Gen 45

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Reading Genesis 17 and Romans 4:1-12


Last Sunday we saw:

 God added signs to his covenants – rainbow, circumcision, baptism. Signs
point to the covenant.
 The rainbow was ‘universal’ – over all. But, at that time, it was only Noah
and his household = 8 people. After, they were divided (Ham etc.)
Therefore circumcision is not universal: it set apart God’s people from the
 Circumcision is applied directly to the person. God puts his mark on them.

1. Who should be circumcised?

Gen 17:10 = “and your descendants” = SEED – every male child.

17:12 plus other permanent members of your household, which includes
homeborn slaves and bought slaves.
Ex 12:45 – not visitors and hired employees.
The difference is between permanent members and temporary visitors.
The members of a household are under the authority of the head (Abraham).
See Gen 18:19 and Joshua 24:15

The household is treated as a unit.

In God’s dealings with men in history, he takes seriously the corporate structures
which he has instituted: e.g., family, nation, local church.
In Joshua 7: Achan sinned; the whole nation suffered defeat.
In Gen 7:1, Noah had faith and his whole house was saved.

Today we are individualistic. We can be blind to the corporate. E.g., the local
church is deeply affected – for good and bad – by the members’ behaviour.

2. How could circumcision be applied to infants 8 days old?

Gen 17:12 = “he that is eight days old”

Gen 21:4 = Isaac
We are not told that Isaac believed. Could he understand anything at 8 days? No.

Baptists answer this question by saying that circumcision was an outward, fleshly,
sign of a nation, and it was about physical and earthly promises.

We must reply:
1) the promises were chiefly spiritual – Heb 11:13-16
2) circumcision was applied to Abraham because he believed (Rom 4:11): he
was justified by faith.

Strictly speaking, Circumcision is not a sign of faith but of the covenant and its
promises but Abraham did receive it by faith. Nevertheless it must be applied to
unbelieving infants:-
1) it is commanded and necessary
2) they are included in the covenant
3) it is a sign of the grace promised to them

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