmable controller ‘or the programming unit, then the function of w-tracking comes in useful. Set the structure switches $57 to S60 to ’1’ to activate this function ‘The w-tracking function ensures that the internal setpoint is adjusted to the setpoint supplied from the outside. Without w-tracking, the controller would react to a failure of the programmable controller's CPU (KB=0) by continuing to operate with its ‘old’ internal setpoint value. with w-tracking without w-tracking Fig. 49 The effect of w-tracking ©73000-48576-C5 Structures and Parameters, Response to CPU Failure IP 262 Fixed Setpt. Contr. Ratio Controller Cascaded Contr. | Cascaded Ratio Contr. Convel | Setont ‘Sepont aay | wwecking | wracking | Disturbance | Rato Facer or _|Ramp Generar] Liter Feedtorwars. | _Noxmatzaten ‘Structure Switches Name. DB DW 4-38 Contr.1: S73 18 73 Contr.2: S74 18 74 Contr.3: S75 15 75 Contr.4: S76 15 76 Monitoring Point Parameters or] Name. 08 ow Contr.1: w phys 1" 33 Contr.1: Ws " 08 bliad = Contr.2: ws 12 08 Contr.2: w phys: 12 33 w% 35 Contr.3: ws. 13, 08 Contr.3: w phys 13 33 Contr.4: ws 14 08, Ww % 35 Contr.4: w phys 14 33 wie 35 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Stuctures and Parameters ‘An IP 262 module driven by S5-100U programmable controller recognizes when the latter is set to STOP or a Power failure has occurred. It then sets the KB signal to zero. By means of structure switches $73 to $76 it is possible to specify whether the IP 262 is to continue its ‘operation with the last setpoint received from the CPU, the PG/OP or the SINEC L1 bus, or whether a ‘safety setpoint’ ws should take effect. The value for ws can be preset. woe Se ae sere ec mebetcri tt ts osecteWeccias ee The automatic change-over to the safety setpoint stant of KB=0 and S73 you provide the setpoint by way of an analog input (¢.g., $30= 1 to 4). eee: eee ee eee €73000-48576-C5 439 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 4.4.2 Feedforwarding of Disturbances at the Controller Input (effective controlled variable) - Fixed-Setpt. Conte. Ratio Controller Cascaded Contr. Cascaded Ratio Contr. Conrol | Setpoint ‘Setpoint Saley | Fvacurg | wracking |/Dasarbanes |] Rato Factor Error__| Ramp Generator] Limiter Setpoint | Feeatowward. | Normalization ees 5 2 ao i oF @ i Lae. & zl ote Tw mo fa ae . A te $ : ee & @ L : 7 ae Ss 0-4 me he . Re] tie ie | ‘Structure Switches Name DB OW We), G7, Contr.1: $40 16 40 . J I Contr.2: $41 15 41 840 ESCH Ge CUE I0C 3 Contr.3: S42 15 42 [: Conta: 548 3 |_8 2 2 it [32 ‘Monitoring Point Ne. De Dw Contr.1: 2% W 32 Parameters ers a No. DB ow x% 36 Contr.1; ct Ww 16 Contr.2: 2 % 12 32 ry 7 x phys 34 x % 36 Contr.2: 1 12 16 c2 7 Contr.3: 2 % 13 32 x phys 34 Contr 3: 64 13 16 x% 36 2 7 Contr.4: 2% 14 32 Contr.4: ct 14 16 x phys: 34 re 7 x% 36 +40 €73000-68576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters Itis possible to add a constant c1 to the measured process variable (measured process variable = controlled variable). This constant is adjustable. A negative constant is subtracted from the measured controlled variable at the controller input. This function is a useful method to counteract a measurable disturbance z at the earliest possible opportunity: the value c1 is selected as a function of the disturbance quantity and applied to the controller input by adding it to the measured controlled variable by way of feedforward control The size of a second adjustable constant - constant c2 - determines the significance of the disturbance's effect on the error signal; the effect can be increased or diminished. You define not only the value of c2, but also its sign which determines the effective direction of the feedforward control The effective controlled variable is obtained from the following equation: Xetiectve = Xmeasured + C1 + 2°02 The feedforward control of disturbance signals can also be applied to the IP 262 output; in this case it would affect the actuating variable (-+ chapter 4.5.3). Use structure switches $40 to $43 to define the desired type of feedforward control €73000-G8576-C5 441 IP 262 Structures and Parameters, 4.4.3 Ratio Controller Cascaded Ratio Contr. Fixed-Setpt. Contr. | __-Ratio Gontrotler | Cascaded Contr. co ‘Seipomt ‘Saley | wvacking ] wracking | Disurtance | Ratio Factor | Eror [Ramo Generator] __Limtor Setpoint Feedtorwars | Normalization ot fax @ ait a +] Shs zs ee Ua = : Lh & FFs Spt Gre] deena] ris = Structure Switches 138 Name Cy Dw ‘Contr.1: $2 15 02 2 we wyix2 +01 Contr.2: $3 18 03 w “ xd Monitoring Point Parameters No. DB Dw Ne DB Dw Contr.1: wv 1 39 Contr.1: et 1 16 w 30 Contr.2: wv 12 39 Contr2: ct 12 16 ww 30 ©73000-G8576-05 4-42 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The ratio controller derives the control error xd in the same way as the fixed-command controller: it compares the setpoint w with the controlled variable x1 (= process variable). But this time a second controlled variable - process variable x2 - acts on the setpoint and the ratio x1/x2 is computed. Again, you can add the constant ct to this ratio. xd=w-x = wy x2 + ela] For xd = 0 (settled condition) x1 = wy-x2 tel Forel = 0 a MO With the IP card, you can implement up to two ratio controllers. You activate the ratio controller no. 1 with switch 82=1, and the ratio controller no. 2 with switch $3=1. The feedforwarding of disturbance signals selected with switch $40 affects Se €73000-G8576-C5 4-43 Structures and Parameters, Normalizing the Ratio Factor IP 262 Fixed-Setpt. Contr. Cascaded Contr. | Cascaded Ratio Contr. Conte | _ Seipaint ‘Setpaint Terackeg | weveckng | Disuroance Eror_|Ramp Generate] Limitor Feedtonward Structure Switches Name 0B OW 1 va vel Ge Monitoring Point Parameters N 08 Dw Nr DB Dw Contr.1: ww 1 38 Contr.1: va 1" 23 Ey 40 ve 24 Contr.2: ww 12 39 Contr.2: va 12 23 wv 40 ve 24 4-44 73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters The effect of va and ve is determined by the way you set the ratio factor wy, i.e. either by the programmable controller or the programming unit or by way of an analog input: 1. Ifyou set the setpoint ratio directly by means of a factor supplied by the programmable controller or the Programming unit, the retio is restricted by the values vq and ve. The range of adjustment will therefore go from va ~10 % to ve +10 % of the range selected. If you prefer not to limit the range then set vq to F = and ve to KF = 30000. 2. If you set the setpoint ratio by way of an analog input, the real value applied to the input is first of all normalised to a percentage value on the basis of the parameters P, and Pe (see figure 4.5). You may then normalize this percentage value (Wyae) to the setpoint ratio required by selecting the appropriate values for va and ve. ‘The percentage value is is maintained if you set vg to KF = 0 and ve to KF = 1000 (default setting) C73000-G8576-C5 4-45 Structures and Parameters. 4.44 Cascaded Fixed-Setpoint Controller IP 252 Fixed-Setpt. Contr. Ratio Controller [aaa oo) Cascaded Ratio Contr. Gol | Setpont | Eror__| Ramp Generator Semone ‘Salely Limiter Setpoint | ‘evacking |] wracking Disturoance | Ratio Factor Feedtorwars. | _Normakzation "446 Structure Switches Name. 08 ow po }Y w% it [35 Contr. + to Contr.¢: $1 15 or Contr. 4 “ Monitoring Point No. De DW. eo j= Cont.4: w phys 33 Y x phys 34 wee " 35 2 x% 36 fit [36 Contr. 1 xd 37 Cont.2: w phys s x phys Parameters sien 12 3s x% 36 xd 37 Contr.3: w phys 33 x phys 34 wee 13 35 x% 36 xd 37 Contr.4: w phys 33 x phys 34 woe 14 35 x% 36 xd 37 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters ‘A cascaded control scheme is made up of two controllers: the master and the servo-follower (also called “ollower’ or follow-up controler’). The master controller generates the actuating variable y which is not directly passed on to the IP's output. Instead it is fed to the follower where it acts as setpoint, In the same way as the fixed-setpoint controller, the cascaded fixed-setpoint controller too forms the error signal xd by comparing the setpoint w with the controlled variable w. With the IP 262 moduk you can implement up to two cascaded control schemes: 1. Controller 4 as master, controller 1 as follower with one or two fixed-setpoint controllers. S1 = 5to7 2. Controller master, controller 2 as follower si=8 “The fecdforwarcing of disturtance signals selacted with switch S40 affects the PID structure only. In a cascaded control scheme, the master is inhibited direction-dependent as soon as the follower goes out of limits (anti wind-up) or is blocked manually Sea {A setpoint cannot be defined for the follower by the programmable controller or programming unit. ©73000-G8576-C5 447 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 4.45 Cascaded Ratio Controller Fixed-Setpt. Contr. Ratio Controller Cascaded Contr. | Cascaded Ratio Contr. | TSSaiel | seam | —Seont satiy] Svacirg ] wracking | Osurtance | — Ravo Facer |__ Error _| Ramo Generator Limiter Setpoint Feediorward. | Normalization PID Controler 3 Controter 2 PID Sturcture Switches Name DB OW st 15 a1 Contr. 1: $2 15. o2 Contr. 2: $3 16 03 Monitoring Point Parameters _————_ aren Ne, 08 ow No. De ow Contr. 1: wv 7 39 Contr. 4:1 1 16 wv 40 2 7 Contr. 2 ww 72 39 = 30 wv 40 Contr. 2:1 12 16 ro 7 ww 30 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters ‘The cascaded ratio controller generates the control error xd in the same way as the ratio controller (-» chapter 4.4.3). The only difference is that the setpoint is this time provided by the master controller. Aub Slt €73000-G8576-C5 4-49 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 45 PID Algorithm 45.1 The Basic Structure Lop ee Operating Point [__ Adaptive Fitter Threshold | Disturbance Feedforward Yo = Yn- P|<———] Yn 2} [xa] pr it [57] Te AH. Kp Tay 5 HY Le Th 5 — EhzZ# q YD | A AR |= % FT BD|O|e i [36 (1 [32 DI a +1, > S z = 2 a ay i Ee] |G ae QS {a} Ko Ww < “aay THe RO lit [36 9 ce ny Ww WW Structure Switches Kp Tn Name DB ‘DW Kp - No. DB DW. Cont: = 3 x phys ea Ky el x% W 36 Pp Iv xd 37 y 38 Contr.2: z 32 x phys a me 12 Ss xd 37 y 38 Contr: z % x 34 x 13 26 37 38 32 7 Es 1“ 3 37 3 450 C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters ‘The IP 262 module implements the PID algorithm in a so-called parallel arrangement: the proportional, integral and differential components are processed individually without affecting each other. They are connected in parallel Neglecting the cycle time, the filter time constants and the response threshold, the velocity algorithm is based ‘on the following equations: P-Controller ya=kp» xd+y0 or PL-Controller Aare so=hp tals | aadr+y09 oS (1+ ) D-Component (20-Component) 1 = inpat quantity Cycle Time (Sampling Interval) ‘The sampling time determines at which intervals the process signals are picked up: it is the period from the beginning of one signal reading to the next. This time coincides with the cycle time of the IP module. During this period, the analog and binary inputs (process signals) are read, and the output signals (actuating signals) are computed on the basis of the selected structure and parameters and are finally provided at the card’s output. The cycle time adjusts itself and varies in steps of 20 ms (S0Hz) or 16.67 ms (60Hz) in the range from 100 to 200 ms according to the computing load and the controller structure and number of controllers in action. Parameters such as Ty, Ty 0° Te which determine the time response are to be entered in real-time values. In this case, there is no need to take into account the cycle time. Consult data block DB 16, data word DW 95 to read the cycle time €73000-G8576-C5 451 ‘Structures and Parameters, IP 252 ‘The Operating Point ee f D | Operating Point | Adaptive Fiter | Threshold | __Disturbance Feedforward [xa] faz] tt AH kp a entre Gy ain) gz] | o lr [a2 > 2 z ir |34 QT [see =o > -1 oe aaa] im [36 Ae al Structure Switches: Yo = yn- P|= ve Name DB. Dw : Monitoring Point e 7 No. 0B. Dw Ty Contr.t: z 32 _J ‘ x phys 34 vam e 1" 38 x Ga y 38 Bia] 3 Contr.2: 2 32 x phys 34 x% 12 36 xd 37 Parameters y 38 Name DB Contr.3: 2 32 x phys 34 Contr.t: yo | " 15 xg 13 36 Contr: yo | 12 15 i 3% Contr.3: yo _| 13 18 z 32 x phys a4 Contra: yo | 14 16 oi 4 36 xd 37 y 38 4-52 73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters ‘The operating point yo of the P-controller is that value of the actuating variable at which xd equals zero (xd = 0). This operating point can be adjusted automaticaly by the IP 262 module, or it may be obtained in the manual mode and manually supplied to the controller. The following equation applies: y-yo = Kp: xd Default Setting: Data word DW15 of data blocks DB11 to DB14 is by default set to KF = ~1. This way, the operating point is automatically adjusted to the actuating variable. ‘This function is useful when you have intervened manually and possibly varied the actuating variable by entering values on the programming unit, and now wish to make a bumpless switchover to the automatic mode. 73000-G8576-C5 453 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 Proportional Gain ee D Operating Point ‘Adaptive Fitter Threshold Disturbance Feedforward kp. Ark Monitoring Point No, 0B Dw ey Contra: 2 32 XD x phys 34 x9 " 36 xd 37 y 38 Contr2: 2 32 anaes sae 2 | 3 Name 08 ow xd 37 Contr.1: Kp 14 00 y = Contra: 2 32 Contr.2: Kp 12 00 X phys 34 x% 13 38 Contr.3: Kp 13 00 xd x y Contr.4: 14 00 ud Oona 2 2 x 34 xe 14 36 xd 37 y 38 +54 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters The value and sign of the proportional gain Kp determine the gain and the direction (inverting or non-inverting) applied to the control error. ‘The default setting is a controller gain of 1.0 (= proportional gain). You will find the value KF= 1000 in the appropriated data word. ¢73000-48576-C5 4.86 ‘Structures and Parameters. IP 262 Integral Time Constant 5 [a 3 Operaog Point [Adaptive Fiter | Thveshaid |” Dstrbance Feedforward Yo = -— Ye fi [o7] Tr AH Kp. os ! = ene ee GY | GY Beal @ — : fe fae 3] | tl 2 + a z Cay fit 134 XW [ee pL Kp WS 5 v4 i 1 2 0 Aaaaal ~ EM] asl ‘a & "@ WD Structure Switches Name DB ow Tn aK Monforing Point No. DB ow Contr.1: z 32 X phys 34 xe " 36 xd 37 y 38 Contr.2: z 32 xph 34 Ena xe 12 36 ‘Name DB DW xd 37 y 38 Contr.1: Tn Ww on Contr.3: z 32 Contr.2: Tn 12 oO x phys 34 x5 13 36 Contr.3: Th 13 or xd 37 Contr.4: Ti 14 1 2 % of) Contra: z 32 x phys 34 x56 “4 36 xd 37 y 38 456 C73000-G8576-05 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The proportional component is followed by an integrator. The adjustable time constant of this integrator determines the integral time constant of the controller. The integral component can be inhibited by setting Ty to zero. sete penanmemet as a ee we Ll EEE RTE The default setting for the lcomponent is Tn = 3000 seconds (KF = +30000). The D-component is hence dominant which prevents the actuating element from immediately driving into an end position during ‘commissioning. €73000-G8576-C5 457 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 Derivative Time Constant and Derivative-Action Gain 458 P 1 Le Operating Point Adaptive Filter Threshold Disturbance Feedforward Yo = Yn - P|=———_> Yn far] tr AH we mob 5 7 a cH, EH. Gy GY! a Ba] NET 23 b_{s8 tse = | Tt x z Fo. Jy lin [3a N77 [se x4 ~ -1 Xn Ae 4 it 136) a8 oe ‘Structure Switches Name DB DoW @ ee Ww Contr.2: $70 15 70 NN Contr.3: $71 15 71 w, a Contr.4: S72 [15 72 Monitoring Point No. OB OW Cont. @ x phys 4 Parameters eae il 7 Name DB ow y 38 Contr.1: Tv Ww 02 Contr.2: z . a x phys ~ S xd 2 37 Contr.2: Tv 12 02 y 38 w 03 Contra: 2 2 Contr.3: Tv 13 02 x phys ra ps) w 03 , 38 Contr.4: Tv 14 02 Contr.4: z a ea x kg S xd 4 7 y 38 (C73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, ‘Structures and Parameters In addition to the P- and I-components, the IP module is capable of applying a differential component to the input variable. You specify the D-component by selecting appropriate values for the time constant Ty and the derivative-action gain Wy. By default, the D-component is switched off with Ty = 0 and the gain is set to 5 (KF = +5000). You yourself define which signal is to act as input to the controller's derivative-action component. Use switches S69 to S72 to select either the control error, the inverted controlled variable (= inverted process variable) or an analog input as source. ¢73000-G8576-C5 4-59 Structures and Parameters IP 262 45.2 Special Functions Adaptive Filter P 1 D Operating Point [| aa Fe] Threshold | _ Disturbance Feedforward Yo = Yn-P Yo pT fa [37] 1 AH Kp Tay Pope = SHzt‘heheZr ‘Dy OA!) D| AE C7 72 0 7 = Aw? | | fz a 2 + z 14 mes 17) (ee = ol kp Tw + = ta cs - an Sal n Cc kK D mE a wy, ‘Structure Switches Name DB OW Tt ce ‘Monitoring Point No. DB DW ay Contra: 2 2 EY, x phys 34 x8 " 36 xd 37 y 38 Contr.2: 2 2 Parameters x phys in 3 Name 0B Dw xd x Contr.1: TE 1 04 a Contr.3: z 32 Contr.2: Tf 12 04 x phys 34 x % 13 36 Contr.3: Th 13, 04 xd 37 Contr.4: TE 14 04 ul ae a z 32 x phys: 34 x% 4 36 xd 37 y 38 4-60 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters ‘Any low-frequency interferences the error signal right be subjected to can be suppressed by activating a filter. Within a certain range in which interferences with identical amplitude occur repeatedly, the fiter adjusts itself automatically to the noise level and suppresses these disturbances on the basis of its time constant Tr. If however the noise level exceeds the range, then the disturbance signals pass through to the controller so that the IP module can react swiftly to changes in the control loop. Fig. 4.10 The effect of the adaptive non-linear filter ‘The default setting of the fiter time constant is 1 second (KF = 10). Set KF to 0 if you wish to inhibit the filter function, We recommend you choose the filter time constant as high as possible in order to eliminate the input noise which is amplified by Vv Kp. This applies especially to controllers with a derivative-action component. €73000-G8576-C5 461 Structures and Parameters. Threshold IP 262 P ‘Operating Point ‘Adaptive Filter [37 as xd fa [32 I z fit [34 x | fi [36 ‘Structure Switches Name. DB Dw AH Ace} Monitoring Poi No. 0B. OW Contr.t: z 32 2) x phys 34 x% " 36 xd 37 y 38 yR, there is no bumpless change-over between the outputs -dy and + dy when the calculated actuating variable exceeds the selected vertex yL.. The IP 262 module limits the calculated pulse duration to 0.5% of the repetition period. This way the module prevents that pulses are generated at the output which are too short to be processed by the actuator. This situation could arise if the period has been set to a large value. eaerame ee “Ay +by p ee Fl] LF +ay +hy Tm Fig. 413 The effect of yp and y, The control module 6ES5 262-8MB12 is equipped with four pairs of pulse outputs +dy and -dy. Let us ‘consider the example of a temperature control system: the cooling element is connected to the -dy-output, whereas the heater is controlled by the +dy-output. The angular points yl and yR are adjustable in the range from 0 to 100%. tf you wish to use the IP module as 2-position controller, maybe for controlling a heater, then connect the +dy-output only and set the yR parameter to zero. Remember to reset the parameter yl. to zero percent too. 472 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters (73000-G8576-C5 473 Structures and Parameters. IP 262 4.6.3 Three-Position Step Controller with Internal Position Feedback (Switching Output) C-Controller Pulse Controller | S-Bos. Stop Controtier ‘Current Output Binary Output | Binary Output | Binary Output ‘Output Limiter Mark-Space Output | ___ internal yn _ External yr. Structure Switches a) Gay Name Bow GD & [ta Lte Shik >I oT Parameters: ——____fxameters___ | z= We a “ty U Lis Gontr.1: Ty 20 l Ta 1" 21 * Te 22 "GR Contr.2: Ty 20 % 12 21 Qo) Te 22 Contr.3: Ty 20 Ta 13 21 Te 22 Monitoring Point cmmerty . No. OB ow Ta 14 at Contr.1: y 4 38 ie) = Conte: y 2 38 Contr3: y 3 3 Contr 4 38 4-74 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters The internal actuating variable computed on the basis of the PID algorithm is fed across a comparator before it reaches the three-position switch. The comparator derives the difference between the output signal of an integrator and the internal actuating variable. The integrator which simulates the actuating device, is driven by the output signal of the 3-position switch -dy or + dy, depending on the output's direction. ‘The duration of the actuating pulse to be passed on to the output is computed from the difference available at the input of the 3-position switch. Should the result exceed the specified minimum pulse width Te, then the binary output is activated for a minimum duration of 2 * Te. The actuator is energized and the integrator is active unti finally there is no input signal to the 3-position switch and no output signal is generated. xd ~N_ t A control error causes first of all a change in the internal manipulated Yint variable. Based on this variation, a actuating Pulse of the length 2Te is computed t ‘and provided at the output. Effect: The contro! error is re- ~Ay duced. t ze itis essential that the specified value for the actuating time Ty coincides with the real actuating time of the actuating device. Otherwise tre action of the actuator device cannot be simulated properly by the IP control module. ee ee eee The minimum OFF-time between two ON-pulses is specified with parameter Ta. The IP control module 6ESS 262-8MB12 is equipped with four pairs of binary outputs +dy and -dy. C73000-G8576-C5 475 Structures and Parameters. IP 262 4.6.4 Three-Position Step Controller with External Position Feedback (Switching Output) (C-Controller Pulse Controller __ 3:Pos: Step Convotior Current Output Binary Output Binary Output “Binary Output Output Limiter Mark-Space Output | __Internal yx __External ye GT XZ waa [ta__[te ey =p _f2 ia Ys -sy ay » QD . ‘Structure Switches (a) Name DB ow QT Contr. 1: S44 15 44 [te Tre +o DI Bho Contr. 2: $45 18 45 Te = Contr. 3: S46 15 46 -ay Contr. 4: S47 16 a7 Parameters No. DB. Dw Moning Pont Con: Ta 1 2 cS ES oe Contr2: Ta 12 21 Contr-t: y 1 38 Te 22 : Contr: Ta 13 21 Contr2: y 12 38 is a = = = Contr4: Ta 14 21 Contr.4: y 14 38 Te 22 73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters The three-position step controller with external position feedback requires a transducer which indicates the actuator's position to the control module. Again, a comparator is included in the circuit to form the difference between the external and the internal actuating signal. The result of this comparison is taken to compute the pulse width for the binary output +dy or -dy. Should the computed pulse duration exceed the specified minimum pulse width Te, then the binary output is activated for a minimum duration of Te and the actuator is energized. Z\ WARNING In this operating mode the actuator is inevitably driven into a limit position if the position feedback fails due to open-circuit conditions (wire break) or auxiliary supply failure. Suitable protective measures must be taken to prevent this from happening, Failure to observe this warning may cause death, physical injury or severe material damage. The minimum OFF-time between two ON-pulses is determined by parameter Ta. The control module 6ESS 262-8MB12 is equipped with four pairs of binary outputs + dy and ~dy. €73000-G8576-C5 477 Structures and Parameters, 47 eee eee eee eee eee een eee ere nee 202 Limit Monitor Ae Ae2 Ae3 oy Structure Switches Name 08 ow Li, la: $61 15 61 $62 62 Ls, La: $63 15 63. S64 64 ‘$65 15 65 S66 66 L7,L8: $67 16 67 868 68 Monitoring Point Parameters No. DB Dw DB u 16 82 u 16 61 7 16 82 2 16 62 ry 16 82 13 16 63 La 16 82 La 16 64 iG 16 83 6 16 65 ir 16 83, 16 16 66 uw 16 83 w 16 67 Ls 16 83 ts 16 68 478 €79000-48576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters The controller's monitoring points allow the ‘connection’ of up to four pairs of limit monitors. Use the structure switches $61, S63, S65 and $67 to select the monitoring points for the sets of limit values, as there are L1- L2, L9-L4, L-L6 and L7-L8. You may also choose the type of monitoring: max-min, min-min, max-max or without limit monitoring. Use tre structure switches $62, S64, SE6 and S68 for this purpose. The threshold at which the limit monitor is to be triggered, i.e. the limit values, are set in the data words DWE1 to DWE8 of data block DB 16. Consult data words DW82, DW83 and DW89 of data block DB 16 to find out whether a limit value has been reached. Between the point of setting a limit value bit and resetting it, there is a die hysteresis which amounts to 1% of the range specified for the monitored point in question. The below diagram illustrates the three different methods of monitoring and limiting the value at a defined point inside the controller circuit: ‘1st Monitoring: max/min L1-Bit log. L1-Bit log. *0° t j | ! L2-Bit log. "1" f \ L2-Bit log. 3rd Monitoring: mintmin A i L2-Bit tog. ‘0° Fig. 415. Three methods of limit monitoring 1 L1-Bit fog. €73000-G8576-C5 4.73 Structures and Parameters, IP 262 Changing the Operating Mode via Inputs BI1 to BI4 Manual - Automatic When considering the various operating modes of a controller, we principally distinguish between the manual and the automatic mode. The IP 262 module allows a manual operating mode which in itself is divided into various submodes. Their priorities are listed below. in the manual operating mode, the control loop is open. The automatic operating mode is the control mode in the true sense. The loop is closed and the IP 262 module acts towards maintaining a defined controlled variable (= process variable) at a constant value, always taking into account the control parameters which you have specified. The Funetion of Binary Inputs BI1 to Bi The controller offers four binary inputs the function of which is set with structure switche S52: they can be set ‘o ‘normal operation’ which means a logial “1” for a binary signal equal to or greater than 13V, or to ‘inverting operation’ which means a logical '1' for a binary signal equal to or smaller than 4.5 Volts. The binary inputs are permanently assigned to certain manual operating modes: BI ‘Inhibit' mode 812 + ‘Correction’ mode BIS + Safety’ mode Bi =» PD) controller With the binary input BI1 you have the possibility to inhibit either the controllers 1 and/or 2 or the controllers 3 and/or 4. Use structure switch S48 to set your option, The modes ‘Correction’, ‘Safety’ and 'P(D) control’ for binary inputs BI2 to Bld are set on the the same principle by using structure switches $49 to S61. ‘The Operating Modes ‘The IP 262 control module can be switched over from its normal control mode (Automatic) to the operating modes which are listed below according to their priority: Highest priority: Safety operation (B13) Priority 2: Inhibit operation (eit) Priority 3: Correction operation (B12) Priority 4: Output of actuating variable Yex Lowest priority: (0) control operation (Bla) ‘These operating modes define the output structures of the individual controllers and the way the binary signals are prepared. Both, the output structures and the signal preparation, are illustrated in the appendix. Please refer to the block diagrams of the output structures and to diagrams A2.36 to A2.39. ‘More explanations about the controller's operating modes are given in chapter §.1 The diagrams A2.96 to A2.39 in the appendix A2 of this manual also illustrate how you can change from one ‘operating mode to another by means of the binary inputs. 4-80 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Structures and Parameters 49 How to Set the Structures and Parameters Please follow the steps described below when you select your controller structures and parameters. 1st step Connect your programming unit and transfer the DBs to the PG 2nd step Specify > the number of controllers to be used > the main control structure » the controller output structure 3rd step Assign the analog inputs to the control quantities ath step Specity > the type of sensor, transducer (for every analog input used) > the range of the analog input signal > if there is to be transducer monitoring > the response to a transducer fault ‘sth step Define the general functions 6th step Determine the control parameters 7th step ‘Save your programmed data on a backup diskette 1st step The default parameters and structures can easily be modified to meet your special requirements. Make use of a programming unit PG or an operating panel OP. Connect the supply to the IP 262 card. The green LED on the card's front plate indicates that all is well. Now insert the connection cable for the PG or OP in the 15-pin socket. We advise you work with PG with a floppy-disk drive. This way you can make use of our diskette which contains all default data with explanatory comments and is a convenient tool for setting up the control module. Consult its READ.ME file to find instructions on how to transfer our predefined data blocks to the IP 262 card or to the hard disk of your programming unit. Please note that this diskette is not part of the standard IP 262 package and needs to be ordered separately. ‘Should you work without our prepared data diskette, it is good practice to first of all make a backup copy of ‘our default data blocks. Simply read the data blocks from the supplied IP 262 module and save them on a formatted diskette. This way you can at any time refer to the default values for parameters and structure switches as initaly set by the manufacturer, and re-load them into your control module when needed. To load the data into the IP card you call the PG's auxiliary function ‘TRANSFER’. If in doubt consult the instruction manual of your programming unit. ‘The structures of the four controllers are stored in data block DB 15. To modify any of them, use the PG function OUTPUT’ to read the data block from the IP 262 module into your programming unit. On the PG, call the ‘CORRECTION’ function to display the contents of DB 15 on the PG screen. You have now access to the data and can adjust it to your own requirements. IMPORTANT: To simplify matters we always talk about ‘structure switches’. In reality, a structure switch is a certain data word of the data block DB 15. EXAMPLE: Position 1 of structure switch $16 => DW16 KH = 0001 After at least 30 seconds, your modifications are safely stored on the card's non-volatile memory. ©73000-G8576-C5 481 Structures and Parameters, IP 252 2nd step To start with, specify the positions of structure switches S1 to $10. ‘These switches are of primary importance as they define the number of controllers to be implemented with the card, the main control structure and the controller output structure. The choice of structures provided by the IP 262 module is illustrated by the diagram A2.2 in the appendix. How Many Controllers Can You Implement? As it is not possible to commission all the structures provided by the card in one go, we suggest you activate one controller at a time. Only after you have assured yourself that this control loop shows the required response, you should proceed to set up the other controllers, one after the other. ‘The IP 262 module is capable of processing up to four control loops. Do remember that the card is only equipped with four analog inputs. if your control task is complex, it alone will already take up these four inputs. In this case you need to make use of analog input cards if you wish to implement more controllers. The required signals coming from your process are thus collected by the analog input card and passed on to the IP 262 by the CPU of your programmable controller. In such a case, the CPU of the $5-100U unit itself has continuous access to the analog and binary inputs. The analog and binary outputs however cannot be written to. 3rd step Every controller requires at least one of the following quantities: > Main control quantity x1 (always necessary) > External setpoint we (only necessary if the setpoint does not come from the CPU of the S5-100U unit) > Setpoint x2 (only necessary for the ratio controller) » Position feedback yr (only required by the 3-pos. step controller with external position feedback) » Position correction yn (only necessary for continuous or pulse controller if the output is to be matched to an analog input) » Disturbance variable z (for special cases only) ‘These quantities are assigned by means of structure switches $30 to S47. The detailed diagrams are shown in appendix A2, figures A2.7 to A2.16. 4th step Now use structure switches $11 to $29 to determine for every used analog input which type of transducer is connected and what sort of signal it supplies. Every analog input is designed to allow the connection of one of the below transducers (sensors). Any combination is allowed for the four available inputs: > Current sources » Resistance thermometer PT100 » Thermocouples 4-82 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Structures and Parameters sth step You are now at the stage where you can define your special functions: the purpose of the binary inputs, of the limit monitors, the module's reaction to failure of the programmable controller and the start-up conditions. Please refer to the appendix, diagrams A2.7 to A2.16 for a detailed illustration. 6th step Finally, set your control parameters and optimize the control loop. 7th step ‘Save your programmed data onto a backup diskette. ‘When transferring data from your IP 262 module to the diskette take care not to averwrite the comments which may already exist on the diskette. C73000-G8576-C5 483 Structures and Parameters, ee ene rete renee enous rea ee ene nOT2' 202] 484 €73000-G8576-C5 61 ‘The Operating Modes 52 A Simple Example: The Open Control Loop 6.2.1 Preparing the Hardware 5.22 Selecting the Structures and Parameters 63 The Commissioning Procedure 53.1 Start-Up Response of the Closed Control Loop 5.3.2 Data Storage in the EEPROM : 53.3 ‘The Effect of the Communication Bit 53.4 ‘The Purpose of the Priority Bit 535 Adjusting the Effective Control Direction 536 Adjusting the S-Controller to the Actuator Drive 53.7 Setting the Filter and the Response Threshold .......... 022-5 53.8 Advice on Fauit Diagnosis, 53.9 Optimizing the Control Parameters with “Automatic Self-Adjustment’ 5.3.10 How to Set the Control Parameters Without Knowing the Process Characteristics 6.3.11 Setting the Control Parameters on the Basis of the Transfer Function 57 57 58 58 59 5-10 512 512 513, 516 517 73000-G8576-C5 5.10 Four diterot ways to change the operating mode S-controller no. 1... . C-controtier no. 1 : The S-controller's response in the test mode The C-controller’s response in the test mode The effect of parameter Tp The effect of the response threshold AH ‘Step input and measured step response Transfer function of an optimized control loop Transfer function of a self-regulating process ©73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Operating Modes and Commissioning 5 Operating Modes and Commissioning 5.1 The Operating Modes ‘The IP262 closed-loop control mode can be switched over from its normal control mode - the automatic mode to various types of manual operation. This change-over can be initiated by means of binary inputs, the programming unit PG or other higher-level systems (see chapter 6 ‘Communication interfaces’). The various forms of manual operating modes have different priorities: Priority 1: Safety operation Priority 2: Inhibit operation Priority 3: Tracking mode Priority 4: Output of manipulated variable Yex Priority 5: P(D) controllers CPU Fig. 5.1. Four different ways to change the operating mode Every communications partner with the authority to dictate the operating mode has the possibilty to set various operating-mode bits. However, only one operating mode can be active at a time. This is always the operating mode that is of higner priority according to the priority list mentioned above. This currently active ‘operating mode can only be reset by the communications partner who had set the bitin the first place. ‘Should one of the devices in the network fail (2.9. $5-100U or SINEC L1) then the operating mode set by this partner, if applicable, is automatically reset. Otherwise the user would have no possibilty to intervene any further. tt is for this reason that we recommend to use the binary inputs for selecting the operating mode in those applications where safety is of utmost importance (e.g. ‘Safety Operation’). €73000-G8576-C5 St Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 SI - Output of Safety Actuating Value (BES) This mode can be applied to the continuous-action controller (C-controller), the pulse controller and the three- position step controller with external position feedback. It takes the controller into a safety operation, that is to Say, the actuating variable setes at the preset safety value ys. srry atruaoynintitie The three-position step controller with internal position feedback is not capable of delivering a safety ‘actuating value at its output as its actuating variable is a relative quantity only. This problem can however b2 overcome. By presetting a safety actuating variable you achieve a directional maintained-contact control: Fer a value of ys < 50% the -dy output becomes active, and for a value of ys > 50% it is the +dy output which is energized. This safety mode can be triggered by the binary input BI3, the CPU of your $S-100U programmable controller or from the programming unit PG. This mode has highest priority, i.e. should other manual modes be set too, itis always the safety mode which is dominant. Predefining a safety actuating value is a suitable way of protecting the system against a possible transducer fault (MUSY); the controller output delivers in such a case the safety actuating value. Use structure switches $22 to $25 to enable this mode. When it comes to initiating the safety mode, the binary input has the same priority as the command from the $5-100U or the PG, and as the signal produced by a transducer fault (logical OR combination). BI - Inhibiting the Actuating Variable (81) > C-controller: the last actuating current signal is maintained > Pulse controller: the last mark-space ratio (heating or cooling) is maintained > 3-posn. step controller: no actuating signal is delivered at the output The actuating variable can be inhibited with the aid of binary input BI1, the CPU of your programmatle controller or the programming unit PG. When it comes to initiating the inhibit mode, the binary input has the same priority as the command from the 85 or the PG (logical OR operation). N= Tracking mode of the Controller Output ——-(BE2) This mode can be implemented with the continuous-action controller and the pulse controller. The signal delivered by the device's output stage is disconnected from the control algorithm. instead, a signal provided at a defined input is directly taken through to the output (-~ figure 7.21). Itis hence this new input signal which dictates the actuating variable ly in the case of the C-controller, or the mark-space ratio in the case of the pulse controller. oe ules tervention in the behaviour of the actuating variable is not possible with the three-position ntroller with internal position feedback as the IP does not know the actual position of the actuator. ‘SEs e ee eee This mode can be initiated by the binary input BI2, the CPU of your programmable controller S5-100U or your programming unit. The binary input has the same priority as the command from the SS-100U or the PG {logical OR combination). 52 €73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Operating Modes and Commissioning ‘Yex - Output of an External Actuating Value Yex If you wish to implement direct digital control DDC with the aid of a higher-level control system, the IP262 module allows two methods: © Data exchange with the programmable controller © Data exchange across the SINEC L1 bus In the DDC mode, a supervisory computer has the task of correcting the setpoints whereas the process ‘computer takes charge of the actual functions of closed-loop control. The latter is hence guided by the setpoint provided by the supervisory computer. In order to change the actuating value you need to set bit 3 of DW43 in the data block assigned to that particular controller and write the desired value in data word DW31 of that DB. Rg - P(D) Control Operation (BE) In this operating mode, the I-component of the control algorithm is inhibited. itis often advisable to make use of this mode in the start-up phase to achieve a controlled start-up response. In controlling systems with P- characteristics, each control error refers to a defined actuating value. The following equation applies: yryo = Kp xd ‘The operating point yo is the value of the actuating quantity at which xd = 0. This operating point can be adjusted either automatically by the IP module, or manually by determining it with the controller being in the manual mode and then providing it to the controlling system. ee ‘NOTE ee ee .. Controllers with pure P-characteristics always produce a permanent control error. It is common practice to use P-action control with a high Kp gain during the start-up phase and to subsequently switch over to Pl-action control when the output has reached @ nearly settled state. The Kp value is to be reduced again at the instant of switch-over. Controllers with pure P-characteristics are usually employed for processes without self-regulation, e.g. for the response of a level control system. ee Nom ee ‘Should you have activated the D-component, it remains enabled in this oper eee The control action with P-response can be commanded by the binary input Bl4, by the CPU of your programmable controller or via the programming unit PG. The binary input has the same priority as the command given by the CPU or the PG (logical OR operation). €73000-G8576-C5 53 Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 52 A Simple Example: The Open Control Loop 5.2.1. Preparing the Hardware In our example, we intend to provide the controlled variable x for controller no. 1 to the analog input Al1. Let Us use a current sensor for this purpose which supplies a current !1 from 0 to 20 mA. Alternatively, it woud be possible to simulate this current input by entering a value with a programming unit or an operator panel. Connect the current sensor It as follows: + pole to pin 1 of the 25-pin sub-D socket = pole to pin 9 of the 25-pin sub-D socket ground the current sensor by connecting it to terminal 2 set switch $1-1 to ON We will use a programming unit or operator panel to specify the setpoint w. The outputs of the S-controller (terminals 3 and §) are to be monitored by two voltmeters M1 and M2 with a measuring range of 30 Volts. The output of the C-controller (terminal 3) is to be observed by an ammeter M3 with a measuring range of 30 mA. Fig.52 $-Controller 1 Fig. 53 C-Controlier 1 54 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Operating Modes and Commissioning Now switch on the power supply. The STATUS LED should come on after a briet moment. The connected meters must not show any significant deflection. A flashing LED signals a transducer error; consult data word DW 89 of data block DB 16 to ascertain which analog input is faulty and eliminate the cause of error. 5.2.2 Selecting the Structures and Parameters If the voltmeters connected to the S-controller do not indicate a logical zero, and the ammeter monitoring the controller does not show zero reflection, check whether the contents of the below data words (default settings) are correct. The procedure is described in chapter 4 (~ 4.9) pet (Proportional-action coefficient) (Integral time constant) (No derivative time constant) (Filter) (Lower setpoint limit) (Upper setpoint limit) (ws =50 %) (Lower limit for actuating variable) (Upper limit for actuating variable) (Safety actuating variable) (Response threshold) (Constant ¢1) (Valve-actuator operating time) (Minimum OFF-time) (Minimum ON-time) Deis (Activation of controller no. 1) (Fixed-setpoint controller) (B-pos.step controller, int.posn.feedb.) (ly = 0 to 20 mA for C-controller) (Alt = current input 0 to 20 mA) (No safety incase of transd. fault) (Without polygon curve) (SIMATIC-PCIPG = source of w) (Alt = source of x) (Without disturbance quantity) (No yn nor yr) (inhibit mode B16 (Filter) (Measuring range starting point) (Measuring range final point) ‘Once you have entered your modifications, wait for at least 30 seconds for your entries to be saved and then ‘witch off the power supply for a brief moment. After switch-on, your IP262 module should now signal the correct status. If this is not the case, there must be ‘a material defect and you should send in the card for repair. C73000-48576-C5 55 Operating Modes and Commissioning, The next steps are listed in the below tables: IP 262 For the S-Controller Action STL Effect [Supply a signal !1 = 15mA Set Tn=10.0 s B11 Dwo1 [Set priority for PG B11 Dwa2 No effect upon Minor M2 [Change to “Automatic” B11 Dwa3 Set w= 75% B11 Dwe27 [Supply a signal 11 = 16mA Long pulse at Mt, then short pulse [Supply a signal 11 = 14mA Long pulse at M2, then short pulse noo, (mA) 16 15 M1 P~ dxd Ind For the C-Controller Fig. 5.4 The S-controlter’s response in the test mode ‘Action Effect [Supply a signal 11 = 15 mA Set T= 10.0 s ‘Set priority for PG ‘Change to ‘Automatic’ Set w= 75% Dat B11 B11 B11 wot Dwa2 Dwa3 Dw27 No effect upon M3: ‘Supply a signal 11= 10mA ly jumps to SmA and slowly _|rises to 22mA approx. ‘Supply a signal 11 =20mA, ly jumps to 11mA and slowly falls to OmA 568 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262 Operating Modes and Commissioning Fig. 5.5 The C-controller’s response in the test mode 5.3 The Commissioning Procedure Most structure switches and a number of parameters can be selected before the actual commissioning will be begun. The other settings can only be specified at a later stage when the controller is tried in conjunction with the actual process and their values are systematically determined in a ‘trial phase’ (please also refer to our publication ‘Ciosed-Loop Control with SIMATIC SS", Order No. E 80850-C331-X-A1-7600). The following notes are intended to guide you through the setting-up and commissioning phase. 5.3.1 Start-Up Response of the Closed Control Loop The 1P262 module carries out an auto-test straight after power up or power recovery. During this test, the card checks, amongst other things, its own internal memories and the VO bus interface. It finally transfers all the structure and parameter settings stored in its non-volatile memory to its volatile memory section. Once this procedure has beer successfully completed, the "STATUS' LED lights up permanently. The control module is now in the operating mode defined by the structure switch positions. The default setting preselected by the manufacturer is the ‘inhibit mode’. The structure switches S77 to S80 allow you to ‘program’ the start-up response of every single controller. There are three different ways of starting up the controler by setting the relevant switch to 0, "1" or '2" ‘Switch Position 0 The selected controller goes straight away into the automatic mode and carries out its controlling tasks on the basis of the setpoint stored in the card’s EEPROM. In the case of the continuous-action controller (GESS 262-8MA12), the automatic control operation starts with the specified safety actuating value ys. In the case of the step-action controller (6ESS 262-8MB12), it is the last position which acts as initial actuating value for the automatic mode. The pulse controller works with the last mark-space ratio; the 3- Position step controller works without a Kp jump. Switch Position 1 In this switch position too the controller goes directly into the automatic mode. It starts working with the safety setpoint ws defined in data blocks DB 11 to DB 14, and with the actuating values described above. C73000-G8576-C5 57 Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 Switch Position 2 ‘The output of the specified controller is inhibited. This implies for the C-controller and the pulse controller that the safety actuating value ys is provided at the output, whereas the three-position step controller does not output any pulses at all. Itis in any case the specified safety setpoint ws which becomes the effective setpoint. Safety Setpoint ws hn addition, you can extend the programmed start-up response described above to the situation where the CPU of your programmable controller is switched from RUN to STOP. In this case too, itis the safety setpoint which acts as reference value to the controller. Set switches S73 to S76 accordingly if you wish to opt for this response. ‘As long as the LED 'STATUS' does not light up, no data are transmitted to the SS programmable controller, the PG or SINEC L1. ‘Should you have modified, prior to a power failure, one or several control quantities(safety, inhibit, correction, w, x, y, P-action control or PG-priority by means of the CPU, PG, OP or the SINEC L1 bus, 5.3.2 Data Storage in the EEPROM ‘AS we have mentioned before, some data are maintained in the card's non-volatile memory (EEPROM), namely the control quantities and structure settings. These data can therefore never be ‘lost’ by the IP card. Please keep in mind that the IP module requires about 60 secon parameters in its memory. Your entries will be lost if you switc In addition to the above data, the EEPROM also contains the setpoint supplied by your programmable controller or programming unit. In order to proiong the memory's operational life by not saving the setpoint too frequently, the value is only transferred to the memory on the condition that is has not changed within about 10 minutes. You can inhibit this regular saving of the setpoint by setting switch S81 to position 1 (default setting: $81 = 0). 5.3.3 The Effect of the Communication Bit ‘As soon as the IP control module recognizes the need to communicate with a programmable controller via the $5 VO bus it automatically sets the ‘communication bit’ KB. You can investigate the status of these communication bits by consulting data word DW91 of data block DB 16. If the data exchange between the programmable controller or and the IP card is interrupted, the communication bit is reset after about 2 seconds. Use structure switches $73 to $75 to define whether the P- module is to continue working with the setpoint last saved in the EEPROM or rather with the specified safery setpoint ws while communication with the CPU is interrupted. Please also refer to the block diagrams A2.9 1o 2.13 in the appendix. 58 73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Operating Modes and Commissioning See ee rate 5.3.4 The Purpose of the Priority Bit Before your programmer PG or operator pane! OP can change the IP's operating made, the priority bit must be set to '1’. Please refer to chapter 6 for more details (- 6.4.1). ‘There is no need to set this bit for changing any of the control parameters (kp, Ta, Tv etc.) 5.3.5 Adjusting the Effective Control Direction Let us now define a process with normal action (including the action of the actuating device). ‘The controlled variable x increases in the following cases: = continuous-action controller with rising actuating current ly = pulse controller with increasing mark-space ratio at output +dy, and falling mark-space ratio at output “dy — three-position step controller with actuating signals at output + dy If you know the action of your process and actuating device, then set the control parameter Kp as follows: process with direct action: Kp > 0 process with reverse action: Kp < 0 If, on the other hand, you do not know the sense of action of process and actuator, take the controller into the inhibit mode by means of binary input BI: C-controller: With the process at standstill or put into a safety position, generate a rising actuating current with both binary input BI3 (Si) and safety mode being activated 3-p0s. step controller or pulse controller: With the process at standstill or put into a safety position, generate the signal ‘Open’ or ‘Heating’. Now observe the response o' the controlled variable x. Does the value increase or decrease ? A rising value of x points to a direct-action process, whereas a falling value of x indicates a reverse-action process. A\ CAREFUL ! ttis crucial to ensure that this test does not unintentionally energize any parts of your installation and cause material damage or injuries to personnel. If this test causes your three-position step controller to close an actuating device, you have to swap the +dy and -dy connections. In the case of three-position step controllers with external position feedback, do not forget to take into account the sense of action of the position feedback device. ee ee ee you wath a a control system, then Jetermining the follower's sense of action and, if necessary, set it up as described above. Only then match the master controller's sense of action to the process. Take into account that the follower is in the automatic mode. we a ee €73000-G8576-Cs ema ne Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 5.3.6 Adjusting the S-Controller to the Actuator Drive Pulse Controller with One Output Each for ‘Heating’ and ‘Cooling’ We have already discussed the idea of partitioning the output range in two zones (e.g., ‘Heating’ ard "Cooling’) or of using just one zone (‘Heating’ or ‘Cooling’ only) by setting the parameters ya and ye accordingly (-+ chapter 1.5). tris also necessary to adapt the parameters Tp and Tm (DW18 and DW19 of DBs 11 to 14) to the process to be controlled (actuator devices included). The parameter Tp designates the repetition period for the output + dy, whereas Tm dictates the period for the output ~dy. We recommend you choose high values for these Farameters, always taking into account: * high values for Tp andior Tm have an advantageous effect on reducing wear and tear on the actuating devices, ¢ high values also result in periodic fluctuations of the controlled variable x which increase in significance the faster the process. 1p Output | | @.9. +¢y Tp Output e.g. +dy Fig. 56 The effect of parameter Tp ‘Three-Position Step Controller with internal Feedback Parameter Ty (DW20) allows you to adapt the controller output to the actuator's operating time. It is set to 60 seconds by default. Tre minimum ON-time Te (DW21 of DBs 11 to 14) must be set to a value high enough to ensure that the actuator drive definitely starts moving. When selecting Te, do not forget to take into account the action of Crouit-breakers that may be connected in the incoming circuit. High values of Te make the switching and diive devices work steadier and with a low rate of wear, they also require a larger dead band AH (DW12) es the resolution of the controlled variable x decreases with increasing minimum ON-time. Example: ‘The default setting for Te is 200 ms. For an actuating device with an operating time of 60 seconds, this value produces the y-resolution: 100%- Te _ 100%- 200 ms dy= a = EE = 0.98% ” Ty 605 "6.10 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Operating Modes and Commissioning This resolution is transmitted to the controlled variable, amplitied by the system gain Ks: dx = Ks «dy ‘The minimum OFF-time Ta (CW22 of DBs 11 to 14) must be set to a value high enough to ensure that the actuator drive definitely comes to a standstill before the next control pulse arrives (especially if the latter is in reverse direction). When definng Ta, do not forget to take into account the action of circuit-breakers that may be connected in the incoming circuit. High values of Ta make the switching and drive devices work steadier and with a low rate of wear, but they also increase the controller's dead time. It is common practice to set Te and Ta to identical values. For 60s-actuators we recommend to set Ta = Te = 120 to 240 milliseconds. The unsteadier the process, the higher the recommended values for Ta and Te, provided that the contro! result remains within an acceptable range. ‘The response threshold AH is to be selected as a function of the specified Te and the resulting dy or dx. The relationship Ks: Te: 100% 2. Ty AH> = orAH> 2 must be adhered to. Otherwise, the controller will deliver correction increments even when the control error will have already reached its lowest level due to the finite resolution. effective xd ( AH xd xd. 7 KS t effective xd Z Ai xd Fig. 57 The effect of the response threshold AH Inside the dead band of the control error, no actuating signals are generated. If the minimum ON-time is fairly high though, the controlled variable’s resolution will deteriorate. ©73000-G8576-C5 ot Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 ‘Three-Position Step Controlier with External Feedback ‘The positioner control loop is optimized by means of the parameters Te and Ta (DW21 and DW22 of DBs 11 to 14). Principally, the same relationships apply as in the 3-position step control scheme with internal position feedback. But in this case, we have not only to consider the criteria governing the actuator's processibilty of the correction increments delivered by the controller. The dynamics of the positioner contro! loop (non- Inearities, overtravel) itself must be taken into account, too. It is generally necessary to select smaller values for Te and Ta and hence for the response threshold than for the three-position step controller with internal position feedback. 5.3.7 Setting the Filter and the Response Threshold To suppress interferences which may be associated with the applied mains frequency, set the data word DW11 of data block DB 15 to 50 or 60 Hz. First Order Filter for the Analog Inputs Set the fitter time constant Ti (DW00, DW15, DW30, DW45 of DB16) of the input filters to the highest possible value which the control loop accepts without adversely affecting its control performance. ‘Adaptive Non-Linear Filter for the Control Error 4s the dead band adjusts itself automatically and we therefore do not know its size, choose the time Tf (DW/4 cf DBs 11 to 14) just large enough to prevent the control loop from osciating due to an oversized dead band (Tf < Tg). if you make use of the D-component, then we strongly recommend to include the adaptive non- linear fiter in your control arrangement in order to suppress the input noise which ater all is amplified by Kp: W. [Hearse taeetaee neers gcansarspes aerate: Ne ee er ee Hee For the operational mode ‘automatic selt-adjust ment’, the filters should always be used. [Ie ee RT Optimizing the Response Threshold AH ‘The response threshold AH can be an additional means of steadying the controller's output and reducing wear and tear on the actuator unit. Simply increase its value (DW12 of DBs 11 to 14). For step-action controllers, the value of AH is a function of parameter Te (DW21 of DBs 11 to 14) and must inevitably by greater than zero. For continuous-action controllers we recommend a response threshold of about 0.5%. ee ee eee eee See Keep in mind that the residual control error may reach the specified response threshold. | | cae 5.3.8 Advice on Fault Diagnosis ‘The following data words of data block DB 16 contain status information: Dwe1 Transducer fault at Alt to AIS wee Limit status of L1 to L4 wes Limit status of LS to L8 wea Binary inputs BI to BI4 DW87 to $2 Extended status indications 512 73000-G8576-C5, IP 262, Operating Modes and Commissioning 5.3.9 Optimizing the Control Parameters by ‘Automatic Self-Adjustment’ In real applications it might take considerable time to determine the optimum control parameters. The 1P262 card therefore offers a procedure which automatically adjusts the control parameters to the actual process to be controlled. Especially for slow processes, this ‘automatic self-adjustment’ is preferable to the manual method of finding the optimal control parameters. Experience has shown that the control response can be considerably improved by working with control parameters obtained this way. Only in special cases it might prove necessary to carry out a final adjustment in order to match the control parameters to your particular application However, the S-controller with internal position feedback does not allow the use of the automatic self- adjustment during the setting up phase (D815, S4-S7 = 1). Please also consult the notes given on page 5- 16. How Does ‘Automatic Self-Adjustment’ Work ? ‘Apply a step change of manipulated variable (= actuating variable) to the process. With the IP module in the "Yex mode’ (Manual), it measures the time response of the controlled variable (= step response). It now ‘compares this behaviour with the known transfer function and determines the process parameters. From this, result, the card derives the necessary control parameters which must be evaluated by yourself and, if approved, written into the data block for the controller concerned. OG OO. i Ow Fig. 5.8 Step input and measured step response Follow this Procedure tst Step ‘Take the controller into the “Yax mode’ (Manual). You do this by setting data word DW83 to & (in data blocks DBI11, 12, 13 or 14). It is best to use a programmer PG68S or PG750 for this purpose as these devices offer the function "CONTROL VAR’ which allows you to observe the status of several data words at a time. But do remember to ask for PG priority frst by setting data word DW42 of the controller DB to "1". 2nd Step In data word DW36 of DB16, select the controller in data word DW96. 3rd Step Now start observing the controller by setting DW36 to '1’. The internal clock is started at the same time. The time elapsed since the start can be read in DW104 (minutes) and DW105 (seconds). Now, in the ‘on-line’ mode, watch the contents of DW106 to DW113 which represent the time response of the controlled variable. (The clock and hence the monitoring procedure can be stopped by setting DW97 from 1’ t0'0) €73000-G8576-C5 513 Operating Modes and Commissioning. IP 262 4th Step Now apply a step change of the actuating variable to the process. You do this by displaying data word DW31 of the controller DB concerned on the PG screen: its contents represent the actuating variable y. Proceed by altering this value, This change of actuating variable y triggers the clock anew. and once again you can observe the response of the controlled variable (DW106 to DW113) with the IP being in the ‘on-line’ mode. At the same instant, the IP module sets data word OW97 to 2 and starts its automatic analysis of the process. Z\ WARNING ! Always keep safety in mind. Ensure that the new actuating value does not inadvertently energize any parts of your installation which might cause bodily harm or material damage. Sth Step Continue to observe the movement of OW97. The value 3 in DW97 indicates the successful completion of the automatic self-adjustment procedure. At the same time, DW98 shows a ‘1’ and the data words DW99 to DW103 supply the parameters you are waiting for. These parameters have been calculated for a Pl-controlier without overshoot. You may change the value in DW98 and thus select the control parameters for different controler characterstics. Finally, transfer the obtained values to the appropriate data words of the controller data block. Now take the controller back into the automatic mode and check whether the control loop responds correct. You do this by applying a step change to the setpoint. The result should be a transfer function of the process which approaches the curves shown in figure 5.8. w Setpoint change (Step change) t x ‘Step response with overshoot t x Step response without overshoot t Fig. 5.9 Transter function of an optimized contro! loop Data word DW114 supplies you with the measured order of the system (time response) and DW115 indicates the amplitude and the direction of the step change. 514 ¢73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Operating Modes and Commissioning If you apply a second charge of actuating vanable while the automatic selfadustment is in process (DWN98=2), the procedure Is abandoned and DWSB is set fo zero. " ue ‘Should the module not succeed in identifying the characteristics of the process, which might be due to the controlled variable failing to change within the maximum monitoring time of 1500 minutes (25 hours), then the IP262 card abandons the adjustment procedure and sets DW98 to zero. ‘Try to find the cause by reading and evaluating the process data stored in data words DW106 to DW113. For processes with backlash we recommend you carry out one adjustment with rising x and one with falling x. You may then use the averaged parameters, and possibly also the dynamically less critical parameters, in your control loop. When applying the step change to the process, ensure that the controlled variable varies by at least 3%. Alternatively, make certain that the change of controlled variable is 5 times higher than the average noise level (the greater the change in controlled variable, the better the quality of the identification process). If your control system works with cascaded controllers, first apply the automatic self-adjustment function to the follow-up controller. The master controller is adjusted afterwards, with the follower in the automatic mode. If you have opted for a control reponse with overshoot, you have to expect an overshoot of 10% for setpoint changes. The solf-adjustment procedure can be repeated for the same control loop by setting DW7 to zero and starting the procedure at step 3. fs ee ‘The method of automatic parameter determination cannot be applied to three-position controllers with intemal position feedback as the control module needs to know the true position of the actuating device. Alternative method: » For the controller concerned, alter the structure switch settings so that it acts as 3:pos. step controller with external position feedback while the self-adjustment function is in process (e.g.. for controller 1: set $4=2), » Fit a position indicator to the actuator device. > Use an analag input of the IP control module to detect the actuator's position. > — Set the appropriate structure switch so that the analog input expects a current signal (e.g. for Alt: set $12=0 or 2). » Set the appropriate structure switch to inform the controller about the analog input used (e.9. for controller 1 and analog input Alt: set S44= 1). > Obtain the process paramaters and reset the structure switches to their original position so that the controller functions with internal position feedback again. C73000-G8576-C5 515 Operating Modes and Commissioning, IP 262 5.3.10 How to Set the Control Parameters Without Knowing the Process Characteristics In this case, we do not know yet the control parameters which guarantee optimal control of the plant. By default, the control parameters are set to the below values which ensure that the control loop is at least steady: Proportional-action gain Kp = 1.0 Integral time constant Tn = 3000s Derivative time constant Tv = 0 (ie., without D-component) P-controller (controt signal PRg = high) = Switch off the D-component. ~ Set the desired setpoint and, in the manual mode, reduce the control error to zero. = The operating point yO required for a zero control error is automatically set to 1 (default value) in the manual mode. Alternatively you can manually define the operating point by setting yO to the desired value. ~ Take the controller into the automatic mode. = Slowly increase Ky to a value at which the control loop starts oscillating as a response to small setpoint changes. ~ Slightly reduce Kp until the oscilations have disappeared. = PD-controller (contro! sigsnal PRg igh) ~ Sot the desired setpoint and, in the manual mode, reduce the control error to zero. = The operating point yO required for a zero control error is automatically set to -1 (default value) in the manual mode. Alternatively you can manually define the operating point by setting yO to the desired value. ~ Take the controller into the automatic mode. = Slowly increase Ky to a value at which the contro! loop starts oscillating as a response to small setpcint changes. = Set Tv from 0 to 1 second. = Now keep increasing Tv until the oscillations have disappeared. = Carefully raise Kp to a level at which the oscillating response sets in again. = Repeat changing Tv and Kp until finally the oscillations can no longer be removed. = Now slightly reduce both T, and K, until the oscillations have disappeared. ~ Pl-controller (control signal PRg = low) Set the desired setpoint and, in the manual mode, reduce the control error to zero. Switch over to the automatic made. Slowly increase Kp to a value at which the controi loop starts oscillating as a response to small setpoint changes. = Slightly reduce K, until the oscillations have disappeared. ~ Reduce T, unti the oscillating response sets in again. ~ Now slightly increase the value for T, until finally the oscillations have disappeared, ~~ PiD-controller (control inal PRg = low) — Set the desired setpoint and, in the manual mode, reduce the control error to zero. ~ Take the controller into the automatic mode. ~ Slowly increase Kz to a value at which the control loop starts oscillating as a response to small setpoint changes. = Set Ty from 0 to 1 second. = Now keep increasing Ty unti the oscillations have disappeared. ~ Carefully raise Kp to a level at which the oscilating response sets in again. = Repeat changing T, and Kp until finaly the oscillations can no longer be removed. ~ Now slightly reduce both Ty and Kp unti the oscillations have disappeared. = Reduce T. until the loop starts oscillating again. = Now siightly raise the value for T, to make the oscillations disappear. 5-16 ¢73000-G8576-C5 IP 262, Operating Modes and Commissioning 5.3.11 Setting the Control Parameters on the Basis of the Transfer Function If you know the transfer function of the process to be controlled or you have the possibilty to determine it, you can select the control parameters according to the guidelines given in specialized textbooks. To determine the transfer function, set the controller to the ‘manual mode’, apply a setpoint step change and record the response curve with a plotter. You will probably obtain a curve as shown in figure 5.9. In taking the average values of the parameters suggested by several authors of specialized literature on closed-loop control, we obtain the following rules of thumb: P-Controller: P, nal: Kp= roportional-action gain Kp~ _ Bein BP Te Ks Pl-Controller: Proportional-acti Kp~o8 —# roportional-action gain Kp re Integral timeconstant = Tn. = 3-Tu PID-Controlter: Proportional-action gain Kp=1.2- Integral timeconstont = Tn = Tu Derivative time constant Tv ~ 04-Tu vA y Actuating variable w Setpoint x Controlled variable t Time Tu Time delay Tg Compensation time Ks Transfer coetficient of the process Fig. 5.10 Transfer tunction of a self-regulating process Recommendations for Improving the Control Response: » Ifthe process to be controlled comprises any lag elements, then the D-component should not be used. » The 1P262 card is suitable for controling processes with dominant time constants (Tg) greater than 1 second. » For noisy input signals we recommend the use of the incorporated fiters. Their time constants should be cchosen to be 10 times smaller than the dominant time constants of the process. » Should periodic interferences be superimposed on the input signal, we recommend you make use of the input fiters and/or the response thresholds. But also consider their possible effect on the control response. €73000-G8576-C5 517 Operating Modes and Commissioning. IP 262 518 €73000-G8576-C5 6.3.2 6.33 6.3.4 63.5 6.36 63.7 64 6.4.1 6.4.2 65 Data Exchange CPU 1P262 via the S5 VO Bus The Communication Procedure Addressing the IP262_. Data Traffic from the CPU to the IP262 Request for Writing Data from the GPU to the IP262 Request for Reeding Data from the 1P262 to the CPU Data Traffic from the IP262 to the CPU ..... ASimple Example... The Standard Function Block F862 for the Data 2 Exchange The Single Read Access with FB62 . 06 The Single Write Access with F862 | The Cyclical Read Access with FB62 The Cyclical Write Access with FB62 The Control Bytes Error Handing How to Integrate the Standard Function Block in Your SS Aopicaton Program ‘The Communication Interface DB... Description of the Example Program (with FB62) Data Exchange via the SINEC-L1 Industrial Bus The Data Traffic, : : The Structure of the Telegram... How to Set the IP262 Parameters for the L1 Bus How to Program the Master CPU A Simple Example. . ; Example Program for the Data The Driver Interface... . Operator Control and Process Monitoring . The Programming Units PGE0S to PG750 and the Priory Bit = ‘Working with the Operator Panel OP393 or OP396 Data Exchange via the ET 200 Distributed VO System ¢73000-G8576-C5 61 Directions of the Data Traffic 61 62 Data flow on the $5 VO bus 5 creer + 62 63 Execution of a single read demand 22.0... ; 5 6-13 64 Exercise: Single read access : 614 65 Execution of a single write demand . 615 66 Exercise: Single write access... 616 67 Execution of a cyclical read access 6-18 68 Exercise: Cyclical read access 6-19 69 Execution of a cyclical write access 6-20 6.10 Exercise: Cyctical writing 621 611 Contents of the condition-code byte ANZB 6-22 6.12 Contents of the operating-mode byte BAB. 6-23 6.13 Contents of the error word FEHL....... 6-24 6.14 2nd programming example for two IPs 262 and the CPU100"102 6-25 6.18 Frame FB containing the call of the standard FB... .. 6-26 6.16 3rd programming example for two IPs 262 and the CPU103 6-27 6.17 ‘Saving the scratch-pad flags before executing the alarm program 6-28 6.18 Contents of the ‘Communication Interface DB" (read) : 6-28 6.19 Contents of the ‘Communication Interface DB’ (write) 550 6-30 6.20 Hardware configuration of our example SanpoSsbbeocE 631 6.21 Operating the example program without VO modules: cones 682 6.22 ‘The structure of our example program 6-33 6.23 ‘Alarm indication on the principle of the new-value signal 2 6-35 6.24 Connecting the IP 262 to the SINEC L1 bus 6-36 6.25 Telegram traffic between master and slave 6-38 6.26 Contents of the control word SEND 6-39 6.27 Contents of the control word RECEIVE... 6-40 6.28 Syntax of the various types of telegrams 6-41 6.29 os aor 6-47 6.30 6-48 631 6-50 6.32 651 6.33 6-51 6.34 6-52 6.35 6-52 6.36 6-53 6.37 Access priority for process values 6-55 6.38 ‘Access priority for the change-over of operating modes 6-55 6.39 Connection of IP 262 to SINEC L2-DP bus system 6-57 61 ‘Address allocation to the plug-in slots... : 5 cere 68 62 Sending a WRITE job from the CPU to the IP 262 6-4 63 Sending a READ job from the CPU to the IP 262 65 64 Data traffic trom the IP262 to the CPU 66 65 E7200 data header... 66 66 Data header of a reply in ET 200 mode 6-58 €73000-48576-C5 IP 262. Data Communication 6 Data Communication 64 General Remarks The IP262 closed-loop control module is capable of handling two diferent methods of transporting information from and to the ‘outside world’, There is first of all the data exchange between the IP262 card and the S5- 90U, -95U, -100U programmable controler; this data tratfic is passed across the internal /O bus of the pro- grammabie controler. On the second level, data may be exchanged between the IP262 and a supervisory Programmable controller of the type S5-115U, -135U, -155U. This information travels across the SINEC L1 industrial bus. CP530 cPU aN Paez NOE” Read via VO bus Receive via SINEC L1 bus system Fig. 61 Directions of the data trafic The diagram illustrates the terms 'Write’, 'Read’, ‘Send’ and Receive’ used in this chapter and also points out the common characteristics of both types of communication. One such common feature is that both types of communication - the local and the remote - are job-oriented, i.e. they are triggered by a ‘Job’. A job comprises a ‘job number’ anc three useful data words. A single SINEC L1 telegram may carry up to 7 such jobs. Please bear in mind that contradictions might arise if both types of communication are implemented at the same time. Consider the sitvation where both communications partners - the local S5-CPU and the CPU ‘connected by bus - wish to write different words to the same setpoint. This would inevitably lead to a data collision. As both CPUs will almost certainly have different cycle times the setpoint in the IP262 would vary randomly. You must therefore include an interlocking program in the S5 user programs of both your CPUs in ‘order to prevent such conflicts With the exception of the possibility to randomly write to the setpoint, as explained above, the data words for the operating modes are fixed: DB11 ...14 DW43. The following rule applies: Every partner has the right to set any random operating mode: but the operating mode can only be reset by the cevice that has set it in the first place. ‘According to this rule it may occur that several operating modes are selected at the same time; but in this ‘case only the mode of highest priority will be activated. We recommend you organize your application program in such a way that you have always the chance to set land reset the operating modes, if necessary. It is also advisable to provide for the case of a cold/warm restart or communication recovery after a power failure: after such a situation it is necessary to transfer all operating modes once again to the IP262. This transfer should be triggered by a signal edge. Here is a hint: you may make use of free parameters, such as pivotal or limit values, to organize an information exchange between both partners communicating with the IP262 module. 73000-G8576-C5 et Data Communication. IP 262 6.2 Data Exchange CPU IP262 via the S5 /O Bus ‘The data traffic between the IP 262 closed-loop control module and the CPU of the host S5-100U is carried by the /]0 bus of the programmable controller. When communicating with the CPU, the IP module is accessed in both directions, just like a normal analog module (please also refer to the manual of the S5-100U control unit, chapter 5). The data are read from the IP and written to the IP by way of the process input image (Pll) and the process output image (PO!) respectively. ‘As the data quantity which can be transferred at any one time is restricted to eight data bytes, the telegram traffic too is divided into individual jobs of eight data bytes each (= four data words). Seen from the CPU side, the write access to the process output image (PO!) signifies that data are sent jor written) from the CPU to the IP card. When the CPU reads the process input image (Fil), it sees this as a process of receiving data from the IP. The entire data exchange is carried out across the /]O bus of the S5-100U unit. It is therefore necessary to take into account some special characteristics of the $5-100U bus which we will describe in the following. 6.2.1. The Communication Procedure = The transfer of data is triggered by predetermined job numbers. - When the IP module receives the demand for a read access, it immediately holds the requested data available on the 1/0 bus. — Those quantities that have undergone any changes are only taken into account by the IP card when the card starts @ new execution cycle. In the example ilustrated by figure 6.1, this is the rd IP cycle. = After a write job has been executed, the CPU must wait one OB1 cycle before it can expect the IP's reply to a subsequent read request. In the following, the OB1 cycle which lies between the demand of a read access and the arrival of the answer will be referred to as ‘waiting cycle’. In the example shown below, this is the 4th OB1 1st O81 Cycle onus IP 262 1st IP Cycle Mody the 3tpoint on 2nd 0B1 Cycle| the F WRITE job POL PIL New value for setpoint 2nd IP Cycle ‘Which value has the 3rd OB1 Cycle | process variable 7 Fenn pete lessor ae been changed Poi Ci Which value has the process variable? | 3rd IP Cycle Process variable = 43% 4th 081 Cycle 4th IP Cycle Ans te 5th 081 Cycle READ job T Su Sth IP Cycle Fig. 62 Data flow on the 10 bus of the $5-100U unit 62 €73000-G8576-C5 IP 262. Data Communication 6.2.2 Addressing the IP 262 The closed-loop control module is addressed by the CPU of the programmable controller in the same way as a 4-channel analog module. Consider the following points when defining the addressing range of the IP card: ¢ The module may only be inserted in the plug-in slots 0 to 7. ‘© The addresses lie in the range 64 to 127. © For every plugsin slot, 8 tytes each are reserved in the process input image (Pll) and the process output image (POI). The data exchange from the CPU to the IP262 is led across the POI, whereas data coming from the IP and intended for the CPU are transferred across the PI ‘© The siot in the $5-100U rack selected for the IP262 card determines the card's start address. Table 6.1 Address allocation to the plugcin slots Siot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 acesses gary |ray.70 fo).27 fasy.28 a6)..208 froe..111 frvay.a%e ra0y..227 7 Sits star aacress 6.23 Data Traffic from the CPU to the IP 262 ‘The data are passed across the VO bus at intervals dictated by the CPU cycle. By means of ‘jobs’ the CPU can - write 8 bytes of data to the 1P262 ~ read 8 bytes of data from the IP262 The CPU can only send one job within one OB! cycle. ‘The CPU can handle only one job per OB1 cycle. ee Negative job numbers tigger a write access, positive job numbers inate a read process if more than one job are transferred within one cycle, then it is always the last job which is passed on from the process ouput image tothe IP262 card SP cs never casement apeigitetiecraney Ree ee eee The job numbers reserved for this purpose are described in the data block lists provided in the appendix At of this manual. C73000-G8576-C5 63 Data Communication, IP 262 6.2.4 Request for Writing Data from the CPU to the IP 262 With the first two bytes (first data word), the CPU sends a negative job number to the IP262 and thus informs the card that it wishes to write data to it. Bytes 2 to 7 contain further information necessary to execute the jb. The IP module itself possesses @ job buffer into which the jobs are written. Once the pending jobs have been executed, they are deleted from the butfer. The job butter’s capacity is sufficiently large to allow even the maximum possible number of jobs to be executed within one program cycle of the IP module. Table 6.2 Sending a write job trom the CPU to the 1P262 Byte _| Function |__| High byte Negative job number Data header | 1 | Low byte (2 | High byte Variable 1 3_| Low byte 4_| High byte J ariabie 2 Net data 5_| Low byte 8 _| High byte Variable 3 7. | Low byte Example: Let us supply the controller no. 1 with the values for the proportional-action gain Kp and the integral time constant Tn. We also wish to switch off the D-component. ‘The module sits in slot no. 3. st ‘Comment LKF1 Load job number -11 into accu 1 and pass it on to the T AW 88 1262 in slot 3 LF +1000 | Load 1000 into accu 1 (Kp =1 for controller 1) T AW 90 and transfer it to the IP262 in slot 3 L KF +600 Load 600 into accu 1 (Tn =60s for controler 1) T AW 92 and transfer it to the IP262 in slot 30 LKF+0 Load 0 into accu 1 (no D-component for TAW 94 Controller 1) and transfer it to 1P262 in slot 3 rrr ee Slee eee T you wish that some of te deta words of a web to Hei roman unchanged, simply assign the values KH = 8000 or KF 32768 or KM = 10000000 0000000 to these data words. ee rae eecanntices 64 €73000-48576-C5

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