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Pau. Jere Structural Beam Design Guide and Selection Chart for Overhead Crane Runway System WRIGHT Overhead Cranes INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS 2ND EDITION IS BASED ON NEW, REVISED W SHAPE, $20 ‘SHAPE, AND S24 SHAPE PROFILES, HAVING AN EFFECTIVE ROLLING OR AVAILABILITY DATE OF 1 SEPTEMBER 1978. THEREFORE. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR STRUCTURAL ‘SHAPES ROLLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PREVIOUS OBSOLETE PROFILE STANDARDS, FOR IN- FORMATION ON OBSOLETE STRUCTURAL SHAPES, REFER TO THE 1ST EDITION OF THIS GUIDE, REFER TO THE REFERENCES LISTED THROUGHOUT THIS PUBLICATION, OR CONTACT OUR YORK OFFICE, The following are the single plane loading stress and deflection limits upon which the loadings are based. Maximum Stress (Tension) —_: 17,600 psi Maximum Stress (Compression): " Maximum Stress (Shear) 19,200 psi \Vertical and lateral deflection limited to 1/800 of the span. For computing lateral deflection a lateral load ‘equal to 5% of the vertical load was used. Vertical stress and deflection loading limits include the effect of the weight of the beam. Lateral stress and, deflection loading limits do not include the effect of the weight of the beam. Therefore, the loadings shown inthe charts should be used to assist in the selection of runway beams only and should not be used to as- sist in the selection of bridge beams. Loadings shown in the charts are based ONLY upon SINGLE PLANE LOADING. Combined loads ARE NOT included. Consideration of combined loading or twisting of the beam about itself because of large lateral loads should be analyzed by structural/mechanical engineers or any similarly qualified personnel Lower flange loadings based on a maximum flange stress (tension) of 16,000 psi 12,000,000 * Compression: eer with maximum of 17.600 psi e Id/Ar fy Span in inches d = Depth of beam in inches Ar= Area of compression flange in square inches Where = WARNING: ‘The msl coins in ti bok is htended for use nt by susturamachancs engineers or nysintrlyqunisepesanal we guetta vr tougn anyanate sequence stampeconpcieons (Seen determing laa 8 bulsoon of beam a wupran halen Ven proves For anu ating condine rat covered nae po, canac ou York tee Wie every precaution was than to neue tat al dla an inormaton conned her accu ‘eco canna stsme respons fr oro ovesghs ts use, RUNWAY BEAM SIZE SELECTION FOR FOUR WHEEL TOP RUNNING CRANE (TWO WHEELS PER END TRUCK) ‘The purpose ofthis procedure isto ulline the stops and calevlations Inveled in salecting 2 runway beam for @ 4-wheel top running crane having 2 wheels per end truck ‘Top running erenes operate on ras attached tothe runway beams on Ine center ofthe top lange cvectly above the beam web. Rall size must be selected according to Acco H 8 C Division catalog information to Droperly I whess suppliea on the ena tuck or crane, ‘STEP 1—CALCULATE MAXIMUM WHEEL LOAD (1.W:1) [MLW means the loa on any wheal withthe rally and rated capacity {oad postioned on the bridge to pie the maximum loading condition fon thet wheel, NAL, will ccur when the trolley and rated capacity load are positioned ai the esiteme end of the bridge and on wanes without 8 cab or plato is calelated as follows: Where: P = Weight of rated capacity load in pounds (1 to Weight of hoist and trlley in pounds C= Weight of crane in pounds K = Impact allowance factor (po! less than 1.15 or greater than 1.50), Inmpect allowance ofthe rated capacity load shal be taken as one hai ‘of one percent ofthe laad per Toot per minute of hoisting speed. but hot lese than 15% or more than 50%, except for bucket and magnet Cranes for which the impact allowance shall be taken 23 50% 0! the rated capacity load. Therefore: 20002) 1 + (00518) where: § = Hoist hook speed in feet per minute Ha fixed bridge cab or platform 1s used, Ye ofthe weight of the ca or iatlorm ané mounted equipment shall be sadea to MYL. ‘STEP 2—CALCULATE EQUIVALENT CENTER LOAD (E.C.L.) ECL. i the load that. when applied in a concentrated leading cond: tion at the center of the runway span length between supporis spec lied, causes 2 bending slress sn the beam equivalent to the Dending ress that o2curs in the beam when a 2uwheel top running end tuck of spectied wheel baee operates 091. Rolor 1 page 1 Tor procedure to caleulate ECL. ‘STEP SELECT RUNWAY BEAM SIZE Maximum center leads (MLC.L.) for various beams and composite beams are abulated on pages @ through 1. Any Beam or composite beam having W.C.L. greater than ECL for the span length under Consideration may be used a8 the runway Beam sie EXAMPLE: Select a runway beam for operation of @Seres 44, 74ton crane with a 25. span weighing 8958. Crane has a7%ston top running lly host weighing 2078 with nook speoc of 27 FPM End truck whee Base ie 7-8 (7.87) Flunway span length between supports is 20" K = 1+ (005xS) + Coosyen 4135 135 Use 1.15 mam. From page 7 Reterring to M.C.L tabulation for American Standard Shapes (\beem) ‘on page 7, 2 beam must be selected that hat ® MCL, greater than 15795= when the span length 20" ‘$20 » 66 has @ MCL of 178308 and, therefore, can be used, RUNWAY BEAM SIZE SELECTION FOR EIGHT WHEEL UNDERHUNG CRANE (FOUR WHEELS PER END TRUCK) ‘The purpose ofthis procedure isto outline the steps ang ealeuations Involwed in selecting 8 runnay beom lor an Buel uncernung crane having @ wheels per end truck Lncernung cranes operate on and ate dvelly supported by the lower Manges ol tho runway boam. Failure of the lower flange can occur at neanty lower Toad than that which would cause failure of the beam, and therefore must be taken into consieration STEP 1-CALCULATE MAXIMUM WHEEL PAIR LOAD (M.W.L) M.WL, means the load on any pair of wheels wth the troiey and rated Capacity load positioned on the bridge to give the maximum loading ‘oncition on thot pair of wheels, M.WL. wil accur when the trolley and fated capacty 1020 are positioned at the exreme enc of the ondge land on eranes without a cab O° platform is calculated as follows: Ke HC freeze aia Where: P = Weight of cated capacity loadin pounds (1 ton = 20005) 1. Weg of pss ano trate n poungs = Weight of crane in pounds K = Impact allowance factor (not less than 1.15 or greater than 1.50), Impact allowance of the rated capacity load shall be taken as one alt ‘of one percent ofthe load per Toot per minute of Roisting speed, but hot less then 15% ar more than 50%, except for buckel and magnet Cranes for which the impact allowance shall be taken as SO% of the fated cape load. Therefore: Ka + (00518) where: § = Hoist hook speed infest per minute If 3 fied bridge cab or platform is used, fof the weight ofthe cab or platform and mounted equipment shall be added to MWAL [STEP 2—CALCULATE EQUIVALENT CENTER LOAD (E.C.L) EC. is the load that, when applied in a concentrated loading cone tion atthe center of the runway span length between suppors spec tied, causes bending stress in the bear equivalent to the bending streas thal occurs in the beam when 8 & wheel underhung end truck of 4 speciid whee! base operates ons Reler (0 page T Tor procedure ta aleulte ECL SSTEP 3~SELECT RUNWAY BEAM SIZE Maximum center loeds (ML) for vanius beams and composite beams are tabulated on pages @ tirough 15. Maximum lower flange loads (LF-L| per pair of wheals for various beams or basic beam Of composite beams are tabulatee on pages 9 through 11. Any boam oF composite beam having M.C-L. greater than E-C.L forthe span length Linder consideration and having LF. greater than MWL. may be tused a6 the runway beam size EXAMPLE: ‘Sect a runway beam for operation o a Series 524, 7¥ston crane witha 25 span weighing 41908. Crane hae 27% ton hoist wih a motorzod Iwoley operating ont. Heist hook speed is 27 FPM, Weight of hoist and motorized trolley 1s 1258. End Wek wheel base is 6. Runway span length betweon aupparis is 20 k= 1+ (00519) + (0053027) 4135 1135 Use 115 wwe. = KPA HS 2 2a = 145118000) | 1525 , 4190 2 2 4 = 8625 +763 + 1048 = 10436 From page 7 and LFL. tabulation on page 8, a boam must be select ACL. greater thaw 1500. LL. greater tran 10836. ‘$20 66 nas a M.CL. of 17830# and a LEL.of 112008 and, therefore, ‘can be used. hen the span length is 207, and has 3 RUNWAY BEAM EQUIVALENT CENTER LOAD AND MAXIMUM SUPPORT LOAD FOR TWO MOVING LOADS The purpose of this procedure i to outline the steps and cslelations ‘volved in determining the equivalent center load and the maximum support load for runway beams subjected to two equal moving loads (Gane! top running end track or wheel underhung end true), ‘The figure above represents a runway beam span length between sup ports on whieh is operating two equa! meving loads separated by & stance enual to a erane end truck whee! base. Each moving load ‘quai to MAIL, and.can be calculated by procedures outined on nor ‘mation sheets for the product under investigation. EQUIVALENT CENTER LOAD (E.C.L) ECL. ts the loaa that, when applied in concentrated leading condi tion at the center ofthe span length specified, causes a bending stress in the beam equivalent to the bending stress that occurs in the beam when two equal moving leads separated by 2 specified Wheel ase Sistance operates Oni MAXIMUM SUPPORT LOAD (M.S.L) Losding at the runsay span supparts will vary as the two equal moving loads change position during operation on the runway. The maximum loading condition must be known for design ofthe support and scaled MSIL caused by the moving crane loacs. The following information for ealeuating E.C.L. and MSL. is based fon the standard A'S. equations fore simple beam having two equal concentrated moving loads ‘STEP 1—CALCULATE RATIO APL Calculate the ratio A/L, where A= truck wheelbase, and L = runway pan length between spoons, Values of Aand L must ben the some Units, both ininehes, of both in feet. ‘STEP 2—SELECT MULTIPLICATION FACTORS From the following table, select the rnutiicaton factors Ky and Ky based on the caleustes A ratio. When the calculated value of A’ {alls between the A/L values shown in the table, use the next loner tabulated A/L value a's” 5 anaes K z00 1802 380s riz nero rss Ki Zoo 1'850 18001880 4803.78 700 AL 35 sot 5k ws mes Ko 136212801202 12s 1.882 ©1800 1.500 Ke Leso 16001580800 tas0 14001380, wk orate 00 1201300148000 aso e0o STEP 3-CALCULATE EQUIVALENT CENTER LOAD (E.C.L.) ECL 1s caleutated by multiplying MLL. by multipleation factor ky ECL =(KMWL) STEP 4—CALCULATE MAXIMUM SUPPORT LOAD (W.S.L) MSL is calculates by multiplying M.WL, by multiplication factor K, MSL. = MIND ‘The above calculated MSL. is based on loading caused by the crane ‘only and the total load on the support to use in the support design must also include the runway beam weigh, lateral and longitudinal loads caused by crane traley ana brijge maverant, and weight of any attachments 2nd equipment mounted on the runway. EXAMPLE: Find the ECL. and MLS.L. for a runway span of 30° on which an end ‘ruck having 2 6°" wheel Base operates, MW. = 800% Whee! base = 6'9" = 675° Table does not have an AVL value of 225, therefore, use the next lower value A/L = 20 From table, under AVL valve of 20, K, = 1620 Ky = 1800 KOLNL (116208000) = 123602 (gL (2.500}(8000) 14400% SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION—TWO UNEQUAL MOVING LOADS For conditions where two unequal moving loads are encountered, the EG. and M..L. can be calculated by the standerd ALS.C. equations for simple beam having two unequal concentrated moving loees Procedures and equations ae as follows, where Fe. su. Heaver load M = Maximum bending moment Calculate M by the allowing two methods: Pia P, x'(' PL ™ m. Use the largest value of M and calculate E.CA as follows aM eo. = cu = Calculate MSL. as follows: Winer i tess than msier, + @p(L24) Where As equal to or greter than Li MSL =P AMERICAN STANDARD SHAPES. (S SHAPES) th ght | Are = Ft eee | | itt oS? PE" |S | us fe | 43 || satcrenin | Aaa te | an o a b be & Ae f s z he t te o t wae is as ae oes | ae pee ep eS : Seas eae ofa [ear pe eae : San [ows ew omer [mt [res [ow or [arta eet : siaas | wo | 0 [wa | cam [sore] osu [em [im |e [wefan] a [a « x sem [as tae far oor teer| oar [san [ae| we [ou eee tat tt sisxazg | 150 | ag | 26 | oan | 501] ose | aa | a3 | a7 6 | 55] te Bs a s si50 [160 | 0 | 7 | os | 500 | ose [seo [aw | ee | ots | sre | ye fas [st % Se barter farfewr-temr tem ee- teeter we [ ret pst ete se eeteee Pe ee ee tS beef teeter : ee ete te oN : Soe Serta ie peer or teste tet tS : Sense me-t os van emn-t amr faor-taar—fee—tot e— - Sem—[aaPae[ aes ref aan efoto ; ‘se4xtoo | 24.0 [1000 | 233 | 074 | 7245] asm | e303 | 3e1 | 2390 | 199 sel ® zs oo 1 Sam Haepae {aeons pes [imate forte tS : sum a {ates | sana | tum_[ame- Len fow tex —[ sae : nove eae: ‘ead S24 nape invarmaion based cn new revised pois having a ele Siel Corsten” Eighth (S60 Ein, Anerican Isao Ste tvedate of Setobe oT 2 rat appeal oe samesize shape bed on New Yr ‘sacordece mi pewas obit prolte slneard In adotnn th shes See Cestvton, Thi 15) Ein, Ameria nto Stel Corer, {abut ave aver fry lates a Aarican Sandad shoes wor oea st Now tore tone tme and ave tow cosferedabeoete These esol bea may si Bier Structural Shapes” 140 tion Catog 278 {oana inner sation For uo) caves. whee te obsalee shape ee ration Be ‘thrown or alalmeasiemenls othe eam zat itis nt oe ole above Bue Stl Shes" 1975 Eaton Caalog 2747, Bete Ste or ‘ard Shapes, eer tae etrnces. 7 cotct he York Otek aration. Behenen, Benen Stcitl Shapes” Ys En, Caalap 16, BeNehen Sie! Crpe raion Btinen,P AMERICAN STANDARD SHAPES (S SHAPES) 4 f ty Lg by Lowe fg cnt oa bt see sn oo coer vee ing ven wena mi eat 0 a ett at ht Po va : Sam sou) das [oe w]e [el @ law Pa ta] [e to =[eTaTatats alee oe oe ere eT tt PT Er [eval ae [8[ 48] — | - : aes - aR le Fae UE deu cons | aco [75] 97] 5] | GP] | Flee ele eriee aa] gel gal 98 ve Lame |e] ae] gel aal [| ---T----1---d ae aT ge voce] ann [|| pe] gol my a] ape] [TTT -- [TIT was | aa [ oye | ops] 8) 4 ie (ce ee fe fecal Sas ae (el wasp am Peopeelrer oo] ta #9] a9] eee] TTT strata aa] em S| aw ge) | PP rexss | sso [298] Ee Ae) | eee =i|es [eee rea aa ape ae TT | TG wea aa | a ame LT TTT Ty aie Le [ae aa pe weal a Te LT ga SY tees] oe PT Pit REE a ae zi ara alee wal ao a an as we | re | ee am a ee ay eer | on [RE] | ap wes [ee | gm] ae] | YT =| azo [ance [O00] see [arr [asa] wena] vere] ter |vomi] ze] ea] on] ae er] aH amt |. | || -i| : a ames pepe m| ee ge aed ee ar | se [a se ppp fee pa ea] 8] gm] He) | ga] eT w|i me [em [me eel ge ge] sel ee] eee] TT isp apa at nw efi i am Tw] ems] a] | | zens | i200 ['t ed end ree Se ee | eet ses] me a a | a sea] wo om] ew] a es aruymeepnaietpire ganna moan RICTAin Ras a : restr a Sas oy ee eal lS fevndnenistg talons For suencases, where he se i lee hap eesinain sawn or actual measurements fe bea inieat ts Wo ae ofthe presen standard shapes, ne cofernces or crmoct te York Gc, “Racommendes Lone Fine Laasng perp at wei All oading igurer shown are in pounds. ae x[a[*[[a[els[=]o]= [alsa ls [ele la [= Te] Te 7 £ — SEER EE EE ae : ote SSK EE? + : Zits + SSS EE : ate + : SEE : Ee - - SSE : as + SSS EEE EEE : ate See SSS 3 wale SSS HE : —- aE SSE : es Wee paper arene zl adfe oe EE - me AE TT TT : rT = A eT ele € EET T- : te S Hp EEE EE : Pee |S" ba ais Hea 2 |e [+] - = Tiras pewter aE EE : a a freee hey 4 Eb : Tatar ee fam ar ae oe |e] soos Set Pelee Spe Pre : ile —_— rete ee : =e [ sel : : : : oe a eee $+ : Tee ee es eee ST : rarer perfume eat = aff = secperpenbentie peebiefiaree fee HE - a ad ade -{- [te - else arte est feral poof - sofa en serge oe Cia Ta ar [ert er ete : Fe er meter brtaprfena tr che aero ta tee ol ey eps pate |operates eat et ete eons [seve alt tele le hetet tote res owe eben cet see eerprt - afar tre pe fre estat reser ope sores rete erent ee eel oferta st «fF foe serge seagate Perla se pests oe [fa Pe eo | fee eee fee SPE tea oe ee ee TE i ep apap aptaetoet rns ee - SE ee ee etre (reperieree erie Limits T= Tension = Compressan 0 = vet! Oet 13 W SHAPES WITH CAPPING CHANNEL Beam Loading nv: a enc cms pig at ver get th ny exe age ngs ge 2 Tanniee ons | a7 |B -Bl-e Pitre ras =i] -B]o8 88g daasedallaag gases 3-254] | 4-2 sea a4 4 All oeding figures shown are in pounds, ie EE co rele | ele el ee oe | ee EF eee oe ee ieee epee ee eae oe ef aet ae pasar Eee ee epee art eee ee See eee aa Lt ee ECE eee eset ae pe | ef ee Le I age ape ae a ope ge ge pe pe |e ae ae ae ae ape Doe oe |e oe ee Dae ae Deep ep at ae et tp Cae Dae ae eee ae oe ape ae ae ae oe ee et er ae a ae ae amma ae ae oe oe oe ge ae ae a Sea a aa eer at ate Sree aL ae eae ae eet mer see cet a a - a - ae ee ae ae ae ae ar ae ee ae ae -- ae 7 od ai SELL ee ae ee fae tse a rae Oe [mae ge | a apr aes [aa mF ES oo oo ee Ec a a ai eer ee mer opr of oer ap Tae safoe cc ci ico lc Rall FLT CAPPING CHANNEL W SHAPES. WITH 1890 NORTH ROBERTS ROAD e SUITE 105 KENNESAW, GEORGIA 30144 GAJJAR ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, INC. Theoretical TELEPHONE (404) 424-1920 Dimensions and Properties corn} koa 8") ET ye | [Pate] ete] ‘3| Ba [ 9 a [eae] Far] rea] aor ar et ar ‘oney| aa wat wo ene] som] ta mfr] wef Pe f waist] #3 | bet wo] —en0| ser] tar ae] es] ae we Boe ty iis] S| ow —wo wen —tart Tarra} ee r VI cd h CET CE 7 a se ~ a josa[ aia [eu too | ago [426 | 6206 aon? | rose | sear | wr | 698 eat] wr | onl wae test sete} Ser Bt 7 | aes] a | wal wo eae aan ta ame | Se a i hat | ar | aso eet Taare aes e ‘os| er | oa eee —ton | eae} wert eet ot ee | ET EE + eae ee | eal so wan [ae | nse fae es [we [a ar spatter | wel en] wee oer ae [tae | ef ne sao] us| asl we won|] —ses Dart eet wet ar vw su | mag 60] wes] son | sae seer | eo wae] ise | ml se ero sae] aor [asf ane tee oe ees] as || ae | af set eee eet ae oat | eral aot wie San ee ees weet eee ets | as | a wo ea ton | am es Pe tare oe pe Ed sar emt Sree ane] net Brest aes | ee) sername rene ta a Es ‘aar| er |e eo | war] | er wie ftp sane] — e-alerts] tsp a ee ‘eato| wo | aul se} uo san] aa Per [ ons} eet et ute | eee aera] ae au] ep aeaeet aa war | arm aot mao pe a Lae at oer ‘eats | wee —wo rae] ter aa wr oot pee ear arr | st ears ear tate aito] ese) se rm] ere [a ore ep fain | wer wat eo amaze |e gee} me pete wea_[ eT — wr awe me vet eat ae Pe Oe teeter rf ot eae} sae eae ater pa aos| to] weal wae | are eta ous ot oe aor sore | wa nae {set eae a pe aa “er | vor [aa wo ae see [aap eet a tt tat | wats | 9 aed eo ir aes ta wwf weep tater | war [oral rare |S of waa pat tat | wats | wrod so me | weet aif ew tes ae at_| ate | ier [oe ora | | af eae “wet | weer [wir arn wo | aes ne wep ae Pat sono} are aie | al woe serps aft sai | wes] a [wel — ste [a ser} meta wa Seema arial aa pa eet ta tap es re eo eet -ane to sist ner] Psat ae | ee | at fom sepa tf oe AST ie RENE Fa. co Acco Chain & Lifting Products Division 78 Acco Drive, Box 792, York, PA 17408 Telephone 717 7414008 Fax 717 741-4956 "Telex 04.0412 Baca 16

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