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Socratic Seminar Rubric for Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

Todays Target: For todays Seminar, our goal is for each of

us to share both our knowledge, ideas, and opinions about the
novel and the subjects and themes it explores.
A: Excellent participation today: You read the novel; you know what you are talking
about and you werent afraid to share it. You also listened to others and built the
conversation forward rather than letting it stall or fall apart. Good job!
B: Good Try: You read the novel. I can tell. You know your facts about the novels
details and plot, but you werent as confident about sharing your opinions and building
upon some of the more critical/higher level questions today.
C: Getting There: I can tell you read the novel, but you were reluctant to chime in on
conversation. Others had to encourage you to speak rather than you doing it on your
D/E: Not Prepared: You did not speak, and I am not sure you read! If you want to
redeem yourself on this, you will need to write up 6 of your responses to the supplied
questions to earn back some points.

Rules for Seminar:

We will have an inner and outer circle. You may only speak while
in the inner circle. You will have two 10 minute sessions within the
circle, and you must speak at least once today. When you share- begin
sentences with
I have a question____________________ (and you can ask any of the
questions I have prepared for you or one of your own about the novel.
Keep these about more than just plot events. Answers should include
readers opinions with support from text where needed).
I would like to agree with_________________ because ____________.
I would like to (or I must) disagree with _______________ because
I want to point out that on page ______________ the author
I want to add that on page ______________ it states that__________ or
Cassie says that__________
We dont raise hands. You speak when there is a space to speak.
Dont interrupt though and be sure you are listening to each other, so
you dont repeat what someone else already said.

If I have to speak to you more than once about your behavior in

the seminar it will result in an E for you grade. If I have to speak to
you 3 times, you will be sent to ISS to complete all the questions for
your grade.

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