10 Quick Time-Saving Excel Shortcuts

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10 Quick Time-Saving Excel Shortcuts

1: Automatically SUM() with ALT + =

Quickly add an entire column or row by clicking in the first empty cell in the column. Then enter
ALT + =' (equals key) to add up the numbers in every cell above.

2: Logic for Number Formatting Keyboard Shortcuts

To format a number as a currency the shortcut is CRTL + SHIFT + 4.
To format a number as a Percentage the shortcut is CRTL + SHIFT + 4.

3: Display Formulas with CTRL + `

Display the formula used in a cell by hitting just two keys: Ctrl + ` (known as the acute accent
key) this key is furthest to the left on the row with the number keys. When shifted it is the tilde

4: Jump to the Start or End of a Column Keyboard Shortcut

To get to the first or last cell. Scrolling is OK but the quickest way is to use the keyboard shortcut
CTRL + to jump to the top cell, or CTRL + to drop to the last cell before an empty cell.

5: Repeat a Formula to Multiple Cells

Create the formula you need in the first cell. Then move your cursor to the lower right corner of
that cell and, when it turns into a plus sign, double click to copy that formula into the rest of the
cells in that column. Each cell in the column will show the results of the formula using the data in
that row.

6: Add or Delete Columns Keyboard Shortcut

Whether adding or deleting, you can save a little time when you use this keyboard shortcut.
CTRL + - (minus key) will delete the column your cursor is in and CTRL + SHIFT + =' (equal
key) will add a new column.

7: Adjust Width of One or Multiple Columns

It's easy to adjust a column to the width of its content and get rid of those useless ##### entries.
Click on the column's header, move your cursor to the right side of the header and double click
when it turns into a plus sign. You can also use shortcut key Alt + O + C + A by selecting that

8: Copy a Pattern of Numbers or Even Dates

Simply enter information in two rows which establish the pattern, highlight those rows and drag
down for as many cells as you want to populate. This works with numbers, days of the week or

9: Tab Between Worksheets

To change to the next worksheet to the right enter CTRL + PGDN. And conversely change to the
worksheet to the left by entering CTRL + PGUP.

10: Double Click Format Painter

Format Painter is a great tool which lets you duplicate a format in other cells with no more effort
than a mouse click. Many Excel users (Outlook, Word and PowerPoint too) use this handy
feature, but did you know you can double-click Format Painter to copy the format into multiple
cells? It's quite a time-saver.

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