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Through the forest

And past the lake

Lies an empty space
Across the meadow
As green as the tress
As clean as the grass
As busy as bees
Across the meadow
But lurking in a hollow log
Lie angry animals
Preparing for a huge attack
Across the meadow
The wombats and the tired moles
Have dug the fertile soil
The termites and the flapping birds
Had destroyed the evergreen trees
And even the orangutans
Ate eucalyptus leaves
But the now the meadow is no more
The trees are gone, the ground is bare
The animals have gone to homes elsewhere
But soon enough the trucks come by
They drop a ton of rubbish
Once a home for animals and plants
The meadow is now a dump
Every week from 4am
The rubbish trucks move in
They leave the townsfolks rubbish there
And off they go
Across the wasteland
The world that was, now gone
Only memories remain

Where a beautiful world had been

Save the environment!
By: Leon Tan

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