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Unit Plan Overview

Class: 9th Grade World History and French I

Duration: This interdisciplinary unit would take place over the course of a school week.
French I: Monday: Presentation on La Francophonie; Tuesday: French Colonialism &
Expansionism; Wednesday: Qubec French vs. European French; Thursday: Haitian Creole vs.
European French; Friday: Introduction to the Maghreb & Algerian War
World History: Monday: Presentation on Language and Slavery and Civil Rights; Tuesday:
Native American and Mexican American Relations; Wednesday: Jews in Germany vs. Germans in
America; Thursday: Introduction to Francophone Africa & Algeria; Friday: Language in Algeria

French I: To introduce the foundations of French colonialism and expansionism, including
the historical, social, and political underpinnings; to demonstrate the migration of language from la
Mtropole to other continents; to present an overview of La Francophonie and the practical
applications of the French language throughout the world; to elaborate on the evolution of language
by concretely comparing linguistic variations in Qubec French and European French and Haitian
Creole and European French; to briefly introduce French interest in northern Africa (Maghreb).
World History: Students will understand how the use of different languages comes to be and
how language can be used to control people. Specifically the students will learn the history of
Algeria focusing on French involvement there. The idea of ownership of language and language of
power will be explored.

Key Strategies:
French I: True, False, Revision? Do-Now Exercise; Guided Note-Taking; Phonetic and
Lexical Variations Exercise; Audio-Visual Document and Analysis.
World History: Brainstorm Carousel, Lecture with Powerpoint and Discussion, Primary
Source Analysis, Word Grouping
Materials Used: Computer; Powerpoint; Projector; Handouts; Poster Boards;

Lesson Overview:
French I: The lesson begins with an exercise geared toward accessing prior knowledge and
establishing students understanding (and misunderstanding) of French-speaking countries. The
lesson continues with a presentation on La Francophonie, guided with a visual aide and guided
reading worksheet for students to fill out as they listen. Subsequent activities include a look at
European French vs. Qubec French and Haitian Creole vs. European French, the latter of which
includes an authentic audio-visual component. As a culminating exercise, students will work in
groups to share constructed knowledge garnered from the presentation, revisiting the preliminary
true/false/revision exercise; class will thereafter reconvene and verify answers.
World History: The lesson is comprised of a lecture about Algeria, specifically the period of
colonization by the French. Focus is placed on the use of French language to oppress the Algerians
and the current Arabization of Algeria. The lecture will include handouts of primary sources, word
grouping and lead to discussion over the place of language.
World History: Brainstorm Carousel Students will make comments about some images
that they will see. We will have a class discussion about how language was used to suppress and
oppress Africans, African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Jews in Germany,

Germans in America, and Algerians. Students will discuss how the use of language contributed to
past situations and relate the to current situations.

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