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#7 What If...

Nick Fury Became the Hulk?

Written by Bryan Locke
Feb 2007

The lights flickered for a moment before coming on completely. Tony Stark raised a hand to his eyes.
Damn. Forgot how bright it was in here. Tony reached down to the bars on his wheelchair, and pressed
himself forward. He couldnt walk without the suit these days, but hed grown fond of the chair and the
occasional independence from his iron shell.
Tony looked over his shoulder at his guest, Come on in. This used to be a memorial, you know. Before
Ultron 19 blew the upper levels of this place to bits.
Tony laughed, Thats right! Ive got some pretty huge people in here. Most, youve already met. But some
stories are bigger than just a handshake. Then there are few hands I wish I could shake again, if only for
a second.
Tony looked over his shoulder again at his guest, then spun his wheelchair around, But this isnt the time
for melancholy. History lesson?
His guest smiled and ran a hand through his hair, I guess it had to begin sometime.
And it begins right here.
Tony motioned with a wave of his hand toward a plaque on the wall.
It was emblazoned with two handprints. One was that of a muscular man. Scrawled underneath this print
were the words Nick Fury. The handprint next to his surely couldnt have been of a human hand. It was
at least five times the size the handprint next to him. It was much thicker too, pressing much farther into
the bronze.
Underneath this print read HULK.
Nick Fury? You mean, of the First Attack Division? The, uhm
Howling Commandoes? Yep. Tony smiled at his guest.
Hulk? That Im not familiar with. His partner?
Tony laughed out loud, Yeah, you could say that. His best friend, his worst enemy. To tell the story of the
Hulk is to tell of the evolution of the superhuman itself. His story is timeless, like the Bible, or Siddartha.
And its the perfect place to start.

The Arizona Desert

Almost Four Decades Ago
Doctor Robert Bruce Banner had been waiting for the chopper for hours before he finally heard its wail.
He rushed to the cockpit, shielding his hands from both the sun and the red sand that was kicked up in
the copters wake.
The copter was all black, very outlandish in the midday desert sun, and stenciled across the side in plain,
white print was the word SHIELD. Banner had heard whisperings of the secret organization. It had once
been a side project of the CIA, but became so expansive that it was given its own autonomy. Other than
that? Banner had no idea.
But they were interested in his project.
So interested in fact, they had sent someone to oversee his results.
Colonel Fury! Banner called over the copter, Welcome to Gamma base 13!
Colonel Nicholas Fury, dressed in his best Colonels stripes, nodded solemnly at Banner, then stepped
quickly away from the copter.
Lets get this over with, Doctor, shall we? Fury said, after they had retreated from the copters noisy
composure. He pulled a cigar from his pocket, ran it under his nose, smelling it, bit angrily at one end,
then stuck the other end in his mouth.
With a flick of his wrist, Fury pulled his pistol from his pocket.
Colonel! Banner jumped back, his glasses falling down the bridge of his nose.
Steady there, Doc. Fury raised the pistol to his cigar and pulled the trigger. From the end, a small flame
appeared and lit his cigar.
Banner breathed a sigh of relief, Well*cough* yes.
Fury holstered his prank pistol, At least Im back in the States. They had me all over Southeast Asia, you
know that, Doc?
Banner didnt know if the question was rhetorical, but he had no knowledge of Furys missions
whatsoever. By the sounds of itit was very, very classified. Banner wasnt sure Fury should be even
talking about it.
Southeast Asia. Fury exhaled a plume of smoke right at Banner, causing the poor doctor to cough again.
Damn shame if we get caught up in that mess. Well! Like I said, lets get this over with.
Banner nodded quickly, Yes. Let me show you to our war room.
Nick Fury cocked an eye at him. This whole place is a war room. Just show me where you drop the
Banner said nothing more.


Begin ninety second countdown.

Fury stood at the back, making Banner all the more nervous. The colonels arms were
crossed, his cigar (half-smoked) still hanging bitterly from his lips. He leaned casually
against the door, a green EXIT sign posted above it.
Banner stood farther in the room, more immersed in the showcase of top modern
technology. Computers the size of refrigerators lined the walls on every side of the
room. Screens blinked and flashed numerous charts, scales and lists, and even more
numerous scientists crowded around these screens, taking notes. A large screen was at
the front of the room, showing a hot and motionless desert landscape.
90 an emotionless, feminine voice echoed across the room.
Banner looked back with a smile at Fury. But the colonel wasnt even looking at him.
Banner silently said his prayers in the back of his mind. But, as proud as he was that the
government was taking his work seriously, he knew Fury was right. This was a weapon,
pure and simple.
Fury was a soldier, with the scars to prove it. Would the government really consider the
true consequences of this gamma radiation? The practical uses? Then, Banner really
got down to what was annoying him: Were there any practical uses?
What good could really come out of this? Was Vietnam the endpoint of this knowledge?
Maybe Fury
Mother of God!
Banner quickly spun around to Fury. The colonel had dropped the cigar from his mouth
and was peering (with his one good eye) at the large computer screen in front of them
all, displaying the distant image of the desertwhere the bomb was destined to drop.
Banner looked back the screen, What? What is it?
You dont fucking see that? Fury yelled pointing the screen, Please tell me this is
some sort of joke!


Banner pushed his glasses farther up his nose and peered closer to the screen. Then
he saw it.
Theres someone down there! Banner yelled, Stop the test!
What? someone said, I cant see anything!
Banner threw off his glasses and rubbed his temples, Theres a jeep down there! I saw
it! Stop the goddamn test! He was starting to get dizzy.
How did he cross the ditch? someone else pointlessly wondered, We built a twentyfoot ditch around this area
We cant stop the test! yet another someone else yelled at Banner, but he couldnt see
who. His vision was starting to blur, Its too late! Theres only
It aint too late. Furys voice alone remained recognizable, I need a car!
Banner raised his head in a flash.

You know how to hotwire this?

Nick Fury looked down at the cockpit of the shining Ford Mustang. Ruby red on a calm cream color,
bologna cut pipes, leather interior, am/fm radio with a cassette player! Shame it had to blow.
Nick whipped out a knife, stuck it into the ignition. The car immediately started.
Fury grinned, Thats a SHIELD issue knife. Tell your General Ross that Im sorry about his car.
If you save that kid, Banner looked at him, Ill buy you a new one.
Fury puffed one last time on his cigar and then threw it over his shoulder, Can I tell you a secret, Doc?
Yeah? Banner answered without thinking.
I never saw this coming.
The tires of the Mustang squealed and Fury shot off across the Arizona desert, kicking sand under
Banners glasses into his eyes. It took Banner a few seconds to clear his eyes, but by the time he did,
Fury was just a speck in the distance.


Thats Fury. A hero till the end. I would have done the same thing.
The end? Tony asked his guest, Oh no. This is the beginning! Haha! Remember, this is the beginning.
Sohe survived?
A gamma bomb explosion?
Thats right.
Oh look whos talking! You know the Infinity Formula?
Of course. It wasa descendant of the Super-Soldier formula. After all documents of the Captains
America and the USAgents were destroyed. Nick Fury and Luke Cage were among those experimented
uponyoure telling me the Infinity Formula allowed Fury to survive that blast?
In a nutshell. Tony shrugged from his wheelchair, He caught up with the boy in the nick of timeRick
Jones was the boys name, his plaque is in here somewherepushed him into the ditch. Buthe couldnt
beat the blast himself

Colonel Fury? Can you hear me?

Nicks eyes fluttered open, and he wrenched his neck from side to side. There were series of thunderous
snaps. His vision was blurry butgood. It took him a second to remember that only having vision in one
eye was normal.
Colonel Fury? Do you hear my voice, Colonel?
I can hear you. Nick answered, and he was shocked at the sound of his own voice. It was thicker,
deeper. There must be something in his throat. He tried to clear it, but then heard his cough, which was
like a thunderclap.
His eyes still had not focused. But in front of him, Nick was beginning to see a blurof green.
Colonel Fury? Please try to not move.
That voice. It was squeaky, cracking, and familiar. It wasBanner, that mousy scientist fromthe Arizona
desert! The gamma bomb! The boy!
Nick blinked furiously for his eyes to focus. He rubbed his hands over his body, trying to make sure that
his parts were still there. Armstorsolegsgroinnothing missingbut still
Sweet Jesus. The whisper was like a gale force wind.
Nicks eyes finally came into focus, and he looked at himself.


Like I said, Colonel. Lets try to take this slow. Banner said calmly.
Im GREEN! Nick roared at Banner, spittle erupting from his lips.
Banner took two steps back.
Look at me! Nick wailed, and he stood up from the bed, shaking the ground with every step.
He was naked, as there werent clothes big enough to cover him. He hadnt been lying on a bedhe had
been laying on two beds, stains of purple on the sheets. His arms and legs were as thick as tree trunks.
His chest heaved with every breath like a shuddering nuclear reactor. His hair had fallen out.
And, yes, Colonel Nick Fury was very, very green.
And he seemed to be getting very, very angry about it.
Banner tried to step back just a few more feet, but ended up tumbling over the bedside medical
equipment, sending wires and annoying sounds flying into the air.
Nick Fury looked at himself. He had to hunch his neck a bit as to not hit the ceiling.
The formula. Fury mumbled, Turned me into more of a weapon.
Uh, no! Banner said, surprising himself with his shout, *cough* I mean, you dont have to be, Colonel
Fury. He jumped to his feet, and almost fell over again.
Fury wheezed and his growls grew deeper. Why not?! Thats all Ive been bred for! Twenty-five years!
Nothing but blood and death! Tell me why it doesnt end now?! When they finally have the monster they
Now, Fury was so huge that his head was pushing hard against the cement ceiling. His arms and legs
pulsed with thick veins, and grew. His eyes were flooded red, the only parts of him that werent green.
No, Colonel! Banner yelled, I knowplease believe meI know whats like to live with the anger inside!
Anger that youre not responsible for! Anger that you didnt put there! Anger Banner hung his head in
front of this green goliath, not afraid anymore, that youre useless to stop.
And thehulk in front of Banner eased his breathing.
Go on. Fury snarled, but Banner knew it wasnt threatening.
My gamma radiation research has NOT given them a weapon. Banner didnt know why, but he now felt
confident enough to approach this jade giant, It gave them a hero. The likes of which we havent seen
since World War 2.
What are you saying? the Hulks breath was now much more controlled.
Im saying, Banner outstretched his hand toward the Hulk, its been three hours since the blast. SHIELD
hasnt gotten here yet. And General Rosss other cara T-birdis parked outside.
The Hulk, with one eye squeezed shut, smiled for the first time, BannerI think this is the start of
beautiful friendship. He shook Banners hand, handling it like a feather.


Hmm? Tony glanced at his guest. He had become caught up in the framed newspapers and
photographs that lined the wall alongside Nick Furys Hulk. Pictures of the Hulk shaking hands with
ElvisHulk Saves Bus of 24 in Birmingham riots!a copy of the Hulks underground newsletter that he
printed between 1972 and 1976 British PM honors Hulk
It says here that the Hulk was the reason the United States was able to secure democracy in Vietnam,
and all over southeastern Asia.
Tony chuckled, Yep. He is. But he didnt go there of his own choice. You see, the military was on Furys
tail from the start, thanks to General Thunderbolt Ross. And it wasnt like SHIELD was going to give up
not with Special Agent Rick Jones heading up the retrieval squad.
Sohe went to Vietnam to escape?
Tony laughed, No, of course not. Fury and Banner were chased all across the United States, and
wherever they appeared, some inconceivable threat was averted. It was with Banner that humanity was
saved from the likes of the Leader, the insane John Ryker, and Monica Rappaccinithe psychotic SheHulk! He also found the amnesiac King Namor and restored him to sanity.
As a matter of fact, the Hulk was such an inspiration in the following decade that a youth culture
movementthe Purple Pants Undergroundwas named. To this day, those bums are still called
Pantsies! There was Lou Reed and the Hulkbusters, a cult favorite bandlegendary artists like Warhol
and Steranko became rich painting his likeness! The list goes on and on! He was an American icon.
His guest nodded, And it was around this time that Hank and Janet Pym perfected the Pym Particles
Wolverine moved from Canada to the USand when you invented the Iron Man armor.
Tony smiled and gazed longingly back at the photographs, Yes. I suppose we were all inspired by the
Hulk to greater things. ButVietnam? NoFury went to Vietnam as a favor to a friend

Arlington National Cemetery

Almost Three Decades Ago
The rain poured over the Hulks baldhead in sheets. It was so fierce that no one could make out the tears
running down his cheeks. He could feel his muscles bulge and grow stronger with every silent whine.
He gazed down at the open grave in front of him, where the casket had just been lowered. The headstone
above it, embedded into the ground, read Thaddeus Aloysius Dum Dum Cadwallader Dugan.
Hulk felt a hand on his back and tried not to jump, tried to control his impulse to rip the arm from the
socket of whoever wanted to disturb right nowover his best friends gravejust another friend sent to
fiery Hell because of himlike Betty, Red, Jim
It wasnt your fault. Banner smiled as grimly as possible.


The Hulk sighed. He hadnt seen Banner for years. Not since he had first decided to leave for Vietnam.
Banner had not understood the decision and their parting had not been amicable. The last Fury had
heard, SHIELD had finally captured Banner and sent him to prison for accessory to destruction of private,
federal and public property.
We won the war because of you, Banner said, wiping the rain from his glasses. I was wrong. You
should have gone over there. Youre a war hero. You knew what you were doing. Dum Dum Dugan knew
what he was doing when he asked you.
The Hulk said nothing. His muscles kept pulsing though, and Banner knew on the inside Fury was a
typhoon that raged harder than any rain that the two felt then.
Hulk spun around on his heel, instinctively latching onto Banner, and throwing him onto his back. His fists
clenched and popped so loud that it rivaled the thunder blaring in the sky over them.
Fury growled, Jones.
Rick Jones, with his slick haircut and form-fitting SHIELD uniform, was walking slowly across the wet
grass, from a SHIELD issue jeep sitting just yards behind him on the road.
Dammit, Rick, Banner yelled at him, I told you to let me deal with this! You are one of the last people
Nick wants to
But the Hulk was faster than Banners sentence. In a quick motion, the Hulk had Rick Jones up in the air,
a thick hand grasping at Joness throat.
Alright, little boy, The Hulk spewed. I saved your life years ago, and every day that you hunted me, I
wondered how life might have been different if I had let you die. Now, I get the chance to rectify that
Nnooo Jones was choking.
Stop! Banner jumped off the Hulks back and began to desperately pull his arm from Jones. You dont
understand, Hulk! Cant you see what were doing here? Why Im out of prison? Why Jones has come
alone? Theyre going to pardon you, Nick!
The Hulk dropped Jones unceremoniously. Jones hit the damp ground with a splash, his hands rubbing at
his throat.
What else? Fury demanded. A pardon? Whatever. The President promised that in the last State of the
Union, when he declared operations in Vietnam ceased. Why are you both here?
Rick Jones wheezed out a response: Here. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a laminated piece
of paper. He threw it at the Hulks feet.
Superhumans are the future, Rick said, rising to his feet. There have beenpreludes to violence in
Atlantis, the Soviet Union, Attilan, Britain, Latveriaall of this is superhuman related. It is SHIELDs aim,
and the aim of this administration, to make sure that these threats are not dismissed as urban myth, nor
treated with fearful retaliation


Like you treated me?! Fury shouted.

Banner again placed his hand on the Hulk. Yes. I was pardoned myself as a sign of good faith, Nick. The
public has changed their views on you radically since you left for Vietnam. They want you back. And
SHIELD has a way to stay ahead of the curveso threats like the Leader or those Skrulls can be dealt
with quickly, not by happenstance.
With what? the Hulk yelled.
Read the paper, Jones told him.
The Hulk wearily brought the paper to his eyes, and scanned it for a second. Avengers? What the hell is
that supposed to mean? Iron Man? Spiderman? TheThing? Who are these people?
Think of them as the new Howling Commandoes, Fury, Rick said.
A team of superhumans, with complete autonomy as a branch of the military! Banner yelled, almost
smiling at the possibilities.
Hulk crumpled the paper in his fist. When he opened his hand, bits of ash floated heavily in the rain, to the
No, he said, very quietly for the behemoth.
What? Banner and Jones said at the same time.
You heard me, Fury said, much louder this time.
Rick Jones stepped closer. Do you realize how long Ive been waiting for this? Ever since that day you
saved me, Fury, Ive wanted to study what youve become. Ive wanted to find the monster that I made
during a stupid teenage bet! Youve turned into something I never thought you werea hero of millions.
Look at poor Banner here! He went to prison for you! He went to prison to protect the knowledge that
created you! Banner could have kept producing a bomb, but he helped you! Are you just going to turn
your back on the people, no, the country thats made you what you
Jones and Banner threw their hands up to their ears as the Hulk screamed at them.
I owe you nothing! It was like the cries of dying animals. All thats followed me is violence! The only age
that dawned in my wake was the twilight of humanity! You think these superhumans are the future? You
goddamned fools! Idiots! Its already happening with this Cold War in Europe and Asia. The end is nigh!
This age of superhumanity will be this worlds last.
Banner responded quickly: No, Nick. Dont think like that. I can see how it looks now that humanity is on
the fast track to demolish itself but there is hopeif we stand together and lead humanity!
I think, Fury said, as he turned his backs on them, that if the leaders of the people now have problems
with these mutant kiddies, how could they not have a problem with me?
Banner reached after him. Nick, dont


Jones stopped him. Theres no arguing with the Hulk, Bruce. If theres one thing Ive learned over the
years, its that.
No. Banner got close to Jones and whispered to him, Hes not in his right mind. Weve talked about
this. Samson and I agree that theres some sort of personality disorder and if we cant
Its no use, Bruce! Jones said and pointed behind him, Look!
Banner looked over his shoulder at the Hulk. The giant was walking slowly toward the woods that
surrounded the Cemetery.
Nick, dont go! Banner called and he started to trot into a jog.
Dont come after me, Bruce! Nick yelled over his shoulder, Youre one of my best friends! I dont want to
see you turn out like all the others! This will be the last time either of you see the Hulk!
The Hulks knees bent, and then a second later, he was airborne, fading from sight like a missile
unavoidably flying toward its target.
Banner heard Jones come up behind him.
Dont worry, Banner. Your freedoms guaranteed. We still need your mind. Besides, Richards, Hammond,
Stark and Barnes have all signed off on the Avengers project. Even without wild cards like Fury and
Parker, the Avengers are a done deal.
A done deal? Banner was only half listening, painfully looking at the sky where his friend had
disappeared. Yesmaybe we are a done deal.

But it wasnt the last time youd see the Hulk.

Obviously. Tony stared down at the still brandy in his sifter glass. After a second, he downed it in one
The Hulk eventually did join the ranks of the Avengers, right?
Tony nodded slowly. Eventually. And till the very end. Gave him retroactive founders status too! He was
our bestand then, he was our worst.
What do you mean?
Tony swallowed hard, to keep down both the brandy and his tears. Patience, friend. Eventually I will tell
you aboutthe Maestro.
But, for now, it is enough to say that Nicholas Fury, the incredible Hulk, was the first of the superhumans
to emerge after World War 2, and he brought with him the dawn of a new age, and inspiration of
generations to come. Without himwho knows where wed be?


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Who doesnt love What if?
Honestly, What if? fanfic is generally better too, considering that even fanfic writers dont have to
adhere to much continuity!
But I especially love the homages that weve been seeing in Marvel nowadays. The recent one-shot
specials have really inspired me to go in the same direction: A series of What if? tales all set in the
same universe!
Ive named this universe Earth-3002. It wont be the last time we hear from the disabled Tony Stark with
a history lesson of this universe. This time was, as mentioned, the dawn of it all. As we go along, well see
the formation of the Avengers, the X-Men, and the arrival of Galactus! Also, youll find out the identity of
Tonys mysterious guest (though its not too hard to figure out!). Hopefully, youve enjoyed the story
enough to read the four other tales have I planned.
I wont divulge which skewings of which stories Ill be going withbut I will share my next storys slant
What if Wolverine formed the X-Men?
-Bryan Locke, c.020107

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