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Title/Topic of Lesson: Math Mania

Your Name: Paige Murray

The purpose of this unit is to raise awareness of different technologies
that students can utilize in the kindergarten for mathematics, specifically
when talking about numbers, where they are placed on the number line, as
well as addition and subtraction. Throughout the unit students will read and
use technology to help learn more about mathematics and discover that
when used together, they will grow in the understanding of terminology as
well as understanding of numbers and how they are used.
This will be accomplished by 1)using technology 2)working in
pairs/groups. This lesson plan is intended to help teachers expand on the
importance of showing their students how to expand their knowledge of
technology and how it can help them excel in different categories. Although,
because they are being introduced to technology in math, the students will
become more aware of the different things available to them as resources
for future math endeavors.

The goal of this lesson is to introduce technology to the students as
well as to help them better understand numbers and where they are placed
on a number line, and adding and subtracting.
This lesson is designed to help each student individually as well as help
the teachers see them grow and understand where each student is at in
math and where the teacher may need to step in and help them improve and
potentially assess. In turn goals may include: promoting the use of
technology, instilling independent learning skills, encouraging students to
learn about technology and increase their comfort with technology.
GRADE LEVEL: 2nd grade.
TIME: 30 minute design sessions (across 6 weeks)
Week #1
The students already have a background from k-1 grade of addition
and subtraction, so we will talk briefly about what we already know and
begin working with slightly bigger numbers with addition. I will talk to the
students about how we use IPads and what we use them for. I will show
them the app that we will use for the lesson (Addimal Adventure) and

explain that each of them have their own account and that they will use that
when they log in. This app is based off of base ten counting so the children
will work on their knowledge of that. So we may do a few examples before I
let them go on their own, but this will start their individual work on the IPads
(this is something that can be done after they finish a math work sheet as
well as a fun little game to keep them practicing before they have to be
quizzed on this).
Week #2
I will first explain how we will be using the internet for our own
resources that day and how we must respect the computers and not misuse
them. We will then go to the computer lab or wherever we have access to
them, and go to this website, On this
website I will have them scroll down to addition two digits and click on
the first link which is called add multiples of ten which will have the
students add different numbers together in different types of number
sentences. I will have the students take paper down to the computer lab
with them so that they can write on it before they type in their answer
instead of just guessing.
I may also let them work in groups after a while if I start to see kids
get to a frustration level that way they can see what other kids are doing
and gather ideas to see what might help them the next time we do
something like this.
Week #3
While some students may still be working on math sheets, I will let
students go to some of the computers and work on some math links on to help them solve problems and gain a better
knowledge of writing a number sentence from a story problem.
Week #4
After we have been on the Addimal application for a couple of weeks
and using the computers for resources, we will discuss multiplication and
what numbers do when they are multiplied by one and two. Then we will
take the IPads and use the application called Splash Math K-5 application
to practice our new skills. This interactive game will give explanation for why
an answer might be wrong and help the students walk through math
problems. It will also track their progress and send it to you as they work.
Week #5
Core Curriculum Second Grade is an application that I would use
between the 5th and 6th week to see where the students are. This app has
multiple different games where the students can log in on their own names
and play matching games and story problems to check where the students

are standing. It also collects the data and can send it to the teacher. This
app allows students to work together in groups as well if they are struggling,
but at this point, I would want them to work alone and then if they got
stuck, maybe quietly ask their neighbor.
Week #6
Animal Second Grade Math Games for Kids is a great app for kids to
get used to the signs that go in between the number sentences. So as a final
activity, I think this application may be a good thing for the kids to have for
some games to recap what weve learned for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, etc. as well as adding in the different signs of all of
Computer Labwith 20 networked computers
Digital Overhead Projector (to show examples, etc.)

PK-2.RI.1. interact with Internet based resources

PK-2.RI.2. use digital resources (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias,
graphs, graphical organizers) to locate and interpret information
relating to a specific curricular topic, with assistance from teachers,
school library media specialists, parents, or student partners
PK-2.CT.1. explain ways that technology can be used to solve problems
(e.g., cell phones, traffic lights, GPS units)
PK-2.TC.2. be able to use basic menu commands to perform common
operations (e.g., open, close, save, print)
PK-2.TC.7. demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments
(e.g., electronic books, games, simulation software, web sites)

Have all students/teachers/etc. (this section is very brief/succinct):

Students will become more comfortable with technology.


Students will become more comfortable with counting.


Teachers will have data collected from the technology used over a
period of time.


Teachers will be able to see students progress more one-on-one.


Week #1
Each student will receive an IPad and the teacher will then will
talk to them about the rules of the IPads and how we are only using the
Addimals app and that we are to respect the IPads and others. After
reviewing simple some simple addition and subtraction problems together
(5+7 or 7-3) the teacher will have the students open the application and
click on their OWN pictures and begin playing on where they had left off.
Week #2
Each student will have their own computer in the computer lab.
They will be instructed by the teacher to go to this website: After going to the website, they will wait
for instruction to go to the adding by doubles and the first link underneath
that title. The teacher will have them do this by themselves for about 10
minutes and then by walking around and assessing how they are doing by
themselves decide whether or not they will continue to work on their own or
will be allowed to work in groups (this will be based on frustration level
mostly, but also on how the students are working alone [are they talking to
each other, acting out, etc].
Week #3
During this time, it is only the students that finish their
worksheets that are allowed to go onto the computers, so it is more of a fun
time. The teacher will instruct them to go to this website: This time, the teacher will explain to the students that
when they go to the math part of this website they are allowed to choose the
games that they play, but that they are only on because they finished their
work, and that it is still math time, so it is still expected of them that they be
doing math things.
Week #4
The teacher will discuss multiplication and division problems
(5X1, 5X2, 6/3, 10/2) and do some examples with the class as a group.
After some group problems, the students will get IPads and open the app
called Splash Math K through 5 Study Pad, Inc. This application will

help guide them as they start to work with multiplication and division
problems. As they log in they will be shown the correct way to do the
problems if they are incorrect and as they proceed it will collect data for
each student for the teacher. If the teacher sees students struggling on the
same problem as they are walking around, they can stop the class and work
on it as a group.
Week #5
This is something that each student will need an IPad for. The
teacher will have them open the application called Core Curriculum Second
Grade. and log into their account. The teacher can explain their mini lesson
for the day and have them complete matching games or story problems.
This is where the teacher can walk around and see which students may be
having a hard time with the story problems and pull the class back together
and do a story problem together on the smart board and talk about it as a
Week #6
The teacher will have each student get an IPad and open the
application Animal Second Grade Math Games for Kids which is a great
closing app. The teacher will start by asking some questions to get the
students thinking about what they have learned the past few weeks about
adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Then the teacher will describe
the games and that they will have to decide in the games which sign will fit
best in the number sentence and then potentially have to finish the
I believe all of these applications tracked the students progress, so the
teacher will be able to follow how each individual student is doing and if they
need to do anything different in their teaching style or pull the student aside,
they can.
Addimals Teachley (weeks 1&2)
Splash Math K through 5 Study Pad, Inc. (week 4)
Core Curriculum Second Grade (week 5)
Animal Second Grade Math Games for Kids (week 6)
Websites: - Practice and Excel (week 2) - PBS Kids (week 3)

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