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Society Role





Rukun Tertangga
Open house
Cultural Acceptance
IPT Program

Rukun Tertangga

Introduced in 1975.
Compulsory for those between 18 and 55 years old.
early phase, aim to safe guard the home.
The activity including visiting theighbor.
organize sports activities to the residents of the housing estate.
conducts health seminars to residents of the housing estate
Organizing the other activities that appeal to tie the relationship

Open House

There are many ethnics festival in Malaysia for example, Hari Raya
Aidil Fitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Krismas, Wesak and Gawai.
Organized in conjunction of ethnics festival in Malaysia and visiting
their neighbor.
The open house is held for each celebration there in malaysia.
Expression of harmony and social unity despites of differences in
religion, ethnicity and culture.

Cultural Acceptance

Non-Malay society such as

Chinese, Indian and bumiputeras
in Sabah & Sarawak has accepted
the Malay culture such as food
and clothes.
The Malay also did the same
when they embraced the tradition
of giving away an angpau which
is originated from Chinese
The Malay also like to eat Indian
food for example Roti canai and

IPT Program

Encourage the activities and

program that focusing on unity
among the multi-ethnic students
offering the course content
focusing on promoting the peace
and harmony in society.
creating the Civil Service or
Program khidmat Masyarakatexposure and experience the
Malaysian life style.
embed the unity attitudes among
the lecturers through the exposure
in Ethnic Relations courses.

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