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is You! Written Campaign

During my undergraduate career, I studied Public Relations

Writing in the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication. This course
covered predominant forms of writing for public relations, including
press (news) releases, pitches, media alerts, feature stories and public
relations presentations. The course emphasized the strategy of crafting
and delivering a public relations message and carrying it through every
medium. Public Relations Writing prepared me to a be professional
public relations writer, providing the tools needed to plan, execute and
evaluate a complete PR written campaign.
The class was divided into groups forming small, mock PR staffs.
We were then assigned a real, campus-based client to provide services
through a complete PR written campaign. My client was the LSU Student
Incubator Program within the Louisiana Business Technology Center
(LBTC). The written campaign was a thorough communications plan
comprised of the following components: Executive Summary,
Situational Analysis, Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, Message,
Audience, Timeline, Budget, Media Lists, Evaluation Methods and
Additional Materials.
For the written campaign, I contributed significant abilities to the
areas of press release development, graphic designs, media pitches and
blog content.

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