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Media Planning And Buying 1

Child Abuse Campaign

Fall 2015
Instructor: Maram alsehli
Adila Alamoudi
Rana Shaiban
Renad Alsayed


Month: April (National child abuse prevention month).

Place: Social Media and YouTube


Raise awareness about children witnessing domestic violence.

Target Audiences:

New parents and their age between 24 35.

Consumer Profile
Female or male
Housewife and worker
23-46 years old
New parents, other who should behave better,
as well as people who will influence those audiences.

Tend to use social media a lot
Interested to aware, advise their friends
Live in cities
Prefer to gather with their friends at home
Can not handle their anger and use their physical force
Dont read
Marriage problems

Consumer Profile
Purchase Habits:
Prefer online shopping
Rarely eat out
Have a plan before shopping

Media Habits:
Watch daily TV's series
Interested of online series and movies
Spent a lot of time on Social media
Have I Pad
Enjoy TVs Advertisements

Following cooking channels

Content Idea

Social content

Blogger content

Content Video Idea

Our contents idea is an awareness of harming your child

unconsciously ; specifically by letting them witness

domestic violence from all its levels such as fighting with

their parent (your partner) in front of them. The video

clarifies that this is considered child abuse.

Distribution Plan

#Domestic_violnce #IRecognize #Children #parenting

#child_abuse #GeneralFails #insecure

Thru this medium were targeting fathers more than mothers.


Nabeel symbol of a successful:



A working mother

Style icon as well.


Bugnah: heavily followed by our male target.

Mothers of that age use Instagram a lot.

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