Homosexualidad, Aprobación

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NOVEMBER 15, 2004

(Romans 3:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, 2 Timothy 3:8)
The Bible is now "hate speech" in Canada. Earlier this year, Canada's
general signed into law a controversial measure that will criminalize public
expression against homosexual behavior and carry a penalty of up to five
years in prison. Yes my friend, simply sharing what God says about the sin
of homosexuality is now considered hate speech in Canada. Trust me, you
will soon see a massive, all out effort by groups who support those who
CHOOSE to commit this sin to pass similar legislation here in the United
States. I told my wife she better start saving bond money, I am going to
need it.
Public Pro-Homosexual Prayer Surprises Lawmakers (Feb. 22, 2005)
Meanwhile, another controversy involving public prayer in Virginia came up last Friday. It occurred when a
homosexual pastor who was invited to pray before the Virginia House of Delegates took advantage of the
opportunity to denounce lawmakers' efforts toward banning same-sex marriage and discouraging
homosexual adoption.
Many members of the Republican-controlled chamber looked up in surprise when openly lesbian pastor
Debra Peevey prayed, "Holy One, convict those who are using their power not to lead or to guide but to
harm the gay and lesbian citizens, a small minority in this commonwealth." Delegate John Cosgrove
remarked, "It's interesting ... we're told not to pray in Jesus' name, but this is okay?"
Media reports of the incident quipped that Peevey's prayer may have bowed heads, but it also raised
eyebrows - and possibly blood pressure as well. Associated Press noted that the lesbian minister's
invocation did not sit well with conservatives in the House, and that the usual chorus of 'Amen' at the
closing of the prayer was noticeably muted.

Iglesia Luterana aprob matrimonio entre homosexuales en

Estados Unidos
Sbado 13 de Agosto de 2005
Estados Unidos

Orlando, FL, Estados Unidos, (Associated Press / NoticiaCristiana.com) La Iglesia Luterana de Estados
Unidos aprob hoy la bendicin de los matrimonios entre homosexuales, durante su reunin bianual
realizada en Orlando, Florida.
La aprobacin fue dada por 670 de los casi mil delegados reunidos en el Centro Mundial de
Convenciones en Orlando.
No obstante, la iglesia, que cuenta con 5 millones de miembros y es parte de la comunidad evanglica
de Estados Unidos, rechaz una mocin para permitir el ingreso a su clero de homosexuales no
Una coalicin defensora de los homosexuales mantuvo presencia en los pasillos del centro de

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